Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3698: 3 emperors co-appear

Observing the position of the four great kings, the most powerful ones, a faint step later, could it be that these supreme clan Primordial kings were awe-inspiring.

How sacred is this flawless young man who can make four such strongest Primordial Kings so polite?

The atmosphere of the ten-day realm ancient domain seemed very solemn.

Obviously, the sudden appearance of Ye Chen and others made all the supreme races very dignified and dare not care.


Ye Chen led a few people and disappeared into place in an instant.

Reappearing, already in the outer world, personally came to the front of the immeasurable sky that replaced the ten-day ancient realm, stepped forward and laughed: "Brother Sun, don't you welcome me, brother!"

In the sun, the real body of the Sun Emperor appeared, and the supreme emperor's prestige permeated, making the four starry sky overlords such as the Frozen Monarch tremble, bowing their heads and claiming court. This is the true Emperor Wuwei.

It's just that I was shocked, this is actually the brother of the Fighting Saint King?

An ancient emperor-level brother?

The Sun Emperor looked at Ye Chen suspiciously and found that it was really him. He couldn't help but laugh a few times before sighing softly: "Little Junior Brother, it really is you here. I can't believe it, and you are actually physically. You have become an emperor!?"

Who is he? Naturally, he could see through Ye Chen's truth at a glance. The same is true for him, the ancient emperor secretly surprised.

It is much more difficult to achieve the emperor in the flesh than to achieve the emperor in the realm.

"Who are these?"

The Sun Emperor looked at Monarch Bingyan and the others, and immediately, the starry sky overlords bowed to salute: "I have seen the emperor!"

Ye Chen just introduced: "Brother, these are my followers. This is my senior, the Emperor Sun."

The following words are for Lord Bingyan and others.

The Sun Emperor took a deep look at this little junior. Not only did he become an emperor in the flesh, but he also had a few more powerful kings of the starry sky overlord level around him. It was really amazing.



Soon, two other supreme auras descended here, retreating into the world, and it was the two supreme Supreme Chi Xue and the supreme Myth that descended at the same time.

The emperor's machine was surging and shook the sky, making the Bingyan Monarch and the others frightened.

The Great!

The emperor again!

However, it is not clear whether the other two emperors are friends or enemies?

"Hahaha, Ye Xiaoyou, you are finally back. Hey, have you become an emperor physically?"

Chi Xue Supreme and Mythical Supreme laughed and walked over, very enthusiastic, but also showed a look of surprise, with a deep-seated wonder.

When he left that year, the fighting sage king was just a quasi-monarch. Now he returns. After only a few hundred years, his body has actually become the emperor level. I have to say that the speed of advancement is too horrible.

The Bingyan Monarch and others were secretly shocked.

In an instant, the three ancient emperors appeared at the same time, which was unprecedented.

Once upon a time, they had never seen the real body of an ancient emperor in the ancient chaos universe, but now they have the opportunity to face three ancient emperors at the same time.

And looking at his look, he was quite friendly to the fighting king.

"I have seen two seniors."

Ye Chen salutes first, but he is not cautious at all, and has a good relationship with the two supreme emperors.

The Bingyan Monarch and others are very cautious. That is the ancient emperor. Anyone who appears is enough to kill them with one finger.

The Sun Emperor sighed slightly: "Little Junior Brother, it seems that your chances are not shallow during this period of time."

The other two supreme beings also admired, if it weren't for this, how could it be possible to achieve the emperor level in a physical body in just a few hundred years?

Ye Chen didn't mention the business for the first time. He smiled and said, "During this time, I went to the Ancient Origin Road, and met several seniors of the Pangu Universe’s eternal giants, including Tai Sage Emperor. senior."

Regarding Taishenghuang, he couldn't call out a teacher after all, and he was not a real teacher. It would be more appropriate to call it senior.

"You said teacher!"

The Sun Emperor's eyes suddenly radiated countless, Ye Chen's eyes were about to be blinded, and he hurriedly avoided. The former hurriedly restrained his eyes and smirked: "Sorry, a bit too excited."

Ye Chen understood the excitement of the Sun Emperor. In his mind, the Emperor Taisheng was both a master and a father-like figure, and he remembered himself.

He smiled and mentioned some important events on the Origin Ancient Road.

The three supreme beings also vaguely understood the magnificent waves of the ancient road of origin, but never thought that there were so many emperors, supreme immortals, and many eternal giants on the ancient road of origin. Territory, the emperor is his follower.

In particular, the Yan Emperor who had fallen asleep in the past revived and became an eternal giant in one fell swoop. There is no doubt that this is the great help of Pangu Universe.

The warlord against the sky, who was suspected to have died in the past years, was actually the predecessor of the fighting ancestor, and returned to time and space and became the fourth eternal giant.

It's a pity that the time and space emperor left, leaving early for the **** future.

This makes people sigh, Time and Space Great, the eternal giants, master the strongest time and space avenue, who can reach this aspect?

On the other hand, it also shocked everyone that the supreme giant from the blood-stained future came and directly entered the ancient alien universe. At any price, it deprived the heavens of the supreme spirit and condensed the giant Tao. Killing and entering, even almost shot Shidai, causing a profound impact on the eternal age.

It can be seen that many far-reaching events have recently occurred on the ancient road of origin.

Of course, what is worthy of surprise is that he became the eternal emperor at the beginning, and he can be called the supreme, with unlimited potential, and the future has the opportunity to impact the eternal giants field.

The emperor gradually awakens the background of the reincarnation of the previous life, and is already at the level of quasi-giant. I believe that it will soon return to the level of eternal and even reincarnated again and again, promising to break the limit and go further.

The quasi-giant Emperor Jinwu also joined the Pangu universe, greatly increasing the strength of the Pangu universe.

However, Ye Chen concealed the plan of the Great Emperor Qingtian, not because he did not believe in the Emperor Sun, but because he believed that the two Great Emperors Chi Xue Zhizun and Mythical Supreme could not do so thoroughly.

Taking the initiative to inform the Pangu universe that the eternal giants are still alive, it is also a preparation for the next thing.

He believed in the Sun Emperor, but couldn't be sure whether the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate would make the two supreme emperors crazy, so he could only say this in advance and be a little shocked.

"It's a very beginning, worthy of being the teacher's heir, and becoming the eternal emperor. It is precisely on the path of eternity, and it is hopeful that in the future, it will be the eternal giant.

As a disciple of the Taisheng Emperor, the Sun Emperor was extremely happy to become the eternal emperor in the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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