Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3699: If you want to get fairy fate, first become emperor

Taishenghuang's lineage, his children and disciples, have always been like brothers.

It is a pity that Emperor Wuming and Emperor Wushuang are still in the period of the Primordial Kings, which is far from the beginning.

Especially the Emperor Wuming, and Taichu are actually one and two souls, just like the original Peacock King, split.

Of course, the Taichu was born many years early, and many thousands of years ago, he also became the Emperor of the Primordial Age. After entering the ancient road of origin, he became the emperor. With the Emperor of the Supreme Being by his side, he has accumulated profound accumulation and has the hope of proving that he will become an emperor.

If it hadn't been blocked by outsiders, he would have proved Dao to become emperor.

Becoming an eternal emperor is just an unexpected joy.

It’s just to be heard that the tenth Dao has been suppressed in the lower realm of the Pangu universe since the myth was broken. Even the emperor of the angelic emperor, Xiupoulos, proved successful in becoming an emperor, but failed to stabilize the emperor’s way. Realm, had no choice but to burn Emperor Daozhen to seal the Dao tenth, making the Sun Emperor very angry.

Similarly, there is also a fear.

Once Dao X succeeded in breaking the seal, with his potential as an eternal emperor, even if he could not become an eternal giant, he would definitely be a strong presence in the supreme, and would become a terrifying enemy of the Pangu universe.

Fortunately, Ye Chen used the power of the Primordial Heaven Realm to completely destroy it.

Unexpectedly, the Emperor of Heaven left the Primordial Heaven Realm and bestowed Ye Chen the corresponding inheritance.

In particular, I learned that the emperor of humans is awakening the power of the giants of the reincarnation of the previous life. The former generation of eternal giants Hunyuan Huangzun has never been lost, and the two eternal giants are likely to return in the future, making the sun emperor very happy.

After Ye Chen left the ten-day realm ancient domain, almost all of them were told, and the three great emperors were very amazed.

Those experiences are not what ordinary people can experience, even the young age of the ancient emperor, and even the eternal giant, can never be so mysterious.

It was not a fluke that Ye Chen was able to grow up to the level of emperor in his body in just a few hundred years.

Step by step, startling step by step!

Several people talked for a while, and the last two supreme emperors took the initiative to bid farewell. Ye Chen and others followed the Sun Emperor and entered the Emperor Dao Tiantian. The Sun Emperor smiled and said: "Little brother, do you want to discuss something with your brother?"

"As expected, you can't hide everything from you."

Ye Chen smiled, but did not continue to conceal it. He directly sacrificed ten supreme **** crowns and said: "Brother, I have successfully obtained all the supreme **** crowns, but I don't know how it should lead to the ultimate supremacy. Appeared, so I had to come over and ask Senior Brother."

"You kid, awesome." The Sun Emperor couldn't help but exclaimed.

The ten supreme **** crowns were really gathered by Ye Chen.

"Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate, but even the ancient emperor is crazily jealous of the strongest fairy fate.

Naturally, it is impossible for the Sun Emperor to **** the fairy fate of Ye Chen, who also knows the latter’s trust in him, smiled, and said: "This question, you are right. Normal people really can’t answer your question. Even the emperor can’t do it. But after being promoted to the ancient emperor, I happened to know how to trigger the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy relationship."

This is completely a kind of induction in the dark, "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate, any supreme will actually understand everything when it is promoted.

In short, it can be passed on, but it cannot be said!

"It's also very simple to say, as long as you are truly promoted to the emperor and inject the power of your emperor into the ten supreme **** crowns, it will trigger the arrival of the'Ultimate Supreme' fairy fate."

Ye Chen was stunned: "How simple is it?"

He thought that special conditions are needed to trigger it.

In fact, it is much simpler than expected.

His physical body becomes the emperor, and the reincarnation of the great emperor is also at the level of the emperor.

However, a number of methods were used before, including this method, but it could not be successfully opened.

Why is this?

The Sun Emperor said: "One thing that must be told is that you must be an emperor and reach the emperor level in the realm, rather than the emperor in the flesh. There is a difference between each other. To be precise, you must become the chaos emperor to be able to trigger The "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate has come smoothly."

"Emperor Chaos!?"

Ye Chen understood that it was necessary for him to truly become an emperor to trigger the arrival of the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy relationship.

However, if he wants to become the emperor, he must be the most powerful eternal emperor. It is not as simple as that. According to the current situation, I don't know how long it will take to reach this step.

In fact, the eternal king himself has no accurate division of the tenth heaven realm at all.

On the road of eternal kings, he didn't know where he was going.

Naturally, it is not clear how long it will take to reach the peak of the eternal king.

Can not help but smile a little bitterly.

After understanding all this, and even knowing that Ye Chen possessed both the Chaos Small Universe and the prototype of the Upper Realm, the Sun Emperor, the ancient emperor, couldn't help being very envious. Such great luck was enough to make the eternal giants jealous.

It’s just the same, Ye Chen wants to become the emperor, but it’s a lot of difficulties. Now he is equal to the emperor. He still has not reached the peak limit of the eternal emperor. With the improvement of the realm, he wants to go further. It is not as easy as before. Up.

The road to cultivation, the more difficult it is to advance to the later stage.

Even if it swallows the emperor's world, it will not increase much, unless it is the supreme emperor's realm.

However, the Supreme Emperor Realm is so rare, even one or two Supreme Emperor Realms are not worthy of use.

The Sun Emperor pondered for a moment. Finally, he lifted his eyes and said, "Little Junior Brother, where is your Great Emperor's reincarnation?"


The emperor's reincarnation appeared next to Ye Chen, both of them looked at the sun with exactly the same eyes, with some doubts.

The Sun Emperor said with a serious face: "Little Junior Brother, it is not easy for you to reach the peak of the eternal king, but you want to practice according to the rules. According to my estimation, it will take tens of thousands of years at least to reach the peak. ."

In the final analysis, Ye Chen, as the most enchanting Tianjiao comparable to the emperor and the first generation, has terrible potential. It is difficult for the road of eternal kings to reach the peak.

Even if it's only tens of thousands of years, it's light.

In the past, he was able to ascend so fast, in the final analysis, he was able to continuously swallow the world, promote the expansion of the chaotic universe, and lead his body to become stronger.

Now, at his level, the small chaotic universe swallows the world of ordinary worlds, and it is really difficult to achieve substantial expansion.

His cultivation speed is destined to drop drastically.

Ye Chen smiled bitterly and couldn't help but nod. He also felt this way.

"But there is no other way."

"any solution?"

(End of this chapter)

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