Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3702: Make 3 emperors, condense the strongest fire

Of course, Ye Chen understood that this could not be permanent. As time passed by, this defense would be gradually melted down like a frog boiled in warm water, and the emperor's reincarnation body would eventually be melted down.

The body of the half emperor was not as lucky, it was only one-seventh of the flesh and blood of the supreme emperor body at the time, without the protection of the origin of the emperor's way, under the power of this emperor, it also slowly fell into the edge of melting.

The chaotic sacred body gradually fell into the process of melting, and Ye Chen's chaotic holy soul entered the original small universe, rushed out of the body with a scream, and directly fell into the chaotic sea.


After a while, Fangyuan didn't know how many billions of miles, the vast and boundless chaotic sea territory that was difficult to calculate was boiling violently.

It is like a whale entering the ocean from a fish pond, like a fish in the water, a small chaotic universe with a diameter of no more than hundreds of millions of miles, and countless black holes emerge on the surface, circle after circle, densely packed, thousands of them, and they are madly devouring endless chaos. Antiquity.

In the land of the sea, the rudiments of the world around them were also involved and swallowed.

The original world of the three foreign monarchs has long been involved and swallowed.

On the other side, relying on the prototype of the upper realm of the original small universe, it also launched a terrible swallowing force to swallow the boundless chaotic energy.

During the period, with Ye Chen's will blessing, the power of devouring was not comparable to the prototype of the unowned chaotic universe.

The real body was burned, and the original universe expanded. At this moment, Ye Chenfu reached his soul and penetrated into the Dao realm.

The understanding of Chaos Avenue has improved rapidly.

The rules of the Chaos King are also quickly condensing out, surrounding him.


In response to a special induction, the Chaos Emperor's Crown was suspended on the head of the Chaos Holy Soul, resonating with each other, and the Chaos skyrocketed.


There is no sun or moon in the cave, and the time has passed in cultivation!

The emperor’s path burns every day, the original universe expands, and the holy soul enlightens the path.

During such cultivation, without knowing it, a hundred years have passed.

After the Primordial Soul was awakened by Enlightenment, and when he opened his eyes, the original universe expanded by nearly ten million miles.

The number of rules of the King of Chaos, during a hundred years, a total of three to four hundred thousand ways have been condensed out of thin air, reaching as many as 2.7 million ways, which is comparable to the 27 million ways of ordinary rulers!

It can be said that it has benefited a lot to achieve this step in the past century.

The prototype of the upper bound has also grown a lot.

The chaos holy soul raised his eyes to look at the chaos emperor crown.

Wearing the emperor's crown to perceive the chaos is like an emperor of chaos in the past and the present, instructing him to practice. Thousands of miles in a day are just light.

Ye Chen took off the Emperor Chaos crown and watched quietly.

Is this Chaos Emperor Crown really left by a Chaos Emperor?

He looked at another special supreme divine crown-the crown of eternity, with nine colors flowing, slightly silent.

The crown of eternity is a holy object of origin.

The origin of the Chaos Emperor Crown is also quite not simple.

Putting aside these thoughts for the time being, leaving a sacred soul, manipulating the original universe to swallow the vast Chaos Qi to continue to expand and grow, Ye Chen Chaos Holy Spirit leaves the original universe and returns to the Emperor Dao Tiantian, but it can be seen that the three foreign emperors are transformed into gods. A group of special flames, flesh and soul fused together, can burn the form and spirit, terrifying.

This is the best fire!

The body of the half emperor also turned into a group of crystal clear flesh and blood, exuding the majestic vitality of the ancient emperor level.

At the beginning, the body of the emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty turned into an impurity and was tempered, leaving only the power of the pure blood of the emperor’s ancestor in the early Yuan Dynasty, but all the imprints of the emperor’s way of the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty were burned. Exhausted.

Ye Chen's chaotic body, at this moment, there is only a white bone with a faint fluorescence, with a stream of crystal bright red blood circulating around the bone.

The number is not large, but every drop of blood can reflect a bright, rainbow-like starry sky, and the ten thousand spheres are boiling, like smelting the heavens and ten thousand dao, located in every drop of blood.

This is the true blood of Chaos!

A drop of chaotic true blood can kill an elementary primordial king!

In front of him, it was Ye Chen's essence.

The reincarnation of the great emperor, after a hundred years of burning in the emperor flames, the light of the emperor's path was successfully burned through, and it melted into a group of supreme emperor's flesh and blood, and the complete origin of the emperor's path and the original emperor world emerged.

call out--

The chaos holy soul was submerged in the bone, and the soul light was shining in the crystal clear white skull eye hole, and he slowly nodded.

After a hundred years of burning the real body, it is finally complete.

The next step is to smelt the true body, the reincarnation body of the great emperor, and the half-emperor body, so that the chaotic body will reach the peak state of the eternal king.

The emperor-level physical body is not yet the ultimate state of the eternal emperor of the Chaos Eucharist.

The fire of the three alien emperors and gods will turn into the strongest furnace fire. They will be tempered and refined, and they will be ascended to the highest level of the eternal king.

Even break into the territory of the eternal emperor!

"Smelt the strongest Chaos Saint Body, with the three emperor-like gods as the supreme fire, but the Sun Emperor Yan of Brother Sun will also assist. No, we need to use a more powerful fire to make the progress faster! "

Ye Chen sighed softly and opened his mouth to spit out the chaotic source fire that belongs to him. At the same time, the fire of the chaotic source of fire that Emperor Yan gifted him also flew out, smelting it, and the original Emperor Yan of the Sun Emperor, making it even more terrifying. fire.

The flames of the ancient emperor's origin emperor flame, which is the real avenue of fire, flooded down in the blink of an eye.

The body of the emperor, and the soul of the emperor, all began to burn, turning into the strongest fire that has never been seen before, with wisps of blood, the infinite rules of the emperor rushed out, melted it, and then flooded into Ye Chen's true body, the reincarnation of the emperor Body, half-emperor body.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

At the same time, Ye Chen used the Emperor Dao Tianri as the furnace, and the Sun Emperor Yan, the Emperor Xing Shen's Fire, the Chaos Fire Source Fire, and the Chaos Source Fire were the furnace fires, and the three were melted together.

The most terrifying fluctuations spread. If it weren’t for this round of emperor Dao days left by the Sun Emperor himself, it contained his original Dili, and an emperor formation had been specially carved, otherwise such terrible melting fluctuations would be the entire emperor’s path. It is impossible to withstand the day, it will explode.

Rao is so ~ ~ Emperor Dao Tianri also trembles violently.

It was too terrifying. At this moment, Ye Chen smelted his real body, and the power radiated out was far beyond imagination.

The sacred body bone, which was more immortal than the emperor's army, also appeared a series of tiny cracks, which seemed to be exploded.

Real blood boiled.

The reincarnation of the great emperor, the semi-emperor's body, the flesh and blood of the supreme emperor slammed into it, and the blood shed hundreds of thousands of miles.

The origin of Emperor Dao exudes a terrifying force that destroys all paths.

Ye Chen clings to his mind, and the chaos holy soul manipulates the melting of the three.

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Chapter 3702 Hua San Dijun, the strongest furnace fire (page 1/1)

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