Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3703: Scary Chaos Sacred Bones

Suffering so much pain, Ye Chen Chaos Saint Soul showed signs of disintegration, but he still didn't frown at all, and concentrated on smelting his true body.

Right now, it is the most critical moment, and there is no room for neglect.

The three are melted into one, and it is far from a phenomenon that can be completed in a few moments, hours, days, or even months.

The smelting speed is very slow, because the three have huge rejection.

Ye Chen's Chaos Saint Body has never existed in ancient or modern times. Even though he has no intelligence, he instinctively rejects the smelting of foreign objects.

The reincarnation body of the great emperor, the half-emperor body, is the real supreme emperor's flesh and blood, and the emperor's way is imprinted in it, especially the great emperor's reincarnation body, which has experienced the long-term pregnancy and nurturing of the origin of the emperor's way. The smelting of low-level flesh and blood.

It is precisely for this reason that the fusion of the three needs to be gradually approached and must not be rushed.

Ye Chen's plan was to refine the skeleton first, and then smelt flesh and blood.

The Saint Body of Chaos was originally the Emperor-level physical body, no less rigid than the emperor-level Taoist soldiers. At this moment, under the burning of the strongest fire, cracks began to slowly appear. The same is true for the bones of the reincarnation body and the half-emperor body. .

In this step, what needs to be done is to refine the essence of the latter two, rush to the chaotic body skeleton, to temper.

It's just that such a brand new tempering is destined to be very slow, and it cannot be completed in a short time.

So, another 137 years have passed.

The smelting process of more than 130 years has not been as smooth as imagined, and the rejection of the three among them is much more serious than imagined.

The chaotic eucharist skeleton has always repelled the smelting of the bone essence of the reincarnation and half-emperor.

If it weren't for the extremely terrifying and overbearing fire of the horrible flame melting, the three were melted, and they were given a first-line smelting opportunity. It would be impossible for the three to really smelt, and it would be too repellent.

Subsequently, continue to smelt the three into one.

Two hundred years have passed.

At this point, the three have basically been smelted more than half, and gradually accelerated.

At this time, an accident occurred.

The balance line that had been carefully maintained all the time was finally broken, and there was a loud bang, and the three actually separated.

All the work done!

Ye Chen was also annoyed, and it was rare to see a touch of depression and boredom.

It should be noted that he used to cultivate the Taoism for a thousand years, but now, smelting the three, it took more than four hundred years, nearly half of the past, but now he suddenly separated, and all his previous achievements have been abandoned. Can you be annoyed?

However, he also knew that this matter should not be anxious.

Even if it takes twice as long, it is better than to spend thousands of years slowly reaching the peak of the eternal king.

Readjust the body and mind and start smelting again.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

In the blink of an eye, three hundred years passed.

So far, more than 730 years have passed since the beginning of his retreat.

By this year, his chaotic Eucharist skeleton has been completely restructured. In the process of breaking and reorganizing again and again in the past, the chaotic Eucharist skeleton can be said to be broken and then standing, nirvana and metamorphosis, far better than the hard and immortal of the past. , The whole body shone with a faint white, and it looked very ordinary.

However, if you observe closely, you can deeply feel how hard and immortal this chaotic body skeleton is, and the most solid immortal brilliance flows throughout the body.

In a trance, seemingly endless rules of the king cling to it, turning into immortal power.

Even if any trace of immortal light is added to the mortal soldier, it is enough to make this mortal soldier an immortal weapon that the Primordial King can hardly destroy.

Whether it is the reincarnation body of the great emperor or the emperor bone essence of the half-emperor body, all of them have been submerged in this sacred body skeleton. After hundreds of years of burning and tempering, I don't know how solid it is.

Ye Chen could feel that just the immortality of this brand-new Chaos Eucharist skeleton could hardly be damaged even if the monarch-level Taoist soldiers fully recovered and bombarded it.

"Hundreds of years of tempering have smelted the bone essence of two parts of the Supreme Emperor Body. The Chaos Sacred Bone is immortal and immortal. I am afraid it is close to the immortality of the Supreme Emperor Body." He murmured, Chaos The immortality of the sacred bone surpasses any emperor's warrior.

Naturally, if you want to reach the level of the supreme emperor body, it is still a bit short.

The supreme emperor body is far better than the emperor-level physical body.

However, it is unprecedented to be able to cultivate the Chaos Sacred Bone to this step in the domain of the king.

What is even more amazing is that when the three alien emperors turned into a fire, by chance, the rules of the billions of monarchs cultivated by the three in their lifetime, not only did not disperse, on the contrary, under the burning of the strongest fire , In fact, more than two-thirds of their lives have entered the Chaos Sacred Bone.

It should be understood that every emperor has more than one hundred million rules of the emperor, and there are even some supreme emperors.

Two-thirds of the rule of the king, if it is more than 200 million, the rule of the king is completely melted into the chaos sacred bone.

That's right, this made the Chaos Sacred Bone add more than 200 million rules of the power out of thin air on the original immortal basis, which is even more terrifying.

To be serious, just this chaotic sacred bone is more terrifying than ordinary emperors.

It can even be said that this chaos sacred bone is even more terrifying than many emperor-level Taoist soldiers.

With such an immortal chaotic sacred bone, Ye Chen is confident that once a brand-new chaotic body is cultivated, his physical power is far greater than before.

If he were to face the first emperor again, he would now be confident enough to be able to directly crush the past!

At the same time, he sighed slightly.

If he is not for the eternal emperor, the potential is unimaginable, otherwise he wants to cultivate the chaos sacred bones to this step on the basis of the original emperor-level physical body. Restrictions.

It is in the dark that originated from the invisible limit of the realm, and no one is allowed to cultivate the bones to such an extent that they are so close to the Supreme Emperor.

"The most fundamental bone body is tempered, and the next thing that needs to be smelted is flesh and blood. With the foundation of bones, smelting flesh and blood will be much easier!"

With a movement of thought, the blood that has been smelted together under the fire for hundreds of years is shining with terrible blood fluctuations. There are wisps of chaotic blood flowing throughout the body, and there is also emperor blood emerging, and it is deafening when it trembles slightly.

The heyday of immeasurable blood and light can easily earthquake the ancient king.

This mass of blood is made by smelting the flesh and blood of the chaotic sacrament, the reincarnation of the great, and the half-emperor.

In the hundreds of years of smelting, the flesh disintegrated, leaving the purest blood.

Under the guidance, the blood slowly rushed towards the skeleton, merged with the chaos sacred bones, blasted the ground, the bones glowed, and the blood was surging, and began to transform into the real sacramental flesh and blood, and the flesh and blood were connected and united!

(End of this chapter)

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