Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3704: Chaotic burial ground advancement

At this time, the three can be described as preliminary melting and unity, and the most critical moment has been reached.

Only when the flesh and bones are in harmony, the brand-new chaotic body can be born.

Similarly, at this point, it is quite dangerous.

Because the three major alien emperors still have more than 100 million dao king rules that have never been integrated into the chaos sacred bones, such an extremely rich rule of the king, Ye Chen will not give up in vain, but must be integrated into the flesh and blood.

Flesh and flesh are not stronger and immortal than bones, and can't contain so many rules of the king, but it is still possible to smelt the rules of over 100 million kings.

In this way, it will make the Chaos Eucharist more immortal and invincible. The pure physical power will be more terrifying than the emperor, and it may even be able to reach the level of the eternal emperor comparable to the emperor of the beginning. Not too much.

Of course, doing so is very risky.

If you are not careful, your flesh, bones, and bones may all be lost.

In the process of smelting, the Immortal Emperor Medicine, the Ancient Tree of Life, and the World Tree all flew out and merged into the body of the brand-new Chaos Eucharist, and countless rhizomes plunged into every inch of flesh and blood to assist the smelting.

Especially the emperor undead medicine and the ancient tree of life are constantly releasing endless vitality, making the Chaos Eucharist to survive the crisis again and again.

The World Tree is a force that derives many time and space powers, blocks the body, and carries out a strong push to melt and unite.

Time is long, year after year, ten years like a day, a hundred years flying like an arrow...

With the help of various means, Ye Chen's body and flesh continued to grow, and the chaotic light permeated every inch of the flesh and blood, and billions of kings' rules were branded and blessed, layered on top of each other, making it more and more immortal.

It is foreseeable that within a few years, the Chaos Eucharist will inevitably melt and become one.

At that point, it must be the day Ye Chen left the customs.

On the other hand, the original small universe and the prototype of the upper realm have also expanded a lot...


This year was the first thousand years that Ye Chen left the Pangu universe.

Thousands of years, eternal.

Over the years, since the Pangu Universe hundreds of years ago, Ye Chen returned and led Zhu Qiang to exterminate all foreign troops outside the Tenth Emperor Pass, and even with the help of the King’s Tribulation, he entered into it, one in and one out, leading to the appearance of the ancient alien universe. Crisis.

All alien armies in the Pangu universe were also wiped out.

The Pangu universe ushered in a rare peace of thousands of years.

I also firmly believe that at least for nearly ten thousand years, the alien race will not be able to recover.

Thousands of years of recuperation, Pangu universe, compared to thousands of years ago, can be called a large number of talented people, the arrogance of the sky, the prosperity of the heavens, the perfection of the heavens, far more than the past.

However, the expected ten thousand years of peace did not continue.


Suddenly, the Pangu Universe's ten-tier emperor gate, the sky collapsed and the earth broke, and the force of immeasurable terror suddenly descended, crashing into the ten-tier emperor gate.

The boundless chaotic sea layers exploded, incredible and terrifying.

Visible to the naked eye, a phantom of an immeasurable stalwart universe appeared, alarming the ten-tier emperor gate, and even the entire Pangu universe.

Existence is coming, and there is more than one person, there are as many as thirteen people, shocking the past, the emperor is immeasurable, the emperor is in the past and the present!

Those are thirteen ancient emperors, wearing imperial robes, wearing an emperor's crown, the emperor's prestige retreats, everyone is so unmatched, condescending, facing the tenth emperor's pass.

Behind them, in the vast phantom of the vast universe, there are countless infinite army gatherings, densely packed, I don't know how many, far more than billions.

The terrifying cosmic army gathered, and many ancient emperors personally led them to attack the Pangu universe and alarm the Chaos Sea.

"Is this Pangu universe?"

An ancient emperor spoke, his infinite purple imperial aura descended on him, and he could not see his true face. Only the emperor's might was diffused, and all the ways would disperse, and the chaos could not approach. I am invincible!

Another ancient emperor also spoke, and the golden imperial aura on his body was shining like a golden sky, setting off his supreme unparalleled: "It is said that this ancient universe is not simple. It was only in the last epoch that it flourished to the extreme, known as the sea of ​​chaos. Among the most powerful Chaos Ancient Universes, there are many eternal giants, as well as many emperors and emperors. It is not simple."

"Hehe, it's always just the past, looking at the long river of years, only me, the chaotic burial ground always lasts, the emperor is immortal, the ancient emperor is unparalleled, today I don’t say that this ancient universe is already in decline, in its heyday, I will tremble when facing my chaotic burial ground Ups and downs, be sunk!"





One after another, the Unpredictable Emperor revived, showing the mighty emperor's might, and directly attacked the Tenth Grand Emperor Pass.

The terrifying Supreme Emperor's attack was even more of a combined attack by all emperors, and the immeasurable Supreme Emperor overwhelmed the sky and flooded the Tenth Grand Emperor Pass.

Although the ancient emperors are proud and are the supreme of Dzogchen, they also know that the tenth level of the emperor is not simple. It is impossible for one or two ancient emperors to open it. Only when multiple ancient emperors attack together can they be strong. Break open.


The tenth emperor closed, and carved the formations arranged by the emperor himself, one after another, overlapping and superimposing, waiting for the giant level, at this moment, suffering from a huge crisis, self-recovery and blocking.

Chaos sea exploded!

There was even more than one-fifth of the Chaos Sea territories outside the Pangu universe.

It should be noted that the ancient Chaos Universe is vast and boundless. The diameter of the ancient Chaos Universe is unknown. It is difficult to measure. The Chaos Sea that envelops the Pangu Universe is naturally vast, but it shakes more than one-fifth. You can imagine how terrible it is. .

The thirteen ancient emperors shot, suppressed everything, looked at the tenth emperor pass, their eyes shrank slightly.

There was a terrible crack in the Tenth Imperial Pass, but it was still endured after all, and it never collapsed completely because the quasi-giant-level formation left by the Emperor resisted it.

However, this blow made the quasi-giant-class large array bleak.

It can be seen that only needs to continue to attack two or three times, and the quasi-giant-level array will inevitably be completely cracked.

"It's a Pangu universe. I didn't expect such an immortal quasi-giant-level formation guarding the tenth emperor gate. It really is not easy, but how long can it last?"

The ancient emperor sneered and shot again with other ancient emperors, constantly bombarding the tenth emperor pass.

At this time, the Primordial King of Pangu Universe, guarding the Tenth Grand Emperor Pass, was shocked. There could be one Emperor and 17 Primordial Kings.

Seeing the terrifying lineup outside the Tenfold Emperor Pass, the thirteen unpredictable emperors across the sky, each one is so supreme and invincible, let alone the coexistence of the thirteen, there is no solution at all.

If it weren’t for the guardian of the quasi-giant-level formation left by the emperor of the past years, let alone the tenth emperor pass, the other nine-emperor relations with them who guarded this pass would definitely be destroyed in the first place, completely No longer exists.

It will be more late at noon tomorrow, let us know in advance!

(End of this chapter)

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