Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3711: The burial site retreats, the road to the emperor

   When everything slowly subsided, in front of the Tenth Emperor Pass, the Emperor stood shoulder to shoulder with the other three emperors, one of whom was the quasi-giant-the Golden Crow Emperor!

   The other two people are indeed the Wuxiang King and the Emperor Profound God!

  The other three supreme existences in the Pangu Universe, and ten emperor gates emerge one after another.

   The chaos burial ground struck, how could the other three sit idly by.

   "Chaos Burial Ground!"

Emperor Jinwu, Emperor Wuxiang, and Emperor Xuanshen looked at the thirteen ancient emperors in the chaos burial ground, especially the leading Realm emperor, who is a quasi-giant. Such a lineup, if it weren’t for Pangu Universe, there would be two quasi Giants, otherwise it's really not enough.

  The ancient emperors in the burial place such as the realm emperor gloomily looked at the four supreme beings in the Pangu universe such as the human emperor, especially the human emperor and the golden crow emperor.

   The two quasi-giants, even their lineup at the moment, can't get much advantage.

   After all, not long ago, the human emperor alone crushed thirteen ancient emperors, and even cut down the fate of an ancient emperor at the burial site.

   As long as Emperor Jin Crow stopped the Realm Emperor, the Human Emperor and the other two great emperors, it was enough to suppress the other twelve burial place ancient emperors, or even beheaded.

   The current situation is not optimistic for Chaos Burial Ground.

  The Realm Emperor looked at Emperor Jin Crow, frowning and said: "Emperor Jin Crow, are you going to be an enemy of my chaotic burial ground?"

   The Great Emperor Golden Crow said lightly: "Isn't he already an enemy?"

   In the past, he was able to seal the Chaos Burial Grounds.

Moreover, afterwards, the eternal giants cooperated with many supreme to unseal the chaos burial ground. He was born in the period of transforming the eternal giants to prevent him, but he was defeated. In the final analysis, he had already forged a **** feud with the chaos burial ground. Retreat.

   "Good, good, good!"

  Jie Huang said three good words, took a deep look at the Pangu universe emperors, and said: "Today I will bypass your Pangu universe for the time being. It is best to prepare for the destruction of the universe. I will return to the chaotic burial ground in the future."


   The twelve burial place ancient emperors retreated one after another, disappeared into the phantom of the universe.

   The Emperor of Humanity, Emperor Jinwu, Emperor Wuxiang, and Emperor Xuanshen looked at the direction where the emperors were leaving in the chaotic burial ground, and never pursued them with victory.

   Because the chaotic ancient universe of the Chaos Burial Ground is extremely terrifying, it is more astonishing than they imagined. There are many eternal giant-level emperors.

   At the very least, they estimate that there will be more than five eternal giants.

   Such a terrifying lineup of giants, as well as quasi giants such as Jie Huang, and Gu Huang Zhizun, can definitely cover a chaotic ancient universe.

   It is not unreasonable that an era can be buried in the past.

It’s just that they don’t understand why the emperors of the Chaos Burial Ground suddenly retreat. After all, there are many eternal giant-level emperors. Logically speaking, as long as one emperor descends, even if the Pangu universe is sitting on two quasi-giant, it can only be Only for horizontal push.

   I am afraid, there is an unknown inside story.

  Human emperor wise, stared at the cosmic shadow of the ancient universe gradually receding in the chaotic burial ground, and said: "Perhaps, it is because of the burial ground emperor!"

   The emperor will not come out, and Pangu universe is sitting on two quasi-giants and two eternal giants, as stable as Mount Tai.

   It’s just, why the Emperor Chaos Burial Ground never shows up.

The emperor guessed that after hundreds of years, the chaotic burial site has not yet recovered to its peak state during its heyday. The ancient emperor is like this. Otherwise, even if the emperor is strong, it will be difficult to hold the eternal giants such as the man emperor tower. Many burial sites of ancient emperors were crushed by manpower.

   is like hanging up!

Emperor Jinwu and other Pangu universe emperors also nodded, believing that the chaos burial ground is still in a weak state, and hundreds of years have passed, it is impossible to completely recover. After all, it was a ban in multiple epochs, and there was no external chaotic sea power. , The ancient emperor of the burial ground did not dare to swallow the origin of the ancient chaotic universe too much to restore, and the origin fell into a state of exhaustion.

   The recent large-scale attack was not so much an attack on the Pangu universe, it was more like a signal.

   The chaotic burial ground is still powerful and incomparable, and no one is allowed to spy!

   The four supreme existences of the Pangu universe, unanimously determined that the chaos burial ground has not recovered, the emperor will not come out, and the emperors will retreat, which is enough to explain a lot.

   Of course, guessing is after all guessing, and it is impossible to judge true or false.

   Chaos Burial Ground retreated, Pangu Universe did not relax at all, on the contrary, it immediately entered a state of preparation for war.

   A total of seven emperors, rushed to the tenth emperor pass.

   There are also a large number of powerful people, such as the ancient kings, quasi-kings, and gods, and they are stationed.

  Even, the true body of Emperor Profound God, one of the five great palace masters of Pangu Palace, came personally, sits in the tenth Grand Emperor Pass, communicates with the realm tower at all times, and can recover to the extreme at any time.

   God knows when Chaos Burial will attack the Pangu universe once.

  Pangu Universe has experienced many major crises in recent years, and there must be no more accidents.

Fortunately, Pangu Universe is home to two quasi-giants, two ancient emperors, guarded by the soldiers of the eternal giants, and many emperors who have recovered from the ancient road of origin, etc., the supreme can not come out, under the supreme The strength is enough to guard.

   At this time, the emperor returned to the imperial palace and conducted a deep retreat.

   Not only because of this battle, he suffered a terrible imperial injury and needs to recover.

   More importantly, the Human Emperor Pagoda returns with him, and his previous life, the Samsara Emperor, is gradually awakening.

The invasion of foreign races, the establishment of the Pangu Palace, the advent of the heyday era, the strong rise of Tianjiao, and more and more secrets have gradually spread to the By this period, the world gradually became aware of the profound secrets of the Emperor. .

   Throughout the ages, the heavens and domains, the emperors of all generations, are all one person!

Since this era, the emperor has reincarnated time and time again, rebirth the great arrogance of the world, with a weak crown, mastered various physiques, or the gods of the ancient and modern, or the emperor tianjiao with the supreme blood, or ordinary Unsurprising ordinary people, or the overlord of the world...

   Without exception, they all walked on the road of the emperor, fought fiercely against the countless strongest figures in the heavens and domains.

   Although the first king of humanity was a failure, in this life, the king of humanity can be said to be the tenth person of this era.

   As early as tens of thousands of years ago, there were ancient kings and great sages who believed that the road that the emperor took was the road of the reincarnation, and he reincarnated and accumulated the strongest Taoism from life to life, but few people believed it.

  Only on the ancient road of origin, it is vaguely rumored that the Great Samsara never died. During the reincarnation, he tried to break the shackles and step into the realm of eternity!

  Even, some eternal giants calculated that the Samsara Emperor should be reincarnated and reborn for the tenth time, and break the mirror according to the ten-day consummation.

   Therefore, in the Pangu universe, many people believe that the strongest path of the Samsara Emperor should be perfect in this life.


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