Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3712: Foreign races and burial grounds invade Pangu again!

The world speculates that the Samsara Emperor will completely return in this life, and the tenth human emperor’s Tao fruit will be merged and merged with the Samsara Emperor’s Tao fruit. It will go further in the realm of the eternal giants, impact higher and deeper levels, and even break. Open the giant domain and look into the eternal realm!

   But these are rumors after all, but they are so, even if the guess is not true, the world is full of confidence.

   At the very least, as long as the human emperor returns to the level of the samsara emperor, he will be a supreme giant overlooking the past, present and future. Even in the chaotic burial ground, he is easily unwilling to provoke a supreme giant.

   Giants, but the strongest existence of the Emperor Komyo!

   It's just that, less than a hundred years of preparations, although the Chaos Burial Ground did not attack, the Alien Ancient Universe did attack.

   led by eighteen great emperors with more than two hands, an endless army of alien races suddenly appeared, and a quasi-giant appeared, that was the Emperor Wanyan!

   This quasi-giant personally led eighteen alien great emperors, and an infinite army of aliens, in mighty force, and once again came outside the tenth emperor gate.

   The whole world shook, and the Pangu universe was a big quake in the eight realms of the heavens and ten thousand realms!

In the past, the alien race was not destroyed by the infinite army by the fighting king alone, and went deep into the ancient alien universe, and fought in the core star field. As a result, I don’t know how many alien royal families, royal families, emperors, etc. were destroyed and suffered heavy losses. Even the younger generation, including more than half of the princes and daughters, was destroyed by him alone?

   According to reports, there will be a dynasty, and the aliens are afraid that it will not be possible to regain their vitality without half an era.

   But now, an infinite army has appeared, and it is far more terrifying than the alien army that attacked the Pangu universe in the past. There are 18 alien emperors and a quasi-giant-level existence.

   That is the Great Emperor Wanyan, the descendants of the ancestors of the early Yuan Dynasty, inherited the most powerful giant-level blood and talents of the early Yuan Dynasty ancestors. After several epochs, he has become a quasi-giant, and the eternal giant is just around the corner!

   Pangu universe is terrifying, I can't believe it, for more than a thousand years, the alien ancient universe can mobilize such a massive cosmic army.

   That's it for the emperor. I have never lost a few people, but under the emperor, he was exterminated by the fighting sage king. How can there be so many powerful aliens in a short time?

   "Well, the background of the ancient alien universe is far more amazing than what I expected!"

   An emperor who guards the Imperial Pass almost desperately said.

   "Break through!"

   Shocked the past, the present, and the future, and the years and years will manifest.

   That is the Great Emperor Wanyan. His emperor's posture is overwhelming. This quasi-giant personally leads his army to attack the Pangu universe.

   In the Tenth Level Emperor's Pass, Emperor Profound God was awakened in the first time, waiting for a long time, unexpectedly, but also within speculation.

   I just didn't expect that the attack was not the Chaos Burial Ground, but the ancient alien universe.

However, there is a quasi-giant-level formation left by the Emperor Human Emperor and Emperor Jinwu, and the Jie Tower, the time and space emperor’s eternal giant’s armies, is guarded by the Emperor Profound God, the ancient emperor, personally holding it, even if Emperor Wanyan leads the ten Eight alien emperors attacked strongly, but it was difficult to break through for a while.

   In the final analysis, the great emperor is still in the hands of the two quasi-giant-class formations and the realm towers in the most comprehensive recovery and resolve all offensives.

   It's useless if Emperor Wanyan comes.

Especially the World Tower, as the main body of the ancestor tree of the former world of the time and space, the time and space are psychedelic, making the attacks of many foreign emperors silent, and entering the chaotic time and space of the eternal unknown, making it truly fall into the tenfold emperor pass. The attack is not half.

   What's more, as the native emperor of the Pangu universe, Emperor Profound God has a certain degree of blessing from the origin of the universe, and he is almost invincible.

   The Great Profound God, with the Supreme Dili and the communication with the origin of the universe, blessed the ten emperor gates and two quasi-giant-level large formations.

   It is for all sorts of reasons that the Tenfold Emperor Pass has never been broken.

   Of course, such a move will also cause serious wear and tear. As the ancient emperor, it is impossible to persist forever. If this goes on, it will inevitably be captured.

   But the Emperor Profound God is not in a hurry. The Emperor is in retreat. As long as he smoothly exits the customs and returns to the realm of the eternal giants, all crises will be solved!

  The crisis in the Pangu universe is naturally understood by all parties in the Chaos Sea, and they all feel sympathy for it.

   First Chaos Burial Ground, then Alien Ancient Universe, both are the strongest Chaos Ancient Universe series of Chaos Sea. Pangu universe is no longer the prosperous and prosperous of the mythical era, so it can withstand it.

   It’s just that the supreme of the ancient chaotic universes also deliberately or unintentionally looked towards the ancient road of origin.

  The giants of the Pangu universe are located on the ancient road of origin.

   Could it be that the giants of Pangu, such as Taishenghuang and Douzhan Shengzu, sit back and let the Pangu universe be captured?


   Pangu Universe, outside the Tenfold Emperor Pass, the sound of fighting in the sky suddenly appeared.

   Can't defend!

   Almost at the same time, the chaotic burial ground came silently and again, and the emperor of the burial ground led the emperors of the burial ground and the infinite burial ground army to kill the Pangu universe.

   This time, the armies of the two ancient universes directly smashed into force, and two quasi-giants led the army, and more than thirty ancient emperors joined forces.

   On this day, the Pangu Universe's Ten-dimension Pass was captured again, and the eternal giants like the Emperor Profound God holding the Jiejie Tower could not be guarded, and the two quasi-giant-level formations were penetrated and broken.

   Chaos Burial Ground and Alien Ancient Universe, the two most terrifying forces of Chaos Ancient Universe, drove straight in, and the situation was once extremely dangerous.

   More than 90% of the Pangu universe powerhouses guarding the Tenth Emperor Pass were killed.

   The seven emperors also lost five people!

   More than fifty ancient kings, only eight remain lingering.

   is the Emperor Profound God, who was also killed to pieces twice.

   It was the Realm Tower that blocked most of the attacks for Otherwise, it would have fallen.

  Rao is so, and the situation is not optimistic, leaving a terrible injury.

   Fortunately, at the most critical moment, the Great Emperor Golden Crow rushed upon hearing the news and directly held the Jie Tower, an eternal giant, to fight against him.

   The Unphased King also attacked, and the latter borrowed the power of the Heavenly Dao Sun from the Primordial Realm, and his power rose to the quasi-giant level.

   Two quasi-giant-level existences rushed to it, which greatly reduced the pressure on Emperor Profound God!

   But, even so, the situation is still not optimistic.

  Pangu universe, after all, lacks the corresponding ancient emperor to sit in, and the number of people is severely limited. They can't really fight, they can only stick to it.

   In the terrible battle of the emperor, the ten-fold imperial gate was once again beaten through.

   The emperor world of the Tenth Grand Emperor Pass also completely collapsed.

   The vast army almost completely entered the Pangu universe!

However, with the quasi-giant-level combat power and the blessing of the Pangu universe, the Golden Crow Emperor and the Wuxiang Emperor have launched an unprecedented terrible battle with the emperors and quasi-giants of the two ancient universes. There are many emperors and primordial kings behind them. The emperor of the early days also came in person, personally holding the cosmic gossip mirror of his father Taishenghuang, and the original blessing of the Taisheng Emperor.

   The battle between the emperors had long since killed the tenth emperor gate and completely collapsed and ceased to exist.


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