Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3713: Ye Chen's recovery

   The armies of the two ancient universes have entered the Pangu universe several times, but they are led by the existence of the Pangu universe emperors such as the Golden Crow Emperor and the Wuxiang Emperor to fight back fiercely, and they will eventually be blocked.

   also moved to the great imperial cities with the voluntariness of the great emperor clans, turning them into multiple imperial gates, and re-guarding this important passage through the Pangu universe in exchange for an important breathing opportunity.

Even the Immortal Pass of Qixia Territory and the Immortal Pass after the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion have been moved. After the actions of Emperor Jinwu, Emperor Wuxiang, Emperor Profound God, Emperor Taichu, etc., the new strongest emperor has been created. .

  This pass is called Pangu Pass!

Condensed from two immortal heavens and many imperial cities, with the smelting of the origin of the ancient emperor and even the quasi-giant, the blessing of the heavens and the world, the full recovery and suppression of the tower, and the emperor of the ancient heaven The suppression of the palace is better than the former tenth emperor pass.

The emergence of Pangu Pass became the most important line of defense, resisting the immeasurable army of alien ancient universes and chaotic burial sites. Even if it was Emperor Wanyan and Jiehuang, leading thirty ancient emperors, it was not for a while. Conquered Pangu Pass and was blocked out.

   In the final analysis, Pangu Pass is too extraordinary, not to say it is a quasi-giant, even if the real strongest emperor, fairy king and other eternal giants come, they will have a headache.

   The immortal Tianguan is very extraordinary, and it can stop the ancient emperor.

The two immortal gates are united, the emperor Ye family, the emperor Qin family, the emperor Nanhuang, the Taisheng emperor, the Zhuxian emperor, the Huang emperor, the angel emperor... and so on. The respective imperial cities were all ancient cities blessed by the will of the ancient mythical emperors, engraved with the imperial road formation pattern, and the imperial cities were immortal and could withstand the attacks of the ancient emperors.

More than a dozen imperial towns overwhelm the Immortal Pass, and even the Boundary Tower, the ancestor tree of the time and space emperor, outlines the infinite time and space power, and there are two quasi-giant-level emperors, the Golden Crow emperor and the Wuxiang king who carries the power of the sun. Blessing.

  Especially, more importantly, the Palace of the Emperor Lingxiao.

   That is the main hall of the ancient heavenly court of the Emperor of Heaven. In the past, the Emperor of Heaven stayed in the Palace of the Emperor's Peak for a long time, naturally leaving behind the supreme will of the Emperor of Heaven.

   Who is the Emperor of Heaven?

   One of the strongest in the ages. Throughout the ages, countless outstanding figures have been counted. Regarding the giants of the ages, only a handful of people such as the first generation and the universe emperor can be compared with it.

   Besides, the origin of the Pangu universe is also invisibly blessed.

   Various reasons make Panguguan stable far beyond imagination.

   The terrifying army of alien ancient universes and chaotic burial grounds, more than thirty ancient emperors, two quasi-giants, are all blocked in front of Pangu Pass, making it difficult to penetrate.

   Right now, the most severe situation has finally stabilized temporarily.

   However, Pangu Universe did not dare to neglect.

   Because of the really terrible battle, it is still behind.

   It is reported that other quasi-giants will appear one after another whether it is the chaotic burial ground or the ancient alien universe.

   The most terrifying thing is that since the Great War, the two giants of the ancient Chaos universe have never appeared one person.

   And this is the most worrying!

Emperor Jinwu, Emperor Wuxiang, Emperor Profound God, and Emperor Taichu all predict that within ten years, the armies of the two ancient universes will attack again, and by that time, even Pangu Pass will not be able to continue to defend. .

  Pangu universe needs the seat of the giants of the ages.

   It’s just that the Tai Sage Emperor, the Fighting Saint Ancestor, the Heaven-against Warlord, and the Yan Emperor have always been on the ancient road of origin, conspiring with the great plan of heaven, unable to withdraw and return.

  Time and Space, the Great, walks far away from mysterious and unknown places.

  The emperor of heaven alone faces the most terrifying existence of the ancient, modern and future.

   Hunyuan Huangzun rushed to the end of the blood-stained future.

   Qin Shihuang, never show up.

  The human emperor today is in a state of retreat at the most critical moment. He is the greatest hope of the Pangu universe today, but no one knows that it will take too many young people before the human emperor can leave the customs and completely awaken the body of the previous reincarnation, and suppress the eternity!

   Right now, the Pangu universe is extremely critical.


   Chaos Sea!

   is vast and boundless, and I don’t know how much it is horizontally and horizontally. It is no longer possible to calculate with conventional distance.

   Discussing the ancient emperor, he could not explore every corner of the Chaos Sea even his entire life.

   is located in the extreme depths of the Chaos Sea, a mysterious and unknown place, with turbulent chaos, and a round of emperor Dao surviving day by day, shining the infinite emperor Dao's flame, eternal immortality.

   Not far away, a majestic chaotic small universe with a diameter of more than hundreds of millions of miles is ups and downs, and an infinite black hole has evolved on its surface, consuming the massive chaotic gas of the Chaos Sea wantonly and expanding frantically.

   is expanding all the time.

   In the small chaotic universe, it is vaguely visible that a much larger ancient world is also slowly expanding.

   However, it is clearly bigger than the small chaotic universe, but it can always be harmoniously integrated into the small chaotic universe. It is really amazing!

   Looking at the past again, at the core of that round of Emperor Dao Tianri, there was only an impeccable body, sitting in it quietly, motionless, only the chest rising and falling to prove that the person was alive.

   This body is divided in absolutely perfect proportions. Every inch of the body looks so flawless, as if it were made in heaven, supernatural and impeccable!

   greeted the eyes, it was a perfect face, surpassing any creature in the world, no one can compare.

On the surface of this perfect body, a faint brilliance circulates, such as chaos, such as rules, such as divine glory, such as At first glance, it looks like the chaos of ten thousand ways, but again, it looks like It is the brilliance of thousands of worlds, and afterwards, it is a little bit of immortal light...

  The faint brilliance contains many kinds of power, which is very special.

However, it is such a special body, but it is so terrifying. Sitting cross-legged here, even if this is the Emperor Dao Tianri, the Emperor Flame that can burn everything fills every inch of the corner, but it is still unable to be in this There are only a few traces on the perfect body.

   Even on the surface of such a perfect body, wisps of terrifying power emerged, distorting the void inside the Emperor Dao Tianri, and the Emperor Yan behind him could not get close.

   A person with a perfect physical body, sitting on the emperor’s path for a long time without knowing it, far beyond a hundred years, has remained motionless.

  Only between the eyebrows, faintly sprayed out a ray of shocking soul light, which indicates that this person is not simple, the soul power is beyond the world, and it is more like sleeping.

   That’s it, I don’t know how long has passed, maybe ten, twenty, or one hundred, three hundred years...

   Finally, at a certain moment, this perfect body trembled slightly, and suddenly opened its closed eyes, two eyes shot out in an instant, tearing the emperor flames, and piercing the emperor’s day, it was terrifying!

   "I, Ye Chen, the fighting king, recover today!"


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