Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3716: Come


   Suddenly, the hundredth pass trembled, and a vast expanse of the phantom of the world appeared above the hundredth pass, with countless powerful qi rising into the sky, shaking the starry sky of the universe.

  Even, dozens of the most powerful and prosperous kings are in full bloom, and the dragon-shaped blood beams are soaring to the sky, standing up to the sky, like the giant pillars of the sky, standing in the universe.

   The 100th level is horrified by the strongest people from all sides, who is the sacred one?

   Come on any Taikoo king, basically enough to cross the 100th level, not to mention dozens of them, the lineup can be called the ultimate ultimate road!

   looked up and saw that in front of dozens of primordial kings, there was a handsome man with golden hair. He was the first emperor of the year.

He personally led the Great World of the Forbidden Soul Temple headquarters to come and descended to the hundredth level, condescending, looking down at this important level where the ultimate ancient road passed half the strongest heroes, indifferently said: "Catch the strongest heroes of all ancient roads, with them The blood, awaken your majesty!"


   Dozens of primordial kings of the Forbidden Soul Palace came and besieged the 100th pass.

   These ancient roads are the strongest people, including all kinds of physiques, and even chaotic holy spirits, with amazing potential. This is the last step of the Forbidden Soul Palace plan.

   "The first emperor!"

   "Is from the Palace of Forbidden Soul, or the first emperor personally led the army to come!"

"The big thing is not good, the Soul Forbidden Palace has been dormant for more than a thousand years. Isn't it hidden like a turtle by the fighting sage king and the old Cang Yan? Now the fighting sage king has left the ultimate ancient road for many years, Cang Senior Yan did not show up, the Soul Forbidden Palace finally couldn't bear to jump out."

   "The first emperor is a veritable emperor, and the emperor does not come out. Whoever fights for the front, the starry sky overlord will only have a dead end!"

   Within the hundredth pass, the strongest figures from all sides remained unchanged, and despair was born.

In the ancient pass, the strongest person is only a quasi-monarch level. They can compete among the younger generation and rank among the strongest, but in front of emperors like the first emperor, they are undoubtedly no different from the ants. Enough to crush to death!





   "Look for death, Forbidden Soul Palace, retreat, otherwise I can't blame the ultimate ancient road for war!"

   yelled loudly throughout the starry sky. Within the hundredth pass, there were naturally the Primordial Kings, and there were three of them.

   In addition, other Primordial Kings rushed from other ancient gates for the first time.

   Among them, there are two more starry overlords.

   However, facing the Forbidden Soul Palace army, which is sitting on dozens of Primordial Kings, it is still far from enough, far away!

  Especially the first emperor came in person. As the emperor, he was far superior to the ancient kings. He looked at the twelve ancient kings of the ultimate ancient road coldly, and snorted: "Look for a dead end!"


  The slender five fingers held the knight's sword and waved it at the starry sky. With a click, the sword shone on countless star fields, visible to the naked eye.

   The sword light tears everything apart, and the avenue will retreat. It is impossible to stop the Emperor's sword.

   The emperor strikes, and the starry sky overlord cannot stop it.

   "Well, even if Senior Cang Yan knew about it, he wouldn't be able to come right away!"

   The hundredth level, the ultimate ancient road and the ancient kings can only despair, but at this moment, they must desperately protect these strongest people. You can't let the Forbidden Soul Palace capture, otherwise there will be endless troubles!

   "It's useless, the mere prince of Taikoo, I don't even mention it in my eyes!"

   The first emperor said indifferently, that sword light contains the power of the emperor, which can cut through all things and is unstoppable.

"Try to resist. Never let the Forbidden Soul Palace get these strongest personalities, otherwise the Forbidden Soul Palace plan will be implemented, the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor will resurrect, and the entire universe of starry sky will be unstoppable. Starry sky!"

  The ancient princes roared, slamming up into the sky, running the infinite power of the king, and the strongest magical powers rose to the sky, colliding with the sword of the emperor.

   It's a pity that all the king's supernatural powers, including the attack of the starry sky overlord, were easily disconnected by the Emperor Jianmang, unstoppable!

   An emperor sword light, across the starry sky, crashed down.

  Gulu King, face despair!


  At a critical moment, the starry sky was shaken.

   attracted the attention of the world, only to see a huge light gate suddenly appeared in the world.

   Outside the light gate, surrounded by all kinds of visions, it seems quite extraordinary.

   Inside the light gate, everything is invisible, only patches of chaotic light rushed out, and immediately spread, turning into a stormy ocean, like a sea of ​​stars suddenly pouring out, traversing the sky above the hundredth pass.

In front of me, the Emperor Sword Mang, which had traveled for hundreds of millions of miles, sank into this vast ocean. Unbelievably, the sword mang that could slash the starry sky overlord was not cut off as easily as imagined. On the contrary, it was actually blocked by a huge amount. , Almost being constantly resolved.

   Later, the Emperor-level Destroying Sword Light was dissolved and disappeared invisibly...

   The starry sky shakes!

   The 100th Guan Zhuqiang was even more surprised and delighted.

  What is shocking is that where is the sacred person who can stop the emperor of the first emperor from slashing.

   Fortunately, the comer seems to be on the side of the ultimate ancient road, otherwise how could he make such a move?

"who is it?"

   The first emperor drank coldly, and looked inside the light gate indifferently.

   can dissolve his sword light, even if it is not cut with full force, but it is not an ordinary person to dissolve it, and the other party is afraid that an emperor exists.

   With a clear chuckle, he started out of thin air: "The first emperor, it has only been more than a thousand years, so you forget me?"

   Inside the light gate, a slender figure can be seen gradually rising up clearly, vaguely, with a somewhat familiar feeling.

   The first emperor was startled slightly, and then Ming Wu came over. It was Chaos Light, and I’m afraid that there is only that person——

   "Battle Saint King!"

   The first emperor shouted, his eyes gushing with chilly light.

   The world shakes!

   Within the hundredth pass, whether it is the king of the ancient road or the strongest person of all parties, all are excited.

   The first strong man to fight through the two ancient roads, the Saint King, appeared at this time!

  And it is indeed the only way. Before leaving that year, the King of Fighting was an emperor in the flesh, with the peerless cultivation base of the Emperor of the First World The King of Fighting, you could not have come! "

Before waiting for the people in the light gate to completely emerge, the first knight held the knight’s sword in his hand, and the emperor’s power was fully released. The door slashed towards the fighting holy king inside.

   He was going to cut the opponent before the Saint King of Fighting really arrived and was unable to retreat.

   If possible, use the Fighting Saint King to sacrifice the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor to revive the Great.

   "Battle Saint King, be careful!"

   At the hundredth level, the ancient road kings and the strongest figures all exclaimed that the first emperor was too shameless, and actually performed a fierce attack when the fighting holy king arrived and was unable to avoid it.

   It's just that the first emperor won't take it to heart.

   What's more, the Fighting Saint King is also a peerless enemy to him. At the critical moment, he will take all means to take action, as long as he can kill the Fighting Saint King.

   However, when the billions of epee sword lights were immersed in the light gate, the imaginary blood burst did not appear. On the contrary, all the sword lights seemed to have been swallowed, silently, and disappeared.

   Here, what happened?

   The first emperor was also surprised.


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