Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3717: Defeated the first emperor

Inside the light gate, the figure belonging to Ye Chen gradually became clear, and finally, completely emerged, and an impeccably perfect person suddenly appeared. The perfect appearance and temperament instantly fascinated all living beings and made people amazing. It is hard to imagine that there is such a perfect person in the world.

  Everyone is immersed in such perfection.

The first emperor was also slightly stunned and lost. When he came back to his senses, he suddenly took a breath of coldness. It has only been more than a thousand years. The temperament of the fighting king can make him a little lost. This is incredible. of.

   Ye Chen, standing inside the light gate, looked at the first emperor with a smile.

   In the palm of his palm, a heavy circle of light appeared, and there were billions of brilliance flashing in it. Looking carefully, isn't it the billions of epee lights cut by the first emperor?

   It's just that, all of them are sealed in this heavy aperture, and it is unbelievable.

   Although he is also an emperor, he should not be able to ban the strongest sword mangfei of the first emperor.

How did    do it?

   The first emperor made his face solemn, the entire popularity machine suddenly skyrocketed, and the emperor-class power was fully exploded, covering the entire starry sky, even far away, spreading over a small half of the universe.

   is located in this cosmic starry sky, all the forces from all sides are shocked.

   There was even a primordial king who was awakened and looked at this direction.

   The emperor is present, shaking the heavens of the starry sky!


   The first emperor didn't dare to be careless. The fighting saint king became the emperor in the flesh, and he was also an emperor-level existence. He held a knight's sword and took the initiative to attack the latter.

   "Can't wait to kill me just like this?"

Inside the light gate, Ye Chen smiled faintly, flicked his fingers, and the aperture that blocked the billions of epee lights flew out, turned into a flying meteor, and slammed into the first emperor like lightning, saying: "I haven't seen you in a thousand years. Know how much improvement you have?"


   The light circle shattered layer by layer, and the billions of epee lights suddenly turned into a sword-do ocean, flooding the rolling starry sky, shattering the stars, and slammed into the first emperor.


The first emperor snorted coldly, even if it was the emperor’s blow he had previously displayed, he would not be afraid if he took a shot at himself, swinging the knight’s sword, an even more amazing long river of swordsmanship, in an instant. It is to swallow all the billions of epee lights, gather them together, and turn them into a more terrifying Emperor Sword Light.

   Then, the second sword was cut out. It was generally majestic, but it was straight, unified with the long river of the first sword, and turned into a cross sword light!

   The cross sword beams are vertical and horizontal up and down, left and right, from back to front, blocking Liuhe, and cutting to Ye Chen.

   This is the full blow of the first emperor, even if the emperor faces it, he must be cautious, otherwise it is very likely to be severely injured.

   Only, inside the light gate, Ye Chen did not retreat, on the contrary, he pointed out a finger.


   pointed out, as if the starry sky pillar supporting the universe fell, the chaos exploded, and an unimaginable chaotic giant finger fell from the sky and pointed to the cross sword light.

   In a loud noise, the ten thousand clan in the starry sky saw the cross sword light of the first emperor greet him and resisted less than three breathing times, and it was crushed by a strong crush.

   The giant chaotic finger, without dispersing, continued to crash down and fell heavily on the first emperor.


   I don’t know how many star fields have exploded, the first emperor’s envoy was knocked into the air, and the god’s armor is pale and coughing up blood. Hengfei doesn’t know how many star fields outside of the emperor’s blood stain red.

can not imagine!


   shake the past and the present!

   Fighting Saint King pointed out, the first emperor and envoy of the emperor was powerfully blasted, supreme and invincible!

   Everyone was stunned, looking at the perfect figure in the light gate, as if it was not a young arrogant, but a Gedai emperor rising, standing high in the world, high above the world, overlooking the world.

   This scene, accompanied by time fragments flying out, spreading the cosmic sky, shaking the entire ancient universe!

   Thousands of years have not been seen, the Fighting Saint King actually achieved a great leap, reaching a higher level of suppressing the emperor, the world is vast, no one can match!

   Could it be that he has proven to become an emperor?

   In front of him, is that a young and prosperous Supreme Emperor?

   But soon, everyone shook their heads and vetoed it.

  Because the Fighting Saint King is a chaos cultivator, the Chaos Avenue has not succeeded in proving Dao in ancient and modern times. It is better than a generation of eternal giant Taishenghuang, who still cannot make the Chaos Avenue completely complete, let alone fighting the Saint King.

   It’s just that, if it’s not a proving Dao becoming emperor, what realm is the fighting saint king in?

   No one knows.

I only know that the fighting sage king in front of us is so unfathomable, and even many people think that whether the emperor is also divided into the tenth heaven, otherwise, how can the fighting sage king be as strong as the emperor? The first emperor was not his opponent to face him.

   However, few people in the world are truly aware.

   The realm of the emperor is too vague. To be precise, it is just the transitional realm before the Emperor of the Primordial King proves Dao to become an emperor. It is much more vague than the quasi-king level of the transitional realm when the Divine King leaps into the Primordial King.

   There are thousands of people in the starry sky, and countless people have shaken the soul, and it will be difficult to recover for a long time.

   Here, there are the Primordial Kings who belonged to the imperial clan who are awakened, and there are also the Primordial Kings of the ultimate ancient road looking into the distance. At this moment, it is full of cold breath.

  Because they know more secrets than ordinary kings.

   Regardless of the emperor clan or the ultimate ancient road, there are ancient emperors who have been born, and there are real emperors who have lived forever, so many emperor secrets are left behind. This type of ancient emperor naturally knows many secrets.

  The realm of the is not as good as the quasi-monarch, divided into five levels: primary, middle, later, Dzogchen, and heaven.

  Dijun is the emperor.

   As soon as you enter the emperor, you are waiting for half of your feet to enter the realm of the emperor.

   Generally speaking, all the emperors are so powerful, under the supreme, invincible in the world!

  Of course, there are some special circumstances, such as the double emperor of the form and god, because the body becomes the emperor, if he has the power of the double emperor, it is much stronger than other emperors, but it is ultimately limited.

   Right now, the strength displayed by the Fighting Saint King is stronger than that of the twin emperors of form and god.

   It seems that it is not an emperor at all, but a great emperor.

   Snap your fingers to cover the sky and defeat the emperor in seconds.

   "Could it be, that is a legendary emperor on the path of eternity!?"

   In the hundredth level, the overlord of the starry sky whispered, suddenly remembering some ancient secrets.

   The secrets of such a myth are not an exaggeration.

   is also fortunate to have the ultimate ancient road. It has been epoch after epoch. There have been countless chaotic ancient universe celestial arrogances in the past epochs, and the ancient emperor was born, so I learned enough of the supreme secret.


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