Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3722: Heavenly Soul Emperor

Emperor Kunpeng lost his mind, but his instincts were still there, not to mention that this was an ancient emperor's supreme. He found a terrible peng claw in the star space, grabbed Ye Chen below, and collided with the chaotic holy fist.


Ye Chen stepped forward, swinging the chaotic holy fist, hundreds of millions of ancient chaos, evolving all the ways, evolving all worlds, evolving all methods, evolving all spirits...

It seems simple, but in fact it contains Ye Chen's full blow from the eternal king's peak realm, and angrily collides with No. 0 Weapon.


The two invincible existences detached above the emperor are fighting. Even if the headquarters world has the imprint of the infinite emperor formation pattern and is reinforced, the emperor cannot be destroyed, but it is also torn apart by the collision of the two.

The terrifying power of destruction turned into a wave of spreading, annihilating time and space, shattering all paths, causing heavy deaths and injuries to the forbidden soul halls in the headquarters world, and the forbidden soul halls fell from the sky and were knocked down by the birthplace. Department collapsed!

Under the peak-level duel, no matter it was Ye Chen or Emperor Kun Peng, they did not retreat at all.

This scene is shocking!

Fighting the saint king, the strength is no less than the ancient emperor supreme! ?

"So strong!"

Ye Chen stared at Emperor Kunpeng, attacked again, manifesting hundreds of thousands of miles tall, towering into the clouds, swinging the holy fist of chaos, sacrificing the cauldron of chaos, the avenue of chaos surging, flesh and blood, blooming the invincible light of the eternal emperor's peak realm.

Emperor Kunpeng's eyes were blood red, only his crazy instinct kept colliding with Ye Chenda.

Both belong to the highest level of the Great Dao, which is simply not what this headquarters world can contain. They soon tore apart, bursting out of the starry sky, and reaching the highest point of the universe, which is the highest point of this ancient chaotic universe. Place.

The peak duel, shaking the starry sky of the universe, retreating.

The tens of thousands of people in the starry sky, all beings in the universe, raised their heads to the unattainable highest point of the universe, unable to see the peak duel there, but could feel the incomparable battle fluctuations, all the time, not shaking the heavens and the realms.

The starry sky of the universe trembles.

The heavens and stars are dimmed.

Between the heavens and the earth, the big universe, it seems that there are only the two who are facing each other at the peak.

The most terrifying supreme level fluctuation, shielding everything.

At this moment, the people of the world took a deep breath and discovered that the fighting power of the Saint King had truly reached the level of the Supreme Realm, otherwise, why would they face the Emperor Kunpeng at the top?

In the depths of the universe, a figure covered in blood stood up with difficulty. He is the first emperor. At this moment, he is no longer the predecessor of earlier times. Some are just embarrassed with blood, looking up at the highest The showdown.

After a long time, he finally let go of his fist feebly, and smiled bitterly: "It turns out that he is so strong, and he looks like Emperor Kunpeng. No wonder I was so defeated and vulnerable!"

The first emperor was originally very unwilling, and he was both an emperor, and asked himself whether he was weaker than others, but now he is only left with endless loneliness.

He can also be regarded as a supernatural arrogant, who has been overpowered for the first time, can not be the supreme, but can dominate the universe and become the uncrowned king.

In the past years, when following Emperor Tianhun, he was even more invincible across the universe. The emperor did not come out. The nine emperors took charge of the universe on his behalf, and who would fight.

Ten thousand clan in the starry sky need to bow their heads.

Even before, he once confronted the Emperor Kunpeng who was in the territory of the emperor.

The battle of the emperor once shook the entire universe and attracted attention.

In that battle, there was no difference between victory and defeat.

The first emperor is also known as the next emperor who is qualified to prove Dao becoming emperor.

It is a pity that Emperor Kunpeng came from behind and reversed everything. He first proved that he had achieved the supreme accomplishment and was known as the ancient emperor.

But still without sacrificing his invincible reputation.

However, these achievements of the first emperor are not worth mentioning compared to the younger generation of the fighting saint king who has been in cultivation for only two thousand years.

The posterity is awesome, not bad at all.

Cang Yan raised his head, he could understand the peak matchup at the highest point of the universe, and sighed slightly: "The next generation is terrifying."

Immediately, he turned his head and looked at the deepest part of the headquarters' big world, and he smiled: "Heaven Soul, are you not going to come out by this time? Don't want to take advantage of their loss and take the opportunity to fight. The Saint King couldn't make a move? Don't blame the old man, I made it myself."

Heavenly Soul?

Heavenly Soul Emperor! ?

The world is terrifying!


At this time, Cang Yan shot, seemingly decayed and aging, he instantly bloomed with no weaker than Ye Chen, Kunpenghuang's genius, tearing open the dense and dense space of the headquarters world, revealing a dark darkness. Emperor Palace.

The old big hand slapped it, the supreme-level aura was circling, the hundreds of millions of rules of the king were shaking, and the emperor could not bear it.


In the dark emperor hall, another majestic supreme emperor's might bloomed, colliding with Cang Yan's hand, shaking hundreds of millions of time and space.

The headquarters world is on the verge of collapse, with hundreds of millions of lines appearing, the Supreme Emperor flashes and guards, and then a number of black holes are to be resolved, otherwise the entire headquarters world will inevitably be destroyed. Those who live and die.

The dark emperor hall exudes a terrifying aura of horror.

Cang Yan calmly looked at the Dark Emperor Palace and smiled: "Heaven Soul, you really are still alive!"

The dark emperor palace rises from the deepest point to the sky, and it is impossible to see everything in the temple clearly, but the emperor prestige overwhelms the heavens and is condescending, like an ancient emperor overlooking the world, coldly saying: "Cang Yan, you and my river do not violate the well water, back then This emperor has already spared your life, but now you are so bold that you really want to die if you shoot at me?"

Cang Yan smiled again: "Spare the old man? The old man would like to know how you, who was dying back then, would spare the old man. Aren't you being chased by the old man to the heavens and the earth, blood staining the universe?"

This is a mystery, involving the ancient emperor, the starry sky, and few people really know.

In the previous years, the Emperor Tianhun took advantage of Emperor Kunpeng’s proving that he was in a period of weakness, and suddenly made a move. Although he finally succeeded in suppressing Emperor Kunpeng and made it the No. 0 weapon, it was also in that supreme battle. In the middle, Kunpeng emperor succeeded in proving that he was emperor after all, even if he had not reached Dzogchen, he was ultimately emperor.

Both are supreme, the emperor and emperor are generally no different.

Heavenly Soul Great Emperor received a desperate counterattack from Emperor Kunpeng, suffered unprecedented severe injuries, severely wounded and dying, and the origin of the emperor's way was on the verge of exhaustion.

In that battle, to suppress Queen Kunpeng, Cang Yan also chose to make a sudden move at that time. When the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor was seriously injured and dying, he was not a Cang Yan opponent at the peak of his life.

That is an eternal emperor, who can be compared to the ancient emperor in the peak period, not to mention the Tianhun emperor sunset Xishan, very weak, even weaker than the Kunpeng emperor after the tribulation, and he suddenly made a move in the face of God Cang Yan. Angry, but helpless.

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