Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3723: Supreme Plan

However, Ye Chen took advantage of this time to attack strongly, Chaos Dading has been with him for more than a thousand years, and it has been as horrible as it is, and it resonates with his Chaos Sacred Fist, forbidden magical power-open the universe!


After all, the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor couldn't fight against the three Supremes at the same time. Ye Chen's fist made him fly, coughing up blood, his soul light dimmed, almost revealing his true body.

"It was just a serious injury!"

Ye Chen sighed, he had already displayed forbidden supernatural powers, and he was still only hitting hard, and he couldn't really effectively crush the Emperor's body of Heavenly Soul Great.

The Heavenly Soul Great Emperor was furious, and a person who was not a true emperor shot himself, and was able to severely injure himself, but he was still disappointed, it was simply disgusting.

He glanced at the three Supremes, and suddenly roared: "Okay, okay, okay, you wait for the three to work together to deal with the emperor, today the emperor will carry out the eternal plan in advance, or if it swallows you, etc., it may allow the emperor to achieve the ultimate Great leap, especially you-the fighting king!"

He stared at Ye Chen, showing a deep sense of greed, a chaos emperor, might allow him to take the final crucial step smoothly.


The soul light exploded, flooding the outside world.

It can be seen by the naked eye that in the dark emperor hall, there are groups of strong and powerful soul lights flying out of the sudden, transforming the heavens and all spirits, as if ten thousand races are here.

A total of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.

The most terrifying thing is that the power of these nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine soul light is at the level of the ancient king, and the soul light also contains a group of special bloodline fluctuations, with the power of the imperial bloodline and the ancient bloodline. There is the power of the blood of the king, and the power of the blood of the chaotic holy spirit...

Looking over, the power of each bloodline is actually different, and there are even several real emperor bloodlines instead of simple imperial bloodlines, which is frightening.

The power of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine soul light and blood line, it is as if the kings of the thousands of races from the heavens and the world are coming. One family sits on one king, and all the races are thousands of kings.

Only one difference is the orderly power of the soul light and blood of the king of ten thousand ways!

The power of the soul light and bloodline of these Primordial Kings exudes a sense of oppression. When gathered together, even the three supreme beings can't overwhelm it!

"Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine powers of the strongest bloodline, or the level of the ancient king, are they all killed by the Forbidden Soul Palace!?"

The three supreme, could not be frightened.

But it feels like this is impossible. How difficult it is for the Primordial King to be born. Even if it is a chaotic ancient universe, unless it is the strongest chaotic ancient universe like the alien ancient universe and the prehistoric immortal world, there is some hope that it will be born in many epochs. Many ancient kings.

The chaotic ancient universe where the ultimate ancient road is located, even for several epochs, it is extremely difficult to give birth to thousands of ancient kings.

Every Primordial King is truly a peerless powerhouse who truly dominates the universe. In an ordinary age where the supremacy cannot be seen, the emperor is invisible. The Primordial King is in charge of the order of the universe.

Even the great emperors and immortals can't have too many Primordial Kings, let alone thousands of them.

Therefore, the three supreme beings were shocked, how did the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor obtain the soul light and blood power of the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine primordial kings.

Cang Yan, after all, is the eternal emperor who crossed the two sides. He has lived for the longest time. He has been in charge of the ultimate ancient road for endless years. He also knows a lot. He took a deep look at the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine souls and lights. The power of the bloodline, said: "I am afraid that only one-tenth is less than the real Primordial King, and the rest should be collected by the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor to obtain the due soul light and bloodline power, and forcibly promoted to the level of the Primordial King."

Thinking carefully, it is indeed very possible. After all, the realm and all aspects of the ancient emperor are far above the ancient emperor, and it is not impossible for the power of soul light and blood to reach the level of the ancient emperor.

However, this is also quite an amazing masterpiece, even if the ancient emperor cultivated so much soul light and bloodline power, he would have to pay an unimaginable price!

"Gathering so many soul light and bloodline power, the Soul Forbidden Palace, or the conspiracy of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor, what is it?"

The three supreme expressions were solemn, staring at this moment and never neglecting, Thunder shot, trying to destroy all the power of the soul light and bloodline of the ancient king level.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

"The blood of ten thousand races, the strongest physique in the universe, ten thousand blood return to the sect, ten thousand souls return to the sect, and chaos!"

A loud roar, shocking the ancient and the modern, echoing the ancient and modern time and space.

The long rivers of years have emerged, and that is the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor. He stood on it, and immediately grabbed his hands. In front of him, the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine lines of the strongest blood and the strongest soul power collected in each era of the Forbidden Soul Palace. Suddenly he was drawn over, and all were gathered together.

It was completely submerged in the emperor's body hidden under the boundless soul light!

Gradually, under the vast and endless soul light, a vague figure slowly appeared. It was the emperor body of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor. It was in a human form, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine soul light and bloodline power. Was immersed in him frantically.

Accompanied by this, the Emperor Body is blooming with unparalleled power, which is far more terrifying than before.

A wave of strong and powerful forces spread, and the riots in the outside world were about to explode, unbearable.

In fact, this vast wave rushed out of the sky and spread to the stars of the universe.

The universe, the starry sky, the hundreds of millions of sentient beings, are all trembling at this moment, irresistible to the supreme power.

The world is horrified, what is happening in the land outside the sky, there is such an infinite wave that spreads the universe without boundaries!

Under this power, even Emperor Kunpeng, the emperor of the Dzogchen peak state, was completely overwhelmed.

Moreover, the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor's Qi machine is still rising steadily, constantly skyrocketing.

At every moment, Heavenly Soul Great Emperor beats the previous point.

Repeatedly, continue to be strong!

With nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine powers of blood, soul and light, the emperor Tianhun undergoes the most terrifying transformation. His emperor body, his emperor soul, derives a special brilliance, including all the heavens, and desires Chaos in evolution.

Among them, Ye Chen felt the most clear, and a majestic Chaos Dao Qi was slowly evolving, and it was extremely powerful.

His body, his own chaotic avenue, received a strange resonance.

"No, he wants to evolve, and he is more likely to become a quasi-giant!" Ye Chen changed color. He was so familiar with that aura. The Emperor Wanyan he faced in the past was like this, and the emperor of humanity is the same. The same is true for the power of the sun.

Heavenly Soul Great Emperor, actually wants to detach from the imperial realm at the peak of Dzogchen and rise to the level of quasi-giant?

And he had a feeling that once the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor had completed the transformation in front of him, he was afraid that he would swallow his own chaotic sacrament and complete the final step of transformation.

The consequences are not optimistic!

"Immediately interrupt his jump!"

Ye Chen roared and attacked immediately.


At the same time, he spared no effort, the Chaos Supreme Body and the Chaos King's Spirit instantly manifested, using the strongest Chaos Secret Technique, the three gods were united, and the ultimate sublimation, the combat power suddenly soared to an unprecedented height.

The terrifying power is contained in one body. At this moment, he seems to have completely broken through the emperor realm and reached the eternal emperor realm.

The heavens are boiling, surrendering to him and mastering it.

The pores all over her body were glowing with an unprecedented glow.

Any ray of radiant power is enough to easily kill the Primordial King of Primordial Kings.

The power of immeasurable chaos is no less than an ancient emperor, comparable to Emperor Kunpeng!

Unprecedented, stalwart forces that overwhelm ancient and modern times, are at your fingertips.

This is the embodiment of the eternal emperor's supreme combat power, comparable to the absolute power of the ancient emperor!

"Open the universe!"

The power after ascending as much as possible was enough to face off against Dzogchen Peak Emperor Realm Supreme, Ye Chen once again used forbidden supernatural powers and struck Heavenly Soul Great.

This blow, waiting for the emperor Ruogu to use the emperor's forbidden magic power, is enough to break everything!


Cang Yan yelled, and the Hundred World Supreme Dharma also displayed his forbidden supernatural powers, the zero-style, terrible move that breaks everything into parts, the strongest move.


Emperor Kunpeng also displayed taboo supernatural powers.

The three supreme, three taboo supernatural powers bombarded the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor who was achieving a great leap at the same time.

"He is forever!"

The Heavenly Soul Great Emperor roared. At this moment, he had not completed the final transformation, so he couldn't shake it directly. It was an act of seeking death.

In an instant, that supreme and invincible emperor body mixed light completely illusory, no matter how terrible the three supreme taboo magical powers, he is illusory and invisible, without real physical existence, can not really effectively attack.

It seems that he does not exist in this time and space, is not in this life, has gone to the illusory future, or has returned to the past history, cannot be attacked, only visible!

"It's space-time power!"

Emperor Kunpeng has an ugly look. As Kunpeng, he has no less control over time and space than the World Tree. What's more, he is a time and space emperor. For the control of time and space, through the ages, no one can surpass the first person in time and space. , At best they can only stand side by side.

But the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor's control of time and space has reached the realm of Emperor Dao.

He remembered that when he was suppressed after the tribulation, he was stained with blood in the galaxy, and the endless Kunpeng Emperor's blood was sprinkled freely, fearing that they would all be collected by the Heavenly Soul Emperor.

And in the endless years of suppression, the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor appeared several times and suppressed it. The Emperor Dao essence and blood in his body were used for suppression. I am afraid that they were all secretly studied by the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor. With the endless years, the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor has researched the mystery of the time-space road , And reached the level of Emperor Dao.

I have to say that from this point of view, the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor is indeed a great terrorist.

At this moment, even if Emperor Kunpeng could go to his time and space and find the body of Heavenly Soul Great Emperor, it would not be possible to defeat it, because Heavenly Soul Great Emperor was undergoing transformation all the time, becoming more powerful and infinitely approaching the quasi-giant level.

With his one emperor, he is not an opponent of Heavenly Soul Great Emperor.

"How to do?"

The expressions of Ye Chen, Cang Yan, and Emperor Kunpeng were very gloomy, and the sudden transformation of Emperor Tianhun was completely beyond imagination.

Emperor Kunpeng looked ugly: "With the help of my emperor's blood, Emperor Tianhun has mastered the avenue of time and space at the supreme level. It cannot be stopped or defeated."

"Can't you bring him back with the Avenue of Time and Space?" Ye Chen said.

"No, his time-space avenue offsets my time-space avenue, I can only get close to him at best." Emperor Kun Peng shook his head, "but now I am no longer his opponent!"

"Hahaha-when this emperor is completely transformed and succeeded, it will also be the time for you to die!"

Heavenly Soul Great Emperor laughed, arrogantly mad, and at this moment he dived into his mind and transformed with all his strength.

After a moment of silence, Cang Yan suddenly said to Emperor Kunpeng: "You take action and bring the old man over. The old man has a way to prevent him from sublimating to the extreme."

"any solution?"

Ye Chen and Emperor Kun Peng looked at Cang Yan in surprise.

"Swallow!" Cang Yan said indifferently, but made the two supreme horrified.

Devour! ?

That is a quasi-giant-level existence, how to swallow it?

Emperor Kunpeng like the Dzogchen peak realm emperor will undoubtedly die if swallowed, bursting into death.

"Senior, you can't, once you swallow the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor, you will definitely die." For Cang Yan, Kunpeng Emperor respected him very much. If it weren't for him, he wouldn't be able to prove the emperor, nor would he survive the Heavenly Soul Great's attack.

Now, how can such a respectable elder watch him go to death, even if Cang Yan is old and weak, his blood is exhausted, and he can live in a few years, but it is absolutely impossible.

Cang Yan said: "It's okay, the old man has not been able to live for a few years, his blood is exhausted, he can't sublimate as much as he can, and proves that he has become an emperor. It doesn't matter if you die. Fallen down, Emperor Kunpeng, take the old man to go."

Emperor Kunpeng knew that Cang Yan's heart could not be rejected, and sighed slightly: "Okay."

"Bring me too." Ye Chen said suddenly.

Emperor Kunpeng glanced at Ye Chen and nodded: "Okay!"

The time and space avenue revolved, breaking through the illusion, Emperor Kunpeng took the two through the barriers of time and space, and came to the front of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor.

Unfortunately, it can only be so. Because of the existence of Ye Chen and Cang Yan, Emperor Kunpeng needs the blessing of the Time and Space Dao all the time to face the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor. Otherwise, once the blessing is lost, the Time and Space Dao of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor will direct the two. Rejection and return to reality.

Just knowing this, the three great nobles do not waste their energy to attack.

"Hahaha, good come, the three of you are enough for the emperor to complete the last step, and even become a giant of the ages, proving the chaos!"

The Heavenly Soul Great Emperor looked at the three, as if looking at three delicious foods, and rushed over in turn.

Emperor Kunpeng's expression changed, and he was about to leave with both. At this time, Ye Chen shouted: "Eternal ages are empty!"

The forbidden magical powers of Samsara!

Casting it in the hands of Ye Chen, who is the one of the three gods and extremely sublimated, is tantamount to waiting for the real ancient emperor to perform it, even if the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor was killed by surprise, the whole body disappeared briefly.

Including Time and Space Avenue.

In front of him, the void where the four supreme sacreds are, has become a complete vacuum!

Ten thousand ways are no longer, only the flesh and soul are left!


Ye Chen coughed up blood, and displayed the terrifying existence of a nearly quasi-giant, even if he was so powerful, he would suffer a huge backlash.

The Heavenly Soul Great Emperor looked at the three indifferently: "Even if you retreat, but this emperor will still be above you, he is still invincible in the world, and he is still breaking through!"

That's right, the smelting of the most powerful bloodline, the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor is still undergoing transformation, it is difficult to stop it!

He is getting better and stronger all the time.

The emperor body and soul spread the chaotic light.

Ye Chen watched with horror, that the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor wanted to condense the most powerful blood and soul power to force himself to become a chaos cultivator, and then prove the chaos in one fell swoop?

Although he felt that the possibility of chaos proving the Dao was very low, because even the eternal magnates like Taishenghuang couldn't make the chaos Dzogchen able to truly prove the Dao, let alone the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor, it was far worse than the Taishenghuang.

But even so, he also felt that if he could not prove the Dao in chaos, the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor would definitely be able to transcend the current emperor realm level and become a quasi-giant, even the ranks of supreme giants.

At that point, even the three great nobles are in danger of life!

"Stop him!"

Emperor Kunpeng looked indifferent, with blond hair fluttering all over his head, and the emperor's power was rippling.

Although he temporarily lost his grasp of the emperor’s way, he was a Dzogchen emperor in the end. The emperor’s body and soul were not fake. The Kunpeng battle suit was still usable. It belonged to the emperor’s soldiers, who madly attacked the heavenly soul. Block his continued transformation and sublimation.


The Heavenly Soul Great Emperor coldly shouted, and the transformed emperor body slammed into the past, and a much stronger force suddenly blasted the Kunpeng emperor, making Kunpeng's battle clothes unable to resist, and heavy force that was close to the quasi-giant level, Kunpeng The emperor kept coughing up blood.



At this time, Ye Chen used the holy method of fighting war, which was known as the No. 1 attack on the Chaos Sea, and struck across.

Only he, as the performer of "Eternal Eternity", can maintain the operation of the avenue.

Above the head, the five-element emperor star revolves, and the invisible supreme dili is pouring and flooding, and in an instant, it hits the heavenly soul emperor severely, causing the emperor to cough up blood and cannot be completely safe.

Cang Yan, as the eternal emperor, although not as good as the Kunpeng emperor, at this moment, his body exuded the unique aura of the eternal road, which was actually a part of the supreme-level power of the avenue, and it was also the attacking heaven soul emperor.


The Heavenly Soul Great Emperor's figure flew upside down, falling down from the unknown time and space evolved from the Emperor-level Time and Space Avenue, sprinkling a large amount of emperor blood.

The leap of extreme sublimation was interrupted by Shengsheng.

"you guys!"

The Heavenly Soul Great Emperor was furious, and his unparalleled power overflowed. The Wan Dao that had been retired by "Eternal Ages" was gradually returning, and the emperor Dao that belonged to him was slowly emerging, and was about to return to his control again.

At this moment, Ye Chen and Cang Yan glanced at each other and said in a deep voice, "Senior, let's start!"

"Hahaha, good!"

Cang Yan laughed loudly. At this moment, his whole body was full of light, and his old and thin figure trance seemed to be rejuvenated. Returning to his youth, the whole person bloomed with unprecedented brilliance, and plunged into the boundless soul light of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor.

On the other side, Ye Chen did the same, laughing: "The Great Soul of Heaven, you want to swallow me and become your great tonic for ascension. Similarly, today you will also become the great tonic for me and Senior Cang Yan. !"

"Today, I will bite you back and let me take the last step and become the strongest eternal emperor!"


Ye Chen slammed into the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor's soul light.

The two supreme sages fought hard and slammed into the space between the light and flesh of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor's flesh and blood, and directly caused the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor to explode, splashing a large amount of Emperor's blood.

Shake the sky!

Cut the sky!


Open the universe!


Crazy, in an instant, Ye Chen displayed all the strongest supernatural powers he had mastered in his life. The Heavenly Soul Great Emperor couldn't stop it at all. With a loud noise, half of the emperor's body and soul light exploded and suffered terrible damage.

At this moment, Ye Chen almost fell from the realm of "Three Gods in One", took a deep breath, grabbed the flesh and soul of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor in front of him, and swallowed it directly.

Yes, it is swallowed!

Crazily devouring all of Heavenly Soul Great Emperor.

At the same time, the emperor realm and the complete origin of the emperor's way in the body of the original great emperor's reincarnation were swallowed up at this moment, pushing him to take a further step in the eternal king's peak realm, and take the final crucial step!

On the other side, Cang Yan laughed, his old body was transformed into a stalwart for hundreds of thousands of miles in an instant, and he also shot frantically, tearing apart the flesh and soul of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor, and he opened his mouth and swallowed it down.

The majestic and indescribable infinite power is blooming in their bodies wantonly.

Under Emperor Kunpeng's shocked gaze, both Cang Yan and Ye Chen were frantically devouring the power of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor.

The supreme existence of a quasi-giant has become a big tonic for the two, and the infinite power is swallowed and output, incredible.

The Heavenly Soul Great Emperor roared endlessly, but was restricted by the forbidden supernatural powers of "Eternal Eternity", and in a short period of time, he completely flew both with absolute power.

The emperor body shook, and was about to attack, but Emperor Kunpeng rushed up frantically, hugging this terrifying emperor body that was almost a quasi-giant. The sword wings even wrapped the emperor's body, no matter how vomiting the blood of the emperor, he would not let go.

"No—you bastards!"

The Heavenly Soul Great Emperor couldn't struggle, he could only watch all this, roaring, struggling frantically, trying to break through and struggle, and kill the three **** supreme.

Always unsuccessful!

Soon, the eternal emptiness of the forbidden magical power disappeared, and the power of the emperor's way of the Tianhun Great Emperor gradually recovered. He looked at Emperor Kunpeng, and also at both Ye Chen and Cang Yan, and said coldly: "Be dead. ."


But the expected Emperor Hong Fei Kun Peng, Zhen Fei Ye Chen, and Cang Yan did not happen.

Because, in the first time the Emperor Dao recovered, Emperor Kunpeng also slammed into the body of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor, and the power of the Time and Space Dao broke out frantically, imprisoning everything, and also made it difficult for the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor to struggle and was suppressed.

The Great Avenue of Time and Space turned into a terrifying devouring power, and he was also madly devouring the power of Heavenly Soul Great Emperor.

The Heavenly Soul Great Emperor, who had been swallowed by Ye Chen and Cang Yan a lot of power, was even weaker and had fallen a lot.

The three supreme beings madly swallowed and robbed the majestic power of this supreme powerhouse who was about to become a quasi-giant within the body of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the power of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor was severely swallowed, and not only was he unable to successfully become a quasi-giant, but on the contrary, his breath fell rapidly and continuously.

This made the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor panic, and roared: "No, this emperor is the invincible Heavenly Soul Great Emperor. How could it be swallowed by anyone and let this emperor go away!"

The terrifying emperor's power continued to explode, trying to expel the three supreme beings in his body, but he couldn't do it at all. Now his strength has plummeted and he cannot effectively expel the three.

At the same time, the power in the body is rapidly losing and being swallowed by the three.

Fortunately, the three are swallowed at the same time, otherwise no one will be able to swallow such a majestic power, and will inevitably burst into death.

The swallowing of the three has actually become a special balance.

The poor Heavenly Soul Great Emperor was unable to break free at all. He was bound and restricted by the three supreme, and became a sacrifice. The infinite power became the tonic of the three, allowing them to deprive and swallow them wantonly.

It's swallowed like this, and the time has passed.

I don't know how much time passed before Ye Chen was the first to escape from the body of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor.

At this moment, he swallowed enough soul light and the power of the most powerful bloodline, and also tore apart part of the emperor body of the heavenly soul, and even part of the origin of the emperor. The emperor's Tao fruit also has it, which can be described as all aspects. Deprived of a part, smelt in the body.

Heavenly Soul Great Emperor, collecting the strongest blood and soul light of the heavens, wanted to take shortcuts and prove the chaos. At this time, he was only a wedding dress, which provided sufficient nutrients for Ye Chen's promotion to the eternal emperor.

Originally, Ye Chen was at the pinnacle of the eternal emperor, and there was no way to advance. The next step was to promote to the emperor.

He also has a complete source of Emperor Dao and a brand-new vast emperor world that has smelted the two great emperor worlds. With all this, he has completely broken the barriers, and the whole person has completely moved towards the emperor realm!

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Ye Chen's body is blooming, and every inch of his body is gushing with unprecedented chaotic glow, like a chaotic sun imprinted in flesh and blood, ten thousand rules emerge, demonstrating his most powerful and powerful chaotic power.

All the time, it is not being transformed or sublimated.

It's a transformation of life level!

The ancient king, breaking through the transformation of the emperor!

However, Ye Chen's breakthrough was completely different from that of the ordinary Emperor of the Primordial Kings.

Ordinary kings, who have gone through the divine king to complete the heavenly path to perfection, the king is the ten heavens, and climbs day by day.

And Ye Chen, promoted from the eternal quasi-king, and the special ten-kata-dzogchen supreme arrogance in the period of the **** king, everything proves his specialness. In the eternal king period, he did not have the specificity of the ten heavens. Divide.

You can only know where the boundaries are based on your own perception.

Moreover, once breaking through the eternal monarch realm, it reached a level comparable to that of a peerless king.

The peak state of the eternal emperor is comparable to the general eternal emperor of the early emperor, who can be called the great emperor of the ancient times.

Now, he broke through the realm of the eternal emperor from the eternal emperor, not like the general promotion of the emperor, he jumped directly, and did not descend on the most terrible emperor's catastrophe.

Everything seemed silent.

The transformation is ongoing, and the sublimation continues, not in a short time.

Every moment, all cells are rising and changing.

Ye Chen guessed that if he wanted to be completely promoted to the eternal emperor, he was afraid that it would take a period of time to complete the sublimation, not overnight.

"It may take another month to completely complete the transformation of life level and completely become the eternal emperor!"

All in all, his life level is being reorganized, getting a brand-new sublimation, more perfect, more flawless, more complete!

At the same time, Ye Chen saw that Cang Yan and Emperor Kunpeng were devouring the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor, but soon, Emperor Kunpeng ended the devouring, and the amount consumed was similar to him.

Most of them were left to Cang Yan.

Because, no matter whether it is Ye Chen or Emperor Kunpeng, the boundaries cannot be swallowed too much, and Cang Yan is too old, old and weak, they all hope that he can swallow all of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor and make a final breakthrough. , To break the boundaries, proving that Dao becomes emperor

"Do not--"

The Heavenly Soul Great Emperor roared, full of anger, but he seemed so helpless and unable to struggle.

After a long time devouring the three supreme, he became extremely weak and not as good as before.

In order to be safe, Emperor Ye Chen and Emperor Kunpeng took action to suppress the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor, making him unable to struggle, and even bit by bit to wipe out the emperor's true spirit, weak resistance, can only passively let Cang Yan swallow them.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Cang Yan's old body couldn't contain such a mighty power of the emperor's way, it collapsed every inch, turned into coke, and plunged into the land of destruction.

But the two found that Cang Yan was undergoing an astonishing transformation.

The old body seems to be disintegrating and destroying, but in fact, it is also undergoing a rebirth.

To be reborn, you must die first!

A majestic force of life, belonging to the level of the Emperor Dao, is slowly recovering from the seemingly dead old body, repairing all injuries, and even filling De Cangqi with new vitality.

Before he knew it, Cang Yan gradually swallowed everything that the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor had originally. Whether it was Ye Chen or Emperor Kunpeng, it was impressively visible that a supreme Tao fruit in the former was gradually full, waiting to bloom at any time.

That is not an ordinary Supreme Dao Fruit, or even a Dao Fruit of the Great Emperor. The aura it radiates is even more astonishing than Emperor Kunpeng's own Dao Fruit of Emperor Kunpeng. It penetrates the sky and affects the heavens and all realms.

Ye Chen feels more real, because the fruit of the supreme path is exuding a majestic energy that belongs to the path of eternity. It is even better than him. It belongs to Cang Huang, who has become the eternal emperor. Accumulation since an era.

Cang Yan has great ambitions, and does not want to simply prove Dao to become emperor, but hopes that one day, he can complete enough accumulation and hit the realm of supreme giants in one fell swoop.

This supreme Taoist fruit represents his profound accumulation since an era.

It's just that the depleted old body is like the soil for planting flowers, unable to provide enough nourishment to make this supreme path fruit grow and bloom.

Now, after consuming the power of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor, it was transformed into majestic nourishment, and the flesh and blood body was revived, providing one's own supreme path fruit to go further and truly began to bloom.

With no help, Ye Chen also gave birth to a touch of greed.

He had a special hunch that as long as he swallowed this fruit of the supreme path, he would not only be able to become the eternal emperor, but could even push himself to the eternal emperor peak at once, or there would be a certain difficulty at a higher level.

At that time, I am afraid that it is not simply a peak confrontation with the ancient emperor, maybe it can be comparable to the quasi-giant-level existence.

But soon, this idea was forcibly suppressed by Ye Chen.

How can such a respectable and weeping old predecessor take away the unsurpassed fruit of his life.

What's more, the complete leap of the life level is imminent, the eternal emperor is in transition, and within a month, everything can be reorganized, and the eternal emperor will become the most powerful and invincible eternal emperor!

Ye Chen sat cross-legged, silently waiting for the end of the extreme sublimation.

Emperor Kunpeng is also digesting the infinite power of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor that he has swallowed. Although he cannot become a quasi-giant, it is enough for him to accumulate more profoundly. One day, if he achieves enough accumulation, he will be able to break the boundaries, jump up and ascend. On a higher level.

Silently, Cang Yan developed a cocoon of light, enveloping his body, with introverted energy, light cocoon blocked everything.

This is related to the leap of life level, the ultimate sublimation of the great road, Ye Chen and Emperor Kun Peng couldn't guess how long it would take for Cang Yan to transform into success.

Inexplicably, Ye Chen had a bad feeling.

He looked at the outside world outside the sky, which was beyond the barriers of the universe.

At this moment, blessed to the soul, I saw a special scene in the dark.

Ten layers of imperial gates were pierced, and the heavens and tens of thousands of domains collapsed into countless great domains.

The original Immortal Pass, Imperial City, and Huangji Lingxiao Palace were transformed into brand new ancient passes.

The human emperor is sleeping, and the four supreme emperors of Jinwu, Wuxiang, Xuanshen, and Taichu emperor hang on the ancient gate, covered in blood, guarding the Pangu universe.

It's purely a scene that emerges in the dark, incredible.

No, something happened to Pangu Universe!

Ye Chen's expression sank, he looked at Cang Yan, took a deep breath, and made a bold decision.

With a flick of his finger, the Hunyuan River flew out, enclosing the cocoon of the Great Dao that Cang Yan had evolved, and it was vast, making the time flow in that area hundreds of times faster than the outside world.

One year inside, and one day outside.

Emperor Kunpeng was surprised, because he felt the power of time from the long river of Hunyuan, and said: "Battle Saint King, where did you get such a supreme treasure?"

Although he is the emperor of time and space, forging such a long period of time, he also needs to pay a high price.

Ye Chen said: "This is the long river of Hunyuan condensed by the eternal giant Hunyuan Huangzun in my Pangu universe. It can reverse the flow of time. In the past, I was lucky to get a short period of time."

Emperor Kunpeng marveled that Pangu Universe had long heard of it. The Mythical Era was even more prosperous and powerful, and it was only natural that such a supreme giant was born. After all, the first time and space emperor was born in Pangu Universe.

But he frowned: "You have wrapped the area where Senior Cang Yan is, and what is the speed of change. Especially Senior Cang Yan is about to be detached from the world, so changing the flow of time will make this long river of Hunyuan not much Heaven, it will be completely consumed. At any rate, it is also a great treasure in the river. Take it back quickly. After all, the amount of time has nothing to do with you and me."

Ascending to the Supreme, the years are immortal, and the meaning of time becomes more direct and pale and worthless.

Therefore, Emperor Kunpeng felt that Ye Chen's actions were wasteful.

Ye Chen shook his head: "Senior, you don't know anything. I sensed that a terrible disaster is going on in the Pangu universe. I hope to return soon. Similarly, I hope to invite Senior Cang Yan to return. If he can ascend the eternal giant Level, it can protect my Pangu universe for many thousands of years."

Emperor Kunpeng obviously also understands something about the Pangu universe. He nodded silently, but his eyebrows were always frowning, and said, "That said, but the transformation and sublimation of Senior Cang Yan, even with the blessing of Hunyuan Longhe, I am afraid it is. It’s not necessarily a complete success in a short period of time. Let’s do this, I will also use the Dao of Time and Space to cooperate with this long river of mixed elements to increase the flow rate of time by a hundred times. In this way, the area in which I am located will be like the outside world for a hundred years."

Ye Chen thanked him: "Thank you seniors for your help!"

"Between you and me, we are both supreme, not to mention that once you succeed in sublimation to the utmost, you are no longer simply called the ancient emperor, but you can truly compete against the ancient emperor at the peak, fighting life and death, and both are supreme. Commensurate."

Obviously, Emperor Kunpeng valued Ye Chen very much, and he was willing to make friends with such a person of unlimited potential.


The mighty force of the endless space-time avenue suddenly acted on this place outside the sky, and in coordination with the Hunyuan Long River, the flow of time inside suddenly accelerated a hundred times again.

This is also the Emperor Kunpeng, who was originally good at the Dao of Time and Space. Otherwise, if he was replaced by another ancient emperor, even if he mastered the Dao of Time and Space, it would be difficult to reach his level, making the flow of time a hundred times faster.

One day, two days...

Time is fading fast, but Hunyuan has been waiting for a hundred years in Hanoi like a day outside.

In the same way, maintaining the metamorphosis of a supreme level like this, the long river of Hun Yuan depletion accelerated, gradually depleting most of it.

Ye Chen's extreme sublimation is still going on, more than 90% completed, only the last is left.

Whether it is the Chaos Saint Body or the Chaos Saint Soul, they have been transformed and sublimated in all aspects, and they are more complete and perfect without the slightest flaw.

In silence, his spirit is more restrained.

Although Hunyuan Changhe can completely complete Ye Chen's transformation, he did not do so. The transformation of a supreme is amazing enough, let alone two supreme, Hunyuan Changhe may not even be able to hold on to Cang Yan. The day out.

Finally, on the twenty-ninth day.

The Hunyuan long river surrounding the land outside the sky is completely depleted.

Emperor Kunpeng's time and space avenue gradually disappeared.

At the same time, the misty light cocoon located in a place outside the sky slowly dimmed down, and cracks quickly appeared.

Furthermore, dense and endless cracks spread throughout the light cocoon.

This is the cocoon of the great road condensed by Cang Yan. Over the years, Cang Yan has swallowed more than 70% of everything that belongs to the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor, transforming the cocoon, and is about to complete the transformation, faster than Ye Chen.

Of course, thanks to the long river of Hunyuan, waiting for the outside world one day a year, but now waiting for the world has changed for 2,900 years.

A stream of immeasurable majestic power shakes the land beyond the sky, reveals the land beyond the sky, affects the starry sky of the universe, and shakes the ancient and modern future.

Vaguely, a long river of years emerged, immeasurable prestige, alarming ancient and modern future!

All the heavens and all the realms are surrendering. It is this cosmic starry sky that once born an ancient emperor, and the imprints of the emperor and emperor’s roads left behind are all trembling at this moment, as if they have met Higher-level beings vibrate and surrender.

At this time, Tai Wuji, who had no idea when he returned to the ultimate ancient road, appeared in the headquarters of the Forbidden Soul Hall, leading the ultimate ancient road powers, and facing the Forbidden Soul Hall led by the first emperor on the other side.

The emergence of this qi machine naturally alarmed the two emperors.

Tai Wuji was raising his head, sensing a trace of familiar aura, and said in surprise: "Is the teacher making a breakthrough?"

On the other side, the first emperor also sensed the familiar qi machine of the emperor, and was surprised and delighted: "Have you succeeded in the transformation?"

Both emperors believed that it was their own supreme that made a major breakthrough.

It's just that the aura is too supreme, and it is still overwhelming the supreme, high above the heavens, so that they can't accurately sense whether the deity is the person they imagined!

"After the transformation is completed, it will soon be as high as possible, and stand on the ground!"

Emperor Kunpeng whispered, and Ye Chen watched for a moment.


In the place outside the sky, the avenue light cocoon exploded, and a majestic emperor light suddenly soared into the sky, and even penetrated the place outside the sky, penetrated the barrier of the universe, and penetrated the outer chaotic sea.

Endless fragments of light cocoon splashed, and each one contained endless mighty power, enough to kill the monarch-level existence.

The riots in the outside world almost exploded.

The laws of the universe are receding, and the heavens and all paths will collapse.

Ye Chen and Emperor Kunpeng felt a great sense of oppression oncoming, and they were surprised and delighted, because as imagined, Cang Yan made the biggest breakthrough and stood up as far as possible, trying to prove Dao becoming emperor.

Moreover, it must not be an ordinary proving to become an emperor, perhaps it will directly enter the realm of the eternal giant!


Wan Dao was trembling, and Supreme was also trembling. In the center of the shattered avenue cocoon, within the endless flaming light, a figure of peerless beauty rose up, unable to tell how stalwart, only knowing that the shoulders can support the The sky can hold the sky with only one hand, the eighteen hells can be suppressed by the foot, and the eyes can penetrate the past, present and future.

The face is as cold as a knife, the perseverance and heroic spirit, the silver-white hair is full of gleaming brilliant light, contains the terrible rule, each one seems to represent a kind of supreme avenue.

The silver hair is like the cohesion of the heavens and all paths, the strongest supreme!

He is Cang Yan!

No longer old, rejuvenated, reappearing the old hero!

Today, Cang Yan proves that Dao becomes Emperor, and he should attack the eternal giant!

"Hahaha, my Cang Yan will eventually become the supreme. Now, I am going to break through the border and enter the domain of the strongest emperor of ancient and modern giants!"

Cang Yan laughed loudly, the laughter echoed beyond the heavens, spreading into the universe, the universe is boundless, the starry sky, the hundreds of millions of beings, could it not be under the trembling universe's dominance.

In the big world of the headquarters, on the ultimate ancient road, Tai Wu cried in surprise.

Master, he really made a breakthrough, and he will prove to become an emperor, and even want to aspire to the position of an eternal giant.

The first emperor's face was pale, and the supreme Heavenly Soul, His Majesty, actually failed.


Cang Yan was so energetic and heroic that he was about to smash the heavens and worlds with his hand.

Covered by its heavenly spirit, the majestic emperor light is always rushing into the sky, actively summoning the emperor.

Today, he is returning to the peak of his prime of life. He is unparalleled in blood and spirit, covering the past and the present. Don't be afraid of the threat of emperor's calamity. The eternal emperor's fruit is perfect, and the eternal emperor is about to bloom, and the immortal flower will bloom immediately.

He wants to survive the emperor's calamity, complete perfection, and prove Dao to become an emperor!

With the emperor's light rushing into the sky, tearing open the universe, the Chaos Sea descended in an instant, fighting an extremely terrifying calamity in a territory no one knew.

Cang Yan is not a general supreme emperor, but the most terrifying emperor belonging to his supreme giant level. The horror is boundless. Once it falls in this chaotic ancient universe, the incomparable light is enough to destroy all worlds and ten thousand worlds. Territory, all souls, and all races have caused disastrous lives.

This is his homeland universe, and it is impossible to let his creatures be smothered.

Only the Chaos Sea is where he should cross the catastrophe.

Boundless, can freely cross the catastrophe.

The strongest emperor's voice, shake the ancient and modern future!

Cang Yan jumped up and accumulated an epoch-long eternal emperor's Taoist fruit, which bloomed completely, wrapped his body, stood up as high as possible, and went up.

The barriers of the universe are closed silently and without interest. When the outside world is unknown, the tribulation of the supreme giant is so terrifying. Even with the barrier of the universe, it still senses the extremely terrifying waves of destruction from time to time.

Even Ye Chen, even Emperor Kunpeng, shuddered slightly in front of the vaguely transmitted emperor robbery.

To be precise, the Supreme will not be frightened, the road is ruthless, and the mood is indifferent, but the fierce and terrible emperor's calamity makes the Supreme instinctively feel the crisis of life and death.

In exchange, they are vying to cross, and they will die.

If an ancient king wants to fight for the emperor, it will undoubtedly be like a moth fighting a fire and a praying man's arm as a car.

Naturally, it is more of a surprise. Once the tribulation is over, Cang Yan will stand up completely and become a supreme giant overlooking the ancient and modern future.

Especially Ye Chen, after seeing the tragic scene belonging to the Pangu universe in the dark, he eagerly hoped that an eternal giant would sit down, so that even the most terrifying enemy would have to be jealous.

The terrible emperor's calamity is even the magnate's calamity, infinite and far-reaching.

In the Chaos Sea, even if it was vast enough, the Supreme could not set foot on every inch of the corner in his entire life, but he was also shocked a lot.

After all, this is not an ancient emperor's transgression and sublimation at all, but the birth of the supreme giant, which can affect the existence of ancient, modern and future.

How many tens of thousands of years, or even one or two epochs, may not necessarily give birth to an eternal giant.

The one born today is a shock to the past, and it has attracted much attention.

In fact, many ancient emperors and supreme immortals are paying close attention in secret, and even quasi-giants, watching from afar, flashing greed.

Eternal giants can't just sit back and watch from a distance.

An eternal giant, after crossing the catastrophe, will be in the weakest stage. At this time, his giant Dao fruit is the easiest to be taken.

A giant's Tao fruit, origin mark, origin essence and blood, etc., are the most priceless treasures, even other eternal giants can not be said to be nothing.

For the quasi-giants, these are enough to make them jealous and crazy. Once they are obtained, they can smoothly take the last step and become a true eternal giant.

After all, even if it is a quasi-giant, throughout the ages, I don’t know how many people have never really taken that step, and they are just quasi-giants throughout their lives.

The quasi-giant's rise to the eternal giant is far more elusive than the emperor's proving to become emperor.

If the emperor still has a 20-30% chance, then there is only a glimmer of hope for the quasi-giant to become an eternal giant.

Yes, it's just a silver lining!

A glimmer of hope, as long as half of the hope after winning the giant Dao Fruit, Origin Mark, and Origin Essence Refining is undoubtedly enough to make all the quasi-giants crazy.

Cang Yan crossed the tribulation, bathed in the infinite most terrifying tribulation light, far beyond the ordinary emperor tribulation countless, making him covered with blood, **** light blooms from time to time, and even occasional bones can be seen.

He felt the peeping from all parties in the Chaos Sea, and he was extremely confident. Now he is in the initial step into the field of the eternal giants, his energy is skyrocketing, and because of the vast emperor's calamity, even if he is the eternal giants, he is a little afraid and dare not dare It shot directly, but waited silently, calculated the end of the emperor's robbery, and then shot when it was about to end.

A majestic chaotic ancient universe phantom is emerging, and among them, there are one after another horrible figure that covers the ancient and modern, exuding a terrifying aura above the supreme.

Eternal giant!

There is more than one person, vaguely, more than one hand, maybe more.

One of them, his eyes pierced through the endless sea of ​​chaos, and fell on Cang Yan during the Tribulation, revealing a touch of greed: "An eternal giant who is about to succeed, as long as he successfully kills it, he can seize his giant Dao fruit. The mark of origin, the essence of origin Blood, etc., will allow us to fully recover from the weak state of several epochs in a short period of time and reappear the emperor's invincible body!"

Another tycoon nodded and said: "Taishi's words are good. I waited for Chaos Burial Site to be sealed off and isolated from Chaos Sea for too long. It lasted several epochs. In less than two thousand years, our origins have never been restored. Come here, as long as we kill an eternal tycoon, everything on his body will allow us to fully recover in a short time."

They are indeed the Emperor of Chaos Burial Ground.

His gaze also peeped towards Cang Yan who was crossing the catastrophe.

On the other side, in the ancient alien universe.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor's figure was hazy, and the avenue was shielded by the qi machine, and the emperor's shadow was invisible. He could only see his eyes looking at the chaotic sea, looking at the strong figure that crossed the catastrophe.

By his side, Emperor Wanyan didn't know when he would return from outside Pangu Pass and stood silently beside him.

"After crossing the catastrophe, you must be a soldier of the father and seize the fruit, you must be fast and ruthless, otherwise other people will immediately take action, and there will even be other eternal giants." The ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty slowly spoke with a trace of intolerance Doubtful command attitude.


The Great Emperor Wanyan silently stared at the strongest figure in the tribulation, leaving the alien ancient universe, heading to the chaotic sea area where Cang Yan was.

The Chaos Sea is vast and vast, but it is obviously not a problem for quasi giants like Emperor Wanyan.

What's more, the ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty also took action and personally constructed a long-distance teleportation giant channel to teleport Emperor Wanyan to nearby areas.

At almost the same time, other eternal giants, or quasi-giants, moved one after another.

At Pangu Pass, Emperor Golden Crow, Emperor Wuxiang, Emperor Profound God, Emperor Taichu, looking at the Chaos Sea in the distance, naturally shocked them.

Emperor Jinwu showed a touch of admiration: "I want to become a giant of eternity, but unfortunately, back then, I also had a little hope of becoming a giant of eternity in one fell swoop."

If it weren't for the unsealing of the Chaos Burial Ground, with the power of Emperor Golden Crow, it might not be impossible to truly become an eternal giant.

Unfortunately there is no if.

The unphased king was taken aback: "Cang Yan!"

Looking at the figure in the emperor's robbery, how could he not be familiar with one of the most powerful enemies of the ultimate ancient road in the past.

In their youth and heyday, both of them slaughtered all the way from the Heavenly King to the Primordial King level.

In the end, the Wuxiang King defeated the enemies of all parties, successfully ascended the first person, and left. Then he also became the first person under the supreme, shaking the chaotic sea, setting foot on the eternal road in the state of the king, and becoming the emperor. But he fell helplessly caught in an alien conspiracy.

Unknowingly, Cang Yan, the former arch enemy, had reached such a level, hitting the eternal giant level in one fell swoop.

Let him sigh, the years are not forgiving.

"No, there are eternal giants, and even quasi-giants who want to ambush Dujie's Cang Yan, and take advantage of his weakness to seize the giant's Tao fruit."

The look of the unphased king changed, without hesitation, he merged into the heavenly sun, reached the level of a quasi-giant in an instant, and communicated with the tower: "Senior, please send me to the eternal giant to cross the calamity area."

The world tower is always recovering. Shendi is no different from the time-space great emperor. He controls the time-space avenue more powerfully than Emperor Kunpeng, and prevents it: "You can’t go to the Daoguo of the eternal giant. No matter if you are a foreign race or a chaotic burial site, you are all watching. If you go rashly, your life will be in danger."

The unphased king shook his head: "Senior, you have misunderstood that the eternal giant in the tragedy is the old man of the ultimate ancient road of the younger generation. He is also an enemy and friend. The younger generation cannot sit and watch his accident. And if there is a chance , I hope to be able to join my Pangu universe camp, the addition of an eternal giant is very beneficial for the current Pangu universe."

The tower was slightly silent, and immediately said: "I will go with you. If something happens, I can immediately return to the Pangu universe, where I left my time and space imprint."

The King of No Phase Surprise: "Trouble Senior!"


The brilliance of the world tower flashed, wrapped in the unphased king, and left the Pangu universe.

Chaos sea, unknown place, Cang Yan was bathed in the light of the emperor's calamity, covered in blood, blood and blood, and bones, looking very tragic, but the spirit and spirit became more and more powerful, and the soul light rushed into the sky.

He was able to sense that there were a series of strong and awe-inspiring auras nearby, all of which were truly invincible. The weakest ones were comparable to Emperor Kunpeng, and there were even more transcendents, fearing that they would be quasi-giant-level existences.

Among the most powerful, he is much stronger than the current one.

Obviously, that was the real giant of the ages, and he was actually watching his Tao fruit.

Slowly, Cang Yan pulled up a cold smile at the corner of his mouth. He didn't expect that Chaos Sea would have so many supreme beings paying attention to him.

Not to mention, as long as the attackers are all killed!

He returned from an old body, completely transformed, and his mood gradually transformed, as if he was a young man again, young and energetic, confident.

Sitting cross-legged, with the help of Wuliang Emperor Jie, he fell down, tempered his body, reorganized his flesh and blood, and stood up after his bones were broken.

Transformed in all directions, the whole person exudes an unprecedented brilliance, shining through the past and present.

I don't know how much time passed, the emperor's robbery gradually receded, and Cang Yan's eternal emperor's Taoist fruit completely bloomed and turned into a supreme giant.

The tattered flesh and blood bloomed endlessly, began to repair the wounded body, and truly reached the level of the eternal giant.


At this time, a fight suddenly appeared out of thin air, wrapped in endless killing intent, rushed into the emperor's robbery light, and pierced his forehead.

There is no doubt that this is a Dige, a soldier of the ancient emperor, and the emperor is immeasurable, and can severely damage the supreme of the Great Perfection realm.

Secretly, there was the existence of the ancient emperor's level, aiming at the right opportunity, and taking advantage of the weakness of Cang Yan for the rest of his life, he carried out a lore and seized the strongest Taoist fruit.

"Huh, the mere supreme, dare to assassinate this seat!"

Cang Yan's figure remained motionless like a mountain, hitting across with his palms, and the chaotic sea exploded more than a vast territory.

With a clanging sound, Di Ge's killing thought was shattered, and the dazzling war Ge was knocked into the air. There was a terrible palm mark, and Di Ge was almost broken with a click.

Pointing out again, following Di Ge's Di Nian control, hit the ancient emperor's existence hidden in the dark.


The mysterious ancient emperor's figure flew across, covered in blood, almost exploded, and suffered terrible injuries.

This is still Cang Yan's final tribulation, very weak, and has not completely stabilized the realm, otherwise, as soon as the real eternal giant comes out, he can crush a supreme emperor's body with his fingers.

Just like the supreme slamming the emperor, that complete strength crush from top to bottom!

"It's a pity, it's never broken."

Cang Yan sighed softly, but in this scene, those supreme beings who had been hidden in the dark were frightened!

Even if the tribulation has just been completed, the realm of the giant has not been completely stabilized, but the invincible power has already shown.

Ordinary Supreme is not his opponent at all.


Above, a terrifying space-time channel appeared. The Great Emperor Wanyan appeared. He was holding an eternal giant's soldier. At this time, he fought out. The giant's soldiers recovered in all aspects, bursting with a ray of shocking light, and slashed towards the sky.焽.

Cang Yan felt the fatal crisis sincerely.

A quasi-giant, holding the arm of an eternal giant, can indeed threaten him at present.


However, invincible, he still has infinite confidence, and when he raises his hand, he greets him and collides with it.

The figure of the Great Emperor Wanyan retreated violently, and the blood of the emperor was stained with the chaotic sea.

Cang Yan also coughed up blood. After all, he was only first stepping into this realm, and he was still very weak. Otherwise, the Emperor Wanyan would not be able to harm him even with the soldiers of the eternal giants holding the full recovery.

At the same time, the Chaos Sea exploded, and several other quasi-giants came over, murderously, and came together.

There are also many supreme beings hidden in the dark, and the supreme-level killing thoughts are densely packed, intertwining this chaotic sea territory and turning it into an absolute dead place.

Cang Yan roared, roaring a sea of ​​chaos, shaking back the enemies from all sides.

But he was also damaged, and the emperor's blood was splashed, and the situation was not optimistic.

Of course, after all, he really stepped into this situation, completely surpassing the supreme supremacy, Cang Yan's silver hair fluttered, and behind him evolved the supreme divine form for a hundred generations. This moment may be called the eternal immortal form.

Various palm prints, instantly transformed into tens of thousands of moves!

"Eternal, immortal!"

Cang Yan's body is in harmony with the eternal immortal body, and all kinds of moves emerged at the moment of his fingertips, saying that they are all kinds, but in fact they are infinite, actively killing the enemies from all sides.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

When facing each other, it exploded this chaotic sea territory, spreading deep and wide, and that powerful force was even enough to explode a chaotic primitive world.

The supreme enemies of all parties retreated violently, splashed with blood on their bodies, and even a few people were blown to death, and blood stained the chaotic sea.

"So strong, you really deserve to be the strongest emperor. Even if the giants of the ages have just stepped on their feet and failed to completely stabilize their realm, it is still unimaginable!"

There are several quasi-giants from all sides, such as Emperor Wanyan, such as the quasi-giants of Chaos Burial Ground, secretly frightened.

If the eternal tycoon does not come out, who can kill him head-on.

The corner of Emperor Wanyan’s mouth was stained with blood, and he looked at Cang Yan indifferently, and said: “What about the giants of the ages, they have never reached their peaks. When they first entered this field, they are also weak from the catastrophe. This is the best opportunity for me. I need his The giant Daoguo will do it!"

"No, I also need his giant Daoguo!"

"Give me the mark of the source and the essence of the source blood!"

The quasi-giants of the parties communicated with each other, and before actually killing Cang Yan, they had already begun to decide how to divide the body.

There is no doubt that this is the greatest disrespect for Cang Yan.

Once upon a time, the eternal giants will also be reduced to this step.

Hearing the words, Cang Wan's eyes were cold, and his fingers flicked, confining the vast chaotic sea, like a flower in his hand, a thin blade appeared between his fingers, thin as a cicada's wings, and a peerless edge: "You wait. Didn’t the eternal giant behind tell you, don’t you arrogantly discuss a eternal giant?”


The blade flew out and disappeared in a flash.


A quasi-giant noticed the terrible crisis, his expression changed drastically, but it was too late, and the blade flashed, splitting his emperor body in two, and emperor blood bloomed.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The immortal body, hundreds of millions of heavy moves lightning fell.


In the blink of an eye, the quasi-giant had no time to escape and was blown up.

Blowing blood, shaking do not know how many vast Chaos Sea.

The other quasi-giants changed their colors and shot at the same time, and the soldiers of the eternal giants who had fully recovered in their hands severely killed Xiang Cang Yan.


Several quasi-giants flew upside down, Cang Yan also cried blood at the corner of his mouth, suffered trauma, and could not be truly invincible.

Silently, Cang Yan suddenly felt a terrible warning sign. Without even thinking about it, he moved across infinity like lightning.


Even so, he was almost cut in the waist, Cang Yan's immortal body was cut open, and a terrible wound with deep bones appeared on his waist, which was gushing with blood, which caused thousands of abnormal phenomena.

Eternal giant!

The supreme enemies of all parties were horrified, and the eternal giants were dispatched in person.

"Unexpectedly, just stepping into this field for the first time, can avoid the attack of this seat, it is not easy."

Silently, Cang Yan was far away in the area, and a terrifying figure appeared, as if he could not be in the world, everything around him collapsed, and he couldn't see his true face, and so did the Supreme. One can imagine how much the person who came. terror.

At this moment Chaos Sea, the eternal giant who had been watching silently from all sides, was shocked at this moment and looked into the distance: "The Emperor Taishi!"

That's right, the deity is the Chaos Burial Giant of Emperor Taishi who has personally attacked.

He carried a war sword in his hand, stained with the blood of an eternal giant, belonging to Cang Yan.

Cang Yan repaired his wounded body, used profound arts, and forced away the Emperor-class murderous aura at the waist wound.

Only the same eternal giants can be forced out, otherwise the quasi-giants will be killed by the Emperor's murderous aura for a long time.

He stood up, looking at Emperor Taishi, with an extremely indifferent expression: "I didn't expect that a veteran eternal giant would be so dignified and attack me, a new giant."

"It's just a winner."

The Emperor Taishi was not at all annoyed, and stepped forward, step by step, almost instantly before Cang Yan, the Emperor’s sword swung, it was a peerless sword that could slash eternal giants. Cut off.

"Eternal immortality!"

Cang Yan drank coldly, his body shining with immortal light. His soldier is a dharma image, originally the supreme dharma image of a hundred generations. At this moment, it has been transformed into an eternal immortal body. It is gradually completed by the power of his eternal giant, flashing more powerful The light of immortality is better than talent.

He pointed his palms, and blinked hundreds of millions of dollars, colliding with the Emperor's sword.


The two regressed to each other, and no one had the upper hand.

The giants of all parties were surprised. Only the eternal giants could really see in an instant that the supreme giants of the chaotic burial ground like Emperor Taishi never absorbed the power of the chaotic sea because of the long sleep for several epochs. After being exhausted, it has been recovering after being unblocked, and it has not completely recovered yet.

Therefore, Cang Yan, the newly promoted giant, can only repel him!

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