Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3725: Hit the emperor with 1 punch!

"Battle Saint Ancestor!"

The supreme and quasi giants of all parties changed their faces.

The first person to attack the Chaos Sea, the invincible fighting ancestor!

Why did he suddenly appear!

"You are the fighting ancestor!"

Emperor Taishi deeply looked at the figure of the fighting ancestor who came here, as powerful as him, and felt an unparalleled sense of threat and even a strong sense of oppression.

Obviously, the eternal giant in front of him could threaten his life.

It should be noted that after the Chaos Burial Site was unsealed and born, it was not completely hidden, but secretly through all aspects, I learned about all aspects of the current Chaos Sea, such as the ancient Chaos Universe, the eternal giants of all parties and other important information.

It is also known that the person in front of him is called Fighting Saint Ancestor, and he is so powerful that he is known as the first person in Chaos Sea's attack power, and is incomparable.

What I saw today seems to be true!

Fighting Saint Ancestor bathed in immeasurable golden light, which was even more golden light transformed by blood.

It stands to reason that the eternal giants like Fighting Saint Ancestor, Fighting Saint Blood has long been turned into bright red real blood, but he has gone a step further, and is further transformed into golden holy blood. The golden sacred blood is far above the bright red real blood, showing billions of visions.

He stood with his hands behind, and Mount Fubuchi said lightly towards Emperor Taishi: "I heard that you just said that it's useless for the elders to come, right?"

Only then did Emperor Taishi realize that the origins of the unphased king and the fighting ancestor are the same, otherwise the relationship between the two is either father and son or master-disciple.

But what a character he is, a dignified magnate who has crossed the Chaos Sea for many epochs. In the past, he was one of the biggest tycoons in the burial ground of Chaos. He personally buried an epoch and destroyed an ancient universe of chaos. , Said coldly: "How is it. Why, you have to stand up for him"

"He is a major disciple of this person, what do you say?" Fighting Saint Ancestor said calmly. Immediately, his vitality soared, the boundless chaotic sea, shocking the ancient and the present, alarming all directions, coldly said: "If this is the case, then Let this elder, look at you, an old giant, who dare to say this if you have a few kilograms."


Fighting Saint Ancestor didn't say anything, he shot directly.

I saw him with a fighting holy fist, blasting directly at Emperor Taishi.



Simplifying the road is the most direct and powerful move!

The boundless battle of Shengwei, instantly burst the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

The incredible power of attack is so shocking.

With a punch, the boundless golden light bloomed, flooding the boundless land, spreading away at an unimaginable speed, driving out this chaotic sea and becoming an absolute vacuum.

Emperor Wanyan and other quasi-giants, as well as a supreme superintendent, looked horrified and instinctively retreated at the first time.

Even if it is not aimed at them, it is just the dispersion of the aftermath, but it also gives them a sense of fatal crisis.

The fall of this punch is afraid that the quasi-giant will be blown into dust on the spot, and it may even be completely desperate.

This is so, the golden light that spreads over and over is the holy spirit of fighting, containing the martial will of the fighting ancestor, the invincible warrior with the most attacking power, and it hits these quasi-giants, The supreme figure flies violently, can't help it.

The Supreme One was even more shocked by the bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

Even so far apart, it still caused them trauma.

Although it is not very serious, you should know that it is just a spreading wave.

Emperor Taishi's discoloration changed on the spot, this punch was far more terrifying than Cang Yan's attack on the immortal body.

Dang Nai can be called a tyrant in the world!

Is this the powerful person known as the first person to attack the Chaos Sea?

The Emperor Taishi didn't dare to be careless, with a long roar, the Emperor Taoist body merged into the deity for the first time, and his energy soared to the extreme. He waved the Emperor's sword and displayed the power of the eternal giants.


It was even more terrifying than when he faced Cang Yan at the peak.

The boundless sea of ​​chaos was annihilated into the sky, not to mention the supremacy of all parties, even the few quasi-giants were also blown away by the aftermath that was washed away, coughing up blood and horrified their faces.

Cang Yan enveloped the Wuxiang King with an immortal body, the two were in a relatively safe area, and the aftermath could not harm them.

That's the case, Cang Yan, the new giants also looked solemn.

This punch is too scary.

Is this the fear of the first person in Chaos Sea’s attack power?

He was meditating. If it was him, he would face up to him, fearing that he would not be safe, and even a serious injury would be extremely possible!

Time and space crumble, everything is shattered, chaos cannot be approached, ten thousand ways also disappear, only the boundless golden light is boiling.

In the area where he was originally, Emperor Taishi was covered in blood, even torn apart, his limbs were torn apart in several parts, and the Emperor's sword was dim.

The fighting ancestor is always standing, surrounded by golden light, with unmatched fighting spirit, looking at the completely severely injured Emperor Taishi, he indifferently said: "This is your strength"

Calm words, strong and contemptuous!

This is your strength

What a contempt!

How dismissive!

Emperor Taishi was extremely furious, almost screaming.

But so helpless and powerless!

Fighting Saint Ancestor's punch was too terrifying. If he weren't an eternal giant, and replaced by a quasi giant, he would undoubtedly die and be beaten to fly ash on the spot!

The world is silent!

Do not say that it is the supreme of the heavens, the eternal giants of all parties, and this moment also silently said.

Is this the true combat power of the fighting ancestors?

It is claimed that Chaos Sea has the first attack power, not a false pass, but that he really has that kind of strength.

The prehistoric fairyland.

The immortal king appeared in the outer starry sky, and the immortal king's might enveloped the boundless universe. All beings in the world trembled for it. It is unknown why the immortal kings came out together.

An immortal king slowly said: "This is the true strength of the fighting ancestors, worthy of the first person to attack the Chaos Sea!"

Another fairy king said: "Although strong, but not invincible. Moreover, his power of attack is the first, but only on the surface, like the emperor of heaven, like the first generation, like the emperor of the universe, And the adult from my prehistoric immortal realm, who is out of reach!"

"The sea of ​​chaos is unfathomable, and there are old antiques that have been dormant for many epochs. No one dares to say that it is absolutely first." The third supreme immortal king said.

Having said that, it must be admitted that the fighting power of the ancestor of fighting is terrible, pure and pure attack power, asking all over the vast Chaos Sea, and even through the ages, I am afraid that few people can think of it!

Alien ancient universe.

In the land of the origin, one after another ancestral temple rises and falls, and there are boundless phantoms appearing. They are the supreme giants belonging to foreign races.

Their eyes pierced through the barriers of the ancient universe, saw everything in the Chaos Sea, and witnessed the punch of the fighting ancestor.

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