Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3726: Showdown against the 4 giants

s: Seeing that the chapters are a bit messy, I went back to the first three chapters. I revised them all. One chapter is 20,000 characters, and one chapter is 6,000 characters. They all explain the plot clearly, thank you!

"The Fighting Saint Ancestor is indeed very strong, and I am afraid that few eternal giants are enemies directly!"

"Heh, I'm worrying too much, Emperor Taishi's slumber cultivation for several epochs, without the supplement of Chaos Sea, the source has been exhausted, otherwise, no matter how strong the fighting ancestor is, it will not be possible to severely inflict an eternal giant at the peak of perfection. in this way."

"Indeed, I can only blame Emperor Taishi for being too weak."

"It's better to take a shot, a few people come together, how about killing this fighting saint ancestor? Forget it to end a major disaster!"

The supreme magnates of all parties communicated with each other, and soon, the killing thoughts were monstrous, and the fighting against the holy ancestors.

This terrible enemy had to admit that he was really strong, and if he could kill it, it would be best.

The ancestral temple trembles, affecting the universe, and all parties in the alien ancient universe are all surrendered in panic and unknown.

Chaos sea.

Silently, a majestic chaotic ancient universe phantom descended on the seat of Emperor Taishi.

One after another eternal giants emerged, and the great emperors in the chaotic burial ground stared indifferently at the fighting ancestors.

The purpose of their arrival is to check and balance the fighting ancestor, not to let the Taishi Emperor fall.

The fighting ancestor was not afraid, and said, "A so-called chaotic burial site that has been lonely and lonely for several epochs, dare to run out and clamor. I heard that, but you dare to attack my Pangu universe and shock everyone in my Pangu universe. Are the giants not there?"

Emperor Taishi reorganized the emperor's body, looked at him coldly, and said, "Fight against the ancestors, don't be arrogant, this seat is just exhausted, and has not completely recovered, otherwise, at the peak, you can defeat this seat, or two. ?"

"Haha!" Fighting Saint Ancestor stood with his hand holding his hand, contemptuously said, "What if your peak consummation period comes? After all, it's just a defeated man. If I want to defeat you, one punch is still enough!"




Before the Emperor Taishi and other Chaos Burial Emperors speak, the fighting spirit of the fighting ancestor is crowned with the Chaos Sea. His eyes are like the most terrifying war sword, piercing through infinite time and space, and falling in the position of the ancient alien universe. , Said, "In order to kill me, can the foreign race be so impatient?"

In the distance, the chaotic sea tears home, a horrible figure of an eternal giant, that is the supreme tycoon of a foreign race-the ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty!

He drove the Tongtian Ancient Bridge and crossed time and space. With a simple move, the soldiers of the eternal giants in the hands of the Great Emperor Wanyan trembled and returned to the hands of the real master, the ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty.

"Battle saint ancestor, if you dare to leave the ancient road of origin alone, it is also your time to die."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor said indifferently, looking at the great emperor giants in the chaos burial ground, and said, "A few fellow Daoists, he is our enemy, if we attack together, kill him."

Although I really wanted to kill the ancestor of fighting, as an enemy, he had to admit that the ancestor of fighting was powerful, and he could not kill him alone.

"it is good!"

"We want his Dao Fruit, Origin Mark, Origin Essence and Blood, that newly promoted giant, he can give you everything."

The great emperors of Chaos Burial Ground naturally wanted to kill the fighting ancestor.

Compared with Cang Yan, the newly promoted giant, they even hoped to get everything about the fighting giant, the fighting ancestor.

The ancestors of the early Yuan Dynasty frowned, this chaotic burial ground is really too much, do you really not put their alien ancient universe in your eyes?

However, before they could speak, Fighting Saint Ancestor said coldly, "Do you want to seize everything in this seat? Are you qualified?"


His war power climbed again, his boundless fighting spirit drowned the Chaos Sea, running through the past and the present.

"Emperor ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty, I want to know how many catties you have, and you dare to vainly want to take my Tao fruit."

He took the initiative to attack, in the name of invincible fighting, it was not bad at all, and he bombarded the emperor ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty with a punch, no less than the punch that had just dealt with Emperor Taishi, even more terrifying.

On the other side, endless golden light blooms, and the left hand instantly displays the three holy methods of shaking the sky, cutting the sky, and Zhentian seal, attacking the great emperors in the chaos burial site.

With one enemy and four, fight against the four eternal giants.

Silently, the Supreme Realm emerges autonomously and envelopes this territory. This is to prevent the giants from fighting each other and affecting the world of Chaos Sea.

"court death!"

"So mad!"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Emperor Taishi, Emperor Taishi and other emperors were angry. The fighting ancestor didn't pay attention to them at all. He wanted one to attack their giants at the same time. Do you really think you are invincible in the world?

Several giants shot coldly.


Under the collision, the eternal time and space were annihilated, and the endless sea of ​​chaos was completely annihilated.

The blood was rolling.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor, Emperor Taishi and others staggered, and blood appeared on their bodies.

The figure of the fighting saint ancestor also took eight steps backwards, the chaotic sea billowed and exploded, dying into nothingness.

Obviously, this Chaos Sea attacked the first person, and he could not be completely invincible.

However, even so, the giants of all parties have to admit that that peerless combat power is indeed shocking, one-on-one, and they are afraid that no one can compete.

The four giants attacked together to make the fighting saint ancestor back eight steps.


At this time, the hands of the fighting saint ancestors cracked their fists, their finger bones broke, and the blood of the golden giant was flowing, blooming with immeasurable golden light.


The unphased king was surprised and hurried forward.

Cang Yan also looked solemn, and then stepped forward, standing side by side with the fighting ancestor, and said, "Senior, are you okay?"

Although they are both giants of the ages, they still call them seniors, which shows their respect for the fighting ancestor.

Fighting Saint Ancestor shook his head and said, "It's a pity, this body can't be really invincible after all."

"Haha, Saint Ancestor of Fighting Battle, even if you claim to have the highest attack power of Chaos Sea, you can't be completely invincible." At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Emperor Ancestor and other great eternal giants once again pushed forward, killing the sky and vowing to kill Fighting. Saint ancestor.

What about the person who claims to be the first person in Chaos Sea's attack power, as long as there are enough magnates, killing him is not a problem.

Now, the four great eternal giants are all out, enough to kill him.

At the same time, there was a great earthquake in the ancient universe of alien races, the original place, the ancestral temple skyrocketed, and faintly, it seemed that the supreme existence was born one after another, and they were going to the Chaos Sea.

The Unphased King handed out the Jieta immediately, " Please use the Jieta, there are Pangu universe coordinates, and you can return to the Pangu universe for the first time."

Cang Yan caged the immortal body of the eternal body, and said, "Senior, the immortal body of the eternity can be used, and I will bless you with the immortality of the Saint Body of Battle."

At the critical moment, both will be willing to lend the soldiers of the eternal giants.

"It's okay." Fighting Saint Ancestor said.

"Oh, even so, it can't change the fate of the fighting ancestor being killed!"

In the chaos burial ground, there are other emperors who have recovered and are about to arrive.

Fighting Saint Ancestor is very strong, but a group of tigers eating dragons will die anyway.

"This seat means that it is not the real body coming, and it can never be completely invincible." Fighting Saint Ancestor said. (https://) "Eternal Saint Emperor" only represents the views of the author Qian Xun Yue. If you find that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. The position of https:// is only dedicated to providing healthy and green Reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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