Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3738: Lord defeated

In the past, the mythical era once disappeared in the middle of the era. In the early days of this era, it returned as a quasi-giant, known as the emperor of war.

This is a truly invincible warrior. After entering the ancient road of origin, it has caused many supreme-level battles, and even killed the supreme, dyed the blood of the supreme, and pierced the body of the emperor. The ancient road of origin has a fierce reputation and reputation. In order to have great hope of becoming a giant of the ages.

   appeared at this time, showing his identity.

   It is no wonder that he wants to defend the King of Fighting. Originally, the Ancestor of Fighting and the Battle Lord were the same person.

  The line of fighting saints and the line of heaven-defying fighters also belong to the line of fighters.

Hearing that, Ye Chen learned that the Emperor of War was the number one disciple under the seat of the Lord against the Heavens, just like the King of No Phase was the disciple of the ancestor of the fighting ancestors. No wonder he rescued himself at the critical moment and was not afraid of the great tycoons of foreign races. A big salute: "Junior Ye Chen, I've seen Senior Zhanhuang."

   The emperor waved his hand and said gently: "The saint of fighting and the warrior against the sky are both teachers in the same vein, and they are both warriors. You can call me the ancestor as you call me no phase."

   "I have seen the Emperor of War Shizu." Ye Chen said immediately, without hesitation, and without the slightest gap.

   In the same vein, he is kind.

At this time, the enlightened warrior who was enlightening in the Chaos Universe in Ye Chen's body awakened and suddenly appeared. He saw the invincible figure of the Emperor of War. His expression was agitated. The blood of the same warrior body was boiling, and he knelt down quickly, with a respectful voice. Said: "The descendants of Yuantian, pay homage to Emperor Zhan Shizu!"

   Heaven-defying combat body, an invincible physique born from time to time, meeting the predecessors of the same Heaven-defying combat body, like seeing an ancestor, is extremely cordial, and is often called an ancestor.

   The Emperor of War nodded faintly to the heaven-defying fighters, seemingly plain, but there was a smile in his eyes: "You can go to the sixth heaven of the king at such an age, you can forget it."

The original warrior Yuan Tian, ​​who was against the sky, was nothing but the four heavens of the king. After more than a thousand years of insight in Ye Chen’s chaotic universe, he even advanced to the two heavens and became the sixth heaven of the king, and he was about to become the super of the seventh heaven. The king.

   Notice, Yuan Tian’s age is not much older than Ye Chen, and he is full of calculations. So far, he has not cultivated for more than three thousand years, and he can become the top king of the sixth heaven.

   "Xie Shizu praises, the children and grandchildren don't dare to be proud, but hope to go further!" Yuan Tian hurriedly said, although he was happy, he dared not show it.

"Not bad." The Emperor nodded slightly, then looked at Ye Chen and said indifferently: "It's good to know that you don't dare to be proud. Look at Ye Chen, who is a line of fighting saints. He is already comparable to Dzogchen Supreme. You are so old. It’s great to cultivate to this point, but it's too far from him. If you are proud, you will be arrogant."

   Yuantian suddenly became a little speechless.

   Fighting Saint King is purely a big pervert, it can't be compared.

   Of course, he dare not say these words.


   can match Dzogchen Supreme! ?

   The heaven-defying warrior Yuan Tian, ​​who realized afterwards, woke up and looked at Ye Chen in shock.

   A thousand years ago, didn’t you just break through, reach the realm comparable to the emperor, and achieve the emperor in the flesh, but now it is already comparable to the Dzogchen Supreme?

   Ignoring Yuantian's shocked look, the Emperor of War's eyes were like blazing electric light, and he swept towards the twelve Supremes in the Sovereign Domain, and said: "Now you, do you still want to make a move?"

  Although you are alone, there is no fear!

   Warriors are unparalleled, and the emperor is invincible.

  Fang is the emperor of war!

The supreme sages on the side of the Holy Venerable Realm have solemn expressions. They are the famous war emperors, unparalleled warriors, and it is difficult to find enemies in the world. It is said that he is truly looking into the eternal giant level, not half-footed, but one The feet are stronger.

   The other foot also hopes to be able to step into this field in the future.

   Such a quasi-giant who is at the forefront of fighting power and is called the emperor is the same as the quasi-giant, and he is extremely afraid.

   Sheng Xuzun's quasi-giant Emperor Shenkong was about to speak, his abrupt expression changed, and he looked up at the Supreme Realm.

   At the same time, the Emperor of War and other supreme powerhouses also looked towards the supreme realm.

  The battle of the eternal giants seems to be about to be determined.

   "You, a junior, are so powerful!"

   In the Supreme Realm, the giants fight, and the power of the giants between each other disrupts time and space, making it difficult for the outside world to detect.

   Xuanxu Saint Venerable came out with a faintly horrified voice, seemingly unbelievable, the Supreme Sage Emperor was so terrifying.

   The chaotic light is surging, incredible, immeasurable.

   The heavens and all the realms have become his control, and he slammed the Xuanxu Sage.

   However, the power of the Xuanxu Sovereign is beyond the ordinary giants of the ages, resisting it, it also shows the power of the first generation giants.

   In the Supreme Realm, the endless power of destruction is rolling, far above the Supreme.

   Even supreme can't spy on the duel between the two giants.

  , only the two quasi-giants, the Emperor of War and Emperor Shenkong, could vaguely snoop out one or two.

   It is also fortunate that the Supreme Realm belongs to the place where the supreme powers are facing up or above, and the eternal giants are also included here, which can isolate everything, otherwise there are not many worlds in the world to block.

   "The first generation giants? They are old after all." The indifferent voice of the Supreme Sage emperor came out, calm and indifferent, launching the strongest attack ever in the supreme realm, breaking everything, crushing obstacles, and smashing the first generation giants.

  The long river of years is emerging, pushing the Supreme Realm away from the ancient road of origin.

   I don't know how long it has passed before, the Supreme Realm suspended above the 33rd layer suddenly tore open a huge gap, traversing the sky.

   The endless glow of destruction sprinkled from it, the blood was shining, and the vision was endless.

   An invincible chariot gradually decomposes on the unattainable sky top The naked eye can see a majestic imperial city torn apart, and there are many super worlds constantly disintegrating.

   In the terrifying Great Destruction, a figure of a supreme giant fell down, and the blood of the giant was spilled on the stars in the emperor realm, exploding infinite stars, unbearable.

   I fixed my eyes and saw that it was the Xuanxu Sovereign. The four-color fairy golden robe was pierced, and it was in tatters and covered in blood.

   "It's the Xuanxu Sage, he lost!"

   The world is horrified, and the loser is not the Supreme Emperor, but the Profound Void Saint.

  Instructions, that was a giant of the first generation. It is unknown how many epochs and eras of proving Dao. It can be said that it has witnessed the vicissitudes of Chaos Sea.

   It stands to reason that these first-generation giants, because they have lived too long, are stronger in all aspects, and they are extremely powerful.

   Today, he was defeated, falling from the sky, sprinkling blood into the world.

   "Unbelievable, a giant of the first generation who stood proudly in the age of eternity, actually lost, lost to a supreme emperor who had risen in two or three epochs!"

"It’s not that the Xuanxu Sage is too weak. The first generation giants are powerful beyond imagination. They are stronger than the average eternal giants. It’s just that the Supreme Sage Emperor is too powerful and contrary to common sense, he is the highest achiever of the Chaos Avenue throughout the ages. There is only the way to defeat, there is no other way!"

   After the supreme all parties were shocked, it was accompanied by a deep sigh.

  The matter has been set and cannot be changed.

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