Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3739: The Way of the Lord, Supreme Authority (2 in 1)

In the rear, the Supreme Sage emperor descended from the sky, billions of chaos added to his body, ten thousand Dao controlled his fingers, no beginning and no end, holding a universe and gossip mirror.

   But, obviously he didn't plan to let go of the Xuanxu Sovereign, and continue to shoot, the extremely condensed chaotic light shining from the Universe Gossip Mirror, shone through the eternal era, and fell on the Xuanxu Sovereign.

   "Photo break through the ages!"

   As powerful as the Xuanxu Sovereign, it could not bear it. The body of the immortal giant was also bombarded so that a bright blood hole appeared, and the blood of the giant inside was also burned into nothingness.

   The whole world was shocked, the first generation giant Xuanxu Shengzun was first defeated by the Supreme Emperor, and now he was hit again.

   The figure of the Xuanxu Holy Venerable fell to a place outside the territory, and never fell on the ground on the ancient road of origin. Otherwise, the body of a giant fell, and that power is not as simple as one or two imperial territory collapsed.

The Taishenghuang stepped on the first beast under the seat of the Xuanxu Sage, the chaotic elephant, which is already the supreme of the Dao, trembled under the supreme giant who overwhelmed the first generation giant, and did not resist. Power, even afraid to resist.

   It deeply knows that once it resists, it may be in danger of perishing!

   Besides, the Master Xuanxu is not its opponent, let alone it.

  Eternal attention!

  Following the battle of the ancestors, another eternal giant of the Pangu universe, the Taishenghuang, also showed a peerless edge, overwhelming the original giants, and rose to the sky.

   "Pangu Universe is going against the sky, first came out of a fighting saint ancestor, and now there is an inferior Tai Sage Emperor!"

   All parties shook, and the eternal giants also woke up.

The defeat of Xuanxu Sovereign, Mogu Sovereign and the other four supreme expressions are ugly, because the former is the backer standing behind them, and now that they are defeated, they just want to compete for the supremacy of the origin of heaven, and they will not have any good end. of.

Sure enough, the gaze of the Supreme Emperor fell on their four supreme lords. In an instant, the power of the eternal giants suddenly came, like a hand falling in the air, and the four sages changed color on the spot. The endless pressure caused them to give birth to a wave It is difficult to breathe the suffocation from the atmosphere.

   "Dare to peek at the treasures of this disciple, and I am not too courageous. I can't grab it by myself, but I still want the giants behind to fight for it, causing this giant battle, huh!"

   Tai Sage Emperor said coldly, without allowing Mogu Supreme and other four supreme to speak, shatter everything, and directly shot strongly.

   Between the sleeves, the chaotic monument reappears, the boundless chaotic power is rippling, and billions of brilliance are flooded, the four supreme beings fly horizontally, cracking in the sky, suffering terrible damage, and the blood of the emperor.

Although    has never been to pieces, but the terrible injury is already disintegrating half of its origin, making the four supreme look ugly, but terrified, how can he resist.

   It is a blessing to be able to survive.

   This is because the ancient road of origin cannot easily slaughter the supreme. Otherwise, facing an eternal giant, or an eternal giant who can defeat the first generation giant, they have no survival at all and cannot escape.

   However, the Supreme Sage Emperor seemed to not easily let go of the four of them. The Chaos Heavenly Stele rose again, shattering the 33rd Heaven, and wanted to crush it again.

After all, the Xuanxu Sage is the supreme magnate. He suppressed the terrible injury on his chest, and rose into the air again, shot against the chaotic monument, and protected the four supreme lords, saying: "Tai Sage Emperor, this seat admits that it is inferior to you. To be too much, the supreme cannot be easily slaughtered on the ancient road of origin. This is an agreement between the parties.

"Heh, a few supreme sages dare to peep into the treasure of this disciple. They are too courageous." Taishenghuang said coldly, "Xuanxu Shengzun, go away, otherwise it's not for this seat to shoot you again, no It will be so polite."

  He is extremely strong, and he is just like the fighting ancestor.

   Take a step forward, and the chaotic light overlaps, deriving the heavens and the world, the world, the path, the soul, and the all things.

   Infinite power, deriving everything in the world.

  While the chaotic sky stele swayed, the thirty-third heaven of the ancient road of origin could not bear it, shaking and tearing.


   A simple word falls, which cannot be resisted.

   The Xuanxu Sage looked extremely ugly, but he still couldn't wait to watch the Supreme Sage Emperor kill the Four Supremes.

   "Okay, stop it!"

   At this time, the blocked area was torn apart, and other eternal giants intervened and intervened in the battle between the two great eternal giants.

   The immortal king descends, immortality moves forever!

  The strongest emperor appeared, breaking through the ten thousand dharma, the true body is so majestic and powerful!


Suddenly, from various parties, a total of five eternal giants appeared together, either peerless immortal kings, or the strongest emperors. Among them, many of the first-generation giants like the Xuanxu Sovereign came to this territory and intervened. .

   Tai Sage Emperor's eyes swept across the five giants, the violent chaotic Qi machine slowly calmed down, and he nodded slightly, saying: "Okay, I will give you fellow daoists a face, and I won't be able to suppress others."

   pressure people! ?

   Xuan Xu Shengzun was angry, this word clearly said that he seemed to be weak, being crushed by the Supreme Sage Emperor.

   This is a great shame!

   Even if he had to admit that the Emperor Taisheng was indeed very strong, but in this case, there was a huge gap between the two.

   "Taishenghuang, continue the battle. The reason why the deity was defeated is because you were killed by surprise. Is it true that the deity is inferior to you?"

   Xuan Xu Shengzun took the initiative to provoke, the power of the infinite giant rushed into the sky, penetrated the 33rd heaven, and illuminated the heavens.

   A long whip appeared on his hand, made of four-color chaotic immortal gold, integrated with the imperial robe, attacking and defending.

   "The gossip universe reflects the heavens and bans the eternity!"

The Supreme Sage emperor gave a cold snort, the universe and gossip mirror flew out, and the infinite chaotic light shone out, and there appeared a thick chain of chaos, banning everything from the heavens, including ten thousand realms, ten thousand realms, ten thousand spirits, ten thousand ways, everything. .

   The fairy golden long whip collapsed and flew, and the Xuanxu Holy Venerable was faintly suppressed.

   All of this is due to the power of the Supreme Sage Emperor, who is better than the Profound Void Sovereign, and coldly said: "You want to continue the war, this time this seat will not easily let you go."

   A new giant war is about to break out.

"All right!"

   "Two fellow Taoists, please cease the war!"

   The five giants continue to intervene.

However, the Supreme Sage Emperor was reluctant this time. He strode forward, and the endless power of the giants crushed over, overwhelming the Xuanxu Sovereign, and coldly said: "Repeatedly, again and again to provoke the deity, if it is This kind of light forgiveness, isn't it that everyone in the world thinks this seat is good for each other."

   "No need to say more, let's go to war!"

   Break everything!

   Tai Sage Emperor held the Universe Eight Diagrams Mirror, shaking so that the Xuanxu Sage retreated.

   In the daytime, Taishenghuang is very gentle, and the world thinks he is like a good old man.

   But only now I discovered that his strength is no less than that of the fighting ancestor.

   The eternal giants in the Pangu universe seem to be very strong.

The five giants' expressions were slightly condensed, and they were a little unexpected for the strength of the Supreme Emperor, but they also understood that in the final analysis it was the Holy Venerable Xuanxu who took the initiative to provoke them, so they said to the Holy Venerable Xuanxu: "Daoist, your fault, an apology, Resolve this grievance."

Who is the Xuanxu Holy Venerable? He is the first-generation giant that emerged in the early days of the Chaos Sea. It has survived for a long time. Even his eighteenth generation descendants are far from being called the Supreme Emperor. How can he bear such humiliation, coldly snorted: , A big deal. In the end, no matter how strong he is, this seat will make him pay an unbearable heavy price!"

   "Okay, as you wish!" Tai Shenghuang's voice sounded.


   Suddenly, the Taishenghuang shot coldly, and at this moment, he showed unprecedented strength.

   silently, two majestic and immortal figures came out of his body.

   One is like the sun emperor, the whole body is bursting with infinite sun emperor light, and it has been compared with the sky on the ancient road of origin. He is the only one in the world to shine.

   One, the darkness is like a dark night, the darkness obscures the boundless earth, shrouds many emperor domains, to the gloomy to the cold.

   The lunar sun, shrouded in boundless land.

   One body and three transformations, the center is the chaotic body, the sun body on the left, and the lunar body on the right.

   And the most shocking thing is that all three of the Supreme Sage Emperor possess the terrifying power of the eternal giant level.

   The appearance of the three eternal giants immediately shook the entire ancient road of origin.

   The endless avenue is boiling.

   "Teacher's chaotic body!"

   The Sun Emperor looked excited. He hadn't seen Master perform this trick for thousands of years. It was one of the tricks under the box. I didn't expect to see it again today.

   Ye Chen was also amazed, Taishenghuang’s move was just like his own deity, Chaos Supreme Body, and Chaos King Body.

   is extremely extraordinary and extremely mysterious. It differentiates the three highest avenues of cultivation, the sun giant body, the lunar giant body, and the chaotic body!

   "Three generations, the Big Three!"

   The five giants have also changed color, and the power of the Supreme Sage Emperor is more terrifying than imagined. If the three giants are dispatched, it will be much more terrifying than a simple giant Tao.

   Because of the differentiation of the two Dao Bodies, they both have the power to match the eternal giants.

   The deity is the body of the Chaos deity, just now the Ling Qianxuanxu holy deity.

   Now the three giants are all out, searching all over the sky, who is the enemy?

   The world took a deep breath of cold air. Only at this point did I really see the invincibility of the Supreme Emperor.

   "Taishenghuang, you" Xuanxu Shengzun's expression changed drastically, and this scene was never expected by him.


   spit out a word coldly, Taishenghuang III moved together.

   The five giants were about to stop, but it was too late.

  The three giants of the Taishenghuang attacked forcefully, and the three giants attacked together. It was as strong as the original giant Xuanxu Shengzun and could not bear it.


   The sky is broken and the earth is cracked, and the horror is boundless.

   Infinite blood spattered.

   I saw the sun giant body displaying the power of the supreme Sun Emperor Dao, just like Yan Emperor second, the power of the billowing sun can burn everything in the world.

   The Taiyin giant body is transformed into an endless yin and cold power, just like the first Taiyin source power of the sea of ​​chaos to open up the sky, deriving a Taiyin Tiandao, and passing across the sky.

   is silent, time and space, all paths are divided into two, and all are frozen and frozen.

  The power of the Taiyin Sun giant crashed on the Xuanxu Sage. This first-generation giant who emerged in the early days of the Chaos Sea was immediately blown off. The terrifying Taiyin Sun's mighty force attacked the body, and the body was frozen and burned hot.

   Rao, as a giant of the ages, also showed pain.

   He felt that his immortal giant body seemed to be burned and frozen into powder, that torture would be enough to easily kill any supreme, even quasi-giant.

   "The supreme authority, expel!"

   As a last resort, Saint Xuanxu shouted.

   In his hand, the real eternal Taoist soldier that belongs to him emerged, it was a scepter, and even the highest authority, representing his supremacy.

   When the Scepter of the Lord comes out, everything in the heavens is his supreme authority, and everything will be controlled by him and cannot be resisted.

   "The legendary Scepter, also the supreme authority, has finally appeared!"

   A supreme exclaimed, recognizing the true identity of the holy scepter.

   are all due to too much origin.

   At the same time, the Xuanxu Sovereign held the Sovereign Scepter in his hand and held the supreme authority, as if he were the great master who opened up the world, everything in the world, the origin of the ancient road, and everything must be controlled by him.

   That is the avenue of authority for his cultivation, supreme.


   On the Sovereign Scepter, an infinite power and power appeared, submerged in his body, and expelled.

   It can be seen to the naked eye that the destructive power of the sun and the lunar yin in the Void Saint Venerable is being expelled quickly.

   In just a moment, all the invading forces were completely expelled from the body.

   His injury is being repaired quickly.

   After a short while, it has returned to its peak state!

   Moreover, the aura emanating from his body is more terrifying than before.

   "The long-lost supreme authority has appeared!"

All parties in the world marveled: "Xuanxu Shengzun, the first person in power, it is said that the power in the world appeared after he created the avenue of power, so that he has all kinds of power such as imperial power, military power, and divine ~ He also cultivated the Dao of Authority to its peak in ancient and modern times. Once it is used, he can hold the supreme and strongest authority and can command everything."

   "Yes, the powers such as the utterance of the law, the emperor and the gods, the scepter and the heavens that appeared in later generations are derived from his power avenue."

   "I thought it was just a rumor, but I didn't expect it to be true. He really has the highest authority!"

   "The Xuanxu Sage holds the highest authority in ancient and modern times. If the strongest words speak the law, the world will be boundless. Anyone who competes can be suspended by authority and control his destiny!"

  Xuanxu Shengzun holds the scepter, and the supreme authority holds his hand, as if he was incarnate as the sole master of the ancient road of origin.

   The words come out of the law, and the heavens listen to their orders.

  Even the two giants of Taishenghuang's Taiyin Sun, the terrifying power that bloomed, was also driven out by the power of the supreme authority.

   The five eternal giants who came here also showed their shock: "This is the real power of the first generation giants. They have just fought against the Supreme Emperor, and the Xuanxu Sage still hides the strongest means."

   Shocked all over the world, the first generation giant Xuanxu Shengzun finally showed its supreme authority power over the eternal era.

   This is the true strength of the Xuanxu Holy Venerable.

   is too strong!

   holds the supreme authority, he can speak and follow the law, his words are the highest authority of the origin of the ancient road, who dares not respect, who dares not follow?

  Ps: Happy May Day, no more tonight...

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