Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3741: People don’t offend me, I don’t offend people

Regardless of allowing the Pangu universe to be oppressed by alien ancient universes and chaotic burial grounds, it is because they are on the ancient road of origin, and they have more important issues to sit on, and they are unable to take care of them, but they are not completely ignored.

   Right now, isn't it the message that made the Sun Emperor come to Yuanyuan Ancient Road?

   Now, they received the oppression of the Xuanxu Holy Venerable, and they also made a strong move, directly and permanently injuring an early generation giant, demonstrating the horror of the Pangu universe.

   The Emperor of War chuckles and said: "As expected of the Emperor and Uncle of the Supreme Sage."

   Tai Shenghuang, although the fighting ancestors and the warlords are not brothers, they are like brothers, so each other's disciples will also call them uncles.

  Xuanxu Sage looked at the fighting ancestor, and shouted: "Fighting ancestor, immediately hand over the emperor soul of this seat!"

   That is two-sixths of the emperor soul, if it is completely taken away, it will be permanently damaged.

   Don't think he still has half of the emperor soul, but if he doesn't recover, his overall strength won't be able to show even half of the past.


   Within the fighting sanctuary, there was a scolding from the fighting ancestor.

   Then, the boundless light of gold and silver was rippling, flooding the fighting temple, and transpiring hundreds of millions of souls.


   The Xuanxu Holy Venerable roared, because he could feel that two-sixths of the stolen emperor soul was being refined.

   He roared more and more: "Fighting saint ancestor, you are looking for death, this seat cannot forgive you!"

   He absolutely couldn't allow others to refine two-sixths of his own emperor soul, rushing over, to enter the fighting sanctuary, and regain the lost two-sixths of the emperor soul.

   "Want to die?"

  The indifferent voice of the fighting ancestor came out, and the unparalleled fighting spirit rushed into the sky, and the crown covered the Xiaohan, running through the 33rd heaven.

   Vaguely, it can be seen from all over the world that a figure of the world that is pressing on the eternity gradually grows up from the seat of the Supreme Emperor. The incomparable blood has flooded the sky, the stars in the sky are all pale, and the eternal giants are also shocked.

   shocked the world!

   Haosheng's domineering and powerful fighting saint ancestor, it is clear that he has taken away two-sixths of the emperor soul of the Xuanxu Sage, and the future will not be able to come back, and even threatened by him, bluntly want to die?

   An early-generation giant has never paid attention to it.

   This is the invincible fighting ancestor!

The Xuanxu Holy Venerable gritted his teeth and grinds his teeth for many epochs. He has never been so suffocated. First, he was defeated strongly by the Supreme Emperor, and the highest authority was useless. Then he was attacked by the Emperor Yan. Two of the emperor soul.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   failed to ask for it back, and was threatened in turn.

   is simply the majesty of an eternal giant.

But facing the fighting saint ancestor, he was really jealous. The combat power displayed by the opponent was even higher than that of the Supreme Sage Emperor. It was a powerful battle of the person who claimed to be the first to attack the Chaos Sea. Li, even if he had to admit the terrible fighting saint ancestor.

   However, if so, he would lose two-sixths of his emperor soul permanently, and he was extremely unwilling.

Venerable Xuanxu looked at the five eternal giants who came forward, clasped his fist and said: "I also invite a few fellow daoists to be the masters. The fighting saint ancestors attacked this seat and arbitrarily seized two-sixths of the emperor soul of this seat. Fan, I'm afraid that this person will also make a sneak attack and seize the emperor's soul when the fellow daoists fight in the future."

   I have to say that Holy Venerable Xuanxu understands people's hearts very well, and these words hit people's hearts directly.

  Today's matter, the fighting ancestors even made a sneak attack. It is inevitable that they will also make a sneak attack in the future to take the opportunity to take the emperor soul.

   At the moment, one of the strongest emperors spoke and said: "Fighting saint ancestor, Xuanxu saint has been completely damaged, please return two sixths of his emperor soul."

Another giant also said: "This is not bad. Please return the Emperor Xuanxu Holy Soul. This seat is willing to be a peacemaker. As long as the fighting ancestor is willing to return, it can guarantee that the Xuanxu Holy Venerable will not be against Pangu Universe. "

   The two eternal giants spoke, and the other three giants also nodded, expressing their agreement.

   In the final analysis, I still consider myself, and don't want the same thing to happen to myself.

   The Great Sun and the others were angry, but did not dare to speak easily. It was about the dialogue between the giants of the ancients, even the Great of the Ancients had no right to interrupt.

   Everyone is paying attention.

   Seeing the silence in the fighting sanctuary, the strongest emperor who spoke first spoke again: "Fighting ancestor, please return it, don't let me wait."

   "Battle Saint Ancestor, this matter is very relevant, if you don't hand it over, it will make all parties embarrassed."

   "The Xuanxu Saint Venerable has already received the lessons it deserves, and has already known that it is wrong. Let's hand it over to the Fighting Ancestor.

   After that, there were several voices from the eternal giants, all asking the fighting ancestors to hand over two-sixths of the emperor soul of the Xuanxu Sovereign.

At this time, all the supreme sages noticed that these openers are not very closely related to the Xuanxu Sage, or have a lot of friendship with the alien side, and the words are also vaguely threatening. .

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   In the fighting sanctuary, the fighting saint ancestor holds two-sixths of the soul of the emperor Xuanzang. The gold and silver apertures are connected one after another, densely packed, not Knowing how heavy it is, and banning it, there is the most overbearing battle sacred flame burning and refining, non-stop, always ignoring the outside world.

The Xuanxu Holy Venerable could feel the rapid refining of the emperor soul, and the true spirit was gradually annihilated. If this continues, it will inevitably disintegrate all the true spirits and permanently lose this part of the emperor soul. He hurriedly said: "This Taoist friend, fight war The Holy King does not listen to your to continue refining the soul of this seat, and I invite you to take action immediately."

  The several eternal giants who had been admonishing suddenly sank.

   Fighting Saint Ancestor, surprisingly did not put them in his eyes.



   On the ancient road of origin, one after another eternal giants are blooming majestic, pointing to the battle of the sanctuary.


  In the area of ​​Emperor Yan, Emperor Yan Canglong hovered in the 33rd layer, releasing endless chaotic source fire, facing several giants away.

   Here, Taishenghuang III also faced the great eternal giants who released their power, and said indifferently: "Everyone, please calm down!"

"The fighting saint ancestor ignored my admonitions and insisted on refining the soul of the Xuanxu Holy Venerable. If I don't stop it today, what should I do if it falls to me in the future?" There are eternal giants coldly screaming, in the final analysis it is still involved. Self-interest.

  Today's Fighting Saint Ancestor was able to seize two-sixths of the emperor soul refinement of the Xuanxu Saint Venerable, how did they know that they would not take their emperor soul refinement in a battle in the future?

  At this time, the fighting ancestor slowly said: "People don't offend me, I don't offend people. This is the principle of my Pangu universe. Have you ever seen me take the initiative to cause trouble?"

   All parties are silent, Pangu Universe really is so, never take the initiative to criminals, have their own guidelines.

  Today's matter, in the final analysis, is the domineering online of the Xuanxu Sovereign, otherwise it would be the fighting ancestor, the Supreme Sage emperor in the endless years of dealing with people on the ancient road of origin.

   The great loss that the Xuanxu Saint Venerable has suffered is, in the final analysis, a causal cycle, no wonder others. Fupin Chinese



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