Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3742: Be strong to the end, take the holy domain

"Huh, how credible is the strong argument? The several fellows of the Pangu Universe who have suffered such heavy damage to the Xuanxu Sovereign Daoist, if they don’t punish them well today, wouldn’t it be that they’ll hit whoever they want to fight? Does it belong to them?" At this time, Shengdiyu heard a voice, breaking the silence.

   That was the opening of the alien giant Saint, and between the words, there was a thick provocative attitude.

   This is a provocation and separation, clearly pushing the four giants of Pangu universe to the opposite of all the giants!

"Heh!" Taishenghuang III looked at the strongest emperor in the holy emperor's domain, and his fighting spirit was surging and shaking the sky. The chaotic deity, the sun and the Taiyin giants stood together, looking at that place, the universe and gossip mirror floated in the void , The chaos was filled, and he sneered: "Holy, if you want to make a move, just speak up. Today, I will let you know what is the unforgettable pain of life and death."

   One body and three transformations, remotely referring to the strongest emperor, and the fighting spirit blooms without concealment.

   At the same time, in the Yandi domain, Yandi said lightly: "It's been a long time since I have killed any foreign scum. Do you want to shoot it? Okay, I just thought about hand addiction."

   Douzhan Sanctuary, Douzhan Saint Ancestor also heard a chuckle, saying: "Years have passed, and I would like to see if your strength has improved a lot, otherwise, why such a crazy talk!"



  The several supreme giants of the Pangu Universe, without fear at all, speak strongly at the same time, hoping that the giants will fight.

   The world is terrifying, and the giants of all parties are also a little frightened, feeling that the giants of the Pangu universe are ready to fight and want to fight at any time.

   For many years, the Pangu Universe has been forbearing the provocations of foreign races.

   Now that I have finally endured enough, do I want to stand up and go to war with the alien side?

   No one knows.

   "Everyone, please stop, don't start the war lightly!" The fairy king said, and Xianhui shining all over the world to dissuade him.

   "The great influence of the eternal giants at war is too great, and it is not easy to start wars casually. They do not want anyone to make unnecessary sacrifices."

   "Please stop, please let go of all grievances!"

   The five giants who came to exhort them one after another.

   As the screamer, the supreme tycoon of the alien race, this moment was actually a little silent.

  Perhaps it was because the Emperor Taisheng severely and severely inflicted a heavy damage on the Xuanxu Shengzun not long ago, and Emperor Yan and the fighting saint ancestors subsequently took action, permanently injuring an early tycoon, causing a huge shock.

   In today's world, no one dares to ignore the Pangu universe anymore.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Oh, it's silent, don't you even dare to go to war? It's really a brave bandit, which really disappoints this seat." Tai Sheng Huang Yao He shook his head and dismissed it, causing all parties in the Ancient Origin Road to shake, but seeing the silence of the ancient alien universe, he also fell silent for it.

   I’m afraid, even the foreign race dare not easily offend the Pangu Universe.

  , at least on the ancient road of origin!

   There is no doubt that this not only proves the power of the Pangu universe, but also the power of this chaotic ancient universe. Otherwise, how can the alien ancient universe stand it.

"It's really boring. I only dared to let go of the wild words, but I didn't dare to fight. I was quite disappointed. However, this is the waste instinct of a foreign race." Taishenghuang said contemptuously, making no secret of it, letting the strongest emperor Saint and other supreme tycoons dare to be angry and dare not speak, but at this stage, they are not suitable for immediate war.

  The world feels the absolute strength of the Emperor Taisheng.

  Of course, this is also the self-confidence brought by strength. The first generation giant Xuanxu Shengzun who holds the supreme authority is not an opponent, and the world is vast. Looking at the eternal giants, it is definitely the first-class power. It cannot be underestimated.

   A scuffle between the giants of all parties that is very likely to happen, and it slowly ended.

   Xuanxu Sovereign, two-sixths of the emperor soul is still held in the hands of the fighting ancestors, or it can be said that he really lost his wife and broke down.

   He hummed his sleeves and snorted. Although he was extremely angry, he also understood that he was not the opponent of the Supreme Sage Emperor and the Fighting Saint Ancestor at the peak, and now he is even more unlikely. He can only crush his teeth and swallow it in his belly.

At this time, the Supreme Sage Emperor's eyes fell on the Xuanxu Sovereign, and he said indifferently: "Xuanxu Sovereign, you have to be fortunate. You have your life to survive today with the admonitions of fellow Taoists. But now you are not enough. So I'm in charge of such a vast and endless giant territory, so this seat will officially take over your holy domain today, don't you have any opinions?"

Having said that, I asked if there were any opinions from the Xuanxu Sage. In fact, the three giant bodies of the Supreme Sage Emperor’s Chaos Body, the Sun Giant Body, and the Taiyin Giant Body pointed to the former, faintly with an absolute threat. If they do not agree, they will go to war again.

   There was an uproar in the world, the supreme emperor's strength was unexpected, and he bluntly threatened the Xuanxu Sovereign in front of the world, demanding to take over his Sovereign Domain.

   The five giants also frowned, but did not speak.

  The power displayed by the Supreme Sage emperor is that they also feel the sense of oppression, and they don’t want to be an enemy of a Profound Void Sovereign unless it is a last resort.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Taishenghuang, you are too shameless." The Xuanxu Sage was about to bite his teeth, his eyes staring at the Taishenghuang, immediately Very angry.

The Supreme Sage Emperor flicked his fingers indifferently, and said: "Aren't you threatening this seat before, asking for the Heavenly Gate of Origin, and even claiming to go to war without handing over the disciples of this seat? Ha ha, let alone you are not shameless. It’s nothing more than learning. Of course, the situation is better than people, and this seat is more qualified to be stronger than you."

   "Now I will give you the opportunity to either hand it over or die, it's that simple!"

   Either hand it over or die.

   How overbearing this is.

   is simply a great shame, the Xuanxu Sage could not wait to rush to but in the end, he was full of anger and bitterness.

   Those who insult others will always be insulted!

Today, the Supreme Sage emperor has shown the absolute power to suppress the first generation giants, and the Xuanxu Sovereign has been permanently lost half of the emperor’s soul. He knows that this hatred is impossible to avenge, so he rushes to fight and suffers the pain he.

   After a long silence, the Xuanxu Sage gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, okay, okay, if you want, you have to go."

   Tai Shenghuang showed a smile: "Since you are so acquainted, I won't be embarrassed by you, well, you can leave."

   The Xuanxu Sage snorted coldly at the twelve supreme emperors such as Shenkong Great Emperor: "What are you doing, don't hurry up to follow this seat."

   On weekdays, he is also quite polite and respectful to the twelve Supremes, but today he suffered a severe blow, so he has a bad temper and is quite angry.

   The Great Emperor Shenkong frowned, and the eyes of the other eleven Supremes were also slightly cold.

   Although they followed the Xuanxu Sovereign, they did not completely surrender, but they chose to follow him instead of being servants or subordinates.

   However, even if the Xuanxu Holy Venerable is permanently hit, the eternal giant is the eternal giant after all. This will not change, it will still be above them, and can only bow to follow.


   Suddenly, the Supreme Sage Emperor spoke, and stopped the supreme side of the Xuanxu Sovereign from preparing to leave.

   The Xuanxu Sage raised his eyebrows and angrily: "Tai Sage Emperor, don't you want to be too indifferent, do you really think this is such a good look?"

   Tai Sage Emperor smiled lightly: "Since the Sovereign Domain is divided into this seat, naturally, these supreme ones should follow this seat. Everyone, I wonder if you are willing to follow this seat."

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