Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3743: I do

Mo Gu Zhizun and the other four great sages were hostile to the Supreme Sage Emperor. They formed an arrogance and knew that it was impossible to be with the Supreme Sage Emperor. He immediately said: "I don't want to!"

   The Xuanxu Lord nodded with satisfaction.

   Tai Sheng Huang said lightly: "Shut up, but I didn't ask you four. Even if you want to join, this seat will not take in. Shenkong Great, are you willing to follow this seat to fight together?"

  His focus is on the quasi-giant Emperor Shenkong and the other seven supreme lords.

   was rejected in public, Mogu Supreme and the other four supreme beings were angry and helpless.

   The Xuanxu Sage sneered: "Taishenghuang, they all follow this seat, it is impossible to follow—"

   The words were not over, Emperor Shenkong said: "I do!"

   The sneer on the face of Saint Xuanxu suddenly stiffened, and he immediately looked at Emperor Shenkong, revealing a hint of anger: "Shenkong, what did you say?"

   "Holy Venerable, I'm sorry, I would like to follow His Majesty the Supreme Emperor." Shenkong Great said indifferently, and now he no longer respects the Xuanxu Holy Venerable.

   Not only was the strength of Xuanxu Saint Venerable not as good as before, but also his attitude just now made Emperor Shenkong really displeased.

  As a quasi-giant, he doesn't need to subscribe to the Xuanxu Sage.

   What's more, the Supreme Sage Emperor is more powerful than the Xuanxu Sovereign. The strong is respected. He naturally hopes to follow a stronger one. Only in this way can he have greater hope of becoming an eternal giant.

   "Okay, okay, okay, I should have raised a white-eyed wolf." Xuanxu Shengzun was cold and angry. Now, what else can he do except accept?

   Immediately swept his eyes to the other seven supreme, and said: "Where are you?"

   The cold eyes, faintly threatening.

   "I do!"

   "I do!"

   "I do too!"


   The other seven supreme nods all agreed, expressing their attitude, willing to follow the Taishenghuang.

   Hearing this, the Xuanxu Sage clenched his fists, his body exuded the power of an eternal giant, the situation changed, and the vision was billions, which completely showed the unparalleled anger in his heart.

Today, he was first defeated by the Taishenghuang, lost half of his soul, and was seized by the public. There are eight of the twelve supreme lords to follow the Taishenghuang, including the Emperor Shenkong, the quasi-giant second only to him. Inside.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   not only lost the wife and broke down, but also suffered the humiliation.

   It’s just that he can’t do anything, he can only bite all of this into his stomach.

   The situation is stronger than that of people. The Xuanxu Sage knows that anger, yelling, and ruthless words are useless, so he can only slap his sleeves angrily and leave with Mogu Sovereign and other four supreme beings angrily.

   Regarding this, the Supreme Sage Emperor doesn't care much. In the final analysis, the current Xuanxu Sage is nothing more than a prodigal dog in his eyes.

   Of course, a ray of killing intent flashed through his eyes. If necessary, he wouldn't mind killing the Xuanxu Sovereign permanently.

   can eradicate an enemy, that is the enemy.

   "Dear friends, please come to Taishenghuang to discuss the Taoism with this seat when you have time, and this seat is one step ahead."

   To the five eternal giants, the Emperor Taisheng was very polite, holding his fists.

   "You must come when you have time!"

   "Taishenghuang go slowly and not send it!"

   The five giants responded one after another.

The Taishenghuang Trinity, the chaotic two polar bodies successively submerged into the body of the deity, and then a holy emperor's avenue that traverses the entire origin of the ancient road derives from under his feet, towards the sun, the Ye Chen, the war emperor, the Kunpeng emperor, the mythical supreme, the Chi Xuezhi and others , And the eight supreme sages headed by Emperor Shenkong of the Holy Sovereign Domain opened their mouths. They were not as powerful and domineering as they were just now. On the contrary, they were gentle and said: "Let's go, come to the Supreme Emperor's Domain!"

   A total of 14 Supremes stepped into the Saint-Emperor Avenue and followed the Taishenghuang to the Taishenghuangyu.

   Slowly, the eyes of all parties slowly closed.

   After a short while, everyone came to the Taisheng Imperial Realm, entered the vast and endless Taisheng Palace, and appeared in the most central Taisheng Palace.

   Inside the hall, it was as huge as a star, and the great princes of the Supreme Emperor's Domain had come and waited silently.

   At this moment, I saw the return of the Supreme Sage Emperor. The thirteen supreme princes who belonged to the Supreme Sage Emperor’s domain all bowed their heads and proclaimed: "Respectfully welcome your Majesty's return!"

   Tai Shenghuang looked gentle and nodded, then smiled at Ye Chen and the others, you guys sit down too.

   In the Hall of the Supreme Sacred Emperor, there have long been sheets of supreme seats, no more, no less, exactly fourteen, corresponding to the number of the fourteen supreme ones such as Ye Chen.

   Fourteen people successively sat on the Supreme Seat.

   Twenty-seven Supreme Seats, neatly displayed on both sides.

   The first on the left is the Sun Emperor.

   respect the left.

   Although he is a new ancient emperor, all the supreme princes know that the Sun Emperor is a major disciple of the Taisheng Emperor, so naturally he has no opinion.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  The Emperor of War is located in the first place on the right.

   Regardless of his strength or his relationship with the Supreme Emperor, he is eligible to be ranked first on the right.

  The second from the bottom left is Ye Chen.

   This sort of ranking, although a bit abrupt, is recognized by all the Supremes.

  To this day, the enchanting and talent shown by the fighting king has convinced everyone.

   is clearly not a true supreme state, but the strength is so powerful, it is infinitely close.

  Although all supreme lords believe that it is impossible for the King of Fighting to prove that he can become an emperor, no one on Chaos Avenue can successfully prove The Emperor of Chaos is the strongest person in the ancient and modern chaos, and it is still only a tiny bit behind.

   But even so, the fighting holy king is not even the emperor, so powerful.

   Once he becomes an emperor in the future, he must be no less than the supreme present.

Even the eternal emperor is full of potential and will not be limited. It may become stronger and stronger. If the unphased emperor became the eternal emperor in the past, he can only challenge, but with the passage of time, it is no less than the true Dzogchen Supreme. .

   Fighting and fighting the holy king to become the eternal emperor, I am afraid that at least it is also a great perfection.

   With the passage of time, he will go further and further in the realm of the eternal emperor, fearing that he will be able to reach the level of a quasi-giant, perhaps even stronger.

   What's more, once the Tao of Chaos fails to prove Dao becoming emperor, why can't the Fighting Saint King use other avenues to prove Dao becoming Emperor?

   With its qualifications, there is great hope to become one of the eternal giants in the future!

  Naturally, no one will offend a future giant with unlimited potential because of this ranking.

  The second on the right is the quasi-giant Emperor Shenkong.

   It can be said that the two quasi-giants are all sitting on the right side.

The Thirteen Supreme Sovereigns of the Supreme Sage Emperor looked at Ye Chen’s seat on the Supreme Seat, and they all sighed silently in their hearts. Today, but more than two thousand years ago, the Sage King of Fighting Battle has come to the point of sitting on an equal footing with them. .

   Tai Sheng Huang, sitting high on the main seat, glanced at the 27 Supremes, showing a smile.

   such a supreme number, looking at the ancient road of origin, it is the first.

   Of course, this is also because the vast territory of the Holy Venerable Territory was captured, and the Eight Supreme Venerables including Shenkong Great were recognized.

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