Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3744: Join the supreme

  Especially the addition of the quasi-giant Emperor Shenkong, undoubtedly made the Tai Sage Emperor's Domain more than double the past.

   After all, a quasi-king Emperor Shenkong can be compared to the existence of many ancient emperors.

   In the past, there was no such thing as a giant in the Supreme Emperor's Domain. Now that Emperor Shenkong joins, he truly has it.

   And Zhanhuang, this quasi-giant belongs to the fighting sanctuary.

After a little silence, the Supreme Emperor spoke, and his voice echoed in the Supreme Emperor’s Palace: “Today, the eight supreme sages with the sacred domain joined the primordial emperor’s domain, and the quasi-giant Shenkong joined me to make me the sage emperor It's more prosperous, it's gratifying."

   "But now we have to announce an important event that concerns you all."

   She but the six supreme beings such as Zhanhuang, Ye Chen, and the Sun Emperor had some guesses, and the other supreme were all secretly surprised and hurriedly listened.

After a pause, the Supreme Emperor said: "The ancient universe of the mother realm—Pangu universe is in trouble. It was invaded by the two chaotic ancient universes, the alien and the chaotic burial ground, and the situation is critical. In order to rescue, the seat decided to send more people. Sovereign, led the Grand Sage Imperial Territory army to the Pangu universe, expelling all the enemies of alien races and chaotic burial grounds. I wonder if anyone from Qing family is willing to go?

   The voice fell--

   "I do!" The Sun Emperor spoke first.

   "I am willing!" Ye Chen said.

   "I am willing!" The Emperor said.

   "I do!" Kun Penghuang said.

   "I do!" Mythical Supreme said.

   "I do!" Chi Xuezhi said.

   Seeing this, the remaining 21 supreme princes may have the urge to roll their eyes. You are either born in the Pangu universe or have a great relationship. It is naturally incumbent.

   As for the other supreme, they all chose to follow the Taishenghuang on the ancient road of origin. They have not reached the level of desperation, not to mention the life-and-death cosmic battle.

   Therefore, for a while, there was a group of silence in the Taishenghuangdian.

  The great princes looked at each other, and no one spoke.

The Taishenghuang gaze calmly swept over the other twenty-one Supremes, naturally knowing their minds, and without forcing them, said to the Sun Emperor and others: "Okay, after waiting for the reply from Fighting Saint Domain and Yandi Domain, Then set out on Pangu universe with the armies of the two domains and the supreme. Now this seat will prepare the giant-level forbidden eternal soldiers for you, and ask the Emperor Dan to refine the emperor pill for you. Of course, it will also be for you in the next few days. When you carefully explain all the avenues of confusion, including the way to the eternal giant, you will prepare immediately, and there will be no free time in the next few days."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Understand!" the six supreme beings spoke up, especially the emperor Kunpeng, the supreme of mythology, and the supreme of Chi Xue. They were very excited. An eternal giant himself Preaching for them, and being the supreme giant who defeated the first generation giants, is more powerful than Cang Yan Da Tianzun. If he preaches, he will surely relieve the countless daunting confusion in their hearts.

   Ye Chen was also slightly moved, because Taishenghuang is the highest achiever of Chaos Dao. If he explains Chaos Dao, it will be extremely helpful to his own chaos cultivation.

  The so-called art industry has special expertise. Even though he has a relationship with Emperor Yan, Emperor Yan can't compare with Taishenghuang in the understanding of Chaos Dao.

   As for the Emperor of War and Emperor Sun, their expressions were calm.

   As a disciple of the eternal giant, naturally, he has the opportunity to listen to the preaching of the master at any time.

   However, the other twenty-one Supremes showed a bit of shock.

   Tai Sheng Huang actually preached to the six of them himself.

It must be known that even the thirteen supreme princes at the beginning only heard the preaching of the Taishenghuang occasionally, and they mentioned the Taishenghuang's own way, rather than solving the confusion of the great road, let alone combining. They preached themselves.

  The distance is far, one can imagine.

   After the shock, there was only a deep sense of regret. If they had known this, they would join.

   Listening to the eternal giants personally preaching to their own body, such an opportunity can be said to be against the sky, no one can refuse, even the quasi giants like Shenkong the same.

   At this time, Emperor Shenkong spoke and said: "Your Majesty, dare to ask, now join the army to the Pangu universe, is it okay?"

   The same is true for the other twenty Supremes.

   A smile flashed in the eyes of Zhan Huang and the others, this was the intention of the Supreme Emperor.


   Taishenghuang didn’t change his face, and said faintly: “Everyone, the Qing family, this trip to the Pangu universe will be in danger of life. I still need to tell you to wait. Are you willing?”

   "I do!" Emperor Shenkong was the first to agree!

   "I do!"

   "I do!"

   "I do!"


   A supreme emperor expressed his willingness one after another.

  Of course, there are some supreme beings who have not agreed, because they feel that compared to listening to the Taishenghuang preaching to themselves, but a few days, naturally it is not as important as their own lives.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   In the end, including Emperor Shenkong, a total of fifteen Supremes are willing to join the camp to the Pangu universe.

   All of a sudden, went to the supreme lineup of Pangu Universe to help, plus Ye Chen, Sun Emperor and others, it reached as many as twenty.

   As the Emperor of War, he needs to go back to the fighting sanctuary and ask for orders. It is not clear whether he can go to the Pangu universe.

   He is a quasi-giant-level existence, and may involve the layout of several supreme giants in the Pangu universe on the ancient road of origin.

In the next time In the Supreme Palace, the Supreme Emperor preached and explained the way of stepping into the eternal giants, and also incarnate a series of clones, personally to each party. Targeted preaching.

   In the palace of the emperor, there are avatars of the Supreme Emperor preaching to the Supreme.

In one of the emperor’s halls, the chaotic haze was raging, sometimes transformed into the heavens and the realms, sometimes evolving into the heavens and all realms, and sometimes derived from the heavens and all spirits... the highest mystery of the chaos, in this chaos emperor’s hall, it is clearly visible and submerged Every corner in this palace.

   In this hall, the Chaos deity of the Supreme Sage Emperor sits personally.

   Ye Chen was in front of him, preaching for him.

   Regarding Ye Chen, the Taishenghuang attaches great importance to it, even at the cost of preaching directly with the deity of Chaos.

  Although the Emperor Taisheng bestowed his insights on the Avenue of Chaos to Ye Chen many years ago, Ye Chen has never penetrated one-tenth of it over the years.

   The Avenue of Chaos, unpredictable, like a sea of ​​chaos, vast and boundless, as talented as Ye Chen, so many years have passed, and he has reached the stage of the eternal emperor, and he still understands it but the tip of the iceberg.

   But it is also understandable, because the Great Chaos Dao is the origin of all paths, even if it is only one-tenth of it, it is enough to make the Chaos Dao Fa strong enough to be comparable to the Supreme Emperor.

   In fact, the current Ye Chen has also come this far.

   His insight into the Avenue of Chaos is one thousandth of a thousandths, which is only one line away.

   In front of my eyes, a bottleneck was reached.

   Of course, if you break through to the eternal emperor, the bottleneck will disappear. There is no doubt that the penetration of Chaos Avenue will inevitably rise by a large amount.

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