Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3745: The eternal origin of the emperor

Ye Chen is hailed as the person who has the most hope of proving the Dao in chaos and the key person in the Pangu universe. The Taishenghuang naturally hopes that he can truly prove the Dao in chaos, perhaps he has the hope of surpassing and becoming true eternity!

   Tai Sage Emperor personally explained Chaos, and Ye Chen's deity is also an extraordinary person with Chaos talent, so it is naturally easier to understand.

   The bottleneck of the Chaos Avenue has actually disappeared for a lifetime, and for penetration, it has exceeded a thousand thousand or more.

   Time is long, one turn is ten days.

   It seems that there is only a short period of ten days, but the Supreme Emperor uses the Chaos Avenue as the foundation, manipulates the time and space avenue, and accelerates the time and space in the emperor hall infinitely. Ten years can be compared to the outside world. Waiting for a hundred years to pass.

   During this period of time, Ye Chen's penetration of Chaos Avenue has been leaps and bounds, and he has penetrated as much as 1,367/10,000, which is quite advanced.

If it weren’t for the Tai Sage Emperor himself to suppress it, Ye Chen’s Chaos Dao had already exceeded one thousandth of a thousandths, and the seal left by Cang Yan Da Tianzun could not be suppressed. The eternal emperor.

"Well, I have explained everything that can be explained to you. The remaining ones are beyond the general emperor's level and belong to the eternal giant level. Even if the explanation is made, you can't understand it. You need to do it bit by bit. See through." Taisheng Huangdao.

   "The disciple understands." Ye Chen respectfully said. During this period of preaching, he had long regarded Taishenghuang as another teacher.

   "But you can't really care about it, and don't think that you are truly invincible in the world, and you are the strongest arrogant of all ages. In the past, another eternal quasi-prince has also risen and has become an emperor!"

   Tai Shenghuang made a shocking news.

   In the old days, two eternal quasi-monarchs on the Era quasi-jun list competed for glory, one is Ye Chen, the other is the eternal emperor, with the mysterious arrogant that the emperor follows, powerful and unmatched.

   Unexpectedly, he has become an emperor, I am afraid he is extremely powerful.

  Taoshenghuangdao: "The eternal origin of the emperor is very extraordinary. It is the reincarnation of the strongest emperor and the reincarnation, becoming the emperor, and it is inevitable that he will become the emperor by day."

   During the conversation, another shocking news was revealed.

The true origin of    eternal emperor is actually the strongest emperor, that is, the existence of eternal giant level.

   This is the real reincarnation of the eternal giant, the reincarnation of Ye Chen as a saint in the past is not worth mentioning.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Teacher, how strong is he." Ye Chen asked.

"He is no less than the ancient emperor, and even able to defeat the general emperor." Taisheng Huangdao, "with his potential, tens of thousands of years, can reach the level of quasi-giant, 100,000 years of proving Dao to become emperor, you can directly reach the eternal giant The level can continue to be strong, and it will not be impossible to reach the step of the Emperor of Heaven, the First Generation, and the Great Universe in the future."

   is highly rated.

   The average ancient emperor is not an opponent either, it can be imagined.

   Of course, because his quasi-monarch advances to the eternal path, he does have this potential.

  Instructions, the unphased king has entered the eternal path of the king's realm, and now the emperor period is enough to peak against the ancient emperor.

   After the emperor becomes the emperor forever, it is indeed not a big problem to crush the ordinary ancient emperor.

   In the future, he will also come to this point.

   Ye Chen also felt a sense of oppression. Of course, he could become an emperor at any time, but the best case is to return to the Pangu Universe and then achieve it. This is the best choice.

Not only because the Pangu universe is his mother universe, but also because the Pangu universe is extraordinary. Pangu is suspected to be the only eternal existence throughout the ages. He is suspected to have opened up the Pangu universe and died. A certain possibility can peek into the origin and mystery of the Pangu universe.

  The Tai Sage Emperor divides many Dao Bodies, preaching to each Supreme for ten days.

   In these ten days, all the supreme beings have reached an incredible level of understanding of the avenue, and it is clearer to the eternal giants, as if in time, it seems that you can touch a corner of the eternal giants field.

   Of course, even this corner is out of reach.

   If you want to become a giant of the ages, there is not enough opportunity, and the supreme will have a lifetime, and it will be difficult to go further.

The preaching of the Supreme Sage Emperor was especially aimed at the Sun Emperor, Kunpeng Emperor, Mythology Supreme, Chi Xue Zhizun and other four people. The former is a direct disciple, so it’s not a problem. The other three Supremes are also sincerely helping Pangu Cosmic Dogs. , Taishenghuang naturally did not spare any effort to change the flow of time and space, which greatly increased the preaching time.

   The four supreme all have benefited a lot.

Especially Emperor Kunpeng, who originally swallowed part of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor’s emperor body, origin, the strongest bloodline in all kinds, and many other killing soldiers of the foreign giants, has the potential of advanced quasi-giant, and is now subject to the preaching of the Supreme Holy Emperor. The perception of Emperor Dao is advancing by leaps and bounds, and he has faintly contacted the field of the first-line eternal giants, and thus has become more powerful.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Unsurprisingly, before the end of this era, he can at least become a quasi-giant.

  Emperor halls, all the supreme enlightenment, the light penetrates Xiaohan, and the influence is far-reaching.

   At the end of ten days of preaching, the Supreme Sage emperor sent a message to Ye Chen: "The Emperor Yan has something to ask for you, let you go to the Emperor Yan domain."

   Ye Chen broke through the air, and in a short moment, he crossed over an unknown number of imperial domains to the land of Yandi City in the Yandi domain.

   "Xiao Chenzi, come here."

   Emperor Yan had already noticed the arrival of Ye Chen, a sky-fire avenue descended from the sky, and Ye Chen stepped up the road and appeared in the 33rd heaven.

   He had been Ye Chen saw him, he laughed: "Old Yan, long time no see."

   "It's only been more than a thousand years." Yan Di rolled his eyes, and for more than a thousand years, for them, such an eternal giant, it was just a flash.

   Of course, facing Ye Chen, he did not have the majesty of being an eternal giant, and he was quite amazed: "But you kid, who has not seen you for more than a thousand years, has come to this point, and it is enough to be against the sky."

When we met again, Ye Chen is just an eternal quasi-king, but now he, more than a thousand years later, not only stands at the peak of the eternal emperor, but also immediately breaks the mirror to become the eternal emperor. The progress is so fast, the Yandi and other eternal giants. They all had to marvel at Ye Chen's unparalleled enchantment.

   Ye Chen chuckled, he was quite relaxed in front of Emperor Yan, and said, "I don't see who it is."

   Yandi said silently: "I will give you three points of color and really want to open the dyeing workshop. Emperor Yongheng is still the eternal emperor."

   Hearing this, Ye Chen also showed a solemn look, and said, "Which eternal giant is Emperor Yongheng the reincarnation?"

   An eternal giant is actually willing to abandon the giant Tao fruit that he has cultivated through endless years of hard work, and he does not hesitate to reincarnate and rebuild. I have to say that this is no longer ordinary courage.

   Even if you reincarnated and rebuilt, you can quasi-monarch realm into the eternal path, perhaps reaching the peak realm will be stronger than the previous life, but it also has a terrible danger of death.

   After all, the giant Dao Guo can make any supreme and even quasi giant go crazy.

  Emperor Eternal is really not afraid that on the road to rebuilding, there will be supreme and even quasi-giants who will jump out at all costs and kill him.

   Yandi said solemnly: "It's the Great Heavenly Sovereign of Ancient Times!"

  . m.

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