Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3748: The truth about the ancient road where the eternal giants stayed

At this time, the War Emperor’s voice: "Don’t think too much about it. There are only six true Nine-turned Returning Soul Pills, which are in the hands of you, me, Sun Emperor, Kunpeng Emperor, Mythology Supreme, Chi Xue Turning back the soul pill is the failure product of the real nine turn back soul pill made by the senior emperor. Of course, the senior pill emperor has deepened his skills. After these failed products are re-refined, the effect is also tenth of the real nine turn back soul pill. Two or three, taking it when you are about to die can also reverse the fate of the emperor, but it cannot return to the peak in an instant."

   Ye Chen knows that the Supreme Sage Emperor is also partial. After all, apart from the six of them, the other supreme beings only really participated in the great war in the Pangu universe because of their interests.

Of course, the Emperor of War also informed him that apart from these six real nine-turned soul pill, there are several real finished products, which were brought to Pangu Universe’s Human Emperor, Wuxiang Emperor, Golden Crow Emperor, Profound God Emperor, and Taichu. Dijun and others.

   The Emperor of War also went to the Pangu Universe. Ye Chen couldn't help but wonder why Taisheng Emperor, Fighting Saint Ancestor, Guardian Warlord, Yandi and others were sitting on the ancient road of origin and never returned to Pangu Universe.

  The Covenant of Giants, he understands one or two, as the giants of the Pangu universe, they are all qualified to return and prevent foreign enemies from invading.

   It can be said that as long as one of the several great eternal giants returns to the town, he will not dare to invade a hundred guts to the ancient universe and chaotic burial ground of foreign races.

   can never leave, even if the emperor can return, he needs to ask the fighting ancestor and the warlord against the sky.

   This made Ye Chen quite puzzled, very curious, but he didn't ask about Emperor Yan.

   But the Emperor of War is a quasi-giant, I want to know a lot.

   And Ye Chen has also reached the level of the ancient emperor, and should be qualified to know one or two.

   Therefore, Ye Chen directly sent a letter to ask the Emperor of War.

The Emperor of War glanced at Ye Chen and was shocked. He was surprised that he didn't know the inside story. However, if you think about it carefully, this junior is too young. He is only in his early 2,000 years old, and his realm is reached, but his experience is still far away. .

   So, the voice was transmitted: "You are too young, and it is normal to not know. The reason why teachers and uncles have been on the ancient road of origin and never returned. The root cause of everything is because the ancient road of origin is about to pass through the place of origin."

   "The place of origin!" Ye Chen was surprised.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The place of origin, although it is inferred to exist, in the final analysis, no one has actually seen the place of origin, let alone anyone who has been there. Up.

   All the claims about the place of origin are just based on inference.

"Yes!" The Emperor of War sternly said: "The place of origin does exist. The eight innate chaotic source beads born from the sea of ​​chaos are one of the holy artifacts of origin. The eternal crown in your hand and the gate of origin are also holy artifacts of origin. one."

   "These origin holy relics are the key to the place of origin. Before, the reason why the Xuanxu Sage was so anxious to seize your origin heaven gate is because of this."

   "Of course, it is now claimed to the public that the Origin Gate is in the hands of Taisheng Huangshishu, so the magnates of all parties are no longer thinking about you."

   Ye Chen frowned: "Is the place of origin more important than our home-Pangu Universe?"

  For the place of origin, it is the eternal giants who came out of the Pangu universe, Taishenghuang, who did not hesitate to let Pangu universe suffer a terrible crisis of being invaded again.

   At this point, he really lost the majesty of the eternal giants in his mind.

"No, you misunderstood." Zhanhuang shook his head, "Countless teachers, or two uncles, are obsessed with the place of origin, not because of that eternal opportunity, but how to solve the blood-stained future. "

"Blood-stained the future, the terrifying future that the giants of the heavens are inevitable, spread to the entire Chaos Sea. According to the corner of the future seen by the giants of the ages, the blood-stained future will cause the heavens and the ancient Chaos universe to collapse and the Chaos Sea to collapse. All souls are withered, and the eternal giants cannot survive forever. It is a miserable future."

   "Teachers, uncles and other supreme giants calculated that there is a key to saving the catastrophe on the ancient road of origin."

   Hearing this, Ye Chen was silent, feeling guilty, and whispered softly: "I'm sorry!"

   From the beginning, it was his fault that he suspected the good intentions of several supreme giants in the Pangu Universe.

   The Emperor of War shook his head: "There is no need to apologize. As the supreme, but wise, let alone the teachers, they penetrate the eternal era. Every action they do has their own deep meaning."

   Ye Chen nodded gently.

   Between the two voice transmission conversations, in the Supreme Imperial City, everything is ready.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   A total of 34 supreme nobles stand in the 33rd heaven, and there are more than 70 emperors behind them. The number of primordial kings has reached thousands. There are countless below.

Such a lineup is almost a gathering of all the powerhouses of the three giants. It also proves the terrible origin of the ancient road from the other side. The number of powerhouses in all major realms is far greater than that of the ordinary chaotic ancient universe. Times.

  Of course, this can only be done with the ancient road of origin.

   Thirty-two Supreme, each commanding a vast army.

   These legions entered their respective supreme origin emperor realm.

Knowing that Ye Chen’s original universe is undergoing transformation, it’s still not convenient to make it public at this point. Otherwise, there will be a lot of eternal giants who are watching. The Sun Emperor said: "The army of the fighting holy king enters the emperor’s inner kingdom. !"

   Although the parties are surprised, they dare not doubt.

   Ye Chen glanced at Emperor Sun gratefully.

   With the closure of the emperor realms, the endless army has entered the emperor realms of all parties to wait for orders.

"set off!"

   Assembled an endless army of the three giants including more than 30 Supremes, and set off officially.

   On the ancient road of origin, the heavenly supreme and the eternal giants are all paying attention, and they are all guessing the final whereabouts of the supreme in the Supreme Emperor.

   If they want to attack the territory of other eternal giants, they must plan accordingly in advance.


   Tai Sheng Huang shot himself and opened up a channel.

   He who mastered the strongest Chaos Dao law, tore open the barriers of the ancient road of origin, penetrated the Chaos Sea, and then built a time and space channel with the immeasurable Chaos Qi, and locked the target in the Pangu Pass of the Pangu universe.

  The ancient road of origin, the supreme of the heavens, the giants of all parties sensed this aura, and it became clear that they were not going to attack the territory of other giants, but to the Pangu universe.

   The alien giant Sheng Xu narrowed his eyes, as did other alien giants, his eyes flickered, flashing a series of murderous intent.

   Xuanxu Sovereign, watching this scene coldly, the murderous intention suddenly began.

   Tai Sage Imperial City, Tai Sage Emperor said: "Go, I will sit down in person, if anyone dares to wait for you, they will withstand the attack from me."

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