Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3749: Return

The seater is naturally not only the Supreme Emperor, but also other Pangu universe giants such as the Fighting Saint Ancestor and Yan Emperor.

  Several supreme giants all know that this strong support operation to return to the Pangu universe is afraid that there will be other eternal giants on the ancient path of origin that are not visible or are not allowed to support, and they will definitely make a secret.


"set off!"

   More than thirty supreme people officially set foot in the tunnel.

   The strength of this force and the number of supreme magnates are what the eternal giants face, and they must avoid their sharp edges.

  The Emperor of War holds the supreme scepter in his hand, leads, releases the power of supreme authority, and protects.

   Behind the palace of Emperor Shenkong.

   The space-time channel, running through the Chaos Sea, is heading to the Pangu universe at a very fast speed.

   This time, there is no need to borrow from the prehistoric world.


   As expected, shortly after the teleportation started, there was an eternal giant attacking the space-time channel.

I don’t know which eternal tycoon, the vast hand stretched out, covered with white thorns, the immeasurable emperor shines, very terrible, covering hundreds of millions of miles, containing the most terrifying eternal tycoon. Power, blasted the transmission channel fiercely, wanting to collapse, and let this supreme legion be lost in the sea of ​​chaos.

   At that time, it can be broken one by one.


   Tai Sage Emperor's extremely indifferent voice came out, and a chaotic beam shone out, piercing through the eternal time and space, and directly fell on the vast hand.

   There was a loud bang, and the hand of that giant was penetrated into a blood-colored cave, and an immeasurable rain of blood was spilled, and it was dyed red into a chaotic sea.

   On the other side, three big hands also came over.

   The other three eternal giants also secretly took action against this supreme army that supports the Pangu universe.


He shouted sharply, that was the ancestor of fighting, containing the light of gold and silver, covering the boundless land, powerfully slammed the hands of the three giants, and flew domineeringly, and tore apart one by one, showing boundless strength. meaning.

   In addition, Emperor Yan also took action. The boundless Primal Fire of Chaos swept the Chaos Sea, gradually burning and repelling the big hands of the eternal giants.

   Gradually, the transmission channel settled down.

   The process seems to be peaceful, but in fact it is extremely dangerous. Without the guards and guards of the supreme giants of the Pangu universe, they would want to go there safely.

The    Supreme Legion is truly returning to the Pangu universe!


   At the same time, far away on the ultimate ancient road.

   A place beyond the sky, Cang Yan Da Tianzun awakens.

   His eyes pierced through the barriers of the universe, and he saw the endless chaotic sea outside. The majesty of the eternal giant-level Great Heavenly Sovereign was rippling wanton, shaking the land outside the sky.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Ultimate ancient road, everything is done, it's time to go to Pangu universe."

   Cang Yan opened his mouth, the power of the eternal giants rippled, and the Universe Heaven Venerable, with the help of the origin of the universe, opened a time and space channel through the Chaos Sea to reach the Pangu universe.

   stepped into the space-time passage, the figure disappeared...


   Pangu universe.


   The four supreme princes, King Wuxiang, Emperor Jinwu, Emperor Xuanshen, and Emperor Taichu stand high in the sky, looking down at the endless two ancient cosmic armies below, are gathering, preparing to attack Pangu Pass again.

   This is the third time in the past month.

   This frequency can be called a high frequency.

   Even the Unphased King and others do not understand why the chaotic burial ground and the alien ancient universe are so anxious to attack Pangu Pass.

   In the past, it was like a cat and a mouse, attacking slowly, and in dozens of hundreds of years, it would not be possible to attack on a large scale once, let alone attack three times in a month like this.

   What's more, not long ago, the fighting ancestor showed invincible power, and he defeated the Taishi Emperor in a single body, and it was a strong confrontation with the four giants, which was slightly at a disadvantage.

   It is no exaggeration to shock the Chaos Sea.

   However, it is really strange that Chaos Burial Ground and Alien Ancient Universe dared to continue attacking.

Fortunately, the stability of Pangu Pass, even if the giants of the ages come, will have a headache, and there are two quasi-giant-levels, the Wuxiang Monarch and the Golden Crow Great, sitting in person, making it as solid as a golden soup. Never invaded the slightest.

   The unphased king, at this moment is free from the power of the sun.

   After all, long-term integration into the quasi-giant-level Tiandao Sun is also a burden for him.

   He is always ready.

  Emperor Realm and Emperor Wanyan were not in a hurry, more than 30 supreme princes from both sides were also in the pan, facing Pangu Pass.

   In the depths of the Chaos Sea, in the base camp of the ancient alien universe army, Emperor Wanyan rose into the sky. As the absolute commander of the alien army, the eighteen alien emperors must listen to their orders.

   He looked at Pangu Pass, his voice shook the Chaos Sea, and said: "People in the Pangu universe, dare to go out and fight?"

   can dare to go out for a battle!



   Behind him, the endless alien army roared, shaking the boundless chaotic sea, tearing and rolling the sky, with great momentum, and the Supreme must also shock the soul!

   Pangu closes, all the strong stand still, unmoved.

   Even if the foreign race Chen Jun screamed at Pangu Pass, his prestige shook Pangu Pass.

   The other party has assembled two chaotic ancient universes: Alien Ancient Universe and Chaos Burial Ancient Universe. Not to mention the others, the number of Supreme Level alone exceeds 30, and the two are quasi-giant levels, completely crushing the Pangu Universe.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The battle is purely for death.

   If you really want to be called out by the enemy, Pangu Pass has long been captured.

   At this time, there are more than forty emperors in the foreign race army, and the large number of emperors is almost a gathering of the emperor and powerful men born in the ancient universe of the foreign race in this era.

   One of them is the head, faintly not inferior to the supreme, standing in front, burly and tall, the whole body is shining with the light of the strong and powerful thunder, and the head is impressive.

   He looked at the Emperor Taichu at Pangu Pass, grinning, very sorrowful: "Emperor Taichu, do you dare to fight this emperor alone?"

He is not a great emperor, but he dares to call himself the emperor. One can imagine how strong and powerful this person is. The average emperor would never dare to call himself like this The emperor of the early primordial age looked in the distance, his eyes narrowed, and said : "Emperor Lei Zhun, you don't need to yell, I won't fight you."

  Lei Zhundi, the name of Zhundi, is worthy of the name, because he is also an eternal emperor, and his strength is no less than that of the emperor of the early days. He is the pinnacle of the emperor of the ancient times, and can be called an alternative supreme.

   As the ancient alien universe with the deepest background and the most powerful, how could it be impossible to give birth to an eternal emperor? Dao X was just the eternal emperor born in the last era.

   The Great Emperor Wanyan had deep and stern eyes, and said, "Offensive!"

   On the other side, where the army headquarters of the Chaos Burial Ground was, the Emperor Jie also indifferently ordered: "Offensive!"


   The vast army of two chaotic ancient universes once again attacked Pangu Pass.

   was personally led by the two quasi-giants of Wanyan the Great and the Realm Emperor, followed by 30 supreme lords, and the two infinite armies of the ancient Chaos universe gathered, referring to Pangu Pass.

   Standing time, the swords are drawn.

   The Five Supremes of the Pangu universe, such as the Golden Crow Emperor and the Wuxiang King, have long had experience and the Pangu Pass is unbreakable, so they still dare not take the carelessly.


   Suddenly, the sea of ​​chaos shook, and a strange wave spread.

   Just in front of Pangu Pass, a circle of mysterious black holes emerged.

   Pangu universe, chaos burial ground, alien ancient universe and other three parties have attracted attention.

   A perfectly perfect figure walks and appears, with black hair like a waterfall, so perfect in all aspects, falling from the sky and appearing in front of the three ancient cosmic forces of chaos.

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