Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3750: All the Supremes are here!

"Battle Saint King!?"

All three parties recognized Ye Chen's identity.

Moreover, what horrified all parties was that after thousands of years of absence, the Saint King of Fighting was even more powerful.

When he left that year, he was only comparable to the pinnacle emperor, and now he is back, and his body is no less than the eternal emperor of the early emperor, who can be called the emperor of the ancient times.

"Did he become the eternal emperor?"

The unphased emperor and the emperor of Taichu were surprised, but soon frowned.

In their feelings, Ye Chen's breath became more obscure.

Vaguely, I only felt that he was more detached, perfect, and complete than the emperor of the early days.

What exactly is this?


On the side of the ancient alien universe and the chaotic burial ground, the supreme beings were shocked. They had not seen it in just a thousand years. The Fighting Saint King had actually come to this point, and the strength of his body was no less than Dzogchen Supreme.

Moreover, whether it is the Great Emperor Wanyan or the Realm Emperor, as a quasi-giant, they can clearly feel that Ye Chen did not reach this step with the help of foreign objects, but with his own body, deepening his work, and truly comparable to the Dzogchen Supreme. territory.

That's it for the Emperor Jie, but the Great Emperor Wanyan had fought Ye Chen in the past years and almost landed in the Pangu universe. It was the latter who used the power of the heavenly sun to force him back.

At that time, Ye Chen was so famous that he possessed the power of a tenth heaven peak king, but in the eyes of such a quasi-giant like him, he was still as weak as an ant.

I never thought that if I haven't seen it for more than a thousand years, I will appear again, which is comparable to the Dzogchen Supreme.

It is no wonder that even the supreme giant sleeping in the ancestral temple of the universe also showed the intent to kill, and must kill this child, judging from its displayed potential, it does have the need to kill.

However, although the potential is terrifying, it is also stupid. Even if the cultivation level is comparable to that of the Dzogchen Supreme, the appearance of one person outside Pangu Pass is even more exposed to him, purely looking for death.

At this point, Emperor Wanyan showed a sneer and said: "Fighting Saint King, your potential is indeed rare in this emperor's life. No wonder the young age, which is known as the emperor and the emperor, is also stupid. You appear alone, pure It's looking for death, today the emperor will kill you!"

When the figure moved, it was ready to rush towards Ye Chen.

The Supreme Masters at Pangu Pass were also panicked and were about to act.

However, before everyone could react, four more figures appeared in the dark circle behind him.

These four figures are more powerful than Ye Chen, and watching their Qi machine makes people feel cold.

They are all at the supreme level of Dzogchen realm.

"Four ancient emperors, as well as mysterious and unfathomable fighting sage kings, almost five supreme!"

"That's the Sun Emperor, no, it should be called the Sun Emperor now, he has proven to become an emperor."

"yes, Sir."

When Pangu closed, the strongest exclaimed.

The Emperor Dark Night was also there, and the Emperor of the Early Days naturally recognized the identity of the Sun Emperor and was delighted.

Having not seen him for many years, Emperor Sun succeeded in proving Dao to become Emperor, adding a supreme power to Pangu universe.

"Besides the battle of the Saint King, there are four Supremes who are not afraid of death. Well, the great disciple of the Taisheng Emperor, Sun Emperor, has also become the ancient emperor."

In the alien ancient universe, many people have recognized the identity of the Sun Emperor.

"Haha, what if there are five more Supremes, but they can't change the half-point situation in front of them, but they will die."

Emperor Wanyan looked at Ye Chen and other five supreme with interest, as if looking at five delicious foods.

In fact, without the need for others, he alone is enough to overwhelm the Five Supremes.

However, due to the deliberate or unintentional actions of the two quasi-giants, the two chaotic ancient universes did not immediately attack, on the contrary, they looked at the five supreme as if they were looking at delicious food.

In the face of the overwhelming number of supreme beings, the participation of five supreme beings in a mere way can not change the situation that Pangu universe is being pressed to fight.

Moreover, their appearance may be able to change this stalemate.

After all, they believe that the supreme of the Pangu universe will not sit back and watch the life and death of the five supreme beings, and may open the constantly advancing Pangu Pass.

"Open the gate of Pangu Pass."

The King of No Phase gave the order immediately.


The expressions of other Pangu universe powerhouses changed drastically. Once Pangu Pass was opened, it might not be so easy to close.

"The five of them are more important!" The Great Emperor Jin Wu also said.

"The big deal is a life and death battle." The Wuxiang King also said, Tiandao Sun is ready to melt at any time.

The gate of Pangu Pass was officially opened for the first time since its establishment.

However, at this time, the two armies of the chaos burial ground and the alien ancient universe rushed forward directly.

In particular, Emperor Wanyan and Emperor Jie thought that the nearly thirty ancient emperors were always paying close attention to the movement of Pangu Pass.

For the fighting sage king, the alien ancient universe kills the sky, how can he be allowed to live.

What's more, Pangu Pass took the initiative to open the door. This is a great opportunity to penetrate the Pangu universe in one fell swoop and completely occupy it.

For the first time, the ancient emperors of the two chaotic ancient universes, led by the two quasi-giants, directly rushed forward.

"Face, protect the five supreme entry!"

The Great Emperor Golden Crow, as well as the unphased king who immediately integrated into the Sun of Heaven, descended, and the Emperor Profound God and Emperor Taichu also took the hand of the world tower to leave.

Even if the number of enemy supreme is far higher than this side, he is not afraid.


Emperor Golden Crow and Emperor Wuxiang roared, showing quasi-giant-level boundless mighty power. Emperor Xuanshen and Emperor Taichu held the palm tower, fully revived, rippling in time and space, and far-reaching influence, changing and isolating the incomparably vast territory of Chaos Sea. More than ten ancient emperors.

But even so, there were nearly twenty ancient emperors who rushed forward without any obstacles.

The number of them can completely kill Ye Chen and others, who are only five people.

"Fighting Saint King, die!" A total of seven ancient alien emperors descended in front of Ye Chen and shot at the same time.

The supreme shot can penetrate the eternal time and space, destroy the ten thousand ways, and crush the ten thousand realms. What's more, the seven great ancient emperors attacked together. It is simply a **** blocking and killing the god, and the Buddha blocking and killing the Buddha!

No matter how powerful Ye Chen is, it is comparable to the real ancient emperor, but under the attack of the seven ancient emperors, he will definitely die!

However, Ye Chen didn't change his face, and said with sarcasm: "Many years ago, I used to be a human being. What's more, how can I be so stupid nowadays. People who are going to die, But you are right!"

"What do you mean?" The seven foreign emperors had a very bad premonition.


Suddenly A shot of Emperor Ge came out, carrying the incomparable supreme emperor and struck across, colliding with the attacks of the seven great alien emperors.

During the rumbling, all the attacks of the seven emperors were resolved.

The seven alien emperors changed color: "Who is it?"

They looked at the black hole, there are still people inside?

"Hehe, who said that only those of us will return."

Ye Chen chuckled lightly. The black hole that hadn't been closed was a space-time channel. There was a sudden shock, and it was a monstrous supreme power that appeared.

Visible to the naked eye, one after another, the strongest horror figures slowly walked out of the black hole and descended into the Chaos Sea.

One, two, three... a full twenty-nine!

In the black hole, a total of twenty-nine supreme hits came and fell in front of Pangu Pass.


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