Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3751: Absolute advantage

Shake both sides!


"Oh my God, there are more than 30 Supremes!"

"Unbelievable, how can so many supreme appear at once!"

The Pangu universe powerhouse at Pangu Pass was shocked, and the powerhouses of the two chaotic ancient universes of the Alien Ancient Universe and Chaos Burial Ground were also deeply shocked.

A total of thirty-four supreme figures, including Ye Chen and the Sun Emperor, suddenly appeared. Such a terrifying and boundless supreme lineup, not to mention them, was the arrival of the eternal giants, and they must be deeply jealous.

Especially when the Emperor of War and Emperor Shenkong appeared one after another, the majestic auras spread all over him, and there were two quasi-giants who were invincible.

The two quasi-giants led more than 30 supreme magnates, which were no less than the number of supreme powerhouses in Chaos Burial Grounds and Alien Ancient Universe, not to mention the two quasi-giants of Jinwu Great and Wuxiang King at Pangu Pass.

In an instant, the number and situation of the strong on both sides was completely reversed in an instant.

"It's Brother Zhanhuang!"

The King of Wuxiang was pleasantly surprised. He naturally recognized that he was the Emperor of War. As the great disciple of the Emperor of Fighting Saint Ancestor, he naturally understood that the Emperor of War was the great disciple of the Lord of Heaven Defying. Also, in terms of generations, the Emperor of War followed the previous lives of the Emperor The body is against the sky, and he is higher.

"Hahaha--, okay, okay, it's really good, the fighting saint king returns with so many supreme this time, let's see how foreign races and chaotic burial grounds conquer my Pangu universe!"

The Great Emperor Xuanshen laughed, very cheerful.

Throughout the years, it has been suppressed by foreign races and chaotic burial grounds, and even the ten-fold imperial gate was completely penetrated and disintegrated. As a last resort, the power of almost the entire Pangu universe created this Pangu Pass and was able to defend it.

But for a long time, all the soldiers came to the city and couldn't get out, which really hurt morale.

Now, the Fighting Sage King returned from the outside world, with so many supreme following behind him, and two quasi-giants, which completely reversed this disadvantage.

What's more, the rules of the giant covenant, the giants of the ages cannot be shot, the Pangu universe now has so many supreme seats, there is no fear of any chaotic ancient universe in the Chaos Sea.

In front of all the Supreme Beings, the Emperor of War stood one step forward, with infinite fighting intent, sweeping the entire battlefield, and his voice shook the heavens: "I am the Emperor of War, the first disciple under the seat of the warlord against the sky, lead the Supreme Emperor's domain and fight. The Supreme Legion of the three giants of Sanctuary and Yandi Region came to support the Pangu universe. Those who dare to invade the Pangu universe will kill you!"


When the voice fell, the Emperor of War was the first to make a move, Di Ge Hengkong, it was a quasi-giant-class immortal war soldier, terrifying endless, without knowing how many billions of miles, as if penetrating the Chaos Sea, blasting down.

Just now, it was the battle emperor that made a strong collision with the seven ancient emperors of the foreign race, showing invincible power.

Now, he continues to take action, to overwhelm the two armies of the ancient chaotic universe.


Under the terrifying and peerless attack, the seven or eight supreme figures who were the first to bear the brunt of the chaotic burial ground and the ancient alien universe flew upside down, the supreme blood splashed, and I don’t know how many powerhouses under the supreme were bombarded and wiped out. Re-exist.


"Very strong, a quasi-giant, but not a normal quasi-giant, a peerless quasi-giant that is respected by combat effectiveness!" An ancient emperor of Chaos Burial Ground has changed color. If the combat effectiveness is so powerful, he is afraid that he will be in a head-on collision. When facing each other, he was beaten to pieces, without the slightest resistance.

"The Endless Door!"

At the same time, Emperor Shenkong took the initiative. He controlled the Dao of Space, evolved into the Dao of the Emperor, and even shot at the quasi-giant level. How powerful is the Dao of Space, and the world is vast. Perhaps only the Dao of the eternal giant can be used to display space. Beyond above it.

It can be seen to the naked eye that a multitude of doors have evolved in an instant, appearing in front of the army of aliens and chaotic burial grounds.

I saw that in the gates of these spaces, there was an emperor and an ancient emperor as the commander, leading an endless army, and instantly shot, blasting and killing two unprepared armies of the ancient Chaos universe.

In the blink of an eye, a rain of blood flew, and I don't know how many strong people died in the burial grounds of alien races and chaos.

During the meeting, the two armies of the Chaos Ancient Universe were killed with heavy casualties, and even the emperor and powerful were killed by surprise.

The battlefield is the biggest meat grinder. If this continues, the supreme will not be spared its perish.

"The murderer will always be killed!"

The Sun Emperor spoke indifferently and said: "Dear fellow daoists, take action and exterminate all enemies who dare to invade the Pangu universe!"


Almost at the same time, a total of nearly forty supreme beings on the Pangu universe moved together, dominated by the four quasi-giant-class existences, and launched an unprecedented attack on the two chaotic ancient universes.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The endless attack fell like a squally rain.


The two quasi giants, Emperor Wanyan and Jiehuang, yelled for the first time, calling for the defense of the army, and the supreme evaded it, but it was too late. The opponent's offensive came too fast, like a thunderstorm. Everything.

Blood flowers bloomed one after another, endless figures fell from the sky, and the sea of ​​chaos was falling apart.

The great collision of many supreme beings is no less than the terrible collision of several eternal giants, shaking the Chaos Sea, and the impact is extremely far-reaching.

The chaotic ancient universe on all sides was shocked!

The four quasi-giants, the Emperor of War, Emperor Shenkong, Emperor Jinwu, and Emperor Wuxiang bear the brunt of the quasi-giant-class combat power, and fight against the two enemies of Wanyan Emperor and Realm Emperor. They are two to one. The number of crushing attacks.

Within ten rounds, Emperor Wanyan and Jiehuang were all injured.

The Great Emperor Wanyan bleeds the sky, and white marks also appeared on the body of the world emperor's world stone.

The Emperor of War, in particular, is extremely terrifying, and thoroughly demonstrated the terrifying combat power among the quasi-giants. Holding the emperor, he is the world’s quasi-giant who proves the path of the world stone. It is also difficult to bear such fierce extremes. It is conceivable that there will be cracks in the body of the world stone on the terrible offensive.

The two quasi-giants regressed steadily, and the thirty-three Supremes on the Pangu universe faced off against the thirty Supremes of the two chaotic ancient universes.

There seem to be two more on the Pangu Universe on the Supreme Battlefield, but one more is capable of attacking, let alone two, as long as they cooperate more, they can kill an enemy in a short time. Supreme.

Not long after, the three great masters attacked an ancient emperor of Chaos Burial Ground, killing the ancient emperor's **** Chaos Sea, torn apart, and reluctantly displaying forbidden supernatural powers, in a passive defense state.

But obviously, both of them are supreme, no one is much weaker than the other, let alone the three supreme fighting together, for a long time, this ancient emperor of the chaotic burial ground will undoubtedly die.

The basic purpose of the two extra supreme beings is to hit an enemy supreme as quickly as possible, so that the supreme advantage on this side will be greatly increased, and then bit by bit, comprehensively defeat the enemy supreme.

It has to be said that this method is very effective. The two supreme beings wandered on the battlefield of the supreme and cooperated with the supreme on the side of the Pangu universe again and again, causing one enemy supreme to suffer heavy losses.

One goes down and the other goes down, and the one's own supreme is able to crush the severely injured enemy supreme.

Over time, this advantage will increase substantially.

Even to a certain extent, it can really kill the enemy supreme.

In addition, Ye Chen and Emperor Taichu, two alternative Supremes, moved the battlefield and attacked the army under the Supremes.

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