Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3752: Lei Zhundi

Ye Chen and Emperor Taichu joined the camp, and the supreme level was condescending and crushing, which directly caused the cosmic forces of the alien race and the chaotic burial ground to suffer heavy casualties.

The many monarchs in the ancient alien universe and the chaotic burial ground were unstoppable, and they were blown away strongly in the face.



Only heard a stern roar, visible to the naked eye, Ye Chen descended on a monarch-level battlefield, and when he raised his hand, the power of boundless chaos gathered and grabbed one of the lone alien monarchs.

With the gradual clenching of Chaos's big hand, blood spattered, and screams came out, that alien emperor was squeezed out of the ground, so vulnerable.

Seeing this scene, the emperor of the early emperor could not help but smile: "Little Junior Brother, you are stronger than me, the eternal emperor. I can’t believe how strong you will become after you become the eternal emperor. Brother, it's a direct match against Dzogchen Supreme."

In the final analysis, the emperor in the early days only entered the eternal road during the emperor period, and Ye Chen entered the eternal road during the quasi-monarch period. The eternal road is far stronger than the eternal emperor, and the potential is even more terrible, leading to Ye Chen. Much stronger than the former.

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Senior brother is humble, I think the brother is accumulating, when will you prepare to preach?"

The emperor in the early days shook his head: "I want to prove Dao and become emperor. It is not easy. I don't know how many years of accumulation it will take."

The eternal emperor, as long as he accumulates enough, once he breaks through, he can directly break through to the eternal giant level.

However, it needs to accumulate enough to impact the eternal giant level. It should be understood that even Cang Yan has spent an era of era and extremely long years. It was not long before the emperor became the eternal emperor in the early days.

"When this battle is over, I should be able to directly break through the eternal emperor, the starry sky He Yao, the soul and the avenue imprinted in the universe." Ye Chen secretly said, turning his thoughts, multitasking, and when his figure moves, he melts into the sea of ​​chaos , Jumping through time and space, came to the battlefield of the emperor class.

Here, Emperor Hunyue was hit by the three emperors of the foreign race.

Because Emperor Hunyue was cultivated by the Chaos Innate God Mountain, he was especially careful that the two great emperors suddenly appeared from one of the emperors, killing Emperor Hunyue by surprise, and a little blood spattered.

Silently, Ye Chen appeared in front of Emperor Run Yue, smiled at him, and a pure chaotic divine power sank into the latter, recovering his injuries.

Immediately, he greeted him, and in the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of millions of chaotic lights, like a real world bombarding the past. The three emperors were hit hard by the bombing and splashed with blood.

It is completely overwhelmingly crushed.

Ye Chen is too powerful, no less than the real ancient emperor, using the power of the supreme level to shoot from top to bottom. Among the many emperors, no one is his general.

The Ancient Alien Universe and Chaos Burial Ground didn't plan to have multiple emperors fight Ye Chen together. However, how could the emperors who came to support the Pangu Universe and Origin Ancient Road give them a chance to sweep the past directly, without a chance to gather together.




After about seven or eight rounds, Ye Chen three pointed out. It was the Chaos Intercepting Finger, which penetrated time and space and landed between the eyebrows of the three foreign emperors. The source of the chaos appeared, and the soul of the three emperors was truly spiritual. Annihilated, leaving behind three emperor bodies.

This is the main material for re-strengthening the seal gate puppet, how can it be let go.

Seeing that the three emperors were easily killed by Ye Chen, Emperor Hun Yue smiled bitterly. He hadn't seen him in just a thousand years, and this fighting sage had completely surpassed him.

In the past, he still needed to protect the way by himself.

"Brother Taichu, you go to help others, I will solve it at the emperor's level."

Ye Chen left a word, turned and left, and immediately the Chaos Supreme Body and the Chaos King's Spirit emerged, and the three strongest bodies appeared together, waiting for the arrival of the three ancient emperors.

For the army on the side of the alien and chaotic burial ground, there is no doubt that the blow is huge.

The addition of a supreme of the ancient emperor's level is already a huge blow, not to mention that there are as many as three, and there is no solution at all.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

On the battlefield of Chaos Sea, the emperors were killed and fallen one after another, and Ye Chenru entered the land of no one.

In less than half an hour, among the two armies of Chaos Ancient Universe, Alien Race and Chaos Burial Ground, the emperor who had more than his hands was broken in Ye Chen's hands, and they were all suppressed. This is all refinement. High-quality material for the puppet of the emperor at the gate of the seal.

To take the Sealed Gate one step further and raise it to the corresponding level, materials are necessary. The original puppet of the emperor is a tasteless one at this level. It is tasteless and a pity to discard it.

Of course, if the Sealed Gate can be made stronger, Ye Chen will not hesitate to sacrifice the body and soul of the enemy emperor.


A strong aura suddenly bloomed, and an invincible emperor figure walked out of the alien army. Holding an invincible warhammer in his hand, he stepped forward and exploded half of the body of an emperor from the Pangu Universe. kill.

On his body, the emperor's aura that opened up seemed to be far superior to ordinary emperors.

Eternal Emperor!

Ye Chen's eyes condensed slightly, as if he didn't expect the eternal emperor to appear in this battlefield.

Of course, he never doubted that the ancient alien universe would lack the eternal emperor. As the most powerful Chaos ancient universe in the Chaos Sea, how could the alien ancient universe lack the corresponding eternal emperor.

After all, the eternal emperor was the seed figure most qualified to be the eternal giant.

But what Ye Chen was quite curious about was how the eternal emperor in front of him stepped into the eternal path.

It should be understood that the sooner you step into the path of eternity, the stronger and the more terrifying the potential.

The difference between the unphased emperor and the emperor of the early days are both eternal emperors ~

"Master Lei Zhun!"

Several foreign emperors spoke, respecting the eternal emperor who had suddenly appeared, and called the quasi emperor.

Indeed, only the eternal emperor is the most qualified to be called the quasi emperor, truly infinitely close to the existence of the ancient emperor.

The emperor Lei Zhun was tall and burly, holding a thunder hammer in his hand, and surrounded by the infinite thunder. That was the rule of the thunder king. It was terrifying, exceeding billions, and ordinary emperors could not approach.

He stared at the emperor of the Pangu Universe who had been bombarded with half of his body, and the thunder hammer in his hand danced, creating a vast and endless sea of ​​calamity and thunder, which was a strong fall.

After this shot, no matter how strong the emperor was, he would be almost destroyed.


Ye Chen's figure flickered, he penetrated time and space, came to the emperor, and raised his hand to meet him.

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