Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3753: Please come back from Heaven!

"Battle Saint King, this emperor also wants to know how capable you are!"

Emperor Lei Zhun apparently recognized Ye Chen, but his eyes were gushing with the blazing thunder of death, and with a cold shout, the power of the Lei Di hammer increased countless times, as if a piece of emperor's thunder robbery crashed down, endless Endless, annihilate all.

This is a strong blow, enough to kill the ordinary emperor.


The endless robbery light and thunder sea blasted open, shattering everything, spreading more than hundreds of millions of miles, it was almost like a great collision at the supreme level.

But after the Infinite Tribulation Lightning Thunder dissipated, Ye Chen's figure still stood upright, motionless, that palm firmly grasped the Thunder Emperor's Hammer, and let its gushing and terrifying Destruction Thunder, still unable to hurt his finger.


Emperor Lei Zhun's pupils shrank, this was his full blow, as the eternal emperor, even the true Dzogchen Supreme must be afraid of several points.

"Emperor Zhun, this title has some meaning, but it is not the real ancient emperor after all!"

Ye Chen's head tilted slightly, and then he smiled, and the power between his palms exploded, no less than the terrifying power of the ancient emperor.


There were several cracks in the Thunder Hammer.

The emperor Lei Zhun was horrified, and quickly used the most powerful eternal emperor's power to quickly regress.

Because he felt a sense of terrible crisis from Ye Chen, this fighting saint king was far more terrifying than he thought.


From Ye Chen, a terrifying power suddenly appeared, surpassing the emperor Lei Zhun, and immediately banned this chaotic sea area.

"Ancient, the ancient emperor!"

Emperor Lei Zhun said in amazement.

Ye Chen said, "As the eternal emperor, you can indeed be called the great emperor of the immortals, but I am at the peak of eternal emperor, and I am in the stage of sublimation. I am not a challenge, but a peak duel. You are not as good as me!"


Open the universe!

With a punch, the phantom of the universe emerged, crushing the past, shattering the eternal time and space.

Emperor Lei Zhun was alive and exploded, his body torn to pieces.

In the next moment, he reorganized his body for the first time. What's more, as the eternal emperor, the potential seed of the eternal giant is more important than the ancient emperor. How can there be no means of protecting the body.

His body rushed out of the guardian Emperor Bao for the first time.

But Ye Chen waved the Chaos Sacred Fist and slammed into the Guardian Emperor Bao. In the blink of an eye, it was seven combos. Each blow waited for the full blow of the Great Emperor Ruogu, and finally shattered.

In the final analysis, he didn't allow an eternal giant to exist in the alien race, even if it was just a quasi giant.

The emperor Lei Zhun roared, his entire body flickered with infinite thunder light, which was almost the mighty power of Emperor Dao, and he was bombarding frantically with the Thunder Hammer in his hand. In the blink of an eye, thousands of consecutive bombardments, superimposed on each other, reached unprecedented power.

"Chaos shakes the sky!"

Ye Chen’s eyes were cold, and the aura of the eternal emperor’s peak realm at the highest sublimation level broke out completely, squeezing everything, just like the real ancient emperor Linchen, his aura is no less than this level, raising his hand to cover it. Go down.


Emperor Lei Zhun flew horizontally, torn apart in the sky, unable to collide with Ye Chen Peak.

At the same time, Ye Chen grabbed the Thunder Hammer and threw it into the Chaos Universe to suppress it.

Emperor Lei Zhun will die!

Just as he was about to take a shot, suddenly, he sensed a terrible crisis and moved horizontally.


In the original position, everything went to annihilation in an instant!

In the sea of ​​chaos, a supreme powerhouse exuding an aura that surpassed the Dzogchen Supreme appeared. It was a quasi-giant existence. He came out of the army of the alien ancient universe and aimed at Ye Chen.

The palm of his hand was to grab the seriously injured Lei Zhundi, and a quasi-giant force blessed him so that the injury would not continue to deteriorate.


Seeing this alien quasi-giant, Emperor Lei Zhun opened his mouth as if he was his senior.

Those who came came from the master of the same eternal giant.

The alien quasi-giant nodded slightly and said, "You go back to heal, and he will leave it to this seat to solve it."

"Understand." Although Emperor Lei Zhun was a little unwilling, he also knew that the current fighting saint king was indeed not something he could deal with.


Ye Chen's expression changed, and there was a second quasi-giant from the alien race, and he had been in the dark.

I am afraid, this is the second quasi-giant that the alien race has planned for a long time, waiting for the opportunity to take action later.

He knows that he is no match for the quasi-giant at all.

Without thinking about it, just turned and left.

"If you want to go, can you go?" The foreign quasi-giant came personally and chased Ye Chen. His mighty power directly shook many powerful men of the two armies.

There was even a supreme from the Pangu Universe who was preparing to fight with Ye Chen to block it, but the quasi-giant shot and squeezed past. The supreme figure flew across, blood spattered, and was directly injured.

The power of the quasi-giant is fully demonstrated!

Ye Chen hummed coldly, using Chaos Taoism, especially in this Chaos Sea. Chaos is everywhere, and his strength can be discovered to the greatest extent. The chaotic light is blazing, resonating with the Chaos Sea, rushing towards the unphased king and the Golden Crow. Around the quasi-giants of the Pangu universe, such as the Great Emperor, the Emperor of War, and Emperor Shenkong.

"Die, you can't escape at all!"

"Eternal ban!"

The alien quasi-giant was shrouded in a black battle suit, shrouded all over the body, shining with crystal light, and couldn't see the true face at all. At this moment, there was a roar, and the terrifying supernatural powers showed up, which is more terrifying than the ancient emperor’s forbidden supernatural powers. Vaguely, a big hand of the eternal giant directly pressed down, sealing the eternal time and space of this chaotic sea area, unable to break through!


Ye Chen's discoloration, the means used by this alien quasi-giant probably involves the level of the eternal giant, banning time and space, as powerful as him, although self-confidence can break through, but the other party does not give time to break through.


I saw the alien quasi-giant holding a thick and thick Moshipan and pressed it across. The Moshipan was refined and refined from the Innate Chaos Stone, which was more extraordinary than the Chaos Innate Mountain of the Emperor Hunyue. It was the essence of the mountain. Where it was, sacrificed to become a quasi-giant soldier. At this time, aiming at Ye Chen was zooming in. It instantly turned into a big seal of heaven and earth, covering the boundless area, pressing down hard.

The quasi-giant destroying the world is enough to explode the supreme, even if it cannot be killed for the first time, it is enough to absolutely severely damage.

Ye Chen could not escape, nor could he escape, because the vast army on the side of the Pangu Universe would inevitably be killed and wounded directly once it fell.

"Open the universe!"

With a loud roar, the forbidden magical powers were displayed again, and the terrifying forbidden magical powers of Chaoyu's ordinary supreme, forcibly shake the huge and boundless grinding wheel on that side.


The sky is shaking I don't know how many vast areas are shattered.

The only aftermath is that the army on both sides did not know how many strong people were crushed to pieces and annihilated.

Ye Chen coughed out three mouthfuls of blood. Even if he used taboo magical powers, he was still not the opponent of the quasi-giant, and the gap between them was huge, and the difference was more than several times.

"Oh, there are some methods, but it is definitely a death!"

The grinding disc continued to fall, even more terrifying than before.

Ye Chen deliberately used the means of the unity of the three gods, completely breaking through the boundary, but now he is not given this opportunity at all.

For eternal bans, the two supreme-level Dao bodies couldn't break through at the first time, they could only crash frantically on the forbidden aperture, and the impact made the forbidden aperture rippling.

"Catch it with your hands, you can't escape!"

The alien quasi-giant coldly exposed himself and shot again, but this time, Ye Chen had no choice but to transmit the voice: "Wuxiang Shizu, please let the sun of heaven return!"

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