Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3754: Ye Zhun Giant!

Far on the other side.

This is a battlefield belonging to the quasi-giant level!

The four quasi-giants such as Emperor Jinwu, Emperor of War, Emperor Wuxiang, and Emperor Shenkong are frantically besieging the two quasi-giants of Wanyan and Jiehuang.

Under the joint attack of the four quasi-giants, both the Emperor Wanyan and the world emperor whose body was the world stone were also hit hard.

In front of him, Emperor Shenkong used the quasi-giant-level space emperor Dao, world-famous, invincible, and completely sealed off this chaotic sea battlefield, making the two enemies unable to leave the giants, and was trapped here.

The Realm Emperor was cultivated by the world stone, and it also reached the quasi-giant level for the time-space avenue, and was also very powerful, enough to dissolve the space blockade of Emperor Shenkong.

However, the Emperor Jie did not have the opportunity to resolve it, because he was the Emperor of War. This was a peerless quasi-giant known for its combat effectiveness. His combat power was terribly messed up. He held the Emperor Ge and crushed the emperor’s incarnation. A lot of super world world, strong breakthrough.

Throughout the ages, it has been second only to the warlord against the sky, crushing everything, and comprehensively suppressing the realm emperor, making it too late to use the world emperor's way to offset the space ban of the Shenkong Great.


Di Ge struck across and fell heavily on the Realm Emperor, causing him to cough up blood. That was the essence of the world stone.

On the other side, the Great Emperor Wanyan was naturally unhappy. The Great Emperor Jin Crow and the Emperor Wuxiang both proactively killed him.


Suddenly, the four Pangu universe quasi-giants noticed the crisis originating from Ye Chen. Unconsciously, they jumped out of a mysterious and unknown foreign quasi-giant, and they made a fierce move to kill Ye Chen. Nearly no resistance.

"I'm going to rescue the fighting king!"

The unphased king was about to speak, and suddenly, the world of billions of billions of dollars suddenly evolved.

It was the Realm Emperor, who suddenly broke out with all his strength, and at the same time the body was crushed by the battle emperor, the space ban of Emperor Shenkong was broken, and in turn, the infinite boundary sea was used to reverse and ban them.

"court death!"

The emperor snorted coldly, and Di Ge frantically attacked, with infinite fighting intent, directly piercing the realm emperor's body through a cave, destroying the infinite world.

Emperor Jinwu, Emperor Wuxiang, and Emperor Shenkong also took action, crushing everything, and wanted to open a channel.

But Emperor Wanyan also broke out, desperately trying to prevent the four of them from leaving.

When the two quasi-giants are desperately working, the four quasi-giants can finally break open, but it will always take a while, and it cannot be rescued in a moment.

"Shizu Wuxiang, please let the sun of heaven return!"

Ye Chen obviously also knew the situation of the four of them, and as a last resort, he had to speak.

"it is good!"

"Heavenly Sun, out of the body!"


The figure of the unphased emperor shook, the billions of miles of giant Tiandao Sun left his eucharist, and the majestic quasi-giant aura suddenly fell sharply and returned to the supreme level.

"Smash the vacuum!"

The emperor gave a cold shout, Di Ge blessed the Heavenly Dao Sun, and Shenkong Great’s Space Emperor Dao blessing, and finally penetrated the ban of the world.

At the same time, the Emperor Profound God held the tower, and the emperor's way of time and space blossomed, piercing through time and space, making the heavenly way of the sun come before Ye Chen between birth and death.

It is said to be slow, but all this happens and it is complete before birth and death.

The sun of heaven, before Ye Chen appeared, one could clearly feel how majestic and majestic power it contained, enough to burn the heavens, burn out the ten thousand ways, and the ten thousand realms would not exist.

There is also a wave of brand-new supreme heavenly power, rippling wanton and releasing without concealment.

"Heavenly Sun, Smelt!"

Ye Chen took a deep breath and stepped in, blending with the heavenly sun.

After many years, Tiandao Sun is smelted again.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

As soon as he entered the body, the incomparable quasi-giant-level power of the Heavenly Dao continued to flow, arbitrarily filling in Ye Chen's limbs.

The whole body is bright and glowing, which can illuminate the chaotic sea.

Years ago, Ye Chen was comparable to the Ten Heavenly Peak King, unable to withstand the power of the quasi-giant-level Heavenly Dao Sun. Today, he is directly comparable to the ancient emperor, and he is far better than the past in every respect.

The unphased king can bear it, and he can also bear it.


The stalwart power of the heavenly sun emerges in the body, and it will not be like the past, and there will be a crisis of crushing bones at every turn.

The supreme chaotic sacrament and the blessing of the cosmic power of the chaotic small universe enable him to perfectly control the power of the heavens and the sun.

In an instant, his aura soared to an unprecedented height.



With a punch, everything in front of him collapsed, unstoppable, and powerfully collided with the grinding wheel.


The big bust appeared, and the aftermath was traumatized by the shock.

Ye Chen's figure backed two steps before it stopped, and Mo Shipan was blown into flight.

"Hahaha--, is this the real power of the Sun of Heaven? It is strong enough, come again!"

He looked up to the sky and roared with pride. At the same time, the power of the quasi-giant of Tiandao Sun was completely controlled and perfectly controlled. This time, even if there was a frontal collision, he was not afraid of it and would not regress.

The look of the foreign quasi-giants slightly changed: "The power of the quasi-giants?"

The Great Emperor Wanyan was also surprised: "The Fighting Saint King perfectly controls the power of the Sun?"

"This is the real power of heaven, I am heaven, I am the tenth day!"

Ye Chen grinned, his pores all over his body, could it be that the glow of the blazing glow was wanton, it was the light of the billowing heavenly way, the immeasurable heavenly way was melting, and the body was comparable to the heavenly way, his eyes swept away, shaking the entire battlefield.


This time, he took the initiative to attack and slammed the foreign quasi-giant.

The Great Chaos Cauldron appeared in his hand, and it collapsed into an incomparable chaotic brilliance.

The foreign quasi-giant let out a cold is blocked by the grinding wheel!


This is the collision of the quasi-giant class, which is banned for eternity and torn apart in the first time.

The incomparable shock wave spread out layer by layer, and Ye Chen resisted all of them with the power of the heavens and the sun, and never affected the strong on this side of the Pangu universe.

As for the powerhouses of foreign races and chaotic burial grounds, the foreign quasi-giants did not choose to resist at all.

The terrifying quasi-giant levels collide, the so-called collapse of the sky and the disintegration of time and space are no longer enough to describe.

This level is much more powerful than Dzogchen Supreme such as the ancient emperor and the supreme immortal, and it truly comes into contact with the domain of the eternal giants.

It's as if the emperor came into contact with the imperial realm, far surpassing that of the primordial emperor.

Although Ye Chen directly relied on external forces, it was nothing more than the current he did indeed possess this level of combat power.

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