Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3755: Alien ambush

In the sea of ​​chaos, the vastness is boundless, the Supreme Realm will not come to maintain, and the long river of years has never appeared.

Ye Chen and the foreign quasi-giant backed three steps at the same time, and then re-established his figure.

He is no less than a real quasi-giant now, and the same is true in all aspects. The Heavenly Dao Sun is melted in the body, giving him an increase in all aspects by several times.

More importantly, his Chaos Saint Body and Chaos Saint Soul are both sufficient to accommodate the domineering power of the Heavenly Dao Sun. Combat experience and combat consciousness have reached this level, not to mention the backlash caused by the Heavenly Dao Sun at this stage. , Minimal and negligible, strong self-healing ability is enough to recover easily.

Ye Chen said towards the foreign quasi-giant: "The power of the quasi-giant level is very good."

The face of the alien quasi-giant hidden under the black battle suit was ugly, but he didn't expect that it would fall short in the end, saving the fighting sage king.

But he said coldly: "Relying on external force to reach the level of quasi-giant, after all, it is only external force, not your real strength. How long can you fight against the holy king?"

He believed that the Fighting Saint King could not always smelt the Heavenly Dao Sun in his body. After all, it was an external force, not a result of his own cultivation. This kind of quasi-giant-level power will eventually backfire and leave him sooner or later.

It's just that he doesn't know how long can he smelt the body with the power of the Heavenly Dao and the Sun?

How long can the power of the heavenly sun last?

All this is still unknown.

Ye Chen grinned and said, "You can try it!"

Tiandao Sun can be said to be the tenth day of the Pangu Universe's new birth. It belongs to the Pangu Universe's Tiandao. It is smelted in the body, and there is no fear of lack of power. The Pangu Universe's origin will continuously transmit the Tiandao power.

What's more, Tiandao Sun originally belonged to Ye Chen, and with his current chaotic body, it was enough to be permanently smelted in his body.

In a sense, he is almost invincible by nature.


When the voice fell, Ye Chen took the lead to attack.

Stepping on the great chaotic cauldron, the chaotic brilliance gleamed, almost burning, and slammed into the foreign quasi-giant head-on.

In his hand, the five-element emperor star emerged, and under the blessing of the quasi-giant-level power, it directly glowed with unprecedented power, and swept the foreign quasi-giant.

"Heh!" The foreign quasi-giant screamed coldly, without evading the slightest, as the milling disc kept zooming in, it could wipe out the world of heavens and rush forward.

This is a shocking collision at the quasi-monarch level, extremely terrifying.

The two sides collided again and again, rising from the bottom of the Chaos Sea, and rushing to the unattainable position of the Chaos Sea. Each collision can make the vast Chaos Sea boil and explode at every turn. Open, annihilate, and go round and round, and many of the chaotic worlds that are about to be conceived and born have suffered a great destruction.

Chaos Dading suppressed from top to bottom, and the chaotic world exploded.

A majestic emperor star covering the sky and sun blasted down, as if to penetrate the entire chaotic sea.

Ye Chen masters the two supreme levels of Taoist soldiers, and the power of the quasi-giant level is perfectly blooming, powerfully slamming, swinging the chaotic holy fist, using the chaotic Taoist method, fighting the holy method of fighting, showing all the peerless magical powers, and angering the alien Quasi-giant.

At this moment, Ye Chen is no less than a real quasi-giant, and he has reached this level in all aspects, extremely strong.

Naturally, the foreign quasi-giant is not weak at all. Although he is not clear about his true identity, the pitch-black battle suit he wears is obviously at the quasi-giant level, which can resist peerless attacks at this level.

Ye Chen's various terrorist offensives fell on it, clanging loudly, but the emperor flickered, but it was difficult to really penetrate.

At this point, the quasi-giant’s strength is fully demonstrated.

In this regard, Ye Chen was also deeply jealous, and suddenly concentrated his energy, only listening to him with a soft drink, the sound of which ran through the heavens, the chaotic cauldron shining with the golden light of the chaotic nine immortals, from top to bottom, crashing back down.


Unprepared, the alien quasi-giant figure sank and fell from the chaotic sea to the solid ground. Suddenly, endless cracks appeared, and the alien quasi-giant's mouth was slightly bleeding.

He was very furious. He raised his hand and looked at Ye Chen in the sky and roared: "Battle Saint King, how dare you hurt this seat!"

The two sides of the Chaos Sea battlefield were shocked, and the Fighting Saint King actually injured the mysterious alien quasi-giant, which was incredible.

Ye Chen sneered, pursued after victory, and killed him in anger. The foreign quasi-giant's momentum was repeatedly suppressed and regressed.

Unconsciously, he was already far away from this chaotic sea battlefield.

The injuries of the foreign quasi-giant are also getting worse, and occasionally blood splashing on him can be seen.

Even the inky black suit of the quasi-giant level could not completely resist it.

This made the alien quasi-giant roar and turned and left, seeming to be defeated.

Ye Chen was about to take advantage of the victory, but suddenly felt something was wrong, which came from intuition.

"Well, he wants to transfer the battlefield to the Alien Ancient Universe. I am afraid that there are other alien quasi-giants in ambush, and it is not necessarily even if the ancient giants are ready to take action."

He was keen on his mind and noticed the cautious thinking of the foreign quasi-giant. He sneered at the moment, and his figure flickered. It was transmission shuttled through time and space, with a thud, disappeared from the place, leaving only a sneer: "Your conspiracy is too great It's too obvious. You actually want to seduce me into your alien ancient universe. Did you ambush other quasi-giants to ambush me together? Do you really think I'm as stupid as you?"

The alien quasi-giant watched Ye Chen's figure penetrating time and space, then disappeared, and suddenly fell into gloom.

In several other distant locations, the Chaos Sea tore apart, and three alien quasi-giants emerged one after another.

Ye Chen suddenly guessed it, and the alien race really lay ambush.

And it is to prepare the four quasi-giants to ambush together, leaving this terrible disaster here forever.

"Heigu, you let us down, you actually fell short." The three quasi-giants of the foreign race who came out said very dissatisfied.

Such a great opportunity was actually lost.

The quasi-giant named Hei Gu was the one who fought Ye Chen earlier. At this moment, he heard the words and let out a cold snort: "Don't underestimate this fighting king. The fact that he can rise to this point in just a few years shows that he It’s against the sky. If you don’t say it’s me, you won’t be able to really conspiracy when you face it."

"You don't need to say more useless nonsense. Now that you know it, don't lie in ambush anymore. Let's start together and kill all the powerful people in the Pangu universe with absolute power."

A foreign quasi-giant with two purple-gold horns opened his mouth. His bull head is extremely burly, as high as ten thousand feet. However, there are three thousand eyes on the bull's head, which can penetrate three thousand big worlds, one huge. The eyes are all cold.

In this war, including them and Emperor Wanyan, a total of five quasi-giants were dispatched.

This point, even the Chaos Burial Ground of the Alliance did not know, the Realm Emperor was also in the dark.

And this is the resurgence of the quasi-giant that the Alien Ancient Universe did not hesitate to awaken the past era.

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