Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3756: Supreme Scepter Revealed

Today, the eternal giants of the Pangu universe are becoming stronger.

On the ancient road of origin, the tycoons of all parties were suppressed even more.

The Supreme Sage Emperor defeated the first generation giant Xuanxu Shengzun, so that the giants of the foreign race did not dare to originate from the peak of the ancient road.

The warlord against the sky reverses time and space and returns from the past.

Time and Space, the Great, never perished.

The supreme human emperor of the Pangu universe seems to truly awaken the reincarnation emperor of his previous life, and the eternal giant Daoguo is awakening.

On the tributary of the truncated long river, the supreme alien giant recently noticed a lot of movement, and perhaps the emperor who was delayed in the future is about to return.

And the disappeared Emperor Qin Shihuang and Emperor Hunyuan...

The Pangu universe is gradually growing.

The current supreme tycoons of foreign races all have worries, and they will not hesitate to wake up from the deepest sleep, hoping to make a quick battle and solve the Pangu universe completely, otherwise the consequences will be endless.

Therefore, this time he did not hesitate to dispatch the five quasi-giants.

It should be noted that quasi-giants belong to the eternal giants of the future. As long as they have passed enough years, they can only say that they have a success rate of more than one-third.

Even in the ancient universe of alien races, there are not many Supremes born in one era, let alone quasi-giants, often only two or three.

The five quasi-giants dispatched this time, including Emperor Wanyan, were all quasi-giants from other eras.

Even if it weren't for the giant covenant, they would send the supreme giant at all costs, personally participate, and go straight to Huanglong.

"Okay, let's do it together to completely solve Pangu universe!"

"Although they have invited so many supreme people from the ancient path of origin, I waited for five people, enough to solve everything."

Other foreign quasi-giants also spoke, and since the recovery, the state has been adjusted to the peak state.

At this time, Ye Chen had already returned to the Chaos Sea battlefield in front of Pangu Pass, and the power of the heavens and the sun released the mighty force of the rolling quasi-giant, piercing through the limbs and hundreds of skeletons.

That endless endless power gave him a sense of invincibility that rivaled the eternal giants.

Of course, he also knew that it was just an illusion, and there was a huge gap between the quasi-giant and the eternal giant.

At the same time, he also sent a message to warn the other three quasi-giants of the Pangu universe that the aliens dormant other quasi-giants, be careful.





Before Pangu Pass, the Chaos Sea battlefield exploded, and four unmatched quasi-giant auras suddenly bloomed, slammed into the battlefield, and penetrated the space ban of Emperor Shenkong more strongly.

On the Pangu universe, many powerful figures fluttered, and even the supreme was shaken back.

Looking up at the past, all looks changed drastically!


And four quasi giants!

With the addition of Emperor Wanyan and Jiehuang, a total of six quasi-giants were hit, and there were two more than Pangu Universe on this side, enough to completely reverse the situation on both sides!

This is just like the number of quasi-giants in the Pangu universe not long ago.

The four quasi-giants such as Jin Crow Great, War Emperor, Shenkong Great, and Ye Chen changed in an instant, and Ye Chen clenched his fists: "It's a miscalculation!"

Of course, there is also a sense of fear. Fortunately, he retreated in time, otherwise he would face the siege of the four foreign quasi-giants.

Even after he smelted the Sun of Heaven, his strength was comparable to that of the quasi-giants, he was definitely not the opponent of the four foreign quasi-giants.

He still knew this.

The Emperor Jie also trembled.

Alien, really well prepared, the five quasi-giants were born, such a lineup is enough to challenge the eternal giants.

Even though Emperor Wanyan was covered in blood, he had just suffered a severe attack from the two quasi-giants during the war, just as he had also paid an extraordinary heavy price.

Especially the Emperor of War, sometimes shot against him, with one move and one move, all possessing an absolute fighting intent, as powerful as he is also unbearable, and he suffered continuous damage.

Fortunately, his father is a supreme giant, he is also a quasi-giant, possessing a lot of treasures, and his resilience is amazing enough. As long as he is not destroyed immediately, even if his body is broken and bones, he can recover with his unparalleled vitality. At this moment, the four major aliens The giant came to his side, he immediately took a breath, and immediately recovered from his injuries, saying indifferently: "Everyone, please take action and completely solve the Pangu universe!"


"The Pangu universe should be extinct in the last era!"

The five foreign quasi-giants facing the four quasi-giants on the side of the Pangu universe violently shot, and the annihilating offensive fell suddenly.

This blow is afraid that Pangu Pass will be shaken by the face, and it may not necessarily be stopable.

"The Endless Door!"

The Great Emperor Shenkong made the first shot, and in the blink of an eye billions of giant gates appeared, densely packed, flooding the front.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

A series of giant gates were destroyed and annihilated, but more than half of the destructive power was passed through the endless gate, causing loss in other places, making the four quasi-giant powers finally appearing in the Pangu universe, but half was enough to stop them.

"It's useless!"

The Great Emperor Wanyan was in the cold, and the five quasi-giants of foreign races stepped forward and killed them head-on.

On the other side, the emperor also received the voice of the five quasi-giants of the alien race and made a move.

The six quasi-giants struck across, enough to wipe out all the powerful enemies on this side of the Pangu universe.

"War Emperor Shizu!" Ye Chen looked at the war emperor, as did Emperor Shenkong.

The Emperor of War sighed slightly and said, "Although I really want to kill a foreign quasi-giant, I don't want to waste time and cause unnecessary casualties, so I have to take action."

Silently, the supreme scepter appeared in his hand.


For some reason, the five quasi-giants of the alien race, the emperor of the world, showed a sense of horror when seeing this four-gold scepter.

The sense of crisis seems to be like meeting a giant of the ages.

The battle emperor held up the supreme scepter and shouted coldly: "In the name of my battle emperor, command the supreme authority, for my use!"


Under the supreme authority, everything in the heavens is subject to its orders.

Visible to the naked eye, the endless great power and the vast sea of ​​chaos all boiled wantonly.

Within the Chaos Sea, a force that was comparable to the level of an eternal giant rose into the sky, and was controlled by the Emperor of War.


Immediately, the power of the supreme authority commanded the sea of ​​chaos and infinite mighty power, and suddenly collided with the five quasi-giants of the alien race ~ The horrible explosion, like a great collision of the eternal giants.

The figure of the war emperor cannot be like a mountain, the supreme scepter is in his hand, and the power of the supreme authority is continuously released to surround him and resist all the aftermath.

The five tycoons of foreign races were not so lucky. Under the big collision, their silhouettes flew hundreds of thousands of miles away, and then they stabilized, staring at the supreme scepter in the hands of the Emperor of War in surprise: "The soldiers of the eternal giants? Even the soldiers of the eternal giants cannot be so terrifying. I feel that this soldier seems to contain the way of the eternal giants, full recovery and stimulation, waiting for the eternal giants to come."

The Realm Emperor was also shocked. Once such a supreme scepter was used, even the world stone body would not work and could not bear it.

The Emperor of War smiled coldly: "You have a bit of insight. This is a soldier of the eternal giants personally sacrificed by my master reincarnated in battle and saint ancestors. It belongs to the taboo level. If I hold my hand, it is no less than a real The eternal giant, so today all of you stay, supreme authority, seal the battlefield of Chaos Sea!"

With a call, this vast chaotic sea battlefield was directly banned.

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