Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3758: Cang?? Great Tianzun comes

"In the name of my battle emperor, with the highest authority, resist!"


The power of the incomparable Chaos Sea surged and turned into an unbreakable barrier, lying in front of him, resisting the attack of the supreme tycoon of the foreign race.

"Outside the road, dare to block this seat? It's ridiculous!"

The supreme tycoon of foreign race snorted coldly, and the power suddenly increased by countless. With a click, the road barrier formed by the endless chaotic gas was blown up. It has been unclear how many hundreds of millions of miles of large hands, covering the sky. Volley down, grabbing everyone.

The Emperor of War looked gloomy and shouted: "Alien, you dare to violate the covenant of the giants, do you want to declare war on the giants of the Chaos Sea, and even the ancient Chaos universe?"

"Junior, you talk too much."

The supreme tycoon of foreign race is coldly exposed, and the hand of the tycoon contains incomparable giant-level mighty power, layered on top of each other, and I don't know how many tens of thousands of weights.

The battle emperor had to use the supreme scepter to use the power of the supreme authority to order the boundless chaotic sea to block it.

It is a pity that it is only blocking, and the effect is not great. The Emperor of War can use the supreme scepter to exert a power comparable to the level of the eternal giant, but it is only comparable, and cannot be directly surpassed like the Profound Void Saint.

The battle with the real giants of the ages was quite suppressed.

Of course, holding the supreme authority, the battle emperor's combat power can rise to the level of eternal giants, not as simple as the so-called challenge.

Even the supreme tycoons of foreign races are extremely difficult to kill them.

"Immediately return to Pangu Pass, even the supreme alien giants will not be able to break through."

The battle emperor ordered that many supreme leaders immediately led many supreme legion powerhouses to enter the customs quickly. As long as they enter the customs smoothly, even if the supreme tyrants of foreign races dare to enter the customs, they are also throwing rodents. The origin of the Pangu universe has already complemented the heavens and will suppress them.


Don't the supreme tycoons of foreign races know their thoughts, and shouted: "Impossible, innocent, infinite, invisible, invincible!"

He yelled out five words in a row, which were clearly the oldest words, but so that everyone could understand them, and immediately the most terrifying giant way fell.

That is the terrible principle that belongs to this supreme alien giant.


The barrier formed by the supreme scepter was pierced, and the mighty magnate road crashed down, descending in a force of destroying the eternal heavens.

Five quasi-giants such as Tianniu, Heiguquasi-giant, and Jiehuang broke out immediately and got rid of the suppression. At the same time, they also rescued the ancient emperors of other alien ancient universes and chaotic burial sites. They quickly rose into the sky. Be suppressed again.

Seeing that they were freed from the suppression, the Emperor of War looked gloomy, but he never backed away, because the mysterious and unknown alien supreme giant was still taking action, and was about to continue to take action with the Supreme Scepter. At this time, there was a terrible eternal giant. The power suddenly appeared, and the Tao of the supreme tycoon of the alien race was directly disintegrated.

"who is it?"

The supreme tycoon of foreign race shouted angrily, and there were other tycoons of the eternal race, blocking the power of Pangu universe.

A cold voice echoed: "Foreign race, is it so ignorant of the giant covenant made by the giants of the heavens, and come forward without authorization?"


I saw the sea of ​​chaos exploded, and the supreme powerhouse came again, with green and white hair and a heroic figure, stepping out, and the majesty of the supreme giant overlooking the eternal era bloomed.


See the supreme giant again!

Those who saw it, Ye Chen, Sun Emperor, Kunpeng Emperor and others were extremely excited: "Cang Yan Great Heavenly Lord!"

Yes, the person who came was Cang Yan, known as the Great Heavenly Lord, an invincible eternal giant!

The Wuxiang King and the Emperor Shura who are fighting on the battlefield of the Emperor are amazed that it is Cang Yan, who has not been seen in an era, and has become the supreme giant!

Seeing the arrival of Cang Yan, the supreme giant of foreign races, his expression sank immediately, and he shouted: "You are just a new tycoon. If you don't go to retreat for tens of thousands of years, you dare to appear and oppose this seat. I really don't fear this seat. Kill you today to death!"

Cang Yan Da Tianzun is very strong, but in the final analysis, he has just entered this field, and this supreme alien giant has set foot in endless years and is even stronger.

Unless Cang Yan spent tens of thousands of years refining the Dao to stabilize it thoroughly and reach the stage of Dzogchen in all aspects, he would not be destined to be his opponent.

"Heh!" Cang Yan sneered, looked at the Emperor of War, and said: "Friends, please borrow the scepter to use it!"

"It should be."

The Emperor of War did not worry either, knowing that Cang Yan Great Heavenly Sovereign was an ally, he sent the Supreme Scepter directly.

Holding the supreme scepter in his hand, the Great Heavenly Sovereign Cang Yan directly grasped the way of the supreme authority, and his aura suddenly increased by a large amount, secretly shocked. This was the way of the supreme authority of the first generation giant Xuanxu Sovereign, and it was really strong.

Immediately he looked at the supreme tycoon of the alien race, laughed, full of confident brilliance, and proudly said: "Today, you dare to fight in this seat and see who destroys whom?"

The look of the supreme foreign tycoon is very ugly. Doesn’t he know how powerful the Xuanxu Sovereign is? As the first generation tycoon, he is really powerful, that is, when he encounters the abnormality of the Supreme Sage Emperor, now Cang Yan is in charge of the supreme scepter. Almost no less than the original Xuanxu Sage.

Right now, Cang Yan Da Tianzun possesses the combat power of the first generation giant level.

Even if he wanted to win, it was extremely difficult.

With a cold snort, the supreme tycoon of the alien race said: "This seat does not take action against Pangu Universe, but Emperor Wanyan, Heigu and others must exchange our Ancient Universe."


Cang Yan Da Tianzun is very powerful and domineering. This is because the supreme authority is in hand. He has enough confidence and is not afraid of everything.

The supreme tycoon of foreign races will naturally not retreat easily. The Great Emperor Wanyan and the five tycoons of foreign races are still here, and they are both vital pillars of the ancient alien universe.


Soon, the second supreme tycoon of the alien race arrived, and it was indeed the ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty.

The Great Emperor Wanyan was his most beloved heir. It took endless efforts to make him reach the level of a quasi-giant in the three eras. There is hope of becoming a supreme giant, and it is impossible to let him go wrong.

"Hand over my son Wanyan Great and other ancient universe emperors of our world, and you can leave."

Although most of them were rescued, Emperor Wanyan, five foreign emperors, and three ancient emperors of Chaos Burial Site were still in a state of suppression.

Cang Yan said coldly: "It is impossible to hand it I also advise you not to take it lightly, but there is still a giant covenant, and the eternal giant cannot take it lightly, otherwise you have to wait for the consequences. stand up."

"Hmph, our ancient universe never fears any enemy, even the primordial immortal realm." The ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty said indifferently, "if we don't hand over people above the supreme level of our ancient universe, war will inevitably start."

"In that case, let's go to war!" Great Heavenly Sovereign Cang Yan is in charge of the supreme authority with the mighty power of the eternal giants. That power is no less powerful than that of the former Profound Void Sovereign, coldly confronting the two supreme alien giants.

The supreme tycoon of foreign races wanted to fight very much, but in the final analysis, they were afraid.

Once the giant covenant is touched, there will be endless troubles.

"Since you have torn your skin apart, let's completely tear it to the end!" The ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty's ancestor looked extremely cold, preparing to attack another supreme alien giant.


At this time, the Chaos Sea rioted again, and an incomparable phantom shadow of the ancient chaotic universe was projected down, tearing the sky apart, and it was a projection of the primordial fairy world.

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