Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3759: The final battle

A majestic immortal king manifested in the world, almost as if it really descended from the phantom of the universe in the prehistoric immortal world.

He surrounds three thousand fairy halos, and each fairy halo is so flaming and boundless, surpassing the light of the sun, and vaguely visible through the vast and endless world.

At first glance, if the three thousand immortal worlds surround the body, every immortal world can see endless creatures kneeling down and worshiping, hundreds of millions of creatures worship, the gods of the heavens bow their heads, and the demon gods of all parties admire them.

It was not an illusory vision, it was a real scene, the Immortal King Wushuang commanded the Three Thousand Immortal Dao World.

This immortal king is so extraordinary, concealed by immortality, and surrounded by billions of avenues. It looks like immortal light, but he exudes a supreme power that can put an end to everything in the world. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Emperor Zu and Cang Yan Da Tianzun were above the three eternal giants.

"Everyone, please stop. According to the rules of the giant covenant, the giants of the ages shall not intervene in the war between the chaotic ancient universe."

This Immortal King is very majestic. He stands tall on the Immortal Pass, seemingly small and dusty, but in fact it feels like it is higher than the Immortal Pass, which is high in the sky.

At the same time, one after another Supreme Immortal appeared behind him, witnessing this place.

There are also other immortal kings in the depths of the primordial immortal world, looking at this chaotic sea battlefield, and the whole immortal world's immeasurable fairy loom is looming.

The giant covenant was formulated by the prehistoric immortal world in the past. Naturally, they are also law enforcers.

If you dare not to comply, Honghuangxianjie will come forward to stop it.


But seeing the immortal king giant who came out of the prehistoric immortal world, the two supreme alien giants such as Emperor Dizu of the early Yuan Dynasty changed slightly.

Including Chaos Inside, other supreme, quasi-giants, and even eternal giants who are concerned about this scene are the same.

All of this is due to the immortal king giant who opened his mouth-Final Yan Xianzun.

Perhaps the supreme in the past two or three epochs seems a little unfamiliar to it, but whether it is the supreme immortal of the prehistoric immortal realm, or other supreme or above who have lived long enough, they all know the prestigious name of this ultimate immortal!

It belongs to the earliest immortal kings in the prehistoric immortal realm. It is known as the Immortal Venerable, and it can also be called the first generation of giants. In the true sense of strength, it is unmatched.

Ultimate Yan Xianzun's strength is unfathomable, but it is Cang Yan Great Tianzun that can be compared to the new eternal giants.


On the other side of the Chaos Sea, the phantom of the ancient universe of the chaotic burial ground loomed, and this ancient chaotic universe was also shocked. The Emperor Taishi and the other burial emperors were all awakened, and there was infinite and unintentional killing thoughts in their eyes, as if they were impossible. Dissolved blood and deep enmity.

However, the ancient universe of the Chaos Burial Site has never really emerged, even if the Realm Emperor and many ancient burial sites are still on the battlefield of Chaos Sea.

And only they can know better than anyone else, what a painful lesson this Immortal Final Yan taught them in the past...

Although he was jealous of the End Yan Xianzun, but the ancestors of the foreign races in the early Yuan Dynasty said: "Zhou Yan, I can promise you not to take action, but Pangu Universe must surrender the son of this seat and the suppressed five foreign emperors. ."

"Haha, the skills are not as good as the others, and we have suppressed them. The small ones are not good, and the old ones are shameless. Now they dare to go back, don't even think about it." Cang Yan sneered and bluntly refused.

What a joke, Alien Ancient Universe did not hesitate to send five quasi-giant and eighteen great emperors to attack Pangu Universe, which was a disdainful behavior, and even the eternal giants did not hesitate to take action.

Seeing that the primordial immortal world came out to stop it, it couldn't do it hard, but he still dared to continue begging for the quasi-giant and the emperor to return.

Really shameless and shameless.

"You--" The ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty raised his eyebrows, killing Nian suddenly.

"Alright." Zhuan Yan Xianzun opened his mouth and glanced at both sides: "Pangu Universe obeyed the rules, and the quasi-giant took action to suppress Wanyan and the five emperors, without breaking any rules. The ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty, the emperor Zugu, if you Dissatisfied, the strongest emperor of both of you retreat to one side, and you can’t do anything, and then let the quasi-giant and supreme of both sides go to war. You can be the referee yourself, how about?"

"Yes!" Big Tianzun Cang Yan said, laughing loudly, and said to the emperor: "When you go to the next battle, you can continue to hold the supreme scepter to shoot."

On the side of the alien race, the two supreme giants of the early Yuan Dynasty Emperor and Zugu the Great looked ugly and snorted, and they couldn't agree.

Holding the supreme scepter and mastering the supreme authority, the quasi-giant on the side of Pangu universe can change to possess the eternal giant-level combat power, which is not something that the quasi-giant can deal with.


I took a deep look at this Immortal Venerable Final, and even the Immortal King Gaidai standing behind him from all sides. Even if the Immortal King does not come out, the two supreme tycoons of the alien race are not a last resort. Dare to offend the giants of the great fairy kings in the prehistoric world.

Regardless of the suppression of Emperor Wanyan and the five foreign emperors, two foreign giants such as Emperor Dizu of the early Yuan Dynasty led the remaining thirteen great emperors and many other foreign superpowers to retreat.

The ancient emperors, emperors, and primordial emperors in the chaotic burial grounds such as Jiehuang were also taken away from this place.

In the end, the Chaos Sea battlefield calmed down, leaving only the Pangu Universe army.

"Thank you fellow Daoist!" Cang Yan Datianzun clasped his fists towards the giant immortal king.

"You are polite, I am Zun Yan Xianzun." Zun Yan Xianzun said.

"Cang Yan Great Heavenly Sovereign." Cang Yan responded.

Finally Yan Xianzun glanced at Ye Chen under Pangu Pass, and suddenly smiled, saying: "In the future, the Taoist friends will enter the immortal world and have a drink together!"

"We must go to a banquet then!"

The two eternal giants greeted each other in the air and saw that the phantom of the universe gradually disappeared.

"Back to Pangu Pass."

Cang Yan said.

The Pangu cosmic army returned to Pangu Pass in mighty force. At this time, the Emperor Zhan said: "I didn't expect the final Yan Xianzun to be born. It seems that this life will be a disaster!"

"Is the final Yan Xianzun very strong?"

Emperor Kunpeng is unknown. Neither he nor the Supreme Master of Mythology, Supreme Master Chi Xue, have seen many eternal giants outside the world, and understand very little.

"He is very strong, even if I hold this supreme scepter and control the supreme authority, I am not necessarily the opponent of the ultimate Immortal Venerable." Cang Yan said.


It was the voice that sucked in cold The Final Yan Xianzun was so strong that even the Great Heavenly Lord Cang Yan held the supreme scepter, and he asked himself if he was an opponent?

It should be noted that even if Cang Yan Da Tianzun is a newly promoted giant, as long as he holds the power of the supreme authority, he is no less powerful than the Xuanxu Shengzun back then.

The Emperor of War sternly said: "Whether it is the supreme, the quasi-giant, or the eternal giant, the longer you live, the more a kind of heritage, the more powerful. The final Yan Xianzun belongs to the first generation of giants in the prehistoric fairy world and even the early days of the birth of Chaos , But his strength is more powerful than that of the Xuanxu Sovereign. You must know how powerful the foundations of the Primordial Immortal Realm are compared to the chaotic ancient universe where the Xuanxu Sovereign is located. The infinite background of the primordial immortal world is also the accumulation of multiple epochs. Its strength is so powerful that the warlord of our teacher against the sky has also lamented, and it is not necessarily triumphant."

"So amazing!?"

Everyone was shocked. The Heaven-defying Warlord had been known as the forefront of the Chaos Sea battle power before endless years. His fighting strength was unparalleled. At the very least, he could overwhelm the Profound Void Sovereign, but he was not necessarily able to win the Final Yan Xianzun.

This final Yan Xianzun is too strong.

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