Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3760: Final game

Emperor Shenkong said: "When I followed the Xuanxu Sovereign in the past, I heard that he occasionally mentioned about the one or two of the Final Yan Xianzun. He claimed that the power of the final Yan Xianzun is extremely strong, and it can be described as unfathomable. It's not its opponent, because the final Yan Xianzun masters an invincible avenue of the immortal, overwhelming the enemies of the world."

"It is said that several epochs ago, the chaotic burial ground annihilated a chaotic ancient universe, and the emperor of the chaotic burial ground was born, which caused an era to be buried. The chaotic sea rained blood, and the supreme was lost a lot, but the chaos was pushed back. At the time of the sea, the Emperor of Chaos Burial Ground killed a quasi-immortal king. It is rumored that he was the only heir of the final immortal, and completely angered the final immortal. It was under his anger that he called on all of the immortal worlds. Fang Xianwang and the many supreme magnates of Chaos Sea led the heavens and went through wars with Chaos Burial Ground. They defeated the three emperor giants and finally sealed the Chaos Burial Ground to the town."

All the supreme stunned.

It turned out that Zong Yan Xianzun had such a frightening record.

In the past, he called on the Immortal King and other giants of the ages to lead the heavens to seal the burial site of Chaos, making the burial site of Chaos sealed for several epochs.

I have to say that this is a great feat!

Moreover, on the other hand, it is enough to explain the appeal of the final Yan Xianzun, otherwise the general eternal giants would definitely not have such appeal.

Similarly, there is no such invincible combat power that overwhelms ancient and modern times.

After all, the Chaos Burial Ground was cut down by the three emperors, who were the three eternal giants.

At this time, the war emperor opened his mouth and said: "The final Yan Xianzun is not only so, and the reason why the alien army retreated from our Pangu universe, on the one hand, is because the prehistoric immortal realm has come forward, and there are also other ancient chaos universes joining together. It is also the reason of the final Yan Xianzun. It was him who called on the nine great immortal kings of the prehistoric immortal realm to come forward in person and force the alien army to withdraw from the Pangu universe."

"Even, he took the lead in formulating the giant covenant."

Only the big disciples of the warlord against the sky, such as the Emperor of War, who survived the great destruction of myths, knew some of the ancient secrets of the past, otherwise even the Emperor of the Wuxiang, the Emperor of the Sun, and the Emperor of the Beginning would not know much.

The more you understand, the more you will be able to know the power of this Zunyan Xianzun and feel his kindness towards Pangu universe.

If there is no Final Yan Xianzun, whether the ancient kingdom of the prehistoric immortal world will come forward to retreat from the foreign race, it is also two things.

"However, as far as I know, the Final Yan Xianzun has been in a state of retreat since this epoch, and it may not be possible for a few epochs to be born in external propaganda. The sudden birth now indicates anything?" Zhan Huang muttered. , These words also silenced all the supreme beings from joy.

The first-generation giants also chose to be born. Does it really, as the Emperor of War said, foreshadows what big event is about to happen?


The prehistoric fairyland.

Known as the No. 1 Chaos Sea, the primordial realm of the ancient Chaos universe is vast and boundless. It seems that it is just a land of boundless worlds, but in fact it is unimaginably vast. Not only has the heavens and the realms, and the upper realm is compared with the heavens and the universe of the Pangu universe. Even the Primordial God Realm of the past was even greater.

Located in the deepest part of the Primordial Realm, it belongs to the most advantageous place for the cultivation environment of the entire Realm of Immortals. Naturally, there is also a **** of Immortal Kings occupying, dividing the Realm of the Immortal Kings. Almost every Realm of the Immortal Kings is equal to one third of the Pangu universe One size.

Here, it surpassed ten fairy king domains.

This does not include the land outside the immortal realm. It is conceivable how vast the upper realm is.

The final domain of the Immortal Kingdom, which belongs to the domain of the unbounded immortal kings ruled by the ultimate immortal sovereign, can be twice as large as the other immortal domains.

Has been under the rule of the Supreme Immortals under the command of Xianzun.

Even if Zong Yan Xianzun has been in retreat and enlightenment for several epochs, other Immortal King Realms have never attacked before. Faced with the Zong Yan Xianzun, who almost coexists in the world, he fought for resources for no one dare to invade its territory.

In the deepest part of the final Yanxian realm, within a cave, it is said that it is a cave sky, but in fact it is an inner world, containing the universe, the infinite star field rises and falls, and the stars of the sky shine.

Zong Yan Xianzun sat cross-legged in it. In front of him, there was a table with a chess game and two black and white players. In the chess game, the dragons and tigers fought fiercely, as if there was blood.

At this time, Zun Yanxian held a white piece in his hand and landed on a corner of the chessboard. After a short time, a real dragon flew out. Accompanied by infinite chaos, it spawned all realms, explored the dragon's claws, shattered the black pieces and formed a world, shattered. Stars.

"To create a real dragon and swallow the world?"

With a chuckle, sitting cross-legged across from the end of Yan Xianzun, there was a figure holding a sunspot in one corner, and Kunpeng suddenly appeared, hovering around, showing Yin and Yang, distorted time and space, and drowned the real dragon.

The real dragon fighting to kill Kunpeng was very fierce, and it was not visible that the blood and light splashed, flooding the starry sky intertwined by the chess game.

However, in the final analysis, it is nothing more than a manifestation of the chess game, not a real existence.

However, the two methods lead to the sky, using the fake to mess with the real, making it impossible to distinguish the true from the false.

The two hold their hands, either offensive or defensive, and they are very ill. You come and I go.

In the end, Yan Xianzun won, and laughed loudly: "After all, I won."

Opposite, there was a gray-haired old man with kind eyebrows and good-looking eyes, but those eyes seemed to have buried the eternal era, and time and space continued to pass, making it unpredictable. He shook his head helplessly and said: "This game is also a frightening stinky chess."

Finally Yan Xianzun smiled and said: "I wait for the game, but there are still stinky moves, but in this eternal chess game, there must be no stinky chess. Otherwise, one move will go wrong, and the eternal life may become empty, and the ancient and the present may be bloody.

The old man nodded: "How can I not understand how is it going now?"

"Almost, we have entered the final stage. All plans, all the arrangements since the ages, are about to be completed, just look at the last step." The old man said, his eyes appeared extremely wise, and his photophobia flickered.

"It's so good, otherwise you lose. Perhaps all of the eternal age will be empty, and you will not be able to survive the blood-stained future." Finally Yan Xianzun said, and immediately smiled: "I saw it, the key person you chose, really not bad."

"Naturally, in order to train him, we are willing to spare no effort. He is the most hopeful person in ancient and modern times to prove Taoism." The old man chuckled lightly.

"What if he fails?"

"Failed..." The old man was silent for a while, then smiled: "His heirs are still there, he inherited his chaotic bloodline, and he also has the true dragon bloodline, and will inherit the inheritance of the ancestor dragon. One day, if the key person fails and perishes , His blood is the next key person and the seed of all the future."

"Hope, there won't be a time when he is needed..."

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