Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3765: The history of Yiyi, the origin of 8 saints (2 in 1)

PS: Since many book friends feel that my two-in-one seems to have reduced the update, I will start to split it into two shifts tomorrow, one at noon and one at midnight.

   The sect master of the Tianmen in the time when the myth was broken, strictly speaking, not the sect master Ye Chen knew.

   To be more precise, it is an existence similar to a previous life.

   But obviously, the Heavenly Gate Sect Master of the previous life was even more powerful. He fought four foreign emperors on his own in the Great Myth Disruption Battle, demonstrating his terrifying strength beyond later generations.

Behind him, the majestic phantom of the origin of the Tianmen appeared, and it was as high as the sky. The heavens were inscribed with the pictures and texts of the heavens and the world, the races, the spirits, and the ways. There is no god, and it is the heaven. Open, I don’t know where to connect, with infinite power blooming.

There is no doubt that the Tianmen Gate Master is extremely powerful, surpassing the average ancient emperor. The Origin Tianmen is like his quasi-giant soldier, crushing the past, and the four foreign emperors in front of him are **** one by one, in a terrible duel. , A foreign emperor was killed by him, and the blood of the emperor was spilled on the gate of origin, making his breath stronger.

   Ye Chen sighed that the master of the Tianmen gate was as good as the later generations, with a magnificent appearance, and extremely powerful. He mastered the avenue of life and death, killed the foreign emperor, seized the emperor's vitality, and swallowed it.

  The terrible way of his death was a deadly attack for the ancient emperor, no one can stop it!

It can be clearly sensed that after the Tianmen Sect Master swallowed an alien great emperor, he actually made his body stronger. The whole body was sprayed with the strongest quasi-giant aura, and even dyed with silky supremacy. The brilliance of the giant surrounds itself.

   The sect master of the heavenly gate has a kind of energy to break through the eternal giants.

   Ye Chen can hear a lot of special information after stepping on the long river of time that the Thunder World has evolved.

   After refining an alien great emperor, the sect master of Tianmen said in disappointment: "Not enough, all this is not enough, it's still far away."

   hurriedly listened carefully, because he always felt that the master of the heavenly gate would not aimlessly, his words seemed to contain important information.

But the Tianmen Sect Master did not continue to speak. He continued to shoot, showing incomparably powerful strength. The origin of the Tianmen was terrifying and unparalleled, no less than the soldiers of the eternal giants, and successively killed two other alien emperors, and then swallowed them, he became More powerful.

   is better than other quasi giants.

   He, as if to break through the border, become a supreme giant overlooking the eternity!

This scene naturally shocked the alien side. Seeing that the last alien emperor was about to die, there was an alien quasi-giant leaving on the spot, and that was Wanyan the Great, who had become a quasi-giant before the myth was shattered. , He went to the sect master of the First World War.

   "I will become a giant of the ages soon!?"

The emperor Wanyan’s face changed, and he felt the Qi of the Tianmen Sect Master was constantly transforming and sublimating. That was a precursor to the promotion of the eternal giant. The Xingshen was undergoing amazing transformations. Almost every moment, the eternal giant’s brilliance was It's so strong.

   "No, I want to stop his transformation!"

   The Great Emperor Wanyan roared, displayed the supreme taboo magical powers, attacked the past, rolled in the sky, the ten thousand worlds collapsed, and the avenue died, nothing can last forever.

However, the strength of the Tianmen Sect Master surpassed him. In the duel, after only a dozen rounds, Emperor Wanyan fell to the wind, constantly sprinkling blood, and stained the Origin Heaven Gate, making the Tianmen Sect Master even more powerful. As powerful.

   The Heaven Gate of Origin is very special, capable of devouring the origin of the emperor. The Great Emperor Wanyan was severely injured, depriving more than half of the origin of the quasi-giant.

   "Die, be my nourishment!"

   The sect master of Tianmen severely wounded Emperor Wanyan, preparing to swallow it completely.

   Finally, it alarmed the supreme giants of the alien race. There were already supreme giants who had been watching from the sidelines, because they felt that the Pangu universe was strong, but it was sufficient to deal with it, so they never took action.

   At this moment, I saw the Tianmen Sect Master successively beheaded and swallowed the three great emperors of his side, and even the Great Emperor Wanyan was also severely injured, ready to be swallowed, there was a sign of breakthrough, how can I let it go.

  Moreover, this supreme alien tycoon recognized that it was the Origin Heaven Gate, belonging to the origin holy artifact, and directly killed the killer.


   A supreme giant shot, and directly saved the Great Emperor Wanyan.

   The sect master of Tianmen rose up and shook the supreme tycoon of the alien race.

   I have to say that the Tianmen Sect Master at this moment is really strong, much stronger than the average quasi-giant. The eternal giants on his body are quite strong, which is a sign of transformation and destruction.

Even if it is the supreme tycoon of the alien race, it is impossible to kill the sect master of the heavenly gate in a short time, and the latter holds the origin of the heavenly gate, which is very special, fully exerting its due strength, and actually solved the attack of the supreme tyrant Mostly.

   Otherwise, with the peerless combat power of the supreme giants completely surpassing the quasi-giants, the Tianmen Sect Master cannot be its opponent no matter how strong it is.

Moreover, during the peak duel, although the Tianmen Sect Master was not a rival, he was constantly coughing up blood during the fight, but it was clear that his split body was glowing, and his flesh was glowing with glow and immortal light, which accelerated the process of transformation. , More powerful.

"Well, it can also be transformed in this situation? You are the artifact spirit of the Origin Heaven Gate? No wonder, it is so extraordinary, it will soon break through and become a giant of our level. Unfortunately, this seat will not give you Chance."

   The supreme alien giant sneered, moved murderously, and since this critical moment was not allowed, an eternal giant-class existence was once again born in the Pangu universe.

  Although, in the present situation, it is useless to have another eternal giant, but it is a variable after all and he is not allowed to exist.

There is no doubt that the supreme tycoon of the alien race really used the power of the taboo level. The Tianmen Sect Master is very strong, but it is impossible to be the opponent of the former. Under the terrible collision, it suffered a defeat in just ten rounds. Fall apart.

   If you change to another quasi-giant, you will inevitably be shattered and cannot bear it.

   However, the origin of Tianmen is very special. It maintains the form and spirit of the heavenly gate master, and will not explode immediately, and the cracks in the form and spirit are blooming with majestic vitality, healing the wounded body.

"It's worthy of being a holy artifact of origin that can penetrate the land of origin in the legend. It has such an effect. Unfortunately, you can only be regarded as a young dragon. You have not fully grown up yet, and you are destined to be killed." The supreme alien said indifferently. , Indifferent and ruthless.


   He shot it himself, and the eternal giant-level taboo methods appeared. It was as strong as the sect master of Tianmen and was unable to return to the sky.

  Life is about to end.

   That is the past life of the Sect Master of Tianmen. It is hoped that it will impact the level of the eternal giant, but time does not allow, and foreign races do not allow it to prevent his breakthrough.

   "Unfortunately, I will pass away before reaching the peak."

   When he was dying, the master of Tianmen opened his mouth, his expression was peaceful and calm, and said: "Who said that death must be the end. Perhaps it will be a brand new starting point, a brand new journey."

   Ye Chen was stunned. It was the same sentence that the Lord of Tianmen Sect of the past and future generations said when he buried himself. It is generally the same, and even said it when the myth was shattered.

   The look of the supreme alien giant changed, and he said in a deep voice: "Sure enough, you are not just the artifact spirit of Origin Heaven, you are more likely to be people from the Origin Land——"

   Hearing this, Ye Chen was shocked, and it was possible that the master of Tianmen was from the vague land of Origin?

   It’s just that, I haven’t heard the supreme tycoon of the alien race finish, and with a bang, the master of the Tianmen gate has fallen, turning into a flood of light and rain.

  Similarly, this is also a self-destruction. The quasi-giant’s self-destruction is so terrifying, it is as strong as the eternal giant to change its color at close range.


The incomparable storm of destruction swept across the infinite sky, and there were terrible cracks in the Primordial God Realm. The nearby alien army was focused on, because the place where the Tianmen sect master and the alien supreme magnate fought was the position where the alien army was located. An alien emperor was affected, and the three alien emperors were completely destroyed because they were too close...

The supreme alien tycoon also changed its color, and it blew itself. For him, it was not as easy to bear. It was as strong as he was wounded all over, hurting him, and roared coldly: "The hateful origin of the heavenly door spirit, Dare to blow yourself up and never live beyond life!"


   At this time, the Origin Gate suddenly gleamed, opening a special passage, and many light and rain fell into the passage opened by the Origin Gate and disappeared.

   Impenetrably, the only small part of the light and rain of the fruit fell on the Origin Gate and disappeared.


   Ye Chen stared at this scene. Could it be that the Heavenly Gate Master of later generations was born from this part of the light and rain?

If you think about it carefully, it's very possible. After all, these light rains are the predecessor of the Tianmen Sect Master, enveloping the flesh, soul, true spirit, etc., and the origin of the Tianmen is the body of the Tianmen Sect Master, which has gone through nearly an era. It is also very possible to regenerate.

   However, since this small part can also give birth to a new heavenly gate master, where will the vast majority of the light and rain that disappear after opening the mysterious passage?

   Will those light and rain also give birth to another heavenly gate master?

   Suddenly, such a thought came to Ye Chen's mind. Missing so far, even he was immediately taken aback.

   The origin of Tianmen was not obtained by foreign races. When the master of Tianmen exploded, it penetrated time and space, disappeared, and the traces disappeared, and the eternal giants could not find it in the first time.

The myth has been shattered in a battle, the Tianmen sect master of the previous life has no choice but to die. The only small part of the light and rain that has left the fruit can still breed a new Tianmen sect master, let alone the vast majority of the light and rain that has entered the mystery of the opening of the origin heaven之地内.

   He believes that the master of Tianmen must be alive.

   At this moment, he was blessed to his soul, combined with the same sentence that the Tianmen Sect Master had said before his death in this life, and his mind was suddenly shocked.

   The sect master of the heavenly gate may really be resurrected in the place of origin.

   Rumor has it that the death of the Supreme is not necessarily true, but will be resurrected in another place-the place of origin, where it is the starting point of a new journey for the Supreme.

   Of course, no one knows the true or false, but all the fallen supreme is not in this world, so there is nothing to study.

Just as he was thinking deeply, Ye Chen raised his eyes. Suddenly, there was a figure of Shengxue in white in the middle of the battlefield. It was so elegant and dusty, yet so powerful. The five great emperors of the foreign race are supreme. Was swept away.

  A foreign quasi-giant was flicked by one of his fingers, and the immortal battle body was so full of cracks that it almost exploded!

  I don't know why, from the body of this white-clothed snowman, he felt a mysterious and mysterious special aura, which seemed to be familiar.


   Ye Chen was taken aback. The person in front of him had a breath of origin that was very similar to that of Yi Yi, but it was countless times more powerful, making it a stalwart existence at the level of an eternal giant.

   Could it be that this person is from the same race known as the sky-defying race as Yiyi?

   Yuan Chudizu and other supreme magnates of foreign races, but when they saw those who came, their expressions suddenly sank: "It's a member of that race, and Xuan Yi himself has come!"

   Heaven-defying race, like its name, is an invincible race that can be called Heaven-defying. Few people know its true origin. They only know that it is a mess. Not many people know about the Supreme. Only the eternal giants can know one or two.

   Throughout the ages, there has never been a large number of people in this clan, and the legend has never exceeded ten people, but every clan member can be called a heaven-defying existence.

   The person in front of him is an ancestor-level existence of this legendary race against the sky, named'Xuan Yi'.

   It was the first time that Ye Chen met other people of Yiyi's tribe. He was also a little excited. Maybe he learned some information about the race against the sky.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor looked gloomy at Xuan and said in a deep voice: "Xuan Yi, why did you take action against the supremacy of the ancient universe in my realm? Could it be that your Xuan clan should also intervene in this universe-level A big battle? You must know that the ancient universe of our world is pressing against the Chaos Sea and is not afraid of anyone, even if it originated from the eight great holy races. If you want to intervene, the Profound Clan may provoke an extermination."

   This is derived from the absolute strength of the ancient alien universe.

   Of course, Ye Chen also heard the real name of the sky-defying race—Xuanzu.

   He has never heard of the name of this clan, but it is about "origin." According to the supreme tycoon of foreign races, it is one of the eight saints of origin, and it is probably not simple.

   He listened carefully, hoping to truly understand all the relevant information about the origin of the eight saints.

Xuanyi wins Xuexue in white, like the most brilliant handsome young man standing with his hands behind him, with a faint smile: "In the early Yuan Dynasty, although your foreign race was very strong, it is best not to mention such threats. Our family is never afraid of threats. Don’t you think that your alien race is fighting against the Pangu universe, and you still want to be the enemy of the holy race of my origin?"

   I heard it right, this Xuanyi is very confident about his origin holy race, and even has a kind of conceit, even if it is a powerful and incomparable chaotic ancient universe such as the alien ancient universe, he believes that he will not easily fight with the origin holy race.

"If you insist on helping the Pangu universe, and waiting for the ancient universe of our realm to become an enemy, even if you don't want to be an enemy of the holy race of your origin, you still have to be an enemy." The clan is not a holy clan of origin at all, but a sin clan that has been expelled."

  :. :

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