Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3766: The origin of the sinner

According to the supreme tycoon of foreign races, there are eight great holy races between heaven and earth.

   The eight saints have a great relationship with the place of origin, and each of them can be called an invincible ancient race like a sky-defying race, no less than a terrifying race in the chaotic ancient universe, each with a long and long history.

   But the sin race is not qualified to be one of the eight saint races.

   The Xuan clan is the sin clan that was expelled.

   There is an ancient secret that can shock the Chaos Sea behind this.

   Ye Chen was shocked the more he listened. If it hadn't been to reverse time and space and return to this moment, he really didn't know that the origin of Yi Yi's family was so mysterious and huge.

   is known as the Sin Clan, it is conceivable that the Xuan Clan must bear a heinous crime, otherwise, how could it be expelled by the other seven sage clans that originated from the Eight Sage Clan.

Hearing, the eternal giant Xuan Yi of the Xuan Clan suddenly sank, and said coldly: "My Xuan Clan has never betrayed the Eight Great Sages. I have also guarded the land of origin for endless years. My Xuan Clan has no credit and hard work. What's more, what happened back then was not the sin of my Xuan Clan, and the other seven saints were not qualified to expel my Xuan Clan, let alone call my Clan a sinner!"

   Guard the place of origin?

  The place of origin actually exists! ?

   It turns out that the eight saints guard the place of origin.

   In addition to the Xuan clan, what are the other seven origin saint clan?

   But, for what crimes the Xuan Clan was expelled from the ranks of the holy clan of origin and called the Sin Clan?

   He listened carefully and didn't want to miss every word.

"Haha, if it wasn't for your Xuan Clan fornication, how could any outsider enter the place of origin, but what is it if it is not a sin race?" The supreme alien tycoon sneered, "The sin race can only be expelled from the place of origin and live in the Chaos Sea. This is the best proof."

   Fornicating with outsiders, allowing people to enter the place of origin?

   Is this the sin of the Xuan Clan?

  Xuanyi: "The place of origin does not belong to the eight great saints, it should belong to everyone. Like the ancient road of origin, it was opened up to penetrate the place of origin and enter the place of origin."

The supreme alien tycoon sneered: "But you should be very clear about the origin of that person. He does not belong to the past, does not belong to the present world, with strong cause and effect. His entry is unknown and violates the guardian origin of your eight saints. The concept of the place."

In the old days, there was a person who was known as a taboo. He was not an old person or a man in this world. He came from a mysterious and ethereal future with a strong color of cause and effect, traveled through time and space, walked to that life, and finally entered the origin. place.

  At the beginning, it was the Xuan Clan who opened the way to the land of origin.

   It was exactly this incident that year when the Xuan Clan was expelled by the other seven saints, and the Chaos Sea was exiled. Everyone knew that it was the Sin Clan!

Hearing that, Ye Chen, who was stepping on the long river of Thunder World, looked shocked. The person in the mouth of the supreme tycoon of the alien race reminded him of having seen a chaos emperor from the blood-stained future, most likely the future. The supreme self, or other people, traveling through time and space, returning from reversal, seems to be coming for something.

   Could it be that the person who entered the land of origin was him!

  Xuanyi suddenly fell silent, but the next moment, he was extremely radiant, but said: "I don't want to explain this, but the Xuan clan does not regret it."

   "Do you have any explanation, I don't want to know, I just want to ask, do you still want to prevent my realm ancient universe from continuing to take action? You should know that only the Xuan Clan can't stop it!"

   "But since I promised to help Pangu Universe, I won't ignore it!" Xuan Yi.

   "Well, in that case, let me learn the methods of the legendary criminal giant."

   Obviously, the ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty would not underestimate the sage giant Xuan Yi who helped the Pangu universe originate, even the sinner who was expelled.

   When Ye Chen was about to look down, suddenly, a stray force shattered everything and shattered the picture, so that Ye Chen could not see everything at all, so he was completely shattered.

   He understands that this is the effect of the power of taboo, crushing everything and not allowing viewing.

  The eternal giants exist at a taboo level. The battle between them can naturally affect time and space, making it impossible to observe.


The myth was shattered, and Ye Chen could not finish watching all this because there were many giants of eternal intervention, including the Pangu universe, the alien ancient universe, and the unknown eternal giants. Their existence strongly affected Ye Chen. A comprehensive understanding of the entire myth is shattered.

   But all of this is not very important. The main thing to understand is the master of the Tianmen sect, and the true origin of Yi Yi is the Xuan Clan, one of the eight saints.

   Traveling through the long river in the Thunder World, Ye Chen learned enough information, and there was not enough time, so he walked along the old road and turned back.

   turned back from the thunder light gate.

   Entering the Thunder World this time, I have gained a lot, not only to understand the Tianmen Sect Master, but also the origin of the family, know the true origin of Yi Yi, and also learned a lot of eternal secrets.

   But for him, there are still many secrets that cannot be understood clearly.

   Even if he is so strong.

   The eternal emperor's catastrophe is coming to an end, gradually rising high.

   Ye Chen took a deep breath, and his pores opened up, giving rise to infinite black holes. In a short time, the endless sea of ​​light and thunder would be completely disintegrated, swallowed into the body, made up for the loss, and his divine power increased.

   The catastrophe is over!

   The eternal emperor has been established, and Ye Chen has reached an unprecedented level in all aspects, surpassing the supreme power.

   His Chaos Soul is so The Chaos Saint Body is unmatched, enough to overwhelm the ancient emperor!

   But, restrained in power, never left, sitting silently on the highest place of the universe, motionless, digesting all of the eternal emperor, and also in a stable state.

   Before my eyes, it is just the starting point of the eternal emperor, who can continue to be strong and continue to improve.

   Ye Chen's potential is beyond imagination.

  Eternally watching, the supreme, emperor, and primordial emperor of all parties are silently paying attention to the most powerful emperor of the Pangu universe.

   "Why doesn't the palace lord return?"

   In Chaos Tianfu, someone is puzzled.

   has become one of the strongest eternal emperors in history, why is it still on the stars?

   Yuqing said: "He is still enlightening, and he is promoted to the eternal emperor. After the catastrophe, he will have a lot of understanding and can continue to improve."

   She looked at the people around her again: "Let's follow the moon, feel the starry sky, He Yao, and have some enlightenment. The moon has successfully crossed the catastrophe, no need to worry, we should also retreat and digest.

   "It should be!"

   A group of people who penetrated into Ye Chen's body and felt the starry sky He Yao, saw that Ye Chen had finished, they breathed a sigh of relief, and they retreated for the first time to digest their feelings.

   I don’t know how much time has passed, maybe one day, one month...

   Starry sky everything He Yao is over long ago.

   Ye Chen still sat on the highest point of the starry sky, motionless, but his body overflowed with the terrifying energy that made the supreme's heart tremble.

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