Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3767: 2 in 1

PS: Two in one, make up for last night and noon, there is a chapter later, and there is no updated explanation in the billing chapter.

   Ye Chen is so powerful, just the invisible flow of energy can make the entire universe, the vast universe, and the eight realms of the lower realm, seem to be trembling.

   The land of the sky, ten thousand ways cannot approach.

  Only the endless chaotic light flickering, is performing the grand scene of the opening of the universe and the beginning of the universe...

   Everything, everything, is so extraordinary.


   A body of Qi, directly reached the peak level.

   is beyond the supreme, but it is not a quasi-giant, let alone the level of an eternal giant. It seems that it is still a little bit behind the quasi-giant.

   Strictly speaking, above the supreme, less than the quasi-giant.

   This weird level, maybe only someone like him will appear...

   "So strong, the fighting saint king is promoted to the eternal emperor level, but why does it give me the feeling that it is more terrifying than the supreme preaching."

   A supreme from the ancient road of origin was astonished and opened his mouth. The wisps of qi machine that radiated out were far more terrifying than the supreme qi machine.

   Is this still a human?

Obviously, he is not the real supreme. Being able to face off against the ancient emperor on the peak like the unphased king has already shaken the past. Now, the fighting saint king is promoted to the eternal emperor, making them feel that there is something that is not an opponent. It feels completely overwhelmed.

   This kind of feeling makes them very bad, because they have exhausted their endless years, and finally achieved the Taoist Supreme, and found that they are not as good as the other party to promote the eternal emperor.

However, when I think of it as a fighting king, a quasi-monarch set foot on the path of eternity, comparable to the emperor of heaven and the first generation. In his youth, the eternal emperor was in the stage of extreme sublimation, and it was a peak against the ancient emperor. It is not difficult to explain.

   The Emperor of War sternly said: "In the future, I may be able to walk out of another emperor in the Pangu universe!"

  The Emperor of Heaven is among the strongest in the Chaos Sea. Throughout the ages, there have been ups and downs one after another. Only a handful of people, such as the First Generation and the Great Universe, can match the Emperor.

   Once such an invincible person from the Sea of ​​Chaos emerges from the Pangu universe, he will unite with the Emperor of Heaven, and fight side by side with the Emperor Taisheng, the Saint Ancestor of Fighting, the Emperor Yan, and the Emperor of Time and Space. The ancient alien universe will be enough to push it horizontally.

   There is no doubt that this is a very high evaluation for Ye Chen.

   But all parties are supreme, all silent, it can be regarded as acquiescence to the words of the war emperor.

   Judging from the potential currently displayed by the Fighting Saint King, it is indeed capable of getting there.

   The emperor has become eternal and immortal. Ye Chen is consolidating his realm and deepening his understanding of the Great Chaos.

   He is very strong, but he has just been promoted to the eternal emperor, and his realm is not very stable, especially just after the catastrophe.

   At this point, even if he claims to be the strongest evildoer in ancient and modern times, he cannot immediately consolidate his realm. It takes years to sharpen and he cannot achieve it in one jump.

   There is Tao, but there is no sun and moon in the cultivation of Tao.

   Ye Chen, always sitting on the sky of the universe, motionless.

   The chaotic light surrounds him all day long, interpreting the scenes of ten thousand ways, ten thousand dharma, ten thousand worlds, ten thousand souls, etc.

   The sky of the universe is rumbling, faintly visible, a vast giant world, silently being interpreted.

A great chaotic world has been opened up invisibly, and there is more than one. There are many small worlds hidden inside, thousands of them, all of which have been deduced in these years when Ye Chen enlightened Dao. They are all real, not illusory. of.

   Such a method shocks the world, and it is difficult for the Supreme to do it.

   Ye Chen has been sitting for thirty years.

   Finally, on this day, he awakened from the deepest retreat and ended his practice.

   The many chaotic worlds, heaven and earth located in the firmament of the universe, are all absorbed in the body.

   After a full thirty years, he finally digested everything and completely stabilized the realm of the eternal emperor.

   The realm of the eternal emperor, but it is stronger than the average emperor, the indescribable realm.

   I can feel the surging majestic Dili flowing among the limbs and hundreds of skeletons. Every inch of the body of the Chaos Eucharist is like a real chaotic dragon dormant, full of the most terrifying and infinite power.

   I’m afraid that with just a slap, any emperor can be easily photographed like a powder, and his body and spirit are destroyed!

Even if the ancient emperor level exists, although it is far stronger than the average emperor, Ye Chen also has absolute self-confidence. It can be defeated strongly within dozens of rounds, and even the final kill is not a big problem. It will take a little longer. !

   This is the eternal emperor, more accurately, the power of the eternal eternal emperor of chaos.


Ye Chen stood up, accompanied by his movements, and the sky moved suddenly. I don’t know how vast the starry sky of the universe is. I don’t know how hundreds of millions of endless stars are shaking and shining suddenly at this moment. From the bright stars.

   Resonates like a sigh, as if to worship!

   The heavens and all the ways are even more cheering.


   The bright chaotic avenue descends from the sky, across the land of endless stars, pulling endless stars, and alarming the heavens and the realms.

   All the heavens and tens of thousands, no one knows, no one knows, that is the scene of the return of the invincible fighting king.

   The heavens and domains, billions and billions of sentient beings bow to each other, worship, and respect!

   Ye Chen descended from the sky and returned to the Chaos Tianfu in Chaos Tianzhou.

At this time, the goddess Zhao Jingruo, Yi Wu, Yuqing, Chen'er, Abenu, Qianxun, Yaya, Dawn, Yiyi, Golden Dragon, Corpse Devourer, Will, Peacock King, Sun God, Human Emperor The emperor... and many other relatives and friends have heard the news a long time ago and came to greet her as soon as possible.

   What's more, there are a large group of chaotic Tianfu powerhouses behind him, from a few starry sky overlords to the newly joined Tianfu powerhouses, all greeted with excitement and enthusiasm.

  The people around him have been waiting for a long time, and seeing Ye Chen become the supreme powerhouse, they are naturally happy from the heart.

And back then, a ray of their spiritual consciousness entered Ye Chen's body, and they realized all kinds of things together. There is no doubt that they directly made their perception deep, and their perception of Dao reached an unprecedented height. Almost everyone has it. A big breakthrough.

  Instructions, that is the starry sky He Yao, only when the supreme is proving the Dao, the universe's origin endows it, it will appear, the imprint of the soul and the great road in the vast starry sky.

   What's more, Ye Chen's starry sky He Yao is more powerful. When the starry sky is He Yao, more than one-third of the universe starry sky appeared He Yao.

   Such a direct experience, I have great feelings for them.

   Thirty years later, when Ye Chen sat in the depths of the starry sky and enlightened Dao, these people also retreat and enlightened Dao one by one, and gained a lot, almost everyone broke through two or three heavens.

   such as the goddess, Yiwu, Yuqing, Chen'er, Abenu, Chihiro, Yaya, etc., are not eight or nine heavens, or the supreme king of the direct peak realm. They are extremely powerful.

Especially Ruoxi, who jumped straight to become an eternal emperor, no less powerful than the emperor in the early days, but with great growth potential. Sooner or later, he will be able to reach the height of the unphased emperor, and he can be the peak of the emperor. Fight against the ancient emperor.

   Her appearance directly made Chaos Tianfu add a supreme-level combat power.

   What's more, there are many emperors who took the initiative to join the Chaos Tianfu and become one of them, such as the emperor of Shura and the emperor of Yunyue.

   This also makes the Chaos Tianfu's overall power so powerful that it can almost be claimed to be the number one in the Pangu universe, even the Human Palace cannot be compared.

   At the same time, the Huangdi, Huang Yao, and Heaven-against fighters who had originally enlightened the Tao in the Ye Chen Chaos Universe also returned one by one, and their cultivation bases were quite advanced, belonging to the super king level.

   Huangdi, is the son of the ancient emperor of the Great Wilderness, his Royal Highness the emperor of the Huangdi clan, his return made the Huangdi clan very excited.

   Huang Yao also returned. It was the daughter of the Nanhuang Empress, who came from the same line as the Nanhuang Empress.

   Fighters against the sky, although they are not in the Pangu universe, they are willing to become a member of the Pangu universe because of the line of the fighters against the sky.

   In addition, there are many super arrogances brought back from the Ultimate Ancient Road, the Eight Desolate Ancient Domains, the Ultimate Ancient Domain, and the Supreme Ancient Domain. They are arranged to enter the Chaos Tianfu and become the heavenly arrogance of the mansion.

   In this life, Chaos Tianfu is full of talents, not only has swept over all the Tianjiao nearly the entire Pangu universe, and even the countless Tianjiao of this generation of Chaos Sea.

  The vast majority of these Tianjiao have truly grown up. Power is just the basics. There are many gods, three to fifty percent of the quasi-princes, and even many Tianjiao are expected to be ancient kings.

  It is foreseeable that as long as thousands of years pass, these Tianjiao will completely reach the peak. At that time, the already prosperous Chaos Tianfu will inevitably blow out again and become stronger.

   Even, by then, it is no longer just two supreme powers of Ye Chen and Ruoxi, the giants are the main force, the emperors are standing side by side, and the monarchs are together. This kind of grand occasion is not impossible.

   "One generation is better than one generation, alas, I didn’t expect that I would start to lose sight of everyone, I can’t catch up with these young people..."

   Peacock King looked at the many outstanding talents around him, one by one, all powerful, **** kings, and even quasi-princes, as well as primordial kings. He who is still nowhere near the realm of the gods, has gradually been overtaken and even surpassed.

   Not to mention, compared with the old friends who have fought side by side, such as the sun god, such as the king of war, basically either the ancient king or the quasi-king, the so-called **** king is far from comparable, and the light in his eyes looks dim.

Once upon a time, he was also young and frivolous, so handsome, he is a generation of great kings who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Ye Chen and others. In just over two thousand years, he has attained the status of the King of God, which can be described as a fast cultivation speed. .

  It is important to know how many powers can end up in one hundred thousand years, and it is not necessarily possible to touch the edge of the king.

   But compared with the former arrogant talent, there is no doubt a huge difference, like a bleak star.

  Rao is still very young, but his state of mind is already a bit lonely, he feels that he has already begun to wipe out everyone.

   However, he knew very well that it was not that his cultivation speed was too slow, but that Ye Chen and the others were progressing too fast, the so-called rapid progress is not enough to describe.

   For more than two thousand years, from an ordinary warrior to two generations, to the starry sky He Yao universe, above the transcendent emperor, there are almost no quasi-giants such as the Golden Crow Emperor, the Shenkong Emperor, and the War Emperor. What a enchanting, unparalleled emperor.

  The others have also walked on the ultimate ancient road and the supreme ancient road one by one, and they have just reached this point.

   And he, just in the Pangu universe, is in charge of the heavenly gate, and all aspects of opportunity cannot be compared.

   But, after all, I was unwilling to do so. I didn't want to be just the king of God. I hope to become stronger and more hopeful. One day, I can fight shoulder to shoulder with my former comrades in arms.

   keenly perceives the slightly late mentality of the Peacock King, and directly reverses time and space, allowing the Peacock King to appear in front of him.

Ye Chen chuckled lightly, opened the chaotic universe, and released a chaotic peacock with chaotic will. It was extremely powerful and exuding a mighty king, and it was undoubtedly a peacock king who belonged to the primordial king's level. Chaos Kong God opened.

Ye Chen said: "The Peacock King, this Chaos Kong God is the Chaos Holy Spirit. He lives in the Chaos Peacock bloodline. If you refine it, you can improve your bloodline and release more powerful potential. He will never say that he is a mere primordial king or an emperor. It can be expected."

   Everyone looked at this Chaos Kongshen with hot eyes.

   The legendary chaotic holy spirit, not surprisingly, eventually has the hope of becoming an emperor-level existence, that is the innate strongest creature.

   Fighting Saint King's eyes are about to be given to the Peacock King without blinking. What a handwriting.

   Goddess, Yi Wu, Will, Corpse Devouring Insect Emperor, War King and others looked at King Peacock with a smile. They understood Ye Chen's true plan and were very happy.

   Hearing this, the Peacock King was also a little excited, but he hesitated for a while, shook his head, and said: "This can't work. This Chaos Kong God has an extraordinary talent and cannot be wasted on me."

   Ye Chen laughed loudly: "You are my brother. The value in my mind is much higher than this Chaos Kong God, and I hope I can continue to fight with you in the future."

   "Accept it, this is what he thinks of you." Wang Chen also said.

   "Teacher, accept it." Other old friends also spoke, without envy or jealousy at all, but only encouragement.

   Peacock King is not hypocritical, accept it, haha ​​said: "Okay, there will be a chance to fight together in the future!"

   Ye Chen shot, directly killed the Chaos Kong God, and injected all the chaotic peacock blood into the body of the Peacock King.

   The Peacock King directly retreats for refining. As expected, the day he leaves the customs is the day he becomes the King of the Ancients.

   With the power of the blood of the chaotic holy it will not be unforeseen to win the emperor's realm in the future.

   Of course, at this point, what really needs to be seen is the good luck of the Peacock King.

   After all, at the Supreme Realm level, no matter how powerful the bloodline power of sin is, it can't be pushed forward. Ultimately, only one can rely on it.


   Yiyi came to Ye Chen's shoulder and rubbed his face affectionately.

  To this day, who else can be so affectionate about a quasi-giant-level existence, and only the people around him.

Ye Chen hugged Yi Yi, looked at the **** eyes of the pure white guy who had been in the past for many years, thinking of the secrets learned by traveling the long river, Yinai came from one of the eight saints of the origin. Family.

   In spite of this, the Xuan Clan still has a lot of origin, and its influence is extremely powerful. This is how the existence of Xuan Yi is.

   Now, Yi Yi has also reached the level of super king of the seventh heaven, extremely powerful.

   At close range, Ye Chen could feel the power of the majestic bloodline in Yiyi's body. It was super powerful, much stronger than the general supreme bloodline, and no less than the power of the strong bloodline flowing through the sons of the eternal giants.

   But the little guy is innocent by nature, and he follows Chen'er, Chenxi, Ya Ya and other innocent people, and his soul is untainted.

   Missing the reason why the Xuan Clan was expelled and becoming a sin clan, it was most likely because of the supreme self in the future. Ye Chen had an impulse, hoping to find the Xuan Clan and asked what was going on.

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