Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3776: No one can prove

Over the years, Ye Chen has been very satisfied.

The parents are still there, his wife and children are by his side, and the apprentice is also there. It can be regarded as a perfect life.

It’s just that there is a lack of one or two people, such as the young child Ye Junlin, who has been away for more than four thousand years. Although he knows that he has gotten against the sky, it is the supreme good fortune that belongs to him, but as parents, how can you not Worry about the child.

However, it is good if the person is still there.

Ye Chen believed that Ye Jun would return one day at his deathbed and become extremely powerful.

It is a pity that only Ye Jing has been born for three thousand years.

Neither he nor Yuqing nor Chen'er had any children.

I have to say that Ye Chen's bloodline is too against the sky, which also caused him to have very few heirs.

The stronger the person, the more difficult it is to have children, because the blood is too bad.

Looking at the wife next to him, she is already a generation of emperors, but unfortunately, not eternal emperors.

In fact, it is true that the path of eternity is not so easy to set foot on, even if the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, who possesses an impeccable emperor posture, through the ages, those who can set foot on the path of eternity are also very few.

Like the emperor in the early days, it was the emperor's Tao fruit that was rotten at the beginning, and after nine deaths, he just happened to be the eternal emperor by chance. It is conceivable that it is not that simple.

Ye Chen's eyes were like blazing electricity, sweeping across the Chaos Tianfu, and also across the eight realms of the heavens and the lower realms.

Three thousand years have passed, and the Pangu universe has entered an unprecedented prosperous age. Tianjiao has emerged in large numbers, and the Supreme Tianjiao has also continued.

For example, friends and relatives in the past have been promoted to new heights one by one over the years, and basically their wives and children have reached the emperor level.

The same is true for other emperors and daughters, and Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao.

After all, the original talent and potential are here, and it's only a matter of time before you become an emperor. Not to mention that with the guidance of the supreme and the experience of Ye Chen personally imparting it, it is natural to step into the ranks of the emperor one by one in these three thousand years.

It is a pity that no one can prove the Supreme Being.

Including eternal emperors such as the primordial emperor and the Wuxiang emperor.

It is too difficult to prove Dao Supreme, even those who have the blood of the most powerful eternal giants, such as Emperor Wuming and Emperor Wushuang, are stationed in the emperor realm and have never broken through.

At this point, you can talk freely with the supreme. Ye Chen has long understood that the so-called probability of two or three out of ten of the emperors can prove to the supreme is just thinking about the best.

The emperor is above the emperor and below the great emperor. The special realm can be described as a stage of no advancement. If you want to prove the supreme, only through years of continuous accumulation, can you finally succeed in the demonstration after accumulating enough.

However, it is not easy for the emperor to accumulate enough foundation to prove Dao supreme.

Not only the accumulation of divine power, but also the perception of Dao and the understanding of Emperor Dao.

This requires long-term accumulation without knowing how many thousands of years.

What's more, in this process, one step is wrong and every step is wrong.

Throughout the ages, there has been no shortage of emperors who have become intoxicated because of enlightenment, and eventually died in advance.

The so-called 20-30% success rate refers to the success rate of the Supreme Being after accumulating enough.

However, when the accumulation is enough, there are many sequelae. After many emperors and others have enough accumulation, endless years have passed, old age, physical decline, and blood decay. How can they make the necessary breakthrough.

Such as Cang Yan, the Great Heavenly Sovereign, accumulated enough, but the form and spirit was rotten and unable to break through. He still forcibly swallowed up 80 to 90% of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor. Only then did he take that dangerous step and prove the Dao accomplishment!

Therefore, only if the accumulation is sufficient and the vitality is still in its heyday, there is a probability of two to three in ten.

In fact, the success rate for the emperor to truly prove to the Supreme Being is still quite low.

Therefore, in recent years, even if there are many emperors, whether it is the Great Perfection Supreme Tianjiao of Chaos Tianfu, or the emperor and emperor, all have become emperors, and no one has ever been able to prove the Supreme.

The road of supremacy is long and long.

However, when these are the emperors, looking at the direction of the Chaos Tianfu, the lord of the Chaos Tianfu who is high above and can stand side by side with the supreme of the heavens, and even the head of the Chaos Tianfu, the invincible fighting king in the legend, could not be a secret sigh .

Although the road to the Supreme is difficult, the hope of preaching is very slim, but that person is not included.

Because, both in the realm of emperors, the fighting sage king has completely surpassed the ordinary ancient emperor, surpassing it, almost comparable to the quasi-giant such as the war emperor, the Shenkong emperor, and the Jinwu emperor.

It took more than two thousand years to get there.

What's more, he also got the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate at the end of the ultimate ancient road and the ultimate ancient road.

No one knows what that "ultimate supreme" fairy relationship actually represents.

But what is clear is that the Fighting Saint King must have opened up and got his hands.

Now that three thousand years have passed, no one knows where that invincible fighting saint king has come.

At least, no one has ever seen him take a shot at the top. He has always been sitting high on the throne of Chaos Tianfu, often sitting still, overlooking the prosperous world.

But they believe that Fighting Saint King cannot stop, and should be stronger.

Ye Chen's eyes turned back and fell on his wife and daughters again, especially the youngest daughter Ye Jing, who inherited the looks of her parents. At a young age, she was already a piece of jade, very beautiful and unimaginable. When she grows up, What a gorgeous beauty, no less than a few sweet wives.

At this time, the goddess said: "Yue, are you planning to let Jing'er participate in the race for the road to the emperor?"

Although Ye Jing is still young, the battle for hegemony on Renhuanggu Road will continue for hundreds of thousands of years. Since he inherits the invincible blood of both parents, it is not a problem to catch up.

Fully qualified to fight for the final throne.

Ye Chen sighed: "Sorry."

He really wants to give his family a peaceful haven, without being entangled by time disputes. In fact, the fundamental purpose of the painstaking practice over the years is to make the family safe and happy.

But he can't do it, even if he is better than before, it is difficult to achieve.

A blood-stained future, the eternal giants cannot avoid it.

He couldn't forget the scenes of the blood-stained future that he saw in the long river of years. The supreme self in the future, the invincibility of the world, is also the world's silence, the people around him are withered, and the world tree that Ya Ya has transformed has withered.

I personally buried one after another family and deceased, alone and extremely lonely.

In the blood-stained future, he can't guarantee the safety of his family at all. He can only help them become stronger as soon as possible to have the power to protect themselves.

The goddess could see her husband's worries, caressed his face and said, "I understand, you don't need to blame yourself."

Just looking at her little daughter Ye Jing, she felt a little bit more guilty. After all, as parents, who wants their children to grow up through all kinds of hardships, but all this is also a last resort.

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