Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3777: 0 seeking ambition

Ten years later, a girl from the Ye family grew up.

Ye Jing grew up, she still looked innocent and pink, very cute, but a little more noble and cold, and continued part of the mother goddess temperament.

The thirteen-year-old Ye Jing already possesses the charm of a peerless goddess. She crowns the world, and initially shows strong talent and potential. She has become a **** of transformation and belongs to the level of Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao. She has reached the tenth heaven and is extremely amazing. .

In fact, the heirs of the Supreme were born in the Holy Tibetan Realm and belonged to the Supreme Heavenly Pride of Dzogchen. As the heir of the emperor of Ye Chen, Ye Jing, how could the power and talent of his bloodline be inferior to these heirs, and they are even more powerful .

If it were not for most of the Dao Foundation to be sealed, with Ye Jing's innate advantage, she would definitely enter the state of reincarnation when she was thirteen.

Despite this, Ye Jing is also very shocking. At the age of thirteen, she is the realm of God Transformation. The speed of her cultivation can be said to be a thousand miles in a day. One year of cultivation is comparable to the years of others, which is extremely amazing.

This year, she also initially began to fight for the hegemony of the ancient road of the Emperor, competing with all the arrogance of the arrogance, but at the beginning, the natural number competed with the demigod, the **** of transformation and other arrogance, it is impossible to immediately compete with the high-level arrogance.

Ye Chen allowed her to leave. Even if she was the little girl, she loved her and didn't allow accidents, but she knew that she could never become a real strongest person without grind. Always pay attention, other times are in Chaos Tianfu, overlooking the world.

I have to say that Ye Chen perfectly inherited the talents of Ye Chen and Zhao Jingruo. It was quite amazing. He grew up quickly in the battle of the arrogance of the heavens and ten thousand domains. In just five years, he stepped into the holy Tibetan realm. Years later, he reached the pinnacle of the holy Tibetan realm, possessing superb combat power in the reincarnation realm.

This year, she was twenty-eight years old.

And this is all about cultivating on the basis of a solid foundation, otherwise, with her peerless talent, she would have set foot in the realm of reincarnation long ago.

Even so, he paid great attention to the solid foundation of Taoism. Three years later, Ye Jing stepped into the realm of reincarnation, reincarnated in reincarnation, and looked for the true self.

Thirty years later, Ye Jing awakened her true self, returned to this life, and was promoted to heaven!

The speed of cultivation is amazing.

She still looked like a young girl, with a pure heart and innocence.

Fifty years later, it became powerful.

A hundred years later, he entered the realm of the king of gods.

This year, Ye Jingxiu's years of Taoism were in the early two hundred years, and the progress of cultivation was astonishing. He had already broken many records, even the records left by the emperors of the mythical era.

The whole world is amazed. It is worthy of the blood of the fighting holy king. In less than two hundred years, he has become a goddess king and has become a goddess king.

At this time, Ye Jing had already entered the ancient road of Renhuang, competing with the super talents of all sides for hegemony, setting off an unprecedented situation!

As if Ye Jing had become a twinkling emperor star that Wanyu had focused on.

In Chaos Tianfu, Ye Chen was very satisfied. Although her daughter Ye Jing grew up, she was happier despite suffering. Over the years, brothers and sisters such as Chihiro, Yaya, and Chen Xi have been escorting secretly. Those who dare to act secretly are all Silently was strangled.

Just kidding, there are elder brothers and sisters of the ancient emperor and even the emperor level secretly sheltering, the heavens and the universe, the supreme can not come out, who can hurt.

What's more, Ye Chen and several wives are always paying attention, and it is impossible for the supreme of all parties to take action against Ye Jing, how could she not know her origin.

This year, Ye Jing, in the Divine King Realm, collided with the strongest Tianjiao of all parties in the depths of the ancient road of human emperor, killing the world.

However, the race for the throne of the emperor is still very early.


Suddenly, in the depths of the starry sky, there was a terrible catastrophe fluctuation.

That is the emperor's catastrophe.

Someone has become an emperor.

The endless sea of ​​tribulation light and thunder descended, flooding the unknown star field, shattering the unknown star, and turning into permanent dust.

Among them, I saw a huge and boundless real dragon faintly emerging in the infinite calamity light. The huge dragon body snaked through it. Each scale on its body was larger than the stars, reflecting the purple-gold color, showing an unfathomable appearance. The rule of the king is the pattern.

A long scream for nine days!

The true dragon crosses the robbery, the emperor of the Jin rank!

The heavens and domains have attracted worldwide attention!

Although some people have been promoted to emperors in the past three thousand years, they are still very few.

For many people, it is still a rare thing to be able to watch the emperor cross the catastrophe, and it will help them to react as they should when facing this step in the future.

"Grandma's God, it hurts so much!"

This huge real dragon is cursing, making many people's eyes dizzy, and it's not the same as its majestic appearance.

The person who crossed the robbery was the Emperor Corpse Eater.

After five thousand years, it finally reached this point and became an emperor.

"Uncle Master has finally become the emperor!"

In Chaos Tianfu, whether it is Ye Chen's heirs, a few disciples, or other disciples of other deceased people, it is also happy to see that the Emperor of Corpse Eater becomes the emperor.

There is also a motivation in my heart, hoping to get there as soon as possible, and I don't want to be a dragger.


At this moment, after the tribulation, the infinite tribulation light fell, and accompanied by various terrible catastrophes exclusive to the legend, even the body of the true dragon could not bear it, and the skin sprang and the blood spattered from time to time.

Of course, it knew that it would not have an accident, because Ye Chen and others couldn't let it happen, and were struggling to survive.

Swallowing a ninth-order **** pill, is quickly recovering from his injuries.

"This guy--"

Ye Chen shook his head helplessly The ninth-order **** pill was undoubtedly stolen from his palace.

And this guy is really lazy, don't take this opportunity to use the Heavenly Tribulation to temper the body, just want to be deceived to pass the test, how to prove the Supreme in the future.

However, he had a way to temper the body of the strongest true dragon for the Emperor Corpse Devourer, but he didn't care.

However, in this way, it was wasted the miraculous body tempering effect of Heavenly Tribulation, and there was no doubt that more body tempering resources would be wasted out of thin air.

The goddess, Yuqing, Emperor Wuming, etc. were also very speechless.

Yaya even shouted from the air: "Uncle Se Chong, take advantage of the tribulation to temper your body and spirit~"

"No, it hurts too much, I can't bear it!"

The Emperor Corpse Eater refused without hesitation.


Everyone is speechless, where is a real dragon, it is clearly a long worm.

"Uncle Master, here I am!"

A golden figure straddled the endless starry sky, and immediately plunged into the Emperor's Tribulation of the Emperor Corpse Devourer.

I saw this man in his early twenties, with his upper body naked, revealing a strong and powerful body, perfectly divided, with a handsome and extraordinary face, somewhat similar to Ye Chen, it was Qianxun.

His whole body was radiant, the fighting blood in his body was boiling, real blood resonated, shining infinite blood, and he was quenched with the help of the emperor's catastrophe of the emperor.

In fact, only Yaya of Ye Chen's descendants became emperors, and neither Qianxun nor Chenxi had become emperors.

Chen Xi's accumulation is a little worse, and Chihiro is already enough.

However, Qianxun has big ambitions, forcibly suppressing himself from breaking through, he hopes to break through the kingdom of the early king and become the eternal king.

PS: The old book "The Legend of Fighting" has been sealed, and I dare not care about it. Readers who read other books should know that many books of the great gods have been sealed, so...

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