Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3779: Enter the Chaos Sea and hunt the Great

Chihiro's retreat lasted a hundred years.

For a hundred years, Qianxun used ten regiments of emperor real blood to refine her body. It has to be said that each regimen of emperor real blood contains the essence of an emperor’s emperor, the essence of life, and contains the exclusive Supreme Emperor. Very precious.

   Even if it's just a drop, for the Primordial King, it has an unparalleled temptation. It can feel the power of the emperor's realm, and it can also extend life.

   Besides ten groups, each group can have the size of a fist, that is absolutely priceless.

   was released, not to mention the Primordial King, the emperor would be crazy, and even the supreme would have to fight for it, and could understand other supreme imperial ways.

   What's more, the blood of Emperor Dao has endless magical effects.

During the imperial real blood refining period, the emperor-level fighting sacrament, which is as strong as Qianxun, could not bear it. The smelting of each group of emperor real blood kept him in a state of being broken and broken, just like an ancient emperor always facing each other. He shot.

   But in this way, it also has incomparable benefits, because when the real blood of Emperor Dao tore his body and sacred bones, it was also invisible and melted, gradually making Qianxun's fighting sacrament stronger.

   As time goes by, the real blood of Emperor Dao is rapidly depleting.

   Chihiro’s fighting saint slowly and steadily strengthened.

   After all, his Battle Body has reached the level of the emperor, but the realm has never been reached, so it is difficult to make the Battle Body stronger.

   It's already pretty good to be able to get this far.

   One hundred years later, all the true blood of the Emperor Dao of the ten regiments was consumed.

   Chihiro is out.


As soon as    exited, the starry sky collapsed.

   His physical body is too strong for the starry sky to contain, even if he intentionally restrains the power of the Eucharist, but only releases the strands, it can still make the endless starry sky collapse.

   The emperors of all parties were shocked, and even the Supreme was shocked. Looking into the depths of the starry sky, Qianxun, who was standing proudly shattering the vacuum, was surprised.

   The power of Chihiro’s body is long not as simple as the emperor-level body a hundred years ago. Only this body can definitely kill the emperor. Maybe it can be called the eternal emperor of Taichu.

   Of course, another way of contending is that there is a short fight, a barely one fight, no peak duel.

   Like the emperor of the early days, he can only challenge the ancient emperor.

   Despite this, it was enough to shock the world.

   After all, Chihiro is not an eternal king, it is really unbelievable to be able to be so strong.

   Silently, Ye Chen appeared in front of him, no matter how powerful Qianxun’s fighting eucharist was, his power could shatter the starry sky, but when all the power came in front of the former, it naturally dissipated into the sky.

"Very good, your Battle Saint Body is extremely powerful, and there is no way to enter, unless you become the emperor, or become the eternal emperor." Ye Chen is quite admired, such a powerful Battle Saint Body, Battle Saint One line is afraid that only the fighting ancestor and the Wuxiang King can achieve this step in the time of the Primordial King.

   Of course, he has also achieved it, but strictly speaking, he is already detached from this system, so it is not considered true.

   Chihiro sighed lightly: "But I still can't step into the path of eternity, and can't prove the eternal king."

  It is too difficult to become an eternal king. Even if you have refined ten regiments of the emperor's real blood and spent a hundred years to refine your real body, you still can't succeed.

   Ye Chen nodded and said: "At the moment you want to become an eternal king, I am afraid that you can only kill a supreme, refine the supreme spirit, the immortal emperor body, and the origin of the emperor."

   That's how the unphased king became the eternal king.

   Chihiro sword eyebrow raised: "Kill the suppressed alien emperor?"

   There were nine Supreme People who were suppressed that year, one quasi-giant, five foreign emperors, and three ancient emperors of Chaos.

  Of course, the Wuxiang King is refining three alien emperors, and the emperor in the early days is also refining two ancient emperors and one alien emperor, leaving three supreme emperors.

  Especially Emperor Wanyan, as a quasi-giant, is always suppressed by Cang Yan Datianzun, otherwise it would be difficult for the world tower to suppress such quasi-giants.

   Ye Chen shook his head: "No, this belongs to the Pangu universe, not ours, and cannot be refined."

   A large quasi-giant, an alien emperor, and an ancient emperor at the burial site, are always suppressed.

  Although Ye Chen has made great contributions to the Pangu universe, he killed Refining and Swallowing, and other people would not say much, but practicing for his descendants would be easily criticized by others.

   Hearing the words, Chihiro knew his father’s difficulties and couldn’t embarrass him, so she sighed softly, “In that case, I will be promoted to the emperor.”

   There is no way to advance, only to be promoted to the emperor, only in this way, there are some hope to become the legendary eternal road powerhouse.

   "It doesn't need to be the case. I will hunt down a supreme for my father to refine it for you." Ye Chen said with a smile.

   Chihiro looked at his father in surprise, excited.

   More than three thousand years have passed. No one knows where exactly his father has gone, but everyone in the world agrees that even if it is not as good as the quasi-giant, it is the same.

   Now my father is about to make a move after three thousand years.

Ye Chen is ready to take action to hunt down the ancient emperor, the goddess, Yiwu, Chen'er and other mistresses or Yaya, Chenxi, Ye Jing’s children, as well as the corpse-eater, Will, Ye Cangqiong, Peacock King, Sun God, Zhan Wang and other old friends knew about it and were taken aback, but they were also looking forward to follow.


   The avenue of Tongtian evolved by Chaos Qi runs through the heavens and thousands of realms, and reaches Pangu Pass. Everyone follows Ye Chen to see how much his strength has increased in three thousand years.

   After all, Ye Chen, who set foot on the eternal emperor at the beginning of three thousand years ago, was more powerful than the great emperor of the ancients. No one knows where he will go after three thousand years, but it must be stronger.

   According to rumors, during these three thousand years, the Supreme had personally traveled to Chaos Tianfu to discuss with Ye Chen, and discovered that Ye Chen's insights on the avenue were even more profound than that of his ancient emperor-level existence.

   The faintly radiating aura gave him a sense of facing quasi-giants such as Emperor Jinwu, Emperor Shenkong, etc.

  Perhaps, most of today's fighting sages are no weaker than quasi-giants.

   Of course, this is just a guess.

   If it is other supreme, the supreme do not believe that it can get there in just three thousand years.

   After all, at the supreme level, it is extremely difficult to go further.

   I don’t know how many supreme ones, how many tens of thousands of years have been spent, or even one or two epochs, I’ve never been able to go any further, trapped in the original realm, hopeless to be a quasi-giant, let alone an eternal giant.

   Now, in just three thousand years, the fighting saint king has gone further, but no one believes it.

   Because from the cultivation of the acquired martial artist to the unmatched combat power that surpassed the ancient emperor, the battle against the holy king only took more than two thousand years.

   Two thousand years have reached such a high level, let alone three thousand years, it is definitely enough to have a "Ultimate Supreme" fairy relationship.

  Of course, they also think that although the fighting sage king is enchanting enough, he has made progress in just three thousand years of cultivation, but it may not be able to improve much. The quasi-giant may be the ultimate.


   The Great Heavenly Sovereign Cang Yan was sitting in person, and it was unbreakable. Over the past three thousand years, the aliens and the chaotic burial grounds obviously knew that the eternal giants would not be able to break through, as if they had already given up.

   Although the army retreated, it was still nearby, monitoring the movement of Pangu universe.

   There is even a foreign emperor who is staring at him.

   Under the rules of the giant covenant, the alien emperor was not afraid, not afraid that Cang Yan Da Tianzun would attack them.

   On this day, Ye Chen brought everyone to Pangu Pass, causing a big shock.

   The invincible fighting king is here, and the repairmen guarding Pangu Pass are all excited and excited.

   Those are the gods and goals in the minds of countless practitioners, and they cannot be surpassed.

   "Ye Xiaoyou."

   The real body of Cang Yan Great Heavenly Sovereign appeared, the ten thousand ways disappeared, the real body was invisible, and the majestic Supreme Emperor was drowned.


   Ye Chen and the people around him salute.

   Cang Yan Datianzun took a deep look at Ye Chen, and exclaimed: "I haven't seen you for three thousand years, Ye Xiaoyou, you have become stronger and stronger than before."

  Who is he, a contemporary eternal giant, who has been comprehending the way of the Emperor of Heaven in the Heavenly Emperor’s Ziji Lingxiao Hall over the years, accelerating the state of a stable giant, but there is still a long way to go before the old giants such as Emperor Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

   It may be difficult for other Supremes to see through the current Ye Chen, but he can clearly sense the current strength of Ye Chen.

   Ye Chen humbly said: "I retreat for three thousand years, and I am a little diligent."

"You kid, are you so humble in front of me?" Great Tianzun Cang Yan shook his head helplessly, and then looked at Chihiro. Naturally, he knew how powerful the latter's fighting sacrament was, and it was definitely not for killing the emperor. problem.

   After all, as a giant of the ages, overlooking the ages, he immediately understood Ye Chen's thoughts, and said: "You want to kill the supreme, let the little friend Qianxun take the path of eternal kings that has no phase in the past."

   "It is I want to leave Pangu Pass and hunt down an alien emperor."

   Ye Chen said lightly, as if talking about an irrelevant thing.

   Pangu Pass shook, and the fighting saint king wanted to hunt and kill the alien emperor. What a bravery.

   The Great, belongs to the Supreme Dzogchen, the existence of the extreme path, can be called immortal for years, in the eyes of the world, it already represents the highest existence of cultivation.

   They are powerful enough to surpass the years, and even across time and space.

   Now, the Saint King of Fighting is opening his mouth, wanting to hunt down an ancient emperor!

   There is no doubt that this is shocking.

When    is spread, it will inevitably shake the entire Pangu universe.

   Cang Yan Datianzun said: "You should know how terribly you are for the alien race. Once you leave Pangu Pass, the eternal giants of the alien race may do anything at all, even ignoring the covenant of the giants, just to kill you."

   Ye Chen smiled and said: "Isn't there still senior Cang Yan you? I remember that year, you said that if I have something, you only need to call your name three times, and you will come out to protect my thoroughness."

   "You kid—"

   Cang Yan Datianzun shook his head helplessly: "Go ahead, if the alien giant dared to show up, I will block it for you."

   "Trouble seniors."

   Ye Chen smiled, and his figure flickered, he left Pangu Pass and entered the Chaos Sea.

  :. :

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