Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3780: Overpower the emperor

In the rear, the supreme all parties who had heard the news boarded Pangu Pass one by one, watching the figure of the fighting saint king leaving, shocked, and really shocked.

   Of course, they also have a kind of curiosity. Three thousand years have passed, where the Fighting Saint King has come.


   Pangu universe is not far from the alien ancient universe, especially the travel of the supreme, it is extremely fast, and within a moment, he has already arrived at the border of the alien ancient universe.

   There are many border gates in the ancient universe of alien races, but what is in front of you is that when Ye Chen crossed the catastrophe many years ago, he once forcefully killed in, and no one knows how many alien races were extinct.

   Now, the border gate stands up again, and it is blessed by the ancient emperor, and its stability is no less than the immortal gate.

   Under the border, there is an endless alien army camping. At this point, they are still monitoring the situation of the Pangu universe, but the strongest are only three emperors, and the alien emperor is inside the border.

   Ye Chen appeared silently, and the ancient emperor could not discover his existence without deliberately.

   "It seems that the alien emperor will not appear if he doesn't fight the grass and startle the snake."

   Ye Chen smiled, and immediately probed his hand, a majestic chaotic hand formed by the condensation of boundless chaotic energy appeared out of thin air and appeared above the alien army.


   The great Chaos hand fell, and in an instant, the alien army stationed here had not reacted, and was wiped out in ashes, leaving only a handful of powerful alien kings and one emperor.

   Of course, this was made by Ye Chen deliberately, otherwise, with his strength, it would not be a problem to exterminate all the powerful aliens.

  Even though he escaped a catastrophe, he was still wounded. At this moment, he looked at the condescending Ye Chen who was above the sky in horror, and said in shock: "Battle Saint King!"

   No one thought that the strongest arrogant of the Pangu universe would appear silently on the border of the alien ancient universe and attack them.

   However, no one dared to look down upon the fighting sage king. According to the information, the fighting sage king is an alternative supreme existence that can compete on top of each other.

  If the ancient emperor didn't make a move, they couldn't be opponents at all.

   "I invite the Great Emperor of the Ancient Universe to take action and kill the Saint King of Fighting!"

   Knowing that it is not an opponent, the foreign emperor sent the message for the first time, and there was also a vast emperor-level fluctuation from the border, which was surging.

   The great alien of the alien race appeared, and the majestic and majestic Supreme Emperor was extremely tall, surpassing the 33rd heaven, surrounded by stars, the great world sinking and floating on its side, descending on the magnificent border.

   He saw the existence of Ye Chen, his eyes condensed, and the emperor's gaze peered through the boundless sea of ​​chaos, but he couldn't penetrate the fighting king.

   Seeing the appearance of the alien emperor, Ye Chen smiled slightly, raised his hand to seal the Chaos Sea, and directly slapped these alien emperors and Primordial Kings into ashes.

  Since all the alien emperors are here, these little friends are naturally unnecessary.

   "Fighting Saint King, you dare to come alone, you are not brave!"

   The Great Foreign Race didn't care about the killing of the three emperors. Compared with that, the life and death of the fighting king was more important to them.

   He never expected that the Fighting Saint King dared to come alone.

   Ye Chen smiled indifferently: "Come as you want. Why is there so much fear? It's just a mere alien."

   "Battle Saint King, you are arrogant!"

  The emperor roared, and the alien emperor descended from the border gate to the Chaos Sea, deriving many extraordinary visions, proud of the nine layers of Cangyu, holding the supreme emperor soldier, and angrily slew the fighting holy king.

   However, behind this seeming anger, it has long been transmitted to other ancient emperors in the alien ancient universe, and even quasi-giants.

  Because he knows that the fighting saint king is sitting on the peak of the ancient emperor-level combat power, relying on him to be difficult to kill, it is better to join other alien emperors to shoot together, so that the success rate can increase a lot.

As for the possibility that the Great Emperor of Pangu universe ambushes in the Chaos Sea, it is not unimaginable, but he is also the Great Emperor of the ancients anyway, Dzogchen reaches the supreme level, and you can feel it with the sweep of the Emperor's thoughts, at least there is nothing else in this Chaos Sea The emperor's supreme dormant, there is only one person who is fighting and fighting.

   Just like this, he will come.

"You came."

   Ye Chen smiled and saw the appearance of this alien emperor.

   "My name is the Great Emperor Borneo, if you remember the name of this emperor, you will be the emperor who will kill you!" The alien emperor shouted, and directly showed the ancient emperor's pinnacle means, slamming Ye Chen.

   "Emperor Borneo, I know you, I killed your heirs back then."

   In the ten-day realm, Ye Chen fought against the emperors and daughters of the heavens, and the sons of the immortals.

   The Great Emperor Borneo looked coldly: "It's just an heir, it can't affect me."

While talking, the imperial way is extremely terrifying, and there are amazing sights such as the collapse of the ten thousand realms, the collapse of the ten thousand ways, and the blood extinction of the ten thousand races. The Supreme Emperor tears open the Chaos Sea, and almost every move can kill the Emperor. , Horrible.

   There is no doubt that the Emperor Brahma used absolute means, which would not be the case during the day. Now, in order to kill the fighting king, his peak power is completely exploded.

   It's just that Ye Chen circled hundreds of millions of chaotic lights, and the tenth-fold divine aperture reappeared. The law did not invade, and all evils did not enter. The attack of the Great Emperor Borneo was completely disintegrated and could not hurt him at all.

   This surprised the emperor Brahman and all the supreme who were paying close attention to Pangu Pass. The fighting sage had reached this point in strength, and it was better than a pinnacle emperor to make an all-out effort.

   The tenth heaven divine aperture is quite special, filled with the mighty power of the heavenly path, as if the tenth heavenly path surrounds and blesses him, he becomes the master of the heavenly path.

   "He who controls the way of heaven?"

   The Great Borneo was surprised.


   At this time, Ye Chen shot, using the Chaos Taoist method, stepping forward in a breaking style.

   The blood was surging and the chaotic sea, the shoulders of Emperor Borneo exploded.

   But at the first blow, this alien emperor who was famous in the two eras of Chaos Sea was wounded. Although he would not die, it also proved Ye Chen's power.


   Qianxun looked at him with excitement. After three thousand years, his father made another shot, which was much better than before.

  Zhongzhizun also showed so strong!

   is too strong.

   Is this the method of the strongest eternal emperor in history?


   The Great Borneo was shocked, and the Holy King actually hurt himself in this way.

   This fighting saint king is far more powerful than imagined.

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

   At the moment, countless powerful magical abilities burst out, the emperor blooms, tears through the sea of ​​chaos, and presents the supreme power of the alien great!


   With a soft drink, the second form of chaos is the void form.

  The black hole of nothingness emerged, and all the attacks of the Great Emperor Borneo were directly swallowed by the black hole of nothingness, completely empty.

   "Ten Thousand Worlds!"

   was far better than the Ten Thousand Worlds appearance of the year. In an instant, the world fell no less than the real Ten Thousand Great World, and slammed into the Great Emperor Borneo violently, causing the most terrible explosion.

  The Great Emperor Brahma couldn't bear it either, and the general world collapsed. For him, even if he didn't make a move, the immortal emperor body was enough to prevent the world from harming himself.

   But the heavens and the worlds evolved from the Ten Thousand Realms Style, each of the worlds is comparable to the emperor's great world, and the tens of thousands are exploded, so strong that the emperor can't bear it, the skin is open and fleshy, and bones are even visible in many parts.

   In less than ten rounds, the Emperor Borneo was absolutely disadvantaged.

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