Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3085: Ye Jingdu

Time turns, and another three hundred years have passed.

This year, Ye Chen returned to Pangu Universe, the 3rd to 600th year.

Now he is nearly six thousand years old, but his black hair is like a waterfall, his body is shining, and he is always young. He looks like a young man in his early twenties, and he is becoming more and more perfect, no one in the world can compare.

He seems to be the most perfect existence in the world.

Over the past hundreds of years, his divine power has continued to grow, without stopping for a moment, and his divine power has grown stronger.

But no one knows the true combat power. Others only saw part of it from the battle where Ye Chen hunted and killed the alien emperor three hundred years ago, but it was not a manifestation of complete combat power.

In that battle, everyone in the world believed that his true combat power level had reached the level of a quasi-giant.

Over the years, there have been many supreme beings who came to the door in person to talk to Ye Chen.

Today, Ye Chen's perception of Dao surpasses many supreme ones.

Especially, he majored in Chaos Avenue, which is the foundation of all avenues. With the help of Chaos Avenue, Ye Chen's understanding of any avenue is extremely profound.

Of course, the so-called technical profession has specialization, these supreme beings each cultivated a kind of Dao to the extreme, condensing the existence of Godless Dao, in front of his exclusive emperor Dao, Ye Chen also believed that it was not as good.

"Isn't Shizu Wuxiang and Brother Taichu yet proving Dao to become emperor?"

Ye Chen sighed. Three thousand and six hundred years have passed. Neither the unphased emperor nor the emperor of the early primordial emperor has ever proclaimed the supremacy of Taoism and is still accumulating.

Zhanhuangdao: "The Emperor of Refining and Chemical, must not be sloppy. They are doing deep accumulation. Every bit of it needs to be solid enough, otherwise it will easily create the instability of the Dao Foundation, let alone prove the truth in the future. The realm of giants."

"Understood." Ye Chen nodded, and said: "War Emperor Shizu, when will you attack the eternal giants, if you don't accumulate enough, don't refining the remaining alien emperors and ancient emperors in the burial ground, let alone a complete face. The emperor is a quasi-giant."

The Emperor of War shook his head: "If I become a giant of the ages, it is far more difficult than them. The remaining few ancient emperors, and even the quasi giants like Emperor Wanyan, are not enough for my accumulation."

It's not that the remaining ancient emperors are not enough, but they are not enough compared to the war emperor.

Perhaps it seems that the Emperor of No Phase and the Emperor of the Beginning each only need three great emperors to complete the accumulation, and the Emperor of War should be the same.

But here is an extremely deep reason.

Proving the Dao to become an emperor can be said to be a direct rise in the level of life, and this leap is like a leap from the ground to the sky. Once the proving is successful, the ultimate leap in the level of life can be directly realized. Even if a certain amount of cosmic origin is depleted in the ancient chaotic universe, Will do whatever it takes to help him completely establish the emperor's level.

This is the reason why the Wuxiang Emperor and the Emperor of the Beginning only need to refine the three ancient emperors. Once the proving is successful, the remaining Chaos Ancient Universe will make up for it.

But the quasi-giant is different. It is the level of the emperor, and the achievement of the eternal giant is actually not a big jump in the life level, but more real accumulation.

As long as you accumulate enough, you can naturally become an eternal giant.

It's a pity that this accumulation is much more time consuming than the leap of life level of proving Dao.

Therefore, if the Emperor of War wants to become an eternal giant, even if there is a quasi-giant who is far better than the ordinary emperor, there are other ancient emperors who cannot achieve it.

Unless, a few more quasi-giant refining.

Ye Chen was silent, and as expected, the best way to become a giant of the ages is to promote the Dao.

Unfortunately, this road is too difficult, and it takes an eternal path to have a certain chance of success.

Otherwise, in fact, the vast majority of eternal giants have been refined step by step by the Supreme.

Immediately looking at the center of the ten thousand domains, that unattainable human palace, Ye Chen sighed, when will the human emperor recover?

This deep sleep has been nearly four thousand years, which is quite a long time.

But the human emperor is the body of the awakened Samsara emperor, and it is also the smelting of the eternal giant Dao fruit and the tenth human emperor Dao fruit. It is destined to be impossible to awaken in a short time. It may take many thousands of years to truly awaken and return.

Fortunately, the current Pangu universe does not require the emperor's seat, the existence of the supreme, and even the great heavenly sovereign himself sits, and the restrictions of the giant covenant, whether it is a foreign race or a chaotic burial ground, it is currently impossible to invade the Pangu universe.

Of course, if the human emperor can fully awaken, and the past and the present are fused, it will inevitably create a stronger eternal giant, which is naturally better for the Pangu universe.


There is a great tremor in the starry sky, and a great calamity is coming, but it is not someone who proves that the Dao is supreme, nor is it that someone becomes an emperor, nor is it even a primordial king, but someone has stepped into the ranks of quasi-kings.

But this quasi-monarch catastrophe was exceptionally vigorous, far beyond the ordinary quasi-monarch catastrophe. It flooded many star regions, and the legendary catastrophe continued to come.

The sky collapsed, and the many big stars in the sky turned into cosmic dust.

Looking at the robbers again, she was a majestic and peerless goddess, with unparalleled appearance, gorgeous crowning the world, and all her gestures and gestures were full of the charm and transcendence of the world.

She was crossing the catastrophe, which was beyond the ordinary quasi-king catastrophe, but it didn't seem to be a big problem for her, calm and calm.

She is so powerful, her body is crystal clear and flawless, Qiu Shui is the god, and the crystal jade is the bone. The great tribulation that can kill the **** king falls on her body, even the body can't penetrate.

"What a strong quasi-king tribulation is beyond imagination, I am afraid that even the quasi-king tribulation of the emperor and emperor is nothing but this!" Many people were amazed.

The robber was indeed Ye Jing.

After six hundred years of cultivation, she will finally become a generation of quasi-kings, and now she is crossing the catastrophe.

I have to say This kind of cultivation speed is amazing, and Ye Chen was just like that.

Of course, if Ye Jing had the intention to surpass, she could completely break the record, but she deliberately did it and stopped in the realm of the **** king for four hundred years.

Especially, she only spent less than a hundred years to reach the level of the Nine Tribulations Great Perfection God King.

For the remaining three hundred years, they have been refining themselves and exercising extreme suppression.

It should be noted that it took only three hundred years for Ye Jing to cultivate from a weak childhood to the level of the Nine Tribulations Great Perfection God King.

Now, it has taken three hundred years to forcefully suppress oneself, one can imagine how cruel the suppression was.

Because she also has a big goal, she hopes that one day she will be able to become a quasi-king after the tenfold triumph of the gods and kings with the body of Dzogchen, like her father.

Otherwise, with her potential, she would have become a quasi-king.

It's just a pity, and obviously, this cannot be done.

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