Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3086: Ye Jing's crisis

Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao Ten Tribulations God King. Throughout the ages, only Ye Chen, Emperor Tian, ​​and the first generation have reached it. The rest, even if Ye Jing's talent surpasses many emperors, emperors, and heirs of immortals, he has been practicing for more than 300 years. And enlightenment, but also unable to step into.

   can't touch that very special realm at all.

   At this point, even asking his father Ye Chen personally would not help.

   Finally, after learning that he really couldn't take that step, Ye Jing reluctantly lifted the suppression and was promoted to the quasi-king.

Of course, Ye Jing’s accumulation is terrifying. Once he enters the quasi-king, the accumulation of the **** king’s peak realm for three hundred years is destined to be not only as simple as the first step, but will inevitably reach a high enough height in the quasi-king domain. on.

   Her aura continued to rise, all kinds of calamities added to her body, and rumbling down, it was not a problem to destroy the world, but it was still unable to effectively harm Ye Jing.

   Ye Jing is peerless and unparalleled, using the Tao and Dharma he created, shaking the earth and shaking the heavens, and destroying a kind of destructive and tangible terrible catastrophe condensed from the heavens.

   However, Ye Jing wants to overcome the catastrophe, she is afraid it is not that simple.

The younger generation is fighting for hegemony, especially the people on the ancient road. Although Ye Jing has shown a peerless look that overwhelms her peers along the way, few people know that she is Ye Chen’s youngest daughter, because she has always consciously concealed her father’s aura. Putting too much on her made many young Tianjiao jealous and afraid to make a move.

  On the ancient road of Renhuang, she was known as King Xi, whose name moved the stars and shook the heavens and domains.

   Now, she is struggling to overcome the quasi-monarch catastrophe, naturally a strong enemy jumps out, wanting to take the opportunity to attack and kill her, a powerful contender for the Emperor.

   Heavenly Tribulation, but I saw one figure after another appearing continuously. Some people watched the Tribulation, while others came with killing intent. There was a level of quasi-prince, and there was no shortage of ancient kings.

Hidden in the depths of the starry sky, there are no less than five Primordial Kings appearing. Although they have never shown the majestic monarch's form that can envelop the galaxy, the king's heavenly power is overwhelming, and many stars have lost their starlight. It looks bleak a lot.

   There are three Primordial Kings in particular, looking coldly at Ye Jing during the Tribulation, with an indifferent expression.

  Although Ye Jing has a detached talent and will become a quasi-king in just six hundred years, she can be described as young and full of infinite potential, but a genius who has not grown up can only be regarded as a genius. Only when he grows up can he be called a strong!


   The mighty and fierce quasi-king tribulation enveloped multiple star regions, one after another, which only belonged to the legendary super tribulation, fell from the sky, enough to teach any quasi-monarch to change color.

   If you encountered such a catastrophe when crossing the catastrophe, you would not have the confidence to deal with this legendary quasi-king-level catastrophe.

   It's hard to deal with any one kind, let alone so many kinds come together, it is impossible to get through without a truly unparalleled Tianjiao.

Those who come to watch the robbery include **** kings and quasi-kings. They are basically among the strong and powerful competitors in the emperor seat on the ancient road of the human emperor. At this moment, seeing Ye Jingdujie, can’t help but change his complexion, and can feel it. Ye Jing's true ability.

   Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao!

   The strongest young supreme comparable to the emperor's son, the daughter of the emperor, and the heir of the fairy dao.

   Even for thousands of years, there has been a blowout of geniuses in the Pangu universe, and there are an endless stream of supreme tianjiao, but so far, the true birth of Dzogchen Supreme tianjiao has only two or three people.

   is the heir of many emperor sons and daughters, the third generation of the Supreme, inherited the powerful power of the supreme blood of their parents, and there are still few people who can become the supreme pride of Dzogchen.

How sacred is this Ye Jing? It is actually the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, and when crossing the catastrophe, she can faintly feel the power of the strongest blood in her body, no less than the legendary emperor and emperor. The grandson of the third generation of the Supreme has much stronger blood.

   Could it be that Ye Jing’s true origin is a certain imperial prince who was sealed up, who chose to be born until this life?

   This is not unreasonable, otherwise how could Ye Jing have such a strong bloodline power, how could he be the supreme arrogant of Dzogchen.

   It's just that, even when he was crossing the catastrophe, Ye Jing sealed the bloodline fluctuations in her body to prevent others from knowing that she was Ye Chen's little daughter.

   What Ye Jing wants is a real training, to constantly hone her body, become stronger, and even one day be able to catch up with her father Ye Chen, hunt the foreign emperor, and frighten the Chaos Sea.

   In the depths of the starry sky, an ancient king looked at him indifferently, his eyes gushing with killing thoughts, and his voice echoed in the starry sky: "Xi Wang, she killed the king's most beloved grandson!"

  Renhuanggulu struggled for hegemony all the way. Over the years, Ye Jing's temperament was as strong as his parents, cold and frosty, and never feared. All the enemies have never been directly pushed over.

   Even so, her appearance is superbly beautiful, rare in the world, especially when she was young, on the ancient road of Renhuang, I don't know how many young talents, among them, there is no lack of supreme talents, and all are devoted to her, and there are countless pursuers on the ancient road.

   There used to be the grandchild of the Taikoo King who loved Ye Jing so much, and even to the point of life and death, he begged for the help of the Taikoo King's grandfather, and wanted to recruit her as his wife and concubine.

   In fact, the Emperor Taikoo also sent someone to come forward, and a **** king personally came to ask for a kiss.

   At that time, many people were shocked. At that time, Ye Jing was just a power level. Many people thought that the possibility of Ye Jing's promise was great. After all, in this way, there would be a patron of the Primordial King to protect herself.

   Even if other people want to move her, they have to weigh one or two.

However, how did they know that Ye Jing didn’t care about the patron of the Primordial King at all. Her father was the invincible Fighting Saint King, the palace lord of the Chaos Tianfu, and one of the masters of the Pangu universe. The Primordial King was just in front of her father. An ant-like existence, as long as you are willing, one finger is enough to easily squeeze and kill, how can you agree to it and directly refuse it with pride.

Unexpectedly, the grandson of the king was furious. In order to obtain Ye Jing, he did not hesitate to do anything. At that time, he personally led many great abilities, and even an elder of the **** king, came forward, wanted to take it down, gave a lesson, and forced it. Marry as a wife.

   That time, Ye Jing was almost captured, so he was furious and attacked with a powerful body. Not only did he directly kill the grandson of the king, but also killed all the power that came, blood staining the starry sky.

   Even the **** king was furious, and wanted to take a shot, but was killed by Ye Jing at a certain price.

   After the war, Ye Jing's name moved Huanggulu, and his fame was shocking, but since then he has forged a terrible grievance with an ancient emperor, which can be said to be endless.

After all, that grandchild is the most beloved descendant of the Primordial King. He has inherited his outstanding talents for cultivation. He is already a great talent in his early five hundred years. He is even more powerful than when he was young. It can be said that he has high hopes. , I hope to become the King of the Ancients in the future.

  Unexpectedly, this grandson was killed by Ye Jing, and he was extremely angry.

It is a pity that after Ye Jing killed him, he disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already the King of Gods, and when he reached that section of the ancient road, someone from Huanggu Road appeared. This ancient king could not take action. Can bear it.

Today, Ye Jing has become a quasi-monarch through the catastrophe, and the area where he chose to cross the catastrophe is outside the ancient road of Human Emperor. Although this star field has many stars and can quickly absorb enough divine power, it is also quite dangerous. The protector of the road will not appear.

   The Primordial King couldn't bear it anymore, worrying that it would be impossible for Ye Jing to become the Primordial King in hundreds of years, so he chose to appear at this time when Ye Jing crossed the catastrophe and wanted to kill her.

"The King of the Sky came personally. His most beloved grandson, Space Mighty, inherited the talent of the King of Space, and his talents are brilliant. In just five hundred years, he became a powerful man, and he hopes to go to the ancient future. At the level of the monarch, it inherited the glory of the great sky family, but was killed by King Xi. It is impossible for King Xi to spare King Xi, but now King Xi is going through the catastrophe, I am afraid that he is in a bad situation."

"The King Xi is amazing and Wushuang. It is the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao born out of a handful of all Supreme Beings in the past four thousand years. It is truly a peerless Tianjiao with an emperor's posture, and his future achievements will be extraordinary, but now I am afraid that it will not work. Fell."

   "Sigh, a generation of Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao with emperor posture is about to die!"

In the depths of the starry sky, many Tianjiao and even the older generation of powerful people would regret to sigh. King Xi is super talented and has won an era, but it is a pity that he has not fully grown up yet, so he has encountered the worries of several primordial kings. stand up.

   "Die, I am going to kill you as a junior today!"

   The king roared, I don’t know how many stars shattered into ashes,

In the majestic king's catastrophe, in the depths of the starry sky, the king of the sky personally shot and played a precious king's taboo soldier, carrying the monarch's heavenly might, and powerfully entered the The robbery locked the king's taboo soldiers and destroyed it.

   And this is nothing but to kill Ye Jing!

   In an instant, the endless calamity of light and Lei Haisheng evaporated into the air, and a wide passage appeared.

   The sword-shaped King Taboo Soldier pointed directly at Ye Jing.

Ye Jing changed color during the tribulation and retreated for the first time, but even so, those emperor immortal soldiers are forbidden weapons. They can only be used a few times, but they can display the power of the primordial emperor, which is extremely terrifying. , This blow blasted her out of the robbery and coughed up blood.

   If Ye Jing is not strong enough, and has the buffer of the catastrophe, and carries many secret treasures on her body, otherwise, for the ordinary quasi-prince, this blow will inevitably be severely injured without death.

   "In order to kill me, it is so at all costs!"

   Ye Jing coldly looked at King Dakong outside the sky.


   The endless catastrophe fell, making Ye Jing even more miserable, covered in blood.

   Ye Jing was frightened and angry, and wanted to make a move, but knew that he was not an opponent of the Dakong King at all, unless he reached the height of his father and became an eternal quasi-king, but it was so difficult and unrealistic.

   "Go, pay my grandson's life!"

   The King of the Sky snorted coldly, not hesitating a Dao body with 80% of the body's combat power, which was cultivated with great effort and exhausted divine material, entered the tribulation, in order to enter Ye Jing.

  :. :

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