Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3784: 0 After finding defeat, Ye Chen crushes

Chihiro used the holy method of fighting and smashed the Emperor Borneo.

   The terrifying power ripples and affects the world, almost crushing everything.

   This is also the stability of Ye Chen's Chaos Universe, otherwise, looking at the outside world, it will easily make unknown how many galaxies collapse and shatter into nothingness.

"Junior, although you are strong, but your father wants to use me to let you set foot on the eternal king, don't even think about it, just so, if I kill you, your father will regret it!" The Great Emperor Brahma grinned, even if he was severely injured. , But the emperor is always the emperor, Dzogchen is at the supreme level, and the strength has fallen far stronger than the emperor. I am afraid that the emperor of the early days can only fight against the court, and it is difficult to gain much advantage.

   He also shot, with absolute killing intent, aimed at Chihiro.

  Since the Fighting Saint King allowed Chihiro to kill him, it wouldn’t be a pity even if he died!

   Ye Chen ignored it. This was a good trial for Qianxun. If he could pass it, he could cultivate a more invincible will to martial arts, and go further on the road to becoming an emperor.

   Even if it didn't work, he naturally couldn't watch the eldest son Chihiro being killed.

   In the final analysis, in the eyes of Ye Chen, Emperor Brahma was only used to temper the eldest son.

   Even if he is the ancient emperor, his life is far less precious than his own children.

"Emperor Bharat, you take yourself too high. Since you appear here, it proves that you are just a stepping stone given to me by my father!" Chihiro snorted coldly, raising her spirit to the extreme. , Reaching the pinnacle level, extremely powerful, using the holy method of fighting and the emperor skills of the time and space, and stepping forward to confront the Emperor Borneo.

   All kinds of supreme supernatural powers appeared in his hands, even if the emperor faced him, he was absolutely unmatched, and would be directly killed by the storm-like offensive.

  Naturally, the Great Emperor Borneo is not an ordinary ancient Great Emperor at all. Although Ye Chen has been severely injured, but as he said, the Great Emperor is the Great Emperor after all, not in his peak state, nor can it be compared to Qianxun.

Chihiro’s violent offensive that could kill the emperor fell on him, and it just caused him to cough up blood, and suffered a little damage. As for the real heavy damage, it was far from reaching that point. .

   This is a completely unequal fight.

During the fight, Qianxun, even if the Fighting Holy Physique can be called the most powerful and invincible, enough to crush the general emperor, but it was also crushed by the Bro the Great Emperor several times. The Fighting Holy Soul was torn apart three times, and suffered heavy losses in all directions. .

   Of course, such a peak battle was not without gain. Ye Chen killed the Emperor Borneo with blood spattering constantly. The difference in the battle caused the Emperor Borneo to pay a certain price, and even once completely shattered half of the Emperor's body.

   Although it was clear that Qianxun was injured much more severely, and smashed the sacred body in three battles, only to exchange the opponent's one and a half emperor bodies, but it made the Emperor Borneo extremely angry.

   "What a fighting saint, he can actually hurt this emperor. Today, the emperor killed you and refined you!"

   The Great Borneo saw that he was so severely injured by an ancient emperor that he was so severely injured by an ancient emperor. This was an inexcusable shame and anger. He was so frightened that he immediately moved the killer.

   At a critical moment, Ye Chen set out to take a shot and flew into the hands of Emperor Borneo.

   This alien great emperor who made Qianxun pay a heavy price and barely suffered a heavy injury is so vulnerable in front of Ye Chen.

  The gap between each other is even greater than that between Chihiro and Borneo.

   Crush **** thoroughly!

   "Swallow it!"

   With a flick of his finger, a ninth-order **** pill shining with infinite aura suddenly fell into Chihiro's mouth and melted away in an instant.

  The majestic and indescribable medicinal power was just ten breathing times, which was to resolve all of Chihiro's injuries, without any sequelae, and return directly to the peak.

   This is the healing **** pill specially refined by Ye Chen. It belongs to the top ninth rank and can resolve almost all injuries.

   As for the Emperor Borneo, seeing this scene, he immediately wanted to take the opportunity to escape, and found that the void was unbreakable, and the majestic power of the origin of the universe was pervading, and he was extremely surprised.

   "It feels like the origin space of the universe, but there is no such strong origin power as the true origin space of the universe. Where is it?"

   The Great Borneo was unsure. After careful observation, at this moment, he finally understood where he was. He stared blankly at the mysterious world surrounded by thousands of worlds. It was a small chaotic universe.

   How can you imagine that there is actually a small chaotic universe in the Pangu universe.

It should be understood that every small chaotic universe is without warning from being conceived to completely complete, and no one can discover it, so it suddenly appears in the sea of ​​chaos, otherwise someone would have become the emperor of the universe and can control a chaotic ancient universe. The master of the universe exists!

   In the Pangu universe, how can there be a small chaotic universe that is gestating at the beginning of its birth?

   Ye Chen walked over and said lightly: "It seems that you have discovered where this is."

   The Emperor Borneo looked at Ye Chen suspiciously, and said, "A chaotic small universe is being conceived. Where did you get the Pangu universe?"

   "Get it? You shouldn't say that." Ye Chen smiled slightly, "More accurately, you should ask, I gave birth to such a small chaotic universe."


  The Great Borneo woke up suddenly, this chaotic small universe actually belonged to the fighting king?

   His original world is a small chaotic universe?


This was the first reaction of the Brahma the Great, because no matter it is any cultivator, even if the evildoers are astonishing as the eternal invincibles such as the emperor, Shidai, etc., they have never heard that they can give birth to the original universe, let alone fight the holy king, Less likely.

   Just, thinking of the Heaven-defying Saint King of Fighting, suddenly fell silent.

Others may not be able to do it, but it’s not impossible for him to master the supreme chaos avenue, who has cultivated the first fighting sage in ancient and modern times. Cultivation in Chaos Avenue has reached this point.

Chaos is the source of all things, all paths, and all souls. Based on the original world, it is impossible for others to open up a small chaotic universe, but for the evildoers such as the emperor of heaven and the young ancestors who also practiced the Dao of Chaos As far as the fighting king is concerned, it is not impossible.

  The Great Emperor Brahma sighed: "Fighting Saint King, you really are full of miracles!"

  He had to admit that the existence of the fighting king was against common sense.

  He seemed to see that the fighting king finally turned into an invincible giant, crushing the invincible hand of the ancient and modern, and the ancient universe of foreign races is also difficult to stop, the blood rain is flying, the emperor falls, and the giant is unstoppable...


   Ye Chen said indifferently, and blasted out with a punch, which contained the original mighty power of the small chaotic universe, just like a powerful blow from an eternal giant, slamming past.

  In an instant, the great emperor of Borneo, the supreme alien of the generation, the true spirit was annihilated, and he died immediately...

   Ye Chen left, leaving the body of the Great Emperor Borneo in the small chaos universe with Qianxun.

   The supreme has been hunted successfully, and the conditions that Ye Chen can give as his father have been given. As for Qianxun's promotion to the eternal king, it depends on his personal luck.

   At this point, no one can help.

  With a step, Ye Chen entered the territory of the Primordial Sky, and his figure flashed before disappearing into the heavenly sun...

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