Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3791: Second defeat

"Can anyone dare to fight?"

Zhao Yu took the initiative to speak, hoping to be able to learn from the Tianjiao of Pangu universe, but his attitude was very sloppy. His body revealed a majestic aura that resembled a mountain. It was so powerful that it changed the color of the Tianjiao from all sides. Quasi-king.

   Such a young quasi-monarch, not without, but absolutely rare.

   "A young quasi-monarch can be compared with the most outstanding group of the strongest talents on the ancient road of Renhuang."

   Many people marveled that Zhao Hao was only long live, otherwise he would not be qualified to come.

   It is rare to become a quasi-monarch in long live.

   What's more, he must have been in the realm of quasi-monarchs for a certain period of time, for fear of being an extraordinary quasi-king.

   Naturally, there is no shortage of young quasi-monarchs on the Pangu universe, and they are also within long live.

   Qin Hao, the arrogant of the Qin Shihuang clan, now 6,000 years old, is also the apex arrogant of the ancient road of Renhuang, first stepping into the realm of kings.

  He stepped forward to meet Zhao Yu.

His Majesty the Emperor is in seclusion, but the palace will not be chaotic. The strongest of the emperor’s line sits and presides over the feast personally. Now seeing that the two Tianjiao want to fight for the peak, they will not stop it, opening up a big world with the help of heaven. Let both Tianjiao enter into the duel.

   In the world of supernatural powers, the two quasi-monarchs compete on top of each other.

Qin Hao, the heavenly arrogant of the Qin Shihuang clan, by his generation, the power of the supreme bloodline of Qin Shihuang is no longer strong, and naturally it is far from being comparable to the emperor and emperor, but it can be regarded as an extraordinary cultivation base, able to become a quasi-king in ten thousand years. , Can explain a lot.

Although    is not the supreme Tianjiao, he also uses the Divine King Jie to make up for the defects of the heavens. In theory, the same quasi-kings will not differ greatly in strength.

   But Zhao Yu, the Tianjiao of the Qingyu Immortal Clan, and even the ninth generation of the Immortal Clan's blood, has been sealed up, and he was born recently.

   Generally speaking, the imperial family and the immortal family are very strong within ten generations.

   And Zhao Yu, who became a quasi-monarch at the age of five thousand, is now 6,300 years old, and has been in the realm of the quasi-monarch for 1,300 years, which is comparable to an ordinary quasi-king.

   During the duel between the two in the supernatural power world, Zhao Yu performed immortal skills and smashed Qin Hao, showing the true strength of the supreme arrogant in the immortal world.

   Qin Hao is indeed very strong, but compared with Zhao Yu, there is still a certain gap.

   After only thirty rounds, Zhao Yu defeated Qin Hao, coughing up blood at the corner of his mouth, fractured his arm, and was blasted out of the magical world.

   "It's so strong, at least it's the mid-term of the quasi-monarch, and he has more than a dozen rules of the king."

   Many Tianjiao in the Pangu universe are discolored. In the realm of quasi-kings, the more rules you master, the stronger.

   Qin Hao, as a quasi-monarch, has no more than seven rules of the ruler, while Zhao Yu has a dozen rules, which is double the difference.

   "I lost!"

   Qin Hao had bleeding from the corner of his mouth and was injured. Although it was not serious, he was unable to face off for thousands of rounds. Being defeated in dozens of rounds was definitely a huge blow.

"Brother Qin don't want to be discouraged, he is in the mid-term of the quasi-monarch, you are only the early-term of the king, and the opponent is the core figure of the immortal clan, the blood of the immortal clan is extremely powerful, and it has a great supporting effect. It is normal for you to lose." Tianjiao comforted.

   Qin Hao was defeated, and other Tianjiao from the Pangu universe naturally came forward to fight, and there were also super Tianjiao from the mid-level quasi-sovereign level.

The two quasi-monarchs fought fiercely, but Zhao Hao was very strong, mastered the magical powers of the immortal clan, and was able to be brought out by the Supreme Immortal himself. Naturally, it was extraordinary. On the Pangu universe, three successive young quasi-monarchs played, they were all Defeated.

   Ye Chen also saw this scene, but he only paid a little attention, because he discovered that his little daughter Ye Jing had also gone to the palace for a feast.

He has no interest in the so-called Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Tournament. Although at his age, he is in his early six-thousand years, this age can be regarded as a young Tianjiao even in the Tianjiao Grand Tournament. After all, it is relative to the long lifespan. In terms of being more than six thousand years old, he is really young.

   If he is willing, he is absolutely qualified to participate in the Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Competition.

   Unfortunately, it is impossible for him to participate.

   In the past few years, Ye Chen has experienced a lot, and his Taoism is even more unfathomable. Even the ultimate ancient road and the supreme ancient road have been pushed horizontally, how can he put it in his eyes.

   Of course, he thinks that Ye Jing should participate in one or two. This is the Chaos Haitianjiao grand competition. She went to participate, which helped her a lot and could provide a good opportunity for experience.

  According to his understanding of his little daughter Ye Jing, the Tianjiao of the Qingyu Immortal Clan is so light-hearted that Ye Jing would never stand idly by.

   As expected, after Zhao Yu defeated Tianjiao, the fourth quasi-king of Pangu Universe, Ye Jing appeared on the stage and immediately shocked everyone.

   Even the arrogances of the prehistoric immortal world are unavoidable for a while.

   Because of Ye Jing's appearance, she is truly stunning, and she is definitely one of the first-class beauties in the prehistoric world with many fairies. There are few that can be compared, and no one can surpass it.

   At the moment, Tianjiao, such as Zhao Yu, is moved with love.

   These beautiful beauties actually live in the Pangu Universe, which is a slightly chaotic ancient universe, and it feels like a violent thing.

   And the celestial arrogances of the immortal race can feel that Ye Jingxiu's base is definitely not weak, he dares to play, at least he is above the quasi-monarch, so beautiful and extraordinary cultivation base, it is definitely the best Taoist candidate in the minds of these immortal Tianjiao.

"I come."

   Ye Jing entered the world of supernatural powers and stood against Zhao Yuxi.

   Zhao Yu liked it the more he looked at him. For the first time, he looked happy, without a trace of arrogance, and said: "I don't know the name of the fairy ~ If I can tell and I can make tea and drink a cup, I can directly admit defeat in this battle!"

   Even the idea of ​​the little princess Ye Jing dare to fight!

Everyone is extremely angry. Ye Jing has a special position in the Pangu universe. She is the youngest daughter of the Invincible Fighting Saint King, one of the masters of the Pangu universe. She has also been pursued by countless arrogances, and now this immortal arrogant Zhao Yu unexpectedly If he dared to hit Ye Jing with his idea, it was almost death.

   Ye Jing looked indifferent, and said: "You are too weak to know."

   Zhao Yu was not angry either, thinking that Ye Jing didn’t know the heights of the sky, he laughed, he was quite charming, and said: “In that case, don’t bet, if I can beat you, you will promise me and become my companion.

   Hearing this, not only the many arrogances of Pangu Universe were angry, but Ye Jing's flawless beauty also showed a cold color, and he dared to make such an unreasonable request to herself.


   With a soft babble, Ye Jing made a move. Zhao Yu was preparing to show mercy during the duel and not hurt the opponent, but the moment the former made the move, an unprecedented sense of crisis emerged in his heart.

   "No, she is very strong!" Zhao Yu changed color, knowing that he had underestimated the other party.

   However, before he really reacted, the majestic attack fell on him.

   boom boom boom boom boom

   In the blink of an eye, all defenses were destroyed and defeated, and there was no resistance. Zhao Yu's figure flew upside down, bruised and embarrassed, and was blasted into the world with supernatural powers.

   lose in seconds!

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