Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3792: Do you have a buddy?

The Tianjiao of the immortal race from the prehistoric immortal realm was shocked. The impossibly beautiful girl in front of her was also a super strong. In the blink of an eye, she immediately defeated Zhao Yu who was in the mid-term quasi-king.

   They were shocked, and they knew that Ye Jing was far more powerful than imagined when they met a real opponent.

   Zhao Yu coughed up blood and suffered extraordinary heavy injuries. He looked at Ye Jing in horror. It seemed hard to imagine that Ye Jing would be such a peerless powerhouse.

   You know, it was just a meeting, and he couldn't resist it.

  Where is Ye Jing sacred?

Whether it is him or other immortal celestial arrogance, Ye Jing is very young and full of vigor, and his cultivation years are not only ten thousand years, but most likely only two to three thousand years, or even more than a thousand years, but he is so powerful and makes people feel incredible.

   Ye Jingyan is extraordinary, but her eyes are very cold, she sweeps towards the other celestial princes, and said coldly: "Who dares to fight?"

   Zhao Yu talked about these remarks earlier. They were so proud, but now they fall on Ye Jing. As a loser, Zhao Yu sounds like a torture.

   In his own way, he is still alive!

   "The little princess is mighty!"

   "As expected to be a little princess, she is truly extraordinary, she defeated the Tianjiao of the Immortal Realm in seconds!"

   "Of course, don't look at whose daughter the little princess is, the little daughter of the invincible fighting king, who can be its opponent."

   "The fighting saint king is unparalleled, and the fighting power is overwhelming. The ancient emperor is not an opponent. As his heir, the little princess also inherits his invincible blood and talent!"

   Looking back at the Tianjiao in the Pangu universe, one by one is very exciting.

   Ye Jing shot and defeated Zhao Yu in a strong second, and he was also making the appearance for Pangu Universe.

Similarly, from the beginning, no one thought that Ye Jing would lose. Over the years, Ye Jing has changed the title of King Xi, known as the King of People, worthy of the name, the King of Humanity, the unparalleled generation of female figures in the generation, and the ancient road of the King. , It is difficult to find a few rivals.

   is the second generation of supreme heirs. The heirs of those emperor sons and daughters have the supreme blood of the supreme, but facing Shang Ye Jing, they are still no opponents, and they are really far behind.

   In recent years, Ye Jing has been on the ancient road of human emperor. He has always attacked the enemy with weak attack and strong attack.

How could Zhao Yu, a mid-term quasi-monarch, be her opponent? Hundreds of years ago, ten years after Ye Jinggang became a mid-term quasi-monarch, he forcefully killed two quasi-monarch enemies and became famous for a time. What's more, how powerful she is 400 years later, no one knows the depth of the few strongest enemies on the ancient road of the Shechoren Emperor.

   The heavenly arrogances of the fairy world heard the words, their expressions were greatly shocked, the beautiful fairy in front of them was the little daughter of the fighting king.

  Unbelievable, the youngest daughters of the Fighting Saint King are so powerful, and the Fighting Saint King might really have become an emperor like the rumor.

   But for other quasi-giants who can kill the ancient emperor, I still don't believe it.

   "This time, I will come."

One of the heavenly arrogances of the immortal world, an ancient emperor appeared on the stage. He also had three eyes with purple hair. He was a characteristic of the Qingyu immortal clan, but his strength was better than Zhao Yu. After all, he was an ancient emperor, saying: "I am Zhao Ancient, also from the Qingyu fairy clan, ask the fairy!"

   "Prime King!?"

  The Pangu universe's heavenly arrogances changed color, and the Primordial King looked at the Pangu universe's heavenly arrogances, and they were all regarded as the most outstanding generation.

  Especially according to my understanding, this Zhao Gu became the Primordial King at the age of 9,500, and now he is 15,000 years old. He has been in the realm of kings for nearly 6,000 years. He is absolutely strong.

  Of course, he is not a character in this life, but a super arrogant of the Qingyu immortal clan in ancient times. He was sealed by the Supreme Immortal, in order to participate in this Chaos Haitianjiao grand competition.

   If he makes a move, the little princess Ye Jing might not be his opponent.

   Ye Jing looked at Zhao Gu faintly, and said, "Go ahead."

Although Zhao Gu knew that Ye Jing was very strong, otherwise he would not be able to easily defeat Zhao Yu in seconds, but he thought that Zhao Yu's care was included. Moreover, he was the Emperor of the Primordial Age, far superior to the quasi-prince, even the quasi-prince was just against the sky. Reluctantly challenge the King of Heaven.

   He believed that even if Ye Jing was a quasi-king against the sky, he couldn't be his opponent.

   "You are a woman, you can shoot first, and I will be merciful later when you shoot."

   Zhao Gu opened his mouth, with a certain degree of demeanor. When he spoke, he stepped forward, and the emperor Tianwei was extremely powerful, and the entire world of magical powers was almost exploding, unbearable!

   Ye Jing didn't change her face, and calmly said: "Let me take the action first, you will regret it."

   Zhao Gu smiled slightly: "This gentleman will not regret it."

   "In that case, just take it."

When the words fell, Ye Jing's whole person's aura suddenly changed, as if she had changed another person, her whole body was infinitely brilliance blooming, the rules of the avenue shattered the vacuum, she stood like an emperor of the world, and she raised her hand to slap Zhao across. In ancient times, it is as if the Geshizhizun made a move, he can smash the Supreme Immortal and kill the Immortal!

   With this move, the color that had been taken care of by the wind and clouds changed for the first time, and it was frightening. Ye Jing in front of him seemed to be the supreme king, unparalleled in the world. He felt a strong sense of crisis.

  I didn't even think about it, and immediately sacrificed a lot of rules of the king, there are as many as ten thousand ways, and the Emperor's Immortal Soldiers that belonged to him also appeared, clamoring, and having a king world.

   "Xian Zhu!"

   With a loud shout, it was a manifestation of the immortal technique, Zhao Gu's immortal light suddenly multiplied countless times, and the power of the immortal Dao bloodline was exploding, surging, and it collided with Ye Jing with one blow!


   The world of supernatural powers almost exploded, and it was difficult to withstand the collision of such peerless supernatural powers.

   However, it was a supreme being who opened up this great world of supernatural powers. The supreme beings in the territory of the Primordial Kings existed, and their skills were profound and extraordinary. The collision between the two was terrible, but it could not be truly shattered.

  In the end, everything stabilized.

   Ye Jing is still standing like a fairy, the green silk is flying, and the world is gorgeous.

   In contrast, Zhao Gu, the king of the fairy clan, was covered in blood, lying on the ground, severely injured and suffering terrible injuries.

   A battle, a terrible defeat!

   One side of the immortal world was shaken, Zhao Gu was not Ye Jing’s opponent, and suffered a disastrous defeat!

   Ye Jing is so powerful!

"So strong, Brother Zhao Gu is a powerful king standing in the second layer of heaven. He is not actually the opponent of the Pangu universe king. Obviously, this king is at least a triple heaven or above. Of course, that blow is also very possible. Using the strongest force, smelting a thousand and a hundred moves into one move, without hesitating to lose a huge amount of energy."

   Xianjie Tianjiao analyzed like this.

   The Tianjiao of other Pangu universes are all discolored, because Zhao Gu is obviously not the strongest yet. If it is really as they say, Wang Yejing is not an opponent.

   "These arrogant juniors in the fairy world will be disappointed."

   In the Chaos Tianfu, Ye Chen smiled faintly, Ye Jing's strength is more than just that.

   Regarding Ye Jing, he was also very relieved. He never continued to pay attention. In the Pangu universe, no one would let the little daughter have an accident.

   That night, Ye Jing's name shook the world during the battle of Tianjiao from the Imperial Palace.

The Tianjiao from the prehistoric immortal realm is arrogant and arrogant. She does not put the Tianjiao of the Pangu universe in his eyes. The little princess of the Chaos Tianfu, Ye Jing, is young and very angry. She directly defeated the kings of the prestigious fairy realm. Super Tianjiao.

   Ye Jing, in these four hundred years, has crossed the quasi-monarch level and became a powerful primordial emperor, and has become the king of the world.

   is also known as the strongest arrogant who is the most promising emperor!

   In the feast, Ye Jing strongly defeated the strongest princes in the Primordial Realm of the Primordial Realm. None of them exceeded ten rounds and killed no one in the Qingyu Fairy Clan as an opponent, causing a big shock.

  Because that is the strongest arrogant of the young generation of immortals, from the quasi-prince to the primordial king, no one is an opponent.

Including one of them, Tianjiao, a powerful emperor who stands in the four heavens, is 19,000 years old, and has been a king for nine thousand years. He is the fifth generation of the Qingyu immortal clan. The bloodline of immortality is extremely powerful, and he has the supernatural power of immortality, facing the five layers. The King of Heaven can also fight a strong battle.

   However, these powerful kings, facing Master Wang Yejing, also suffered a disastrous defeat.

   Ye Jing's strength is a mystery, but everyone knows that she is very strong, tyrannical, hard to find an opponent, and pushes a side of the fairy clan!


   That night, in the Yunjutian Palace, the only Tianjiao who had never participated in the feast was shocked. He appeared in the feast, and the boundless celestial splendor overwhelmed Liuhe and the Eight Wastes and shook the palace.

   That was actually an immortal monarch, the strongest person comparable to the emperor.

The appearance of the fairy prince shocked all parties. What is even more shocking is that this fairy prince is also a proud man of heaven. He has only cultivated for thousands of years ~ is less than long live, extremely powerful, that is to come. The heir of the supreme fairy.

   "Piaoyu Xiaozu!"

At the feast, Zhao Gu, Zhao Yu and others of the Qingyu Fairy Clan looked at the immortal monarchs who appeared in awe and fiery awe. They were the heirs of the Fairy Dao, the parents of the Supreme Immortal, extremely powerful, half-footed in the realm of the Fairy Dao. , The whole world is vast, and the young generation can be called the strongest sequence of characters.

   Even in the prehistoric world, Piaoyu is also the most famous arrogant.

Fairy Piaoyu appeared, the purple-haired Qingyu fairy clan characteristics, but not three eyes, but five eyes, on both sides of the eyebrow center and the sky, there is a symmetrical and diagonally opposite eye above the eyebrow, but there are three. Outside the eye pupils, the other two eye pupils on the brows are closed during the day.

   The birth of a fairy-sovereign-level heir of the immortal Dao naturally attracted attention from all sides. I never thought that this time, there will be a heir of the immortal Dao who is in such a state to follow.

  In the imperial palace, Fairy Piaoyu saw Ye Jing, and Rao couldn't help being amazed by his vision.

   Such a beautiful person, in the realm of the primordial immortal, there are only those who are the daughters of the supreme immortal or the female supreme immortal can be compared.

  It's hard to imagine, in a Pangu universe, there are such beautiful people.

   He was very happy when he saw Hunting, and he felt a bit of joy in his heart. Rarely, he had a gentle attitude, but he still stood proudly, standing with his hands holding his hands, saying: "You, do you have a companion?"

  PS: It is both the Dragon Boat Festival and the college entrance examination. I hope that all college entrance examination students will be high in the Dragon Boat Festival!

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