Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3794: Lintian Mansion, a glimpse of fairy fate

It was not the supreme immortal who came out from it, but an immortal monarch, it was Piaoyu Xianjun!

  Piaoyu Xianjun is very young, heroic, and celestial light. According to reports, he is only in the early seven thousand years. For the one-epoch longevity of Xianjun, he is extremely young and has entered the Chaos Tianfu.

   The Chaos Tianfu in front of me is extremely magnificent and magnificent.

It was also shocked by Piaoyu Immortal Monarch and the Tianjiao of the Qingyu Fairy Clan, such as Zhao Gu and Zhao Yu who followed. These palaces, the Supreme Immortal Palace of their Qingyu Fairy Clan, are also slightly inferior. Not as good.

   "The giant palace of the heavenly palace of an emperor in this area is actually as large as it is. I clearly feel that it seems that more than one palace is superimposed on each other."

"It is indeed the Pangu universe that was once glorious and prosperous to the most extreme. The past years are not much worse than my primordial immortal world. The mythical era was once the coexistence of all emperors. I am afraid that this fighting king has won many ancient emperors' inheritance. I have obtained a lot of imperial palaces, otherwise how can it be so large that it surpasses my Qingyu Immortal Palace!"

   The heavenly arrogances of the Green Feathers clan exclaimed, murmured, and also had deep envy and envy.

   If it hadn't been born in this Pangu universe where all emperors coexisted, and had suffered the mythological destruction and the fall of the heavens, they believed that the fighting king would definitely not be qualified to own such a majestic emperor palace.

   "An emperor is actually qualified to be in such a heavenly palace, and he should be given to this seat in the future."

Fairy Piaoyu also gave birth to jealousy. He was also happy to see the hunting heart. He liked Chaos Tianfu very much. Now he has made a decision. This time he obtained the consent of the Fighting Saint King to marry Wang Yejing, and then took possession of it. This piece of chaos Tianfu Tiangong giant hall is my own.

   In his opinion, these magnificent palaces are home to capable people.

  In the future, he Floating Yu Xianjun will surely become a god, and he must have his own fairy palace.

   This chaotic Tianfu in front of me is the most suitable.

Moreover, Immortal Piaoyu heard that the "Ultimate Supreme" immortal fate, which was left by the Supreme Being at the intersection of the two ancient roads, the Ultimate Ancient Road and the Supreme Ancient Road, also fell into the hands of this fighting sage. It just so happens that this time I also want to come back.

   After all, this kind of "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate can also be obtained by those who can.

Although he does not know what the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate is, even the supreme fairy fate highly respected by his fairy father, and even made the heavenly supreme mad about it, thousands of years ago Yunfa had a terrible supreme-level melee.

   It's a pity that he didn't choose to enter the ancient road back then. Otherwise, with his supreme immortal posture, no one can make his opponent, even the fairy prince heir!

   Piaoyu Fairy is very confident about this!

   Southern Tianmen, the guard of Chaos Tianfu stands tall, seeing the appearance of the super powers of the Primordial Kings such as Piaoyu Immortal Monarch, even if there are ten terrifying violent existences at the level of the starry sky overlord, they are still fearless.

   Nantianmen bears the imprint of Emperor Dao, dissolving the oppression of Piaoyu Xianjun and others.

   The guard shouted: "Who is waiting, this is Chaos Tianfu, people who are not Tianfu should not approach it at will!"

   "I am the fairy king Piaoyu, meet the lord of Chaos Tianfu, fight against the holy king!"

   Fairy Piaoyu opened his mouth, although he was seeing him, his expression was a bit proud.

  He is a generation of immortal monarchs, and even the supreme immortal parents. His status is so noble. The fighting saint king is just an emperor, but he is not any supreme heir. He should come out to meet him.

   "Wait a minute."

   The guard of Nantianmen responded politely, but he was not very respectful. Even though this was an immortal monarch, but what about it, the palace lord fought against the saint king to be invincible, and there was no shortage of emperors in Chaos Heaven.

   And as Ye Chen's Taoism deepened, it was comparable to a quasi-giant, and many emperors joined Chaos Tianfu, making the background of Chaos Tianfu more and more unpredictable.

   Now the Chaos Tianfu, even if the ancient emperor came, he did not dare to be too arrogant.

"Huh, the guards of the emperor's forces in the mere tribes actually despise the little ancestor of our clan immortal monarch in this way. They should be welcomed into the hall as soon as possible and treated as the most distinguished guests. How can you let the little ancestor stand outside the door and wait." The Tianjiao of the Yuxian tribe was very angry, and clearly did not put them in his eyes.

   Zhao Yu even said: "Xiaozu, what if you let me go and break into this Chaos Tianfu, and open the door for you personally?"

   Fairy Piaoyu didn't look very good, but he said, "This matter is not in a hurry. When the matter is over, I will care about it."

   It is that the Saint King of Fighting is his future husband-in-law, but if he interferes, he will have to seek justice in the future.

   "Piaoyu Fairy Monarch? Who is it?"

   At this moment, the majestic emperor in Chaos Tianfu is permeating and mighty, making the Piaoyu Xianjun and others outside the Nantian Gate look solemn, is the fighting king finally willing to appear?

   However, the visitor was not Ye Chen at all, but Emperor Hunyue. His appearance made the guard very respected: "I have seen Mr. Hunyue!"

   Monarch Hunyue nodded slightly, looked at Immortal Monarch Piaoyu, and said lightly: "Palace lord is retreating and enlightening, what can you do?"

  The person who came was just an immortal monarch, unless it was the supreme, or the emperor who had a good relationship, it was impossible to alarm Palace Lord Ye Chen to appear in person.

   "What a bold fighting saint king, my clan fairy prince Xiaozu personally came to the door, he didn't come out to meet him personally." Next to him, the Tianjiao of the Qingyu fairy clan shouted with a cold and angry expression.

"Noisy!" Emperor Hunyue glanced at the opener, the emperor's power was filled, and the immortal king Tianjiao who opened his mouth was immediately subjected to great pressure, his body collapsed, and almost exploded, Immortal Piaoyu immediately shot, a piece of fairy The light diffused, resisting the power of Emperor Hun Yue, coldly said: "You dare to make a move!"

  A courageous person, even an emperor, but in front of him Floating Feather Immortal, attacking a member of the Qingyu Immortal Clan clearly doesn't put him in his eyes.

   "Hehe, what is there that the emperor does not dare to take action." Emperor Hun Yue sneered and said indifferently: "What's more, it's just a fairy, and it's worth the palace lord to come out to meet him, really who he is?"

Immortal Piaoyu was shocked and angry. Who is he? When did he receive such insults, he furiously said: "What a Chaos Heavenly Palace, he really regards himself as the same thing. Today I am going to personally See what you are capable of."


   Endless immortal monarchs exploded in power, like the arrival of the supreme immortal, shaking dozens of hundreds of areas, alarming the entire chaotic continent and having far-reaching influence.

   Hunyue Emperor also sneered: "Is that right, this Emperor also wants to see how strong the so-called fairy is?"

   At the same time, in the Chaos Tianfu, there was a majestic emperor-level power appearing, and the indifferent voice was endless: "Where is the emperor, dare to release the power, is this to be an enemy of my Chaos Tianfu?"

   Outside the southern gate, the many Tianjiao of the Qingyu fairy clan, and even the ten-headed starry sky overlord level pull the big murderer, trembling with fear and trembling under the power of the emperor, lowering down.

  They, like a small boat in the boundless ocean of storms and turbulent waves, will capsize at any time, life and death cannot be the master!

   Piaoyu Immortal Monarch was shocked, there were many emperors in Chaos Tianfu, and the emperor's power that appeared at this moment was no less than that of his hands.

  Instructions, such a large number of emperors and powerhouses, the Qingyu Fairy Clan had never owned them, but only two or three.

   Chaos Tianfu, but only a force created by the Emperor Tianjiao, how can there be so many emperors who will become Taoists!


   Is this the background of Chaos Tianfu?

  In my heart, I became more and more jealous.


   At this time, the immortal palace's chariot suddenly bloomed with immense power.

   As if the supreme immortal is recovering, the many emperors in the Chaos Tianfu have been resisted.

  Piaoyu Fairy drew the immortal palace's car, the imprint of the Supreme Immortal Road left by his father, the Supreme Immortal, as if the Supreme Immortal was coming.

   This allowed the oppressed Qingyu Fairy Clan and the cart beast to slow down, as if they had walked through the gate of life and death.

"Huh, what a Chaos Tianfu, is it trying to kill this immortal and become an enemy of my Qingyu Immortal Clan? Today, this immortal will look at it. How dare you dare to kill someone in Chaos Tianfu? Heir of the fairy!"

   Fairy Lord Piaoyu was extremely angry, and drew the immortal palace chariot, the immortal imprint that resonated with the strongest, he was about to take action.

  Naturally, the majesty and inviolability of Chaos Tianfu, even if this is a descendant of a supreme celestial immortal, with a supreme celestial car.

  Emperor after emperor, endless visions arise and emerge in the world.

   Just as the two sides were on the verge of breaking out, a peaceful force descended from the sky, and the birthplace made the power of the two emperors and immortals collapsed into nothingness, and the vacuum returned to calm.

   A voice came out, calm and indifferent, UU reading www.uukanshu. However, com also carried the unquestionable supreme majesty, resounding through the sky above Chaos Tianfu: "I am the fighting sage king, you wait for the Chaos Tianfu to visit me, why?"

   "Palace Lord!"

   Many emperors introvert their power and speak respectfully.

   At the southern gate, many guards kneeled and saluted deep in their hearts.

   Chaos Tianfu, and even Chaos Tianzhou, hundreds of millions of creatures of all races worshipped it.

   After many years, the invincible Lord of Heaven, Fighting Saint King, was once again shocked to appear. It was the supreme existence of the Chaos Heaven Continent like a god, and was an invincible person who killed the Great Emperor of another race.

   In the eyes of all the creatures in the Chaos Tianzhou, his position is more respected than that of the emperor.

   For thousands of years, they have erected the statue of Ye Chen, and will worship it in the future, enshrine it, and offer incense faith. They are their most loyal believers.

   "Can you finally give it up?"

   Piaoyu Fairy snorted coldly, very dissatisfied.

   But just the same method, that is, the immortal imprint left by his father Qingyuxian in the Xiandian chariot, has also been dispelled by the supreme immortal power, making him jealous.

  He is not a stupid person, who can possess such means, I am afraid that this fighting king is even more extraordinary than imagined.

   It’s just that, I still think that the Saint King of Fighting has resorted to the imperial way left by the mythical emperor, otherwise it would be impossible for an emperor to do this step.

   In Chaos Tianfu, Ye Chen didn't appear, and said lightly, "What's the matter with you?"

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