Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3795: Piaoyu is dead, the ancient fairy is angry!

Anyway, it was a visitor from the prehistoric immortal world, Ye Chen raised his eyebrows slightly toward his attitude, and did not immediately expel him.

"Come here today, this immortal is hoping to discuss a great matter with you." Piaoyu Immortal thought of today's purpose is to ask the other party to mate Ye Jing to him as a concubine. Wang could be regarded as the old man anyway, so he converged a little, and said proudly: "This time, this immortal is here to beg for marriage. He is willing to marry the fighting king and ask the little princess Ye Jing to be married to Wu Piaoyuxian. Junxian is a concubine."

   If he doesn't speak, he just speaks as a shocking request.

   I want to marry the little princess Ye Jing, and we will marry him, but she is just a concubine, not a regular wife.

   And this is still a request, not a request.

   As soon as he said this, there was silence in the world.

   has been paying attention to the supreme all parties here, and can't help but look at this fairy like a fool.

   Who gave him such courage to make such a rude request.

   Only very quickly, Fairy Piaoyu discovered that this space between heaven and earth is not just as simple as silence, but also filled with an atmosphere of silence.

   Endless killing intent suddenly fell from the sky.

   Silently, a group of figures appeared above the Chaos Tianfu, and the man who was the leader was flawless, the most complete and perfect in the world.

Around   , there are a lot of beautiful women and heroic men, who are very eye-catching.

   "You said, do you want to welcome my daughter Ye Jing as your concubine?"

The head of    is Ye Chen. I don't know how many years he has not left the main hall of Chaos Heavenly Mansion, but this time he was also shocked and appeared directly, looking at the fairy lord below with a cold expression.

  I don't know why, when I look at Ye Chen, Immortal Piaoyu only feels that he is extremely cold, even if he is a generation of immortals, he is still extremely cold.

   It seemed that the vast mana had been frozen and it was difficult to operate.

   This shocked Immortal Piaoyu, how could this be possible, he was a generation of immortals, and the opponent was just a generation of emperors, and the realm was connected, how could he make his mana stagnant and difficult to operate.

   Is it because of the cultivation way of the fighting saint king?

Immortal Lord Piaoyu slammed for a while, running the immortal power, and expelling the icy cold all over his body. He thought it was an illusion, and said proudly: "Yes! It is your daughter Ye Jing and even you who can become the concubine of this fairy. An honor for the family."

   "Hurry up, this immortal has limited time, and there are more important things to do."

By his side, the other Tianjiao of the Qingyu Immortal Clan also said one after another: "Fighting Saint King, you are also the strongest Tianjiao of the generation, and you should know that the person who knows the current affairs is a master. Although the Pangu Universe Heavenly Dao is completed and returned to the mythical prosperous world, but follow me The immortal world is still very different, and the Pangu universe is ultimately a decayed chaotic ancient universe. In the future, it is very likely that it will be captured and maimed by a foreign ancient universe again. As long as you are willing to treat Ye Jing as the concubine of the young ancestor, Going to the heavenly palace of Chaos Tianfu and the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate, soon your ancestors will become immortal, and you will also be able to "achieve the Dao alone, and the chickens and dogs will ascend to heaven". The suffering of the war and the invasion of the universe!"

   All parties were stunned, this Immortal Piaoyu not only looked at Ye Jing, but also at Chaos Tianfu and the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate.

   Even the Supreme couldn’t help shaking his head secretly. This Immortal Piaoyu really took the courage, at least such courage, it can be described as unprecedented.

   actually dared to speak loudly in front of the fighting king.

  Instructions, even if they were the Dzogchen Supreme at the level of ancient emperors, they would never dare to do so.

A supreme looking at the Cloud Jutian Palace in the distance, shook his head, and sighed: "Qing Yuxian can also be regarded as an ancient immortal in the Chaos Sea. How can he be born with such a stupid son who dares to provoke the invincible fighting king in the world? Is he just an emperor?"

The goddess Zhao Jingruo was very frightened long ago. The monstrous emperor's power overwhelmed her body, and she did not hide it at all. She said coldly: "What a fairy, who wants to marry this emperor's daughter, dare to peep into my chaos. Tianfu, and the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate of the husband."

  Besides, Yi Wu, Chen'er, Yuqing, Abenu, Corpse Devourer, Will, Peacock King and others all looked at Fairy Piaoyu with murderous intent.

   Fairy Piaoyu is not afraid, leaning on the chariot of the immortal temple, standing with his hands under his hands, watching the world: "I am the son of Fairy Qingyu. Before you dare to make a move, you'd better consider the three-point consequences."

   The Supreme Immortal's father is his greatest strength.

   At this moment, Ye Chen's anger was restrained, and his expression calm, but no one could see how terrifying the anger contained in the deepest part of his eyes was.

   He was extremely angry. In these years, no one has dared to do this, let alone being so tough and so proud to accept his most beloved youngest daughter as a concubine, saying that it is the honor of their family.

   The other party, can he really do whatever he wants by relying on his being from the prehistoric world?

   Ye Chen said coldly: "You are still the first person to be so arrogant for so many years. It seems that I haven't appeared in these years. The world thinks I'm so arrogant."

   Fairy Piaoyu raised his head, looked at Ye Chen, and said, "What do you mean?"

   Suddenly, he felt a sense of crisis emerging in his mind.

  Like the fighting king in front of him, giving him a fatal sense of crisis.

   At this moment, all the heavens and domains, anyone who pays attention to this place will look at Piaoyu Xianjun and others with pity.

   To dare to speak like this to the fighting sage king in the world without enemies, it is simply eating the courage of the bear heart and the leopard, looking for death!

   They seem to have seen their fate.


   Ye Chen spit out coldly.


   A piece of chaotic light descended from the sky, flooding the fierce culprits to the fairy prince Piaoyu, the heavenly arrogances of the Qingyu immortal tribe, the chariot of the fairy palace, and the ten-headed starry sky overlord.

   "Battle Saint King, I am Fairy Piaoyu, the son of Fairy Qingyu. If you dare to attack this Fairy, my father Qingyuxian must not spare you."

   Piaoyu Fairy Lord roared, feeling the threat of death, and doing his best to bloom the power of the Fairy Lord to resist.

   but desperately discovered that, as powerful as him, a generation of immortal monarchs, above the emperor, below the supreme immortal, below the crown of the supreme, difficult to find an enemy, but unable to resist the chaotic light, all power is destroyed and destroyed.

  He is so fragile.

   Xiandian chariot, his father's Xianjia, bears the imprint of immortality and is inspired.

   But the same is true, the immortal mark is not good enough, it cannot be resisted.

   In the end, it was actually no more than an instant, and the chaotic light fell easily, completely drowning the people of the Qingyu Immortal Clan.

   In the chaotic light, there seemed to be a roar of grief and unwillingness, but it quickly disappeared.

   When the chaotic light dissipated, the whole world took a breath of cold.

  Piaoyu Fairy Monarch, the arrogance of the Qingyu Fairy tribe, and the Xiandian chariot disappeared into the air!

   has been erased from the world forever!

   Wanyu's attention!

   shocked the world!

  The dignity of the fighting and war Saint King cannot be provoked, even if it is provoked by Xianjun, there is only one death.

   All parties are supreme, as expected, not surprising.

  It should be noted that the Fighting Saint King has existed at the quasi-giant level many years ago, and his majesty is even greater than that of the emperor and the Supreme Immortal.

   His youngest daughter is more noble than the emperor, the emperor, and the heir of the fairy dao.

  A fairy prince dared to marry his most doting little daughter, Ye Jing, as his concubine. Isn’t this looking for death?

   Even his father, the Supreme Immortal, can never do this.

   What's more, dare to peep into Chaos Tianfu, the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy.

   In the depths of the starry sky, Ye Jing looked at this scene and sighed secretly, also feeling happy.

   dare to infringe on the interests of his family, no matter who it is, his father will never forgive him when he fights against the saint king, even if he is from the immortal world.

   At the same time, the Supreme Immortal who was meditating in Yunjutian Palace suddenly felt the death of his son, and he was awakened for the first time.


   Infinite celestial glory bloomed, flooding nine heavens and ten earths, shaking the heavens and ten thousand domains, and screaming in all paths.

   The upper realm was shaken, and the Supreme Being was born, the Supreme Immortal roared: "Who dares to kill this immortal parent and child!"

  The induction between the bloodlines disappeared, which means that the parent and child are destroyed.

   Ke, who in the Pangu universe dare to kill his parents and children?

   Is this to be an enemy to him, to the entire prehistoric world?

   When he was preparing to perform the deduction, he found that the secret of the secret was deceived and could not be deduced. The other party was probably an ancient emperor-level existence. Otherwise, with his status as the supreme immortal, how could he not be able to deduct the performance.

   "Very well, in a decayed Pangu universe, there is a supreme who dares to kill this fairy heir, well, it is really good!"

   When I said this, the arrogance of the Supreme Immortal soared to the sky and burned a stellar field, truly terrifying. The immeasurable starry sky was burned down by birth. I don't know how many millions of miles.

   Soon, he learned relevant information from Xianwei. This morning, Xianjun Piaoyu, the parent and son, used the chariot of Xiandian to lead a group of fairy guards of the Qingyu fairy clan to the Chaos Tianfu to ask for relatives.

   "The Chaos Tianfu is the force created by the fighting sage king who is known as the strongest tianjiao of the Chaos Sea?"

   "My son, died in the direction of Chaos Tianfu. He must have been killed by the people of Chaos Tianfu."

   The supreme immortal was furious, he was the supreme of the immortal Dao, perceiving the world astonishing, and he could feel the chaos Tianfu where there is a multi-level emperor's aura. He believed in his heart that it must be a person from the chaos Tianfu to kill his parents and children.

   Now, very angry.

Piaoyu Immortal Monarch is his favorite heir. No one has inherited his powerful and incomparable blood of the Immortal Dao, and in just a few thousand years, he has already reached the realm of Immortal Monarch, and he has great hope for becoming immortal. To his high hopes.

  Unexpectedly, he fell into this barren and fading ancient universe that was just beginning to recover. How could he not be angry.


   A brilliant and flaming avenue of fairy lights traverses the sky. Immediately, the Supreme Immortal was born and the real body personally went to Chaos Tianfu.

   Xianguang Avenue spans the sky, connecting the Human Palace and Chaos Tianfu in the center of the Ten Thousand Domains, shaking the world and alarming the heavens and Ten Thousand Domains.

   "Battle Saint King, come out to this immortal!"

   The Supreme Immortal roars,

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