Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3796: Immortal is also invincible!

With a roar of the Supreme Immortal, it can shake the heavens, and the Supreme Immortal is unparalleled in the world. I don't know how many stars have been caused by earthquakes in the outside world.

   The Chaos Tianfu trembles, the Chaos Tianzhou trembles, and the tens of millions of sentient beings tremble.

  Who can be the enemy of the vast immortal might?

   The heavens and domains, the supreme of all parties, were shocked, looking at this direction.

   The Supreme Immortal, is this to provoke the majesty of the Saint King?


The peaceful and stalwart power permeates and counteracts the immortal might, otherwise the Chaos Tianfu would have to be almost completely exploded with the roar of the Immortal Dao, but apart from the most important imperial palaces, the other heavenly palaces would not be spared, let alone Knowing how many people are going to be born and roared, the Primordial King is no exception.

   The supreme immortal is the supreme of Dzogchen, the highest level of the ancient emperor. With a roar of the supreme, the sun must roar alive.

   Inside the Chaos Tianfu, an extremely cold voice came out: "You, want to provoke my Chaos Tianfu's majesty?"

  The Supreme Immortal said coldly and angrily: "Battle Saint King, wait until you kill this immortal's parents and children, and you will be buried with this immortal today, and your Chaos Tianfu will also be buried!"


   The supreme immortal is furious, the immortal prestige is incomparable, shatters everything, and even the immortal Dao shines, struck the chaotic heaven.

  Moreover, billions of celestial light suddenly penetrated Xiaohan, shaking the universe.

   Supreme Immortal, this is really angry when moved, and it is also merciless.

   Hundreds of millions of celestial lights fell, enough to razed the entire Chaos Continent to the ground.

   can even penetrate the upper bound!

   The celestial light is like rain, and each weight is hundreds of millions of miles long and falls overwhelmingly.

  The Supreme Immortal was furious, and his most beloved heir was killed, making him blinded by hatred. He wanted Chaos Tianfu to pay the price and completely wipe it out of the world!

  Even, this vast and endless chaotic continent, formed by more than a hundred large domains, will also be erased!

   Everything in Chaos Tianfu must be buried with his son Fairy Piaoyu.


   The indifferent cold snort suddenly exploded.

   But seeing the infinite chaotic light descending from the sky, resonating in all directions, in an instant, the absolute billions of celestial lights were directly destroyed and disintegrated with ease.

   A chaotic power that is far superior to the supreme immortal blooms.

   The Supreme Immortal stiffened on the sky, his expression changed drastically: "Quasi giant!"

   That kind of power cannot be possessed by the supreme, it must be a quasi-giant-level existence.

   In Chaos Tianfu, there is a quasi-giant-level existence. Is it the Emperor of War, or the Golden Crow Emperor?

The supreme immortal cannot judge which quasi-giant it is, but at this time he immediately spoke and said hurriedly: "I am the Qingyu Immortal, the ninth immortal under the throne of Zixiao Immortal Throne. If you dare to take action, you are the enemy of Zixiao Immortal King. !"

   Zixiao Immortal King, an invincible immortal king in the prehistoric world, famous and prestigious, straddling the ages.

   There are many immortals under the fairy king, and Qingyu immortal is the ninth one!

   At this time, Qing Yuxian can only move out of the backing of the Immortal King Zixiao, otherwise he feels that he is very likely to be shot by the quasi-giant hidden in Chaos Tianfu and directly killed.

   "The Zixiao Immortal King, it's no wonder that he is so arrogant. It turns out that he is the subordinate of the supreme immortal king giant!"

   "Although the Fighting Saint King is strong and strong enough, it still can't work against Immortal King Zixiao."

   Hearing this, the supreme of all parties also has a slightly solemn expression, the immortal king of Zixiao, an immortal king who can dominate the chaotic sea, is famous, no less than the strongest emperor such as Taisheng Emperor and Holy Demon Emperor.

   What's more, the immortal king Zixiao belongs to the prehistoric world, and his status is even greater.

  The general eternal giants are also afraid.

   After all, the Primordial Realm is the first chaotic ancient universe of the Chaos Sea, incomparable.

   As expected, Qing Yuxian's voice fell, and the power in Chaos Tianfu no longer increased, as if he was afraid of it.

Qing Yuxian breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, relying on the power of the Zixiao Immortal King, he became stronger, condescending, overlooking the Chaos Tianfu, and coldly said: "Hand over the fighting king, and the little girl Ye Jing, and take action. Killing all of my children, granting them to death, and even the nine races, can spare the Chaos Tianfu, otherwise even if there is a quasi-giant blessing today, this immortal will go to the Immortal King and destroy the Chaos Tianfu."

   The moment the voice fell, suddenly, the supreme heavens looked at Qing Yuxian like a fool.

  Given the death battle saint king, the nine clans?

   Suddenly, this world suddenly collapsed.

   Qingyuxian immortal body is trembling.

   is as powerful as him, and feels frightened by Xianxin.


   Is the opponent's quasi-giant going to fight against the saint king at the emperor level at all costs, and at all costs against the imperial king Zixiao behind him?

   "I am the king of fighting!"

   The voice came, and Ye Chen appeared. He was so slender and perfect, with chaotic light surrounding his body, and the majestic and hazy chaotic shadow of the ancient universe shrouded himself, like a cosmic ruler, blooming with vast quasi-giant-level power.

   The entire universe of heavens and domains was turbulent.

   Qing Yuxian shuddered, staring at the young and perfect figure ahead with a horror: "You, are you the quasi-giant?"

   "Impossible, you are the emperor, how can it be so powerful?"



   is only the emperor, even the eternal emperor, it is impossible to be invincible to this step, it is simply breaking common sense and breaking cognition.

   The rumors are actually true. The Fighting Saint King really has a quasi-giant-level cultivation base. He hunted and killed the Emperor Borneo at the border of the ancient alien universe without any external force, but achieved this step by himself.

   How can there be such a person in the world?


   Ye Chen's face was expressionless, but in fact the killing intent appeared.

   Linked to the Nine Clans?

   What a vicious request, if you don’t kill him today, wouldn’t anyone in the world think he’s a bully?

   What's more, if you dare to harm his family, even if the fairy king is here, he dare to be an enemy!

   Take one step out, the ancient and modern.

   The heavens and domains all shook suddenly, and the world went dark.

   The vast and endless blue land suddenly dimmed down.

   Ye Chen has become the center of the universe.

  The world's attention.

  Today, he, the fighting saint king, wants to kill the immortals!


   The endless chaotic light rushed out, and instantly drowned Qing Yuxian.

"Do not!"

   Qing Yuxian only felt the endless sense of crisis, and immediately ran the Supreme Immortal Dao to resist.

   On his body, the immortal light is heavy, and it has evolved into a vast immortal realm, which belongs to his immortal realm, and there are countless immortals, trying to resist the invasion of chaotic light.


   A pair of supreme fairy armor appeared, covering the whole body, imprinted on it by the runes of the endless fairy road.

   It is his supreme fairy soldier, capable of offensive and defensive. It is made of chaotic immortal gold with peerless immortal materials. It is immortal forever, and the celestial burial is indestructible.

   On weekdays, few people can force him to sacrifice this supreme celestial armor, but today, Qing Yuxian has encountered an unprecedented crisis.

   He has a feeling that once he is completely overwhelmed by the chaotic light, it is very likely that he will be assimilated, even the supreme immortal is useless and become a part of the chaos.

   Therefore, he used all immortal methods just to save his life.

   Besides, he is also very curious.

   Fighting and fighting the Saint King, to what extent is the enchanting person able to sit on the invincible combat power comparable to the quasi-giant as an emperor.

   In the past and present, no one has ever done it.

   At the very least, the time of existence of the emperor and the first generations was too long, causing future generations, and even many eternal giants, to be unclear whether they could reach that point.

   Now, it is also the eternal quasi-king at the beginning of the fighting sage, maybe it is the reappearance of the fighting power of the emperor of the year and the young age of the first generation.

   As Qing Yuxian completed his defense for an instant, Ye Chen watched indifferently, without any fluctuations in his expression.

  Who is he, a quasi-giant-level existence, the world is vast, no one can stop him.

   Now a supreme immortal dares to provoke him, for the sake of that ineffective immortal heir to destroy the Chaos Tianfu, linking the nine clans, with him, how can he let it go.

   Invincible in the world for four thousand years, Ye Chen powerfully killed the Emperor Borneo back then. After a thousand years, he shot again, letting the world know that the invincible fighting king has always been there.


   Xianguang shattered, no one can stop!

   Ye Chen attacked strongly.

   It was just a face-to-face, and the first blow was blasted out, and the heavy defenses of the Immortal Dao displayed by Qing Yuxian were destroyed and disintegrated, like tofu, vulnerable to a blow.

   Sendo domain directly exploded!

   The supreme all parties who followed all this closely were horrified, and they knew even more about the strength of the fighting king.

   The second shot fell, and the Celestial Armor that accompanies Dao into immortality was beaten dimly light, and its upper immortal rune and supreme immortal were wiped out.

  Unbelievable, that is the Supreme Immortal Armor, the Supreme Immortal Soldier, containing the immortal power of the Immortal Dao, other ancient emperors, or the Supreme Immortal want to crush, I don't know how many attacks are needed.

   But Ye Chen was just a blow, which was to obliterate the infinite fairy light and shatter the immortality of the supreme fairy armor.

   Third hit!

  The Supreme Immortal Armor cracked The terrifying power was transmitted to Qingyu Immortal through the Immortal Battle Armor, causing the Supreme Immortal to cough up blood like a lightning strike.

too strong!

   is completely a reduction in dimensionality and a general crush!

   Fourth hit!

  The battle armor of the Immortal Dao shattered, and the power of terror caused this long-famous Supreme Immortal Armor in the prehistoric immortal world to explode and transform into an endless rain of immortals, all of which were fragments of immortal armor.

   "My fairy armor!"

   Qing Yuxian's eyes are about to split, and the Supreme Armor, who has exhausted all his hard work and sacrifices, has been blown by life today.

   was backlashed, he also coughed a bit of blood.

   At this time, Qing Yuxian yelled at Ye Chen: "Battle Saint King, I'm fighting with you!"

   There are five eyes on his face, but the fourth and fifth eyes on his brows have been in a tightly closed state. At this moment, they finally opened.

   Qing Yuxian’s immortal prestige suddenly increased dramatically.

   "Born to death!"

Qing Yuxian roared, roaring the heavens and tens of thousands of domains, his whole body seemed to be burning, billions of celestial lights were burning, the unprecedented grandeur and heyday of the immortal might, this was to display what he had created. Xiandao taboo magical powers.

   Dzogchen Supreme, once the forbidden magical powers created by himself are displayed, the power will suddenly rise to a level, and even threaten the quasi-giants.

  :. :

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