Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3803: 1 finger, the fairy gate is broken!


   In the Chaos Temple, the strongest Tianjiao that had been prepared for a long time rushed to the Chaos Avenue, feeling the magnificence and specialness of this supreme avenue, and being able to draw the heavens and all the realms more clearly, very happy.

   The immortal world envoy also stood up, and discovered all the wonderful things, which can be called incomparably mysterious, and these methods are afraid that even the Supreme Evolution Avenue will be difficult to create.

  They were shocked, is it true that the legend is that the fighting king is like a quasi-giant?

   However, once this idea came out, it was directly rejected.

   There is no record in the world that anyone can be regarded as a quasi-giant as an emperor.

   At least, they have never seen any related records!


   The magnificent Chaos Avenue leads directly to the sky, spans countless thousands of miles, and is mighty and mighty, and finally appears at the gate of the fairy road, but it never slows down and rushes directly into it.

   "Who, how dare to go straight into the realm of the prehistoric fairyland!"

During the period, there were strong immortals who wanted to stop, but the Great Chaos Dao contained Ye Chen’s Dao will and his power. It was unparalleled. How could these immortal strong guys be able to stop them, and spread out from the chaotic Dao. The power and power of him are all shuddering physically and mentally, and dare not approach.

   "What a terrifying Daowei, is it Emperor Wei? Did the ancient emperor of the Pangu universe come personally on the road of Emperor Dao?"

   At the gate of the Immortal Dao, the strong from all sides are frightened, and the supreme majesty cannot be provoked, even if they are the strong in the prehistoric immortal world.

   However, there are corresponding rules in the primordial realm. Even if the supreme enters the realm, it needs to be slowed down and not to be so arrogant.

   Seeing that the comer is strong, the strong people of the immortal world stationed here immediately closed the immortal door.

   "This is your way of hospitality in the prehistoric immortal world?" Ye Chen glanced coldly at the immortal world.

   Qingfu Immortal Realm said indifferently: "If you want to enter the prehistoric immortal realm, you must go through inspections, even the supreme. Please also fight the saint king to come to the gate of immortality, and undergo a comprehensive inspection with the other strongest Tianjiao."

   After all, he sneered at Ye Chen, even if he was as strong as the supreme, he wanted to enter the prehistoric immortal realm, he had to be nearly checked.

   Although the strong in the fairy world is only a routine inspection and will respect the supreme, a supreme being so openly inspected will also suffer a big drop in majesty and status.

   "What if you don't accept the inspection?"

   "If you don't accept the inspection, the immortal door will not open!" Immortal world came coldly.

   "I'm afraid that this so-called inspection is not the wish of the immortal king of the Red Red Immortal Realm, but the will of the Immortal Qingyu." Ye Chen said indifferently, as the voice fell, the immortal realm's voice changed.

   As expected, it was Qing Yuxian who specially asked, deliberately embarrassed.

   At the same time, the supreme heavens on all sides looked at this place one after another, and couldn't help shaking their heads. This time the prehistoric immortal world had kicked the iron plate, and dared to fight the holy king like this.

   Really when he is just an emperor, do you really think that his fierce might be spoken out over the years?

"Oh, play with these methods in front of this seat." Ye Chen stood on the Chaos Avenue, his power suddenly rose, and he crushed the heavens, pointed out a finger, and slammed at the immortal gate valve: "In this case, this seat will smash the immortal road. The celebrity, see who dares to stop!"

  Xianjie came to make a change of expression, but saw the majestic chaos finger that resembled the Optimus Pillar rumbling, carrying the infinite ancient chaos, retreating from thousands of ways, and hitting the gate of the immortal way.

   Visible to the naked eye, it contains the rules of the immortal Dao, the immortal gate valve, who is also quite a headache when the supreme comes, under the impact of the chaotic giant finger, the immortal rule suddenly collapses into nothingness.

   A loud noise shook the two ancient chaotic universes.

   The gate of the fairy road exploded!

   The infinite fragments turned into the rules and laws of the fairy road, and also turned into light rain, floating in the depths of the prehistoric fairy world.

   One finger, the fairy gate is broken!

   Qing Fu Xianjun waited for the immortal world to make his eyes wide open, full of shock!

How is    possible?

   That is the immortal gate valve specially left by the Supreme Immortal, containing the corresponding immortal rules, how stable and immortal, it is more stable than the real gate valve, and the immortal monarch cannot break open when he comes, it will take a while for the supreme.

  Unexpectedly, it's just a finger of the King of Fighting!

Beside, Chihiro sneered: "How the trivial immortal clergyman blocked his father. A thousand years ago, his father killed the foreign Emperor Borneo as a slaughter dog. A few years ago he raised his hand and suppressed the Qingyu immortal in the immortal world. Although it is only the incarnation of immortals. But you may Everyone has heard of things back then. Of course, the old fellow Qing Yuxian obviously avoided the immortal power and didn't dare to make it public, otherwise, how dare you embarrass your father."

   Qing Fu Xianjun and other immortals came to make the ears horrified.

   Slaying the Great Emperor Borneo is like slaughtering a dog!

   One hand can suppress Qing Yuxian!

   Is it true that the rumors are true that the fighting saint king is really worthy of the quasi-giant?

   This scene in front of me seems to prove!

   The gate of the immortal Dao shattered, and the chaotic avenue passed through. Ye Chen led the strongest arrogant of the Pangu universe and personally entered the prehistoric immortal realm.

   rushes to the face, and it is more perfect than the spiritual aura and great principles of the Pangu universe, which is in its heyday.

   In the final analysis, the Pangu universe has just complemented the heavens and has not really recovered to the previous mythical era. The Primordial Immortal Realm is also known as the strongest Chaos Ancient Universe in the Chaos Sea, and naturally it cannot be compared.

   "Who, dare to trespass into the prehistoric realm like this, stop immediately, otherwise, if you declare war with me!"

At the gate of    Immortal Road, there is a majestic and boundless immortal pass, no less than the immortal pass.

   This is the immortal army prepared to prevent the Pangu universe from being invaded by another race a long time and now it is also a shock to the visitors of the Pangu universe.

   They saw the immortal gates exploding, and the rules of the immortal road were unstoppable, and their expressions changed drastically.

   The gate valve of the fairy road can block the supreme.

   Similarly, only supreme can break it.

   However, it is impossible for a supreme to easily break the gate of immortality. Is it possible that there are several supreme emperors in the Pangu universe who have broken the gate of immortality?

   Among them, in Xianguan, there are seven immortal monarch auras blooming. It is the Xianguan that sleeps and retreats during the day, guarding this Xianguan.

   Now the fragmentation of the immortal gate valve shocked all the immortals.

   However, at the moment when the gates of the immortal Dao were broken, they did not see any supreme emperor of the Pangu universe coming, only the chaos avenue rose up into the sky, but they saw the battle of the Saint King as the leader, leading many of the strongest arrogances of the Pangu universe to appear.

   "Fighting Saint King? There is no Supreme Emperor of Pangu Universe to follow? Which Supreme Emperor did it earlier?"

The moment Xianjun frowned, and the moment the gate of the fairy road closed, the rules of the fairy road emerged instantly, and no one could see that Ye Chen clicked the chaotic giant finger to attack. Therefore, it is not clear that Ye Chen made the move. He thought it was the other supreme emperors of the Pangu universe, and even several emperors. What you do.

   "Take a shot and intercept the Fighting Saint King, even if the Supreme Emperor is following them, they will not be allowed to enter easily, not to mention the destruction of the immortal gates is a major event, so take the opportunity to convict!"

   Among them, five immortals rose to the sky, preparing to intercept.

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