Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3804: Suppress the Supreme Immortal with one hand

Because I know that this is a person from Pangu universe, and because the supreme immortals behind these immortals all have deep friendship with Qingyuxian, this time I came here specifically to teach Pangu universe.

   Even if Pangu Universe's strongest Tianjiao can finally enter the prehistoric world, he will be investigated and humiliated.

   On the Avenue of Chaos, Ye Chen's expression remained unchanged, the chaotic light was blazing, and his power skyrocketed in an instant, echoing in the sky above the prehistoric immortal realm. In an instant, the five great immortals were struck by lightning, and their figures were shaken before they completely approached.

"what happened?"

   The five immortal monarchs have changed their colors, what kind of power is that, it can actually shock them.

But on the Great Chaos Avenue, an unspeakable perfect figure appeared on it, standing with hands behind it, standing behind him for a full thirty people, all of them were above the quasi-king level, and the immortal emperor Qingfu was also there. Above.

   "Qingfu, what are you doing?"

   The five immortal monarchs yelled, and became serious. The immortal monarch's power also skyrocketed to a higher level in an instant, and the huge pillars of fairy light stood between the heavens and the earth, carrying the supreme power of the immortal roads, shocking all parties.

   This is the real fairy king, and the five great fairy kings!

   Xianjun is invincible!

   "No matter who you are, this immortal monarch dares to violate the rules and trespass into the prehistoric immortal realm without permission. Anyone will have to pay the price, even supreme!"

   An immortal yelled, his eyes were cold, the prehistoric immortal world has the majesty that belongs to the predominant immortal world, how can he allow others to profanity so easily.

   Supreme is not good either.

   At this moment, on the Avenue of Chaos, Ye Chen frowned slightly, his eyes swept away.






  In an instant, the five immortal monarchs were struck by lightning, and the huge pillars of immortal light on their bodies disintegrated in an instant, and they fell from the sky before they completely exploded.

  The powers of the immortal world were horrified, just a glance, and the five immortal monarchs fell down at the same time, and their power collapsed. What kind of supernatural cultivation was that?

Xianjun Qingfu waited for the immortal realm to sigh, and only then saw that the fighting sage king pointed to the broken celestial sect, and now he saw the five great celestial monarchs retreating, even if he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit it. Wang Dang really has become a quasi-giant.

   No matter how many fairy princes come, they cannot be blocked.


   Endless Xianwei suddenly rises from the depths of the fairy world!

   Supreme Immortal Move!

   Finally, everything that happened here shocked the Supreme Immortal and awakened himself.

   "The Supreme Immortal is really here, fighting the saint king, you are arrogant, even if you are the eternal emperor, but facing the Supreme Immortal, you can only challenge, and you can't compete on the top."

  Xianguan closed, the great immortals finally understood what kind of existence Ye Chen was. Only the eternal emperor in the legend can be so powerful, surpassing the great emperors and immortals.

   It's just that, even if it is an eternal emperor, it is only an emperor after all. Compared with such a worldly supreme as the Supreme Immortal, it is still a world apart and cannot be crossed.

   However, how do they know that there is still a huge gap between eternal emperors.

   The most common type of eternal emperor, indeed, can only be called the supreme.

   But if the eternal emperor, such as the unphased king, enters the path of eternity, he can completely compete against the supreme.

   And Ye Chen, the strongest eternal emperor in history.

   The eternal emperor's pinnacle state can still compete against the supreme on the peak, stepping into the eternal emperor's state for many years, he has long been detached, reaching a height that ordinary people can't imagine.

   Thousands of years ago, in the Chaos Sea, he was able to forcefully kill the alien emperor without resorting to any means.

   Now, there is a supreme immortal, but it is only at the level of the Brahma Great Emperor. If he is not a quasi-giant like the quasi-immortal king, why should he be afraid?

Standing on the avenue of chaos, Ye Chen succumbed to the immortal realm, standing with his hand in his hands, faintly said: "When this seat entered the prehistoric immortal realm for the first time in the past years, I hoped to find the ancient emperor belonging to my Pangu universe. I was intercepted, unwilling, and helpless. I once promised that one day, we will return to the realm of the prehistoric immortal world, and will reign over this ancient universe."

   His tone is calm, but his words are amazing.

   He wants to dominate the realm of the empire?

   The celestial monarchs frowned and were about to speak, but at this moment, they saw the Supreme Immortal coming forward, carrying the boundless immortal might, appearing in front of the Chaos Avenue, a fairy light, like an eternal shape, cutting towards the Chaos Avenue.

   The celestial shadow of the supreme immortal that straddles the heavens emerges, and its voice is like a heavenly way, and said indifferently: "The saint king of fighting, the desolate immortal realm must not be trespassed. You must complete the relevant procedures before you can really step in. Go back."

   Immeasurable, who can stop?

   Ye Chen's expression remained unchanged, the Avenue of Chaos was flaming, the fairy light fell, and there was no effect at all, consistent.


   The Supreme Immortal frowned and shot again.

   At this time, Ye Chenzhi's voice sounded: "You know, you can't do anything with this seat. If you continue to make a second shot, even if you are a fairy, you have to pay a price."

  A emperor dare to challenge the majesty of the immortal?

  The Supreme Immortal's voice suddenly turned cold: "I want to see, you, the emperor, how do you make this immortal pay the price?"

   "You will see it right away!"


   At this moment, the chaotic light on the Avenue of Chaos was surging, and I don't know how many times it had grown, and immediately suppressed the power of the Supreme Immortal.

   At the same time, Ye Chen made a move.

Under the attention of the world, it is clearly visible that Ye Chen reached out a palm and turned into a hand covering the sky, infinitely boundless, and instantly covering the boundless immortal realm, the heavens and stars looked so small as dust, casting boundless shadows. .

  The Supreme Immortal was shocked: "You—"

   At the same time, the other strongest people near this immortal realm were all shocked. One after another, the supreme immortals awakened, projected the immortal figure, and looked at this place.

   But seeing the vastness and vastness of Chaos's hands are boundless, I don't know how vast and vast, I can't see the edge, so I directly blasted down from the sky and hit the Supreme Immortal below.


   The Great Chaos hand fell, and the figure of the Supreme Immortal descended from the sky and hit the earth fiercely. Xianwei disintegrated and caused the infinite land to collapse. I don't know how many mountains crumbled.

   One move, immortal defeat!

   The world is shaking!

  The horror of all parties, Qingfu Xianjun and other immortal worlds made the hair even more horrible, and the fighting saint king was so terrifying, as strong as the supreme immortal and defeated in a blink of an eye?

   "Oh my God, is this true? Master Moyang Ancient Immortal was actually defeated!"

   "Master Moyang Ancient Immortal. But the Immortal Dao Supreme, who has lived for three epochs, is extremely powerful, and is now defeated by an emperor?"

   "This fighting saint king is not just the emperor, how can it be so terrifying?"

   Moyang Ancient Immortal, a supreme immortal who lived for three epochs, known as the ancient immortal, is very powerful, immortal power is boundless, and it is also the supreme existence ranked among the immortals.

   Now, in front of countless people, just one face-to-face, defeated by the fighting saints who are only at the emperor level, can be said to have broken everyone's eyes.


The immortal world exploded, and I don’t know how many pieces it split. The ancient Moyang immortal soared into the sky. His figure was a little embarrassed, and he was not injured. He looked at Ye Chen with a few hints of horror: "You are not an emperor, why can you master this? Power?"

   Such a level of power is clearly better than the supreme, and he is not his opponent even as the Supreme Immortal.

  Of course, he is the Supreme Immortal, it is very difficult to kill him, this big hand is more to kill him by surprise.

   Ye Chen glanced at him indifferently, and said lightly: "What does it have to do with you?"

   He shot again, no matter what, he clearly moved Liwei's heart.

For a long time, the Pangu universe has declined slightly and is looked down upon by people, so that the first two Chaos Haitianjiao events since this era have not been invited to participate. It was not until the completion of this world that the Heavenly Dao was completed, and he entered the room again and entered the supremacy of all parties. Within the eyes of the law.

   But even so, they are still looked down upon by others, otherwise there would be no arrogant arrogance of the Qingyu Immortal Clan Tianjiao, and look down upon Pangu Universe Tianjiao.

   There would be no such thing as Fairy Piaoyu, the son of Fairy Qingyu, who dared to ask to marry his youngest daughter as a concubine, and wanted to accept Chaos Tianfu and the "Ultimate Supreme" Fairy Fate.

   Now, Ye Chen wants to show everyone that the Pangu Universe has long since been not the Pangu Universe of the year, but has risen again.

   There are supreme and quasi-giant!

Since killing the heavenly arrogances of the Qingyuxian tribe, strangling the fairy lord, and even killing the incarnation of the Qingyuxian is still not enough to stand up, now, he will forcefully suppress a supreme immortal in front of everyone. Up.


   Once the chaos comes out, who will fight for the front!

   Ye Chen stepped on the Avenue of Chaos. He didn't even arrive, but he leaned toward Moyang Ancient Immortal with a big hand.

"You must have resorted to some unknown means, otherwise you are the emperor, and it is impossible to master such a strong power." The ancient immortal Moyang snorted coldly, and he paid a whistle in his hand. His supreme fairy soldier.

   Immortal Dao whisk grabbed it on the palm of his hand, and quickly sketched it against the void, and then there was a fairy character: Mie!

As soon as the word    immortal immortal came out, the rule riots of the prehistoric immortal realms in this territory were even more provoked by the power of the boundless immortal realm ~ turned into a terrible fairy qi storm and rushed towards Ye Chen.

   This is a blow from the fairy road, which is stronger than before.

   "Mie Shi Yin!"

   Ye Chen spit out the two words lightly, and the great chaos hand bloomed with extinction brilliance, and merged with the chaos avenue, its power skyrocketed, and it passed horizontally, but seeing the ancient characters of immortal dao persisted for less than two, it shattered and fell.


   The ancient Moyang immortal once again blasted into the depths of the immortal realm, which was a million miles deep, with endless cracks spreading across the vast land of billions of miles.

   That is, the prehistoric immortal world is sufficiently stable, otherwise such a collision would also shake the foundation of the primitive world of chaos.

   Moyang Ancient Immortal soared into the sky, this time he was injured a lot more, and he was even more angry, and the immortal might be stronger.

   was repeatedly knocked into the air in public, how does his face of the supreme immortal survive?

   Ye Chen wanted to make another move, but at this time, one after another, the supreme celestial shadows crossed the endless sky, almost teleporting, appearing here from the depths of the primordial celestial world.

   Everyone is blooming with supreme power, boundless, turbulent heavens.

   At this moment, as many as four supreme immortals came across the sky, and the monstrous immortal might rushed towards Ye Chen.

   Moyang Ancient Immortal also stands with him.

   This scene is just like facing the five ancient emperors of the alien race.

   The five supreme immortals surrounded Ye Chen, the immortal might be infinite, and the Liuhe and Eight Wastes were blocked.

  :. :

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